Friday, October 30, 2015

I'll Keep Blogging...

I'd been reading book blogs for a year or two before it hit... that overwhelming urge to join the conversation. I clicked the publish button at Lakeside Musing for the first time back in October 2008. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing and never really expected to be at it this long. So much has changed since then... the blogosphere is a different place. People have come and gone - some tragically, others have faded away. And along the way, I've made some wonderful friends.

My blogging mojo has ebbed and flowed. Lately I've lost my enthusiasm for writing reviews and it seems there is never enough time to comment on all the blogs I'd like....But oh, how I've enjoyed twitter these last few weeks.

Our #6Barsets group (we're reading Trollope's Barsetshire Chronicles this year) grew for The Small House at Allington. Impromptu chats sprang up on twitter at odd hours of the day and night. While it's a challenge to discuss a book in depth in 140 characters or less, the immediacy of it all was such fun. I'm practically counting the hours until we begin The Last Chronicle of Barset.

And as we chatted about Trollope, I began to see this blog in a new light.

When I stopped accepting review books (with occasional exceptions) and participating in blog tours, all obligation disappeared. Any pressures or deadlines are totally self-imposed.

It also struck me that main reason I am still here is because I enjoy the company of bookish friends... I don't need to read a certain number of books per year or write 'x' number of posts per week. I am here to engage with other readers.  I am here to participate in read-alongs, events (it's almost Nonfiction November), and The Classics Club. I am here to continue the conversation on twitter and share photos on instagram.

Lakeside Musing is my home base on our literary playing field.

Thank you all for reading, commenting, and engaging.
Let's keep the conversation going...


  1. " I am here to engage with other readers." Yes, this, 100% this. Here's to many more years of bookish chatter!

  2. Happy Blogiversary! I agree with all you said (including about the losing the blogging mojo part! LOL)

    1. Jill - What is about that blogging mojo, lol!

  3. Happy Blogiversary!

    It so interesting how so many of us got into blogging for similar reasons.

    Here's to the next 7 years!

  4. The people are definitely the best part. Congratulations on seven great years!

    1. Shannon - Thanks, book bloggers are the nicest people!

  5. Your posts(whenever you choose to post them!) ... and your tweets ...are like a phone call with a good friend Here's to another seven years (at least!) of musings from the lakeside!

    1. Audrey - Your posts and tweets are the same for me! One more day until we head back to Barsetshire! :)

  6. A very happy blog birthday! Here's to many more books & years. I was a little worried there would be a "but" coming, and I'm glad I was wrong :)

  7. Congrats JoAnn and always glad when I see a new post from you. Looking forward to more bookish thoughts from you moving forward.

    (I was 7 years this past summer and never expected to stick with it either).

    1. Diane - Thank you. Seems like so many of us got started in 2008!

  8. Congratulations on 7 years! And I'm so glad you've stuck it out! I feel like a lot of people have been losing their mojo for books reviews...but I almost like reading more informal comments about books than the longer, formal reviews at this point.

    1. Thanks, Sarah. I like informal comments and 'book briefs' a lot better :)

  9. Congratulation on 7 terrific years!

  10. Many, many congratulations! I love your blog and am always interested to see what you're reading and talking about.

    1. Monica - Hope we'll be chatting about books together for years to come:)

  11. I love your posts and the way you post. I rarely put real reviews on my blog any more either...I write them and post them elsewhere but I am bored with them on my blog...I love the chatting part! Have a great week end!

    1. Patty - Thanks you! You're doing better than I am about reviews though... I'm just not writing many any more. Guess I'm al about the chatting ;-)

  12. First, congratulations on 7 years of blogging! And thank you for that thoughtful, insightful post. I sometimes wonder whether I should give up blogging, but somehow I always come back to it. Blogging has introduced me to so many great books and writers, and I love the community.

    1. Karen K. - The community is definitely what keeps me here! I really like the idea of thinking of the blog as my home base for participation all of this literary fun. SO much better than thinking of it as an obligation.

  13. Amen to enjoying the company of bookish friends. Happy 7, and cheers to many more! <3

    1. Thank you, Andi. And thanks especially for all you do for the community!

  14. Vicki - It was very liberating for me to give up review books and blog tours. The 'no pressure' approach is working much better.

  15. Congratulations, JoAnn! As I was progressing through your opening lines, I was delighted to learn that you have not succumbed to the 7-year itch and decided to ride off into the sunset with Lina. You would be sorely missed. I used to read several book blogs, but have stuck with only yours consistently because your reading preferences seem to be somewhat attuned to mine (although I haven't caught the Barset bug as yet). Keep up the good work and I'll be tuned in to each and every post.

