Saturday, October 31, 2015

Weekend Cooking: Butternut Squash Quinoa Casserole

Pin It and Do It is over, but I tried one more recipe that deserves its own post.

I enjoy vegetarian meals, but dinner is not complete without meat (or poultry or fish) for my husband. An ideal vegetarian dish is one I can enjoy as a main course and serve to him as a side. Butternut Squash Quinoa Casserole is that recipe.

I followed the recipe exactly as written using chicken broth, organic skim milk, and medium (as opposed to mild)  Gruyere cheese.

And talk about delicious... this is comfort food to rival the richest macaroni and cheese, but so much more healthful.

Hot from the oven

... and on my plate.

What is your favorite meatless main course?

Weekend Cooking, hosted at Beth Fish Reads, is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page.


  1. Oh boy that looks awesome. Going on my list -- maybe even for this coming week. We eat meatless several times a week. Last night was vegetarian chili. Mr. BFR has gotten used to our 50% vegetarian lifestyle, but he is always happier when there is meat or fish or poultry on the menu.

    1. Beth F - Sure wish I could find a way to convince my husband that meatless meals are still meals...

  2. This one, someday! We're on the same page. Mine is anything made with butternut squash, I think - risotto, lasagna rolls from the Beekman Boys. I also just learned a sort of risotto using farro, from a Wegmans recipe...that was a keeper!

    1. Audrey - You wouldn't believe how long I've had that lasagna roll recipe flagged in my cookbook... embarrassing, really. Must look up the faro/risotto recipe. Have not tried faro yet.

  3. My list too! My husband actually likes quinoa, but I bet he will flip over this! Oh and yes, with farro too - I love Wegman's farro mixture!

    1. Jill - Adding Wegman's faro mixture to my shopping list right now!

  4. This sounds absolutely amazing! I love butternut squash and Gruyere cheese. My husband and older son are the same way about having to have meat with their dinner before it can be called a meal but I think I could make a pan of this and eat it for lunch for a week! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Katherine - I might have finished it for breakfast this morning ;-)

  5. Look super tasty! Going to have to try it.

    1. Loni - I'm going to make it again this week - so, so good.

  6. It looks cozy and very satisfying! I eat meatless meals quite a bit - my favorite are anything with beans.

    1. Anbolyn - I love beans, too, especially black beans.

  7. Yum! I love butternut squash and will definitely have to try this recipe. Thanks!!

    1. Jama - It's definitely a winner in my book :)

  8. I could eat that for dinner, too, but Carl would be with your husband.

  9. JoAnn this looks delish! I just picked up 3 bags of quinoa today at the grocery.

    1. Peggy Ann - If you like butternut squash too, then this is definitely a winner!

  10. I happen to have a butternut squash sitting on the counter. Thanks for the idea! My favorite meatless meal is eggplant parm.

    1. Tina - I LOVE eggplant parm and my husband hates it, so I never make it. It's a treat when I order it in a restaurant!

  11. I love the sound of that casserole. I love quinoa and faro, too. I sometimes have either faro or quinoa with a really good pasta sauce and Italian cheese. It's easier to cook than pasta.

    1. Patty - Another mention of faro! I really need to try it...

  12. That does look good! I cans ee that being pretty yummy... I like meat dishes too but I think I could get onboard with this one! May have to try it... :)

    1. Greg - Anything with butternut squash in it is a hit with me!


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