Thursday, September 3, 2015

Readers Imbibing Peril: R.I.P X

It's R.I.P. - Readers Imbibing Peril - time again! For this tenth edition, Carl of Stainless Steel Droppings has passed the hosting torch to the ladies of The Estella Society.

This event, which runs through Halloween, encourages us to read...

Dark Fantasy.

Or anything sufficiently moody that shares a kinship with the above.

There are just two simple rules:
1. Have fun reading (and watching).
2. Share that fun with others.

One again, there are many levels of participation - just pick the "peril" that's right for you. I've chosen "Peril the Second" and will read two books that fit the RIP theme. I may pull out my Virago Book of Ghost Stories and tackle the "Peril of the Short Story", too.

Complete details can be found over at The Estella Society.

My list of reading possibilities:

The House at Riverton  by Kate Morton
I'd Know You Anywhere  by Laura Lippman
Baltimore Blues  by Laura Lippman (but do I really need another series?)
Burial Rites  by Hannah Kent
Lady Audley's Secret  by M.E. Braddon
Strangers on a Train  by Patricia Highsmith
Whose Body?  by Dorothy L. Sayers
The Black Tulip  by Alexandre Dumas
My Cousin Rachel  by Daphne du Maurier
Armadale  or No Name  by Wilkie Collins

Have you read any of these books?
Are you participating in R.I.P. X?


  1. I haven't read any of these titles but do like Dorothy Sayers. I just read The Kill Room by Jeffrey Deaver which qualifies as category 2. It involves drones with weapons and is set in NYC and the Bahamas.

    1. Terra - I've never read Dorothy Sayers, but have read many positive reviews of the series. Not sure about Deaver's drones with weapons, but a NYC/Bahamas setting sounds appealing.

  2. Another vote for Dorothy L. :) The modern "continuations" by Jill Paton Walsh are also very good. I'm going to join in, though I read so many mysteries (as you know) that it feels like cheating if I include them. :) Looking forward to seeing what everyone finds.

    1. Audrey - Whose Body is already on my kindle... maybe I'll preview it tonight. I've never read Sayers!

  3. My Cousin Rachel is good but not scary. There is evil though. I liked it a lot.

    1. Ti - I prefer evil to scary... at least when it comes to reading ;-)

  4. That's a great list, and if I could guide your hand you'd definitely be picking up Wilkie Collins and Mary Elizabeth Braddon.

    1. Jane - I'm so glad you commented. In all the confusion over the summer, I somehow missed your move... glad to find you again :)

  5. I haven't read any of these though Burial Rites is on my reading list. Happy R.I.P. reading!!

    1. Vasilly- Burial Rites is already on my kindle... picked it up as a daily deal several months ago. It sounds really good!

  6. I haven't read any from your list but they do look intriguing. I didn't think I would join in with the event, but your mention of the Peril the Short Story option makes me think I will. I love scary stories and there are some good ones out there I'd really like to read.

    1. Anbolyn - I like scary stories better than full-length novels. Hope you'll share the titles of your favorites :)

  7. I am also taking part in R.I.P X! I am looking forward to reading suitably gothic and mysterious books. I haven't read any of the books off your possibles list. I also have a Daphne du Maurier option though. Her novels are perfect for this event. Happy reading :-)

    1. Thebookwormchronicles - Daphne du Maurier has been on my RIP list for several years, but I've still only read Rebecca. Maybe this will finally be the year!

  8. I won't be joining in this year, but I'm looking forward to adding other people's choices to my reading list :)

    1. Lisa - My reading list always seems to grow during RIP season, too!

  9. This is such a fun event. I will try to participate this year.

    Your list of possibilities looks great. I look forward to your upcoming commentary.

    1. Brian Joseph - I'll keep an eye out for your choices :)

  10. Thanks, Vicki... hope you get caught up soon :)

  11. Since my book stacks are getting rather unwieldy from their height, I won't be joining this group. I do slip in every now and then, however, a good detective/murder/mystery and I'm currently awaiting the next in the series written by Robert Galbraith, alias J. K. Rowling, which is due out October 22nd. Title is Career of Evil. Sounds rather ominous, doesn't it! I will be waiting with bated breath.

    1. JudyMac - I don't read nearly as many mysteries or thrillers as I used to, so I look forward to enjoying a couple every fall. Have seen so many positive reviews of the Robert Galbraith series - enjoy!!


  12. Enjoy. Those are not my genres, but if I were to choose, I'd go with a mystery. Recommend a good one?

    1. Midlife Roadtripper - They aren't really my genres and more either, but I like trying to fit a couple in each fall. Among my favorite mysteries these days are Laura Lippman's stand-alones (loved What The Dead Know), Tana French, and the gentler Maisie Dobbs series.

  13. I love this challenge as well. House at Riverton was good. I hope to read Burial Rites as well.

    1. Diane - A little "mood reading" is always good this time of year!

  14. I'm going to check this out right now. Sounds fun and easy.

  15. Oh...and I do love the Laura Lippman series. (I'm way behind tho...and that is probably why you don't need another series. LOL )

    1. Debbie - LOL! What is it with series.... I can NEVER keep up. Hope you decide to join the RIP fun.

  16. It's been so enticing reading everyone's RIP reading lists, I've decided to jump in, too :)

    1. Belle Wong - Hooray! Can't wait to see your list :)

  17. I read both of those Laura Lippman books-- actually about half of all the books she's written, and also Burial Rites, which I loved. Hope you get to enjoy those titles. Have a good week.

    1. Rita - I hope so, too! There are more books on this list than I can possibly get to in the next 8 weeks, but I've enjoyed several of Lippman's books. What the Dead Know is probably my favorite yet. Burial Rites was one of those $1.99 kindle deals that I couldn't refuse!

  18. I'm pretty sure that I've read My Cousin Rachel, but I can't remember much about it. I LOVE Dorothy Sayers mysteries. I think my favorite is The Nine Tailors.

    1. Patience_Crabstick - Rebecca is the only Daphne du Maurier I've read, but I've been meaning to read more for years now. Fingers crossed I will this time.

      I started Whose Body this weekend - my first Dorothy L. Sayers - and I'm enjoying it so far.

  19. Replies
    1. Patty - Sure hope I get to read more than one or two of them!!


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