Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Did You Miss Me?

Three and a half weeks. It sure seems longer. Adult children and house guests have come and gone, an internship ended and a job offer was extended (!). We visited attractions all over New York state,  we cooked and ate fabulous food, we boated, kayaked, and cheered at a local triathlon, and now, summer is ending.

Twin A is back at school for one final semester. Sunday was move-in day... our last one. Ever. We've been moving kids in and out of college dorms and apartments since 2008, so this is the end of an era. No more tuition bills! But it's almost scary to think about how fast time is marching on.

Fall is almost here. Leaves are beginning to change and the air was tauntingly crisp last week. Orchards are open for picking and the arrival of pumpkin spice lattes is imminent. Perhaps they're already here? As much as I love fall, it still seems bittersweet. Summer is so short around here.

As for the blogging... I missed it! Or, to be more precise, I missed all of you. I did not, however, miss writing book reviews.

There wasn't much time for reading, but I did finish these books:

Our Souls at Night by Kent Haruf

Old Filth by Jane Gardam

Sabbathday River by Jean Hanff Korelitz 

I'll catch up on reviews with a series of "Book Briefs" over the next couple of weeks.

Now it's time for me to get back on a reading and blogging schedule again. Can't wait to catch up with all of you... what did I miss?


  1. Yes! Welcome back. It sounds like you had a wonderful time.

  2. Yes we did! Lovely to see your name pop up in my feed again :-)

    1. Brona - It feels like I've been gone for ages!

  3. It sounds like you've been busy! Having your kids grow up is kind of bittersweet. I miss having a child on a college campus but I do not miss tuition bills! Congratulations on the job offer!

    1. Kathy - The end of the tuition bills is SUCH a relief!!!

  4. Welcome back! I did indeed miss you :)

  5. Welcome back! We're just at the beginning of the college tuition cycle so I can't imagine what it must feel like to be coming to the end of it. For now it just feels like it will go on forever. Sounds like a wonderful and busy vacation and I'm looking forward to seeing your book briefs.

    1. Katherine - The worst part was seeing the tuition increase every single year. At least you'll have a break between your older kids and The Tornado... more time to save up ;-)

  6. Great to see you back, JoAnn! You were missed! :)

    1. Thanks, Monica. I'm really happy to "see" everyone again :)

  7. We did miss you, but I'm glad you had a nice few weeks doing all the things that matter. :)

    1. Audrey - We've had such a nice summer. Looks like it will be sunny and warm straight through Labor Day weekend, so we can hang on to that feeling little longer.

  8. Welcome back JoAnn.

    It sounds like you had a great trip. It also looks like you finished some really interesting books. I look forward to reading your thoughts on them.

    1. Brian Joseph - Thanks! It was a nice mix of books, but I was shocked to learn that Old Filth is part of a trilogy. Here I go again...

  9. I did miss you! But glad you had time with your family and friends. That's important.

    1. Debbie - We were even all home together for a weekend... something that usually happens only at Christmas!

  10. Welcome back! Sounds like you had some nice family time on your break!

    1. Sarah - It was an action-packed break... so good to spend time with everyone!

  11. Yes! We missed you!! Sounds like you had a fun filled time, though. One more semester of tuition bills. Wow! I am heading into that arena this time, next year. I just stopped paying daycare for the one kid last June.

    1. Ti - It's a long haul with all those tuitions. Your kids are far enough apart so they won't overlap, right? A breather is nice. We had one year when all three were in college at the same time - that was painful.

  12. Sorry about the news of mom-in-law's passing. We too are "dancing" the adult kids back to school shuffle right about now and it doesn't get easier as they get older. Maybe one day I'll have an empty nest, lol. I feel the same way about reviews and am on hiatus now evaluating my blog. Enjoy your Fall weather!

    1. Rita - I'm not sure when our nest will ever be empty... Twin B may be with us for quite some time yet.

      I'm going to try to use Book Briefs to get caught up on reviews. Your ten second reviews inspired me!

  13. Yes, you were definitely missed! Your month reminds me of my July, with my house guests and activities. I think my guests are returning in a week or so.

    Enjoy that final tuition bill...LOL.

    Those books look good, especially Between You and Me.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - Yes, our August was very much like your July! Your place is going to be filling up again?

