Saturday, September 26, 2015

Pin It and Do It: September Wrap-Up

It seems like I rediscover my kitchen every year around this time. After a summer of cooking and eating outdoors, I'm ready to turn on the oven, light the burners, and pull out the slow cooker. I'm ready for the warm, cozy smells and tastes of autumn. Trish, with perfect timing, chose September and October to reprise her popular Pin It and Do It Challenge. My family could not be happier. They were treated to several new recipes, all found on Pinterest, over the past couple of weeks.

Here are the highlights:

Slow Cooker Tuscan Chicken Soup

Tuscan Bean Soup is a cool weather staple around here, so I was intrigued by this slow cooker chicken version. Roasted red peppers were an unexpected, but welcome addition. We'll have it for lunch all weekend... despite temperatures in the 70s.
my pin
link to recipe

Blue Moon Orange Chicken

Katherine recently listed Blue Moon Orange Chicken as one of her Top 10 Favorite Pinterest recipes, and now I know why. This is a citrus version of the Honey Beer Chicken my family loves. I was hoping for leftovers, but we ate every bite - delicious!
my pin
link to recipe

Sole Piccata

I love anything piccata. There was no sole at Wegmans this week, so I used flounder instead and followed the recipe exactly as written. Unfortunately, it stuck to the pan (I should have used more olive oil or sprayed Pam) and totally fell apart. Let's just say this meal was a delicious mess! The photo, obviously, is from Pinterest.
my pin
link to recipe

Easy Chicken Tamale Pie

I mentioned this dish last weekend in my update post. The twins were home and my husband was out of town. Since it's their kind of recipe and not his, we made it Saturday night. All three of us like it, though I would tone down the spice. The girls were perfectly happy with a little heat. Using rotisserie chicken made the recipe even easier. Sorry I forgot to take a picture - this one is from Pinch of Yum blog.
my pin
link to recipe

This weekend I'm planning to try a new Apple Crisp recipe and will report on it in my October post. Links to other September Pin It and Do It wrap-up posts can be found on Trish's blog.

Do you use Pinterest?

Weekend Cooking, hosted at Beth Fish Reads, is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page.


  1. This challenge is a great idea, because there's more pinning than doing around here. All of these recipes look delicious! I'm going to be trying something new in my (relatively) new slow cooker this weekend to celebrate the 60s (temps :)).

    1. Audrey - There's a lot more pinning than doing around here, too, so I'm always glad when Trish gives me an extra push!

  2. These all sound great. And yes -- we too are turning back to cooking indoor. I too was taken with that Blue Moon chicken; maybe I'll make it next week. Yay for for fall!

    1. Beth F - My husband is much more reluctant to head back indoors. If he had his way, we'd be eating outside until it snows, lol!

  3. I use Pinterest all the time! I pin all kinds of wonderful things I'll never make or do. Sad, but true. I should have joined the challenge.

    1. Debbie - Trish's challenge is on for October, too ;-)

  4. This all looks delicious! I wanted to participate in Trish's event and never got organized enough. Maybe next month.

    1. Tina - You always cook so many delicious things... this challenge should be a cinch for you :)

  5. I'm with Tina in the never getting organized enough to do it. I'm so glad you liked the Blue Moon chicken! It's a favorite around here. I'm getting more interested in cooking as well now that it's not so hot all the time and that soup looks amazing!

    1. Katherine - I'm so glad you did that Top 10 recipe post. Think I'll do it next weekend :)

  6. Replies
    1. Kathy - Any time! The door is always open :)

  7. This post is making me hungry :)

    Fall is a great time for these comfort foods.

    1. Brian Joseph - Soup is one of my favorite comfort foods. I make it at least once a week all fall/winter... so many delicious varieties!

  8. yum! I've been meaning to tryout my crock pot this winter. Your tuscan bean soup looks delicious as does all of your dishes.

    1. Pat - I love my crock pot! Nothing better than having dinner ready when I get home.

  9. Piccata - fab! Cheers from Carole's Chatter!

    1. Carole - Yes, piccata is a favorite... chicken, fish, you name it!

  10. That sole piccata looks delicious, as does the soup! You're doing much better than I am with the Pin It and Do It Challenge ... I haven't done anything yet!

    1. Melissa - Thanks! There's always next month for the challenge ;-)

  11. Vicki - The girls just loved that chicken tamale pie... and it was SO easy! Let me know how it turns out if you decide to make it.

  12. Every dish you have shown looks amazing and reminds me of fall!

    1. Patty - I love fall food... today I made apple crisp!

  13. Adding all of those pins to my board - yum!

    1. Lisa - Fortunate to have so many winners this time!

  14. I also rediscover my kitchen this time of year, as I start to make soups rather than salad. That Tuscan Chicken soup looks yummy :-)

    1. Jessica - The Tuscan Chicken soup was definitely a hit! I prefer my old standby with sausage, but this was a nice change.

  15. Yum. I'm going to try that Blue Moon Chicken. Sounds delicious!

    1. Linda - I'm planning to make it again next week! The honey-beer chicken is a nice alternative, too, if you don't have oranges on hand.


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