Saturday, June 27, 2015

Weekend Cooking: A Good Week in the Kitchen

 For the past several weeks, I've been a lazy and uninspired cook... sticking to those tried and true recipes that don't require a great deal of thought or effort. I haven't had it in me to peruse my recently acquired cookbooks or pinned recipes. Meal planning had become lax, too. This week, at long last, was different.

Las weekend, I finally sat down and forced myself to come up with a real plan for the week. I was clearly bored with the same old same old, so turned to Pinterest for inspiration and quickly decided on two new recipes. I made them on consecutive nights (to the delight of my husband and daughter) and posted photos on Instagram. A couple of people requested recipes and Trish wondered if they might make an appearance on Weekend Cooking.

So here we are.

One Pan Lemon Herb Salmon and Zucchini
from Damn Delicious blog

We eat seafood at least once a week and this recipe reminded me of the success I'd had with  the new Sheet Pan Suppers  cookbook. I followed this recipe exactly as written and used fresh, wild-caught sockeye salmon. It took literally ten minutes to prep, used a single sheet pan, and tasted so good! The only change I would consider next time is to use slightly less brown sugar.

Here is the recipe for One Pan Lemon Herb Salmon and Zucchini from Damn Delicious.

30 Minute Pork Scallopini With Lemons and Capers
from foodiecrush

Pork isn't one of my husband's favorites, but our daughter who lives at home full-time loves it, so I still prepare it semi-regularly... usually a tenderloin marinated and grilled, or in the crockpot. This recipe caught my eye because I love anything with lemons and capers. Plus, I was able to use fresh sage from my herb garden. Wegmans sells thin cut boneless pork chops, but I still gave them a little pounding. The recipe was easy to follow and, as promised, on the table in 30 minutes. I served it with a small side of fresh linguine and green beans - delicious! This was a new-to-me food blog, but I'm following her recipes now.

Here is the recipe for 30 Minute Pork Scallopini With Lemons and Capers from foodiecrush.

Have you tried any new recipes lately?

Weekend Cooking, hosted at Beth Fish Reads, is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page.


  1. OMG both look awesome. I have Sheet Pan Suppers: we eat salmon often and summer squash is at the farmers market! I'm with you on lemon and capers. YUM. I'm definitely giving that pork a try. With the cooler evenings we're having, I'm still using the oven.

    1. Oh just noticed the salmon was from a blog not the book. Either way, I'm trying it!

    2. Beth F - Yes, that salmon is from Damn Delicious blog. I've tried several of her recipes and they've all been good. I'm still using the oven, too... I'm sure it will get too hot eventually.

  2. Both is these look great- my son would absolutely love the salmon and zucchini one.

    1. Diane - My daughters saw the photo pn Instagram and asked if we could have the salmon again while they're home this weekend.

  3. These dishes look fabulous. Thanks for sharing the info on them.

  4. Both great recipes but that salmon has caught my interest. Love it and for some reason we don't have it nearly enough.
    Beautiful presentation too!

    1. Tina - We were eating salmon once a week for a while, then got out of the habit this spring. Think we'll be having it a lot more often again:)

  5. Both of your dishes look wonderful - the food and the platters you served them on. I'm not cooking much at all these days because our schedules are so erratic.

    1. Kathy - The salmon platter is actually plastic! I got it for outdoor dinners but grabbed it by mistake that night.

  6. I have some yellow squash and zucchini from the garden that I need to use up. I think I might throw something like this together tonight, but with shrimp. Yum!

    1. Andi - Oh, shrimp would be delicious in that dish, too!!

  7. Both dishes look just fab. Cheers from Carole's Chatter!

  8. I can't wait to try this salmon! It looks beautiful!

    1. Patty - I'll be making it again this week while my daughters are home.

  9. The salmon looks beautiful! We have been having wild caught sockeye lately too - I actually sometimes sneak onto it a bit of sweet-hot mustard, and it goes great!

    1. Jill - The wild caught sockeye seems especially flavorful to me this year... no more farm-raised for me!

  10. These recipes look fabulous and I agree, I like anything with lemons and capers.

    1. Terra - There is something about the lemon and caper combination.... thinking about it with chicken for tonight.

  11. Oops, I think my attempt at a comment just got eaten. These photos look great! I tried a slow cooker chicken drumstick recipe last week that I think I saw on someone's Weekend Cooking post last weekend. It was easy and good!

    1. Laurie C - I get a lot of inspiration from other Weekend Cooking posts, too. Pretty sure I pinned that chicken drumstick recipe.... need to look for it.

  12. I love doing sheet pan dinners, but have never tried pork Scallopini - it does sound really good and I'll have to give it a try if I can find a nice thin cut.

    1. Claudia - The sheet pan has become my best friend! Even if you can't find thin cut pork, a meat mallet is a lot of fun to use ;-)

  13. I loved the Sheet Pan Suppers book and had a lot of fun with some of its recipes. Both those photos look yummmm!! I love salmon and your dish sounds delicious, so will have to give it a try.

    1. Athira - They're both so quick, too... another quality you'll need very soon ;-)

  14. These look good, especially the salmon, which we eat a lot. Will have to give it a go.

    1. Emma - I'll be making that salmon again this week, too!

  15. Vicki - I loved the pork recipe! Enjoyed leftovers for lunch, too.

  16. I have to get that cookbook.

    I am trying to play it safe and eat plain foods for now because last week I reacted to seafood. I really hope I am not allergic to seafood now. i tried shellfish too and also reacted.

    1. Ti - Oh, no... I hope that's not the case :(

  17. So glad you shared the Pork Scallopini link. I have some pork chops in the freezer that I've been meaning to cook up for ages and this sounds like the perfect recipe. I've never considered pounding our chops (or even cutting them thinner), but why not! Yum!!!

    1. Trish - I love my meat mallet... and love pounding chicken and pork. Not sure I like what that says about me though ;-)

    2. Ha!! I totally get it! Love using mine, too.

  18. Both of those dishes look wonderful, but it's the salmon which is a real winner for me. I eat salmon at least once a week, so I'm always looking for new ways to enjoy it.

    1. Couscous & Consciousness - That salmon will be on our menu again this week. Hope you like it!


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