Sunday, September 27, 2015

Weekly Update: September 27, 2015

Good morning, friends, and happy Sunday. Can September really be just about over? October has long been my favorite month - the gorgeous fall colors, changing leaves, and crisp days. Bring it on! But how about we just freeze time there for a while? I'd rather not even think about what comes next...

The past week has been relatively quiet and uneventful, and that's a good thing. We had friends over for dinner, decorated for fall, sealed the driveway, and I got my new glasses. Suddenly I am a reading machine ;-)

Finished this week//

The fourth (and final) of Ferrante's emotionally intense Neopolitan Novels did not disappoint. I was torn between the urge to race to the end and the desire to savor each of the nearly 500 pages. The last time I finished a series - in such quick order, no less - was The Lord of the Rings  back in high school. Maybe it's time to reconsider my stance on series...

Current reading//

I started this book yesterday afternoon (while half-watching the SU football game) and absolutely LOVE it! It reads quickly, so I might even finish today. We'll see how I feel by the end, but for now, if this one is on your wish list, move it to the top right away. 

Reading and listening//

The Small House at Allington by Anthony Trollope

Now that I've finished with Ferrante, I'm ready to return to Trollope and our #6Barsets project. This is book 5, so we're coming into the home stretch. I listened to the first chapter yesterday... what a pleasure to return to Mr. Trollope.

Up next//

Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff

This one is waiting to be picked up at the library. I am feeling slightly overwhelmed by all of this month's great new releases... have there ever been so many I want to read all at once?

On the blog//
Pin It and Do It: September Wrap-Up (Weekend Cooking)
Book Brief:  The Sabbathday River by Jean Hanff Korelitz
Top Ten Tuesday:  My Fall Reading List


Our monthly book club meeting. I'm hosting the discussion of Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande on Friday and anticipate a near record turnout. We generally meet in the morning, but will gather at 4:00 this time so even more people can attend.

Dinner at my sister's today - I'm making apple crisp.

Football, apple picking, planting some mums...

That's about all from me this week. What's new with you? Did you read anything good last week?

This post will link to It's Monday, What Are You Reading? hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.


  1. I've heard Being Mortal is outstanding. I need to start Did You Ever Have a Family.

    1. Kathy - Being Mortal is my favorite nonfiction this year... and I'm about to sit down and read more of Did You Ever Have a Family now :)

  2. Sounds like you have a good week lined up! And the apple crisp sounds delicious! It's been too long since I've had one. The Ferrante books do sound wonderful and I've heard fantastic things about Did You Ever Have a Family. Have a great week!

    1. Katherine - The apple crisp turned out really well, and is a nice change of pace from pie. Hope you have a great week, too!

  3. Totally agree with Did You Ever Have A Family...will likely make my Best of 2015 List! And will be very interested to hear your thoughts on Fates and Furies once you finish it. There are so many September is a bit overwhelming! But, my October and the rest of the year are pretty light, so I'm looking forward to lots of free range reading!

    1. Sarah - I wouldn't be at all surprised if Did You Ever Have a Family makes my favorites list this year, too... and I'm still only half way through. Hope to start Fates and Furies toward the end of the week. Then I have at least three more September releases I'm dying to read...

  4. I enjoyed Did You Ever Have a Family....and I'm ogling The Story of the Lost Child.

    I, too, would love to freeze October...for the reasons you mentioned, and also because there are many birthdays that month, from my second son's, to my brother's, my niece's, and oh, yeah, mine!

    Plus...I am not ready for what comes after. Thanksgiving, okay, but not yet in the mood for Christmas.

    Enjoy your are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - I really think you would get into this Neopolitan series. I've never experienced novels about female friendship that features such detail.... talk about having a microscope on every thought and feeling!

  5. Fates and Furies sounds really good, but library wait list is very long. Odds are I'll find a copy elsewhere before my turn would come around. Have decided not to finish Everybody Rise by Stephanie Clifford. Not my cup of tea. Now reading the lively, amusing Love, Nina by Nina Stibbe. Guaranteed for many chuckles. In line are House of Thieves by Charles Belfoure, touted as a splendid page-turner, and from the author of The Sisters Brothers is a new one called Under Major Domo Minor. Will be hard to top the Sisters. No "Lost Child" yet .... waiting for what seems just the right moment to pick it up. So many good books ..... never enough time it seems. No Fall here yet, but it's in the air and the light. We've had a much-needed rainy weekend.