      It was such a relief to write that final tuition check :)

  14. Time does march on so swiftly, or so it seems to me. Congrats on no more tuition bills! Welcome back.

    1. Tina - And the older we get, the faster it marches! I'm glad to be back :)

  15. I just purchased a paperback of Old Filth and feel sure I will like it. I came over today from another blog, where we both listed Anthony Trollope as a favorite author in our comments.

    1. Terra - I didn't realize it until after I'd started, but Old Filth is actually a trilogy! Two more books have been added to my tbr list. Hope you like it, too.

      Hooray for Trollope!!

  16. Third time a charm? I logged out of Google and restarted my PC - should be no obstacles. Already it is asking me to 'Select Profile' rather than assume my Google profile. This is good.
    Then it allowed me to select WP and enter BkClubCare AND... IS THEN SHOWING it as ME! yippee. About to hit the publish button to see if it stalls.

    1. Of course, it makes me not only check the robot-not box but makes me pick certain photos of food. Oh well...

    2. Care - Thanks for your persistence today!! I can't figure out what is going on... especially with the food photos. I have purposely turned off word verification so people can comment without that added step. Now they want you to identify images?? GRRR!!

  17. Of course we missed you! So glad you are back! Fall is a good time to start again!

    1. Patty - True! Fall always seems more like a new year than January to me, anyway :)

  18. Its great to see you back. You sound refreshed, which of course is what time off is supposed to do.

  19. Good to see you back! Your summer sounds just wonderful. I hope you liked Old Filth?

    1. Anbolyn - Old Filth was very good but, since it's part of a trilogy, I have two more books on my tbr list now ;-)

  20. Welcome back. Oh my! I just reviewed Mary Norris's Between You and Me on my blog. So we must think alike. I found it mainly entertaining. Let me know what you think of my thoughts on it. Cheers. Glad you had a good summer!

    1. Susan - I just read your post... totally agree about the audio version! I started in print, but switched over to audio early on and enjoyed it much more.

  21. Has it really been 3 1/2 weeks? Yes, time marches on, but far too quickly for me. It sounds like you had a great time with your family. I love summer with its lazy days to do as you please. Our 3 1/2 weeks with our granddaughter was so special and we're full of ideas for next year. I really should get back to blogging so I can share some of my photos from our trip to Oregon! Book reviews? Nah! ;) Maybe some Book Briefs. I do like to keep a record of what I've read and miss sharing my favorites here in the blogosphere.

    Enjoy these final days of summer (it's not really over until the day after Labor Day, in my opinion) and hurray for the end of tuition payments!!!

    1. Thanks, Les - it was such a refreshing break! Loved seeing your photos on instagram and just can't get over how grown up your granddaughter is. It's obvious you all had a wonderful time.

      It does still feel like summer here, so I can pretend through Labor Day ;-)

  22. Does a dog have fleas? Of course you were missed. Ready for more conversation from your book world.
    Not anywhere near Fall down here. Our leaves don't begin to turn until late October, but the light is changing and the breeze makes one think a slight change is underway. The book leaves never stop turning, however, and I've read several while you were away playing with you family. Glad you had a great time. The reviews for the Elena Ferrante finale are beginning to appear and so far, they all give high praise.

    1. JudyMac - LOL! It's nice to be missed and feels good to be back. I've seen some of the Ferrante reviews and was in a quandary 9/1 trying to decide whether to download her book or Franzen's new one. I got angry over the $14.99 ebook price for Purity and never ordered either! Think I'll end up reading Ferrante first though. Happy September :)

    2. Tried the very first Franzen book, gave up early into it, just didn't like his style, never tried again. Ferrante, however, will not be disappointing I'm sure. My reading stack is high, but I will get to her book soon.

    3. JudyMac - I know that feeling... my reading stack is out of control. I read The Corrections with my book club back during Franzen's famous feud with Oprah and loved it. I think he's one of those authors you either lover or hate. Or love to hate? ;-)

  23. So glad you enjoyed your break. But glad your back! Busy summer here as well. Looking forward to a slower time of year!

    1. Peggy Ann - I know your summer was full of activity, too. Love the haircut!

  24. Yay, welcome back! Glad you had a wonderful time with family this month.


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