  16. JudyMac - I must say that riding off into the sunset with Lina has its appeal, but I fear I would miss this community too much! We do seem to have similar reading tastes and I am honored that this is the book blog you choose to read. And who knows... maybe one day you'll catch that Barset bug. We may move on to the Palliser series next year... you could join us;-)

  17. Happy blogiversary!! I'm happy you're still around, and seven years is a great accomplishment. Not taking review copies (except selectively) and not participating in tours can be such a weight reliever. I look forward to reading more years of your posts. :)

    1. Kathy - Thank you! Once I took the pressures away from blogging, I found I could relax and enjoy it more :)

  18. Happy 7th to you, JoAnn! So glad to still be reading what you have to say about your reading. Totally understand about the blogging mojo - as I've shared. Mine ebbs and flows and I guess that's OK. It's nice to make our blogs what works for us - whatever that may be. Have a good weekend!

    1. Kay - That's it exactly, and I think this is a way I can enjoy my blog and leave the pressure behind :)

  19. Happy Blogoversary! I'm glad you are keeping your home base open!

    1. Thank you, Pat. I look forward a future with lots more book talk!

  20. Happy 7th blogiversary! What you wrote about why you blog is something we have to remind ourselves often. It's interesting how much interests and purpose of blogging have changed but ultimately it's the conversation that keeps us coming back!

    1. Athira - Blogging has evolved into something I never expected... and now have come to treasure.

  21. Happy Blogiversary! I agree that the community is the best part of blogging.

    1. Patience_Crabstick - Thank you! Blogging has definitely become all about community... and it's a lot more fun that way:)

  22. So happy you are still here. I enjoy the book posts, but I also love the glimpses of your life. Your pictures, food, etc. all are wonderful. I worry sometimes that everyone will go to fb or twitter. Blogging is so very different. Slower, quieter. I plan to write some more about my feelings on my own blogging anniversary later in November. 9 years for me. I can hardly believe it. Anyhow, thanks for staying.

    1. Nan - Yours was one of the blogs I was reading before I got started and strongly influenced my vision of Lakeside Musing. It's taken a while to get here, but I finally feel like I can just relax and enjoy things. I'm on fb, but keep that separate from the blog and twitter is more like an extension of what happens here... just instantaneous.

      It's been wonderful sharing in the lives of my favorite bloggers, too. Weddings, children, empty-nesting, retirements, grandchildren, and the heartaches, too. I'll look forward to your post later this month :)

  23. Congratulations on your blogiversary! I truly do hope to return to posting, but until then, I continue to enjoy visiting my favorite blogs. Like Nan, I wonder about FB and Twitter. I was on Twitter for a month or so a couple of years ago, but couldn't keep up. I enjoy the slower pace of blogging, visiting at my leisure. I look forward to your book reviews almost as much as hearing about your trips to Sanibel. :)

    1. Les - Thank you! Like Nan, you are one of the bloggers I was reading long before getting started here. One of the good things about blogging is that we can make it work for whatever level of energy and involvement we can give...and that is always changing.

      I do love the immediacy of twitter, but it will never replace blogging. I'll look forward to your posts, whenever you feel like writing again. In the meantime, there's always instagram :)

  24. You are one of my very favorite bloggers (and my mom's, too, as she always tells me how much she loves your Weekend Cooking posts). We started blogging right around the same time (August was 7 years for me) and you're right in how much things have changed. Very glad you're still here and that you plan to continue! Happy blogiversary!

    1. Melissa - Aww, thanks... that's so nice to hear! It seem like so many of us got started in 2008, and eventually found a way to continue that works with the rest of our lives. This is such a great community, and I'm glad you're still a part of it, too!

  25. I never have taken a review copy of a book---and don't consider myself a good enough writer to do an official review. I just like to talk books (and food) so, like you, any pressure is self-imposed and it's okay! I love your blog, so happy you will be around for a while.

    1. Thanks, Debbie. I think I'm here for the duration ;-)

  26. I'm glad you're still here! I hope we can continue to talk about books for many years to come!

    1. Thanks, Jackie. I do enjoy all this book talk :)

  27. Happy blogiversary! I need to take a cue from you and stop accepting most review copies to take the stress off more. It's so much more fun when it's about having fun.

    1. Lisa - This is definitely a lot more fun with the pressure gone :)

  28. I'm sorry I'm late!! Happy Blogging anniversary. I am also torn with the number of blogs I'd like to visit and read, and I feel like I'm an awful failure as of late. I need to get back to twitter, I learn more when I'm hanging out there. I think I'm heading toward accepting very few books for review, I still have more than enough to read for years and the newest books can be borrowed or purchased. I hope you'll carry on here for many years to come.

    1. Thanks, Anita...and don't worry about being late. I go in streaks with twitter. Some weeks I'm around a lot and feel like I know what's happening, but others I am totally absent. Blogging has been a lot more fun and less stressful without the review books. We all have to do what's right for us :)


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