    1. JudyMac - I'm pretty sure I got on our waiting list for Fates and Furies before they even had the book! Sorry to hear about Everybody Rise. The blurb makes it sound so appealing, but you are the second trusted reader I know who has been unable to finish. Still haven't gotten to The Sisters Brothers and now he has a new novel... just get that feeling I'll never
      catch up, lol! There are just so many good books right now! Have a feeling this might have been our last really nice, warm's all downhill now ;-)

  6. I agree about October- I could take about 3 of them in a row! I also am not looking forward to what comes after... the holidays are fine, but not the weather (and it gets dark so early now, stop!). :)

    I'm sort of between books at the moment but I have a lot of desirables coming out in October too, so looking forward to that- if I can prioritize them!

    1. Greg - Yes, October is definitely the best... and it sounds like it will be even better for you with some much-anticipated new releases. Have a feeling I'll be working on my September books for much of next month, too! Have a good week :)

  7. I am so happy for fall temps coupled with sunny days. So nice to get out and walk and listen to audiobooks on the walk. Crockpot easy corn chowder is in the works. Your apple crisp sounds yummy.

    Bravo for finishing the Ferrante series.

    Have a great week.

    1. Diane - Morning walks with an audiobook is often my favorite time of day! Would love a recipe for crockpot corn chowder if it turns out well :)

  8. I'm actually torn about the Bill Clegg book. I want to read it but I'm a little sensitive to the subject matter right now. So maybe later. I love Fall too - everything about it is so awesome - apples, the weather, autumn colors!

    1. Athira - Definitely save Did You Ever Have a Family for a time that seems right to you. I'm still around the halfway point and loving it!

  9. We have overlapping reading lists! I love cooler weather and wonder fall desserts.

    1. Beth F - There are just SO many great books out right now. Not surprising we have some overlap :)

  10. Vicki - I have several friends that will have a difficult holiday season this year... hugs.

  11. Football and apple crisp. Nothing sounds better! I too am making my way through the Bill Clegg novel. I'm listening to it on audio this week but unfortunately the narrator reads it in a monotone voice which is not great. I feel I am missing it

    1. Thecuecard - Oh, no! I hope the audio production doesn't ruin the book for you. Just looked it up and saw that the author narrates it himself... sometimes not the best choice :(

  12. I'm seeing so much about the Clegg book. I can't wait to find out what you think of it! Ferrante...must read!

    1. Andi - It's been crazy two days and I haven't been able to get back to the Clegg book yet... tonight for sure!!

  13. Love the cover on Elena Ferrante's book. Beautiful.

    ENJOY all of your books and your reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

    1. Elizabeth - The covers of all Ferrante's books are so appealing!

  14. Amen on all of the new releases this month! I have been reading like crazy trying to keep up with what I want to read. I'm with you about October - we even have several birthdays in my family in October and our anniversary so it really is a special month for us but I have to work hard not to think about what comes next.

    1. Lisa - Now I have Purity stacked up to read after Fates and Furies. I need to read faster!!!

  15. It sounds as though you have this week under control! Enjoy! I love October! I have wooden pumpkins everywhere and Cinderella pumpkins on the front porch. This year I am only buying white pumpkins! I love them!

    1. Patty - You know, I've never had a white pumpkin... but this is going to be the year. They are so pretty!

  16. All of my new release hold arrived within two days of each other. It always happens like this! Good thing my plan is to read this week away.

    1. Nise' - I hate when that happens... and now my hold of Purity just came in, too! Yikes!

  17. WOW, are you on some kind of favorite-patron list at the library? these are such hot books and I am so happy that you got them. I suppose I should think to request such but I always assume the waiting list is long. Silly me.

    1. and YAY! you fixed something. I see my comment. :D

    2. (Except on that comment, I had to pick the ice cream pictures before it would assume I'm not a robot. The things I have to do!) Let's see what cartwheels I have to perform for this!

    3. Care - I put holds on the new books they second they hit the catalog. My library sends out a newsletter (through Wowbrary) and it tells patrons about additions to the collection... very useful!

      Ice cream pictures??? What??? I have no idea how to make them go away... wonder if I can control that. Blogger is killing me!


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