Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday Intro: Fates and Furies

A thick drizzle from the sky, like a curtain's sudden sweeping. The seabirds stopped their tuning, the ocean went mute. Houselights over the water dimmed to gray. 
Two people were coming up the beach. She was fair and sharp in a green bikini, though it was May in Maine and cold. He was tall, vivid; a light flickered in him that caught the eye and held it. Their names were Lotto and Mathilde.
Fates and Furies
by Lauren Groff

Two very short paragraphs, yet they somehow compel me to read on. I especially love the sentence:  He was tall, vivid; a light flickered in him that caught the eye and held it. Lotto and Mathilde have already captured my imagination... I want to learn more about them.

Here is the goodreads summary:
Fates and Furies  is a literary masterpiece that defies expectation. A dazzling examination of a marriage, it is also a portrait of creative partnership written by one of the best writers of her generation. 
Every story has two sides. Every relationship has two perspectives. And sometimes, it turns out, the key to a great marriage is not its truths but its secrets. At the core of this rich, expansive, layered novel, Lauren Groff presents the story of one such marriage over the course of twenty-four years. 
At age twenty-two, Lotto and Mathilde are tall, glamorous, madly in love, and destined for greatness. A decade later, their marriage is still the envy of their friends, but with an electric thrill we understand that things are even more complicated and remarkable than they have seemed. With stunning revelations and multiple threads, and in prose that is vibrantly alive and original, Groff delivers a deeply satisfying novel about love, art, creativity, and power that is unlike anything that has come before it. Profound, surprising, propulsive, and emotionally riveting, it stirs both the mind and the heart.
What do you think? Are you tempted to continue?

Every Tuesday, Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea posts the opening paragraph (sometime two) of a book she decided to read based on the opening. Feel free to grab the banner and play along.


  1. That sentence does really capture Lotto, doesn't it?! You know my thoughts on this one...I'll be interested to hear what you think once you get into it!

    1. Sarah - Can't wait to really get into this one!

  2. I was surprised how quickly this book caught and held onto me from the beginning. It was a total winner for me!

    1. Shannon - I've only read the first chapter, but love the way the author presents these two!

  3. I'll be listening to the audio, but I didn't like that flowery first paragraph LOL Hope you enjoy this one.

    1. Diane - Loved the audio sample I just listened to... maybe a read/listen combo for me? I'll need to finish Trollope first.

  4. I have been seeing this one everywhere, so naturally I'm curious, but skeptical. The cover is unappealing, IMO. But I do love the intro with the short, catchy sentences and the underlying hint of powerful things to come. The blurb does the same for me, so yes, I have to read more! Thanks....and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Laurel -Rain Snow - I haven't read all that many new releases this year (especially compared to last year) and they hype does concern me. This one just seems so appealing!

  5. Oh yes, this sounds like my kind if book. Hope I won't be disappointed.

  6. This really sounds different. It seems like it avoids cliches and takes a unique perspective on relationships. I would keep reading this.

    1. Brian - I am so wrapped up in Trollope now, that I'm having trouble giving this book much attention. May end up turning my full attention to The Small House at Allington and then coming back to this. I was introduced to Mr. Plantagenet Palliser today...did not realize there was any overlap in the two series!

  7. I'm excited to read this one, JoAnn; I'm on my library's waiting list!

  8. I agree with you. Those paragraphs are urging me to keep reading. I hope the rest of the book is just as good.

  9. I'm afraid although there was lots to admire in this book, I didn't overwhelmingly enjoy it - I hope you do though :-)

    1. Cleo - I know you and Sarah had mixed feelings. That helps temper my expectations.

  10. The opening you shared certainly is compelling! I am not sure though after reading the description of the book whether this one would be for me. At least not right now.

    1. Literary Feline - I can already see how someone would need to be in the right frame of mind to enjoy this one...

  11. I've got an ARC of this one...I've heard so many good things about it and hope you enjoy it.

    1. Catherine - It is certainly off to a strong start!

  12. This one is coming up for me after my next book. I'm really hoping to like it (as I do all books), more hoping there is something compelling there, I guess. I really like the first two paragraphs you posted, so we'll see where I takes me. I know Sarah's thoughts and am grateful she gave me the heads up on it.

    1. Kathy - Yes, I appreciated reading Sarah's review, too. I'll be giving Fates and Furies my full attention soon.

  13. Very intriguing intro. It definitely tempts me to keep reading.

    1. Yvonne - I'm looking forward to getting into this book!

  14. I've got this one audio and will hopefully get to it in the next few weeks. I've heard good things about it so I'm anxious to find out for myself.

    1. Darlene - I'm starting to wonder if I should make it a read/listen combo.

  15. I'm trying to decide if I want to read this or listen to it

    1. Beth F - After all of these comments, I think I am, too ;-)

  16. I should someday read Lauren Groff! I have her Arcadia on my bookshelves but haven't yet read it.

    1. Athira - I've had an autographed copy of The Monsters of Templeton on my shelf for years...

  17. Replies
    1. Patty - I'll be curious to see what you think!

  18. Vicki - It sure sounds appealing to me!


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