Saturday, June 13, 2015

Weekend Cooking: Flounder Milanese with Arugula and Tomato

I love to cook and frequently experiment with new recipes. It was impossible when the girls were younger (and pickier) but as they got closer to middle school/junior high, I began introducing new recipes with mostly familiar ingredients. By high school, all three were adventurous enough for new foods, spices, and cooking techniques. My husband, who will try anything once, has been an enthusiastic supporter all along. We've had our fair share of successes, but also accept the fact that an occasional flop is inevitable.

However, there are still nights (and sometimes entire weeks) where only quick and easy will do. For those times, I have a handful of dishes I consider to be my "go to" recipes. This week, I turned to  Skinnytaste (a favorite blog and cookbook) and her Flounder Milanese with Arugula and Tomato. Not only is it low in calories and delicious, I can also have it on the table in less than 20 minutes!

Flounder Milanese with Arugula and Tomatoes


4 (4 oz each) skinless flounder filets
pinch kosher salt
freshly ground black pepper
4 cups arugula
1 medium vine ripe tomato, diced small
1 teaspoon olive oil
1 lemon, halved
2 large egg whites
2/3 cup seasoned bread crumbs
olive oil spray (about 1 tbsp worth)


Season fish lightly with salt and pepper.  In a medium bowl, combine the arugula, tomato, olive oil and the juice from half of of the lemon. Season with salt and pepper, toss and set aside. Slice the other half of the lemon into 4 slices or wedges to serve with the fish.

In a shallow bowl, beat the egg whites. Place the bread crumbs in another dish. Dip each fish filet in the egg whites, then bread crumbs.

Heat a large saute pan over medium heat. Spray a generous amount of olive oil spray on one side of the fish, and lay it in the pan, oil side down. Spray the other side of the fish generously to coat and cook for 4 to 5 minutes on each side, until the crumbs are golden and the fish is opaque and cooked through.  

To serve, place a fillet on each dish and top with arugula salad and lemon.

Servings: 4 • Size: 1 filet • Old Points: 4 • Weight Watcher Points+: 5 pt 
Calories: 220 • Fat: 4 g • Carb: 13 g • Fiber: 2 g • Protein: 33 g • Sugar: 2  g
Sodium: 476 mg (without salt)  • Cholest: 77 mg
--The above recipe is from

My notes:
This recipe would work well with several different kinds of white fish. I'll try sole or tilapia next. Also, I cheated a little on the fat and used a very small amount of olive oil and butter instead.

My photo is not as pretty as Skinnytaste's, but it sure was delicious!

What is your favorite quick and easy "go to" dish?

Weekend Cooking, hosted at Beth Fish Reads, is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page.


  1. There is nothing wrong with simple recipes is long as one ingredients that are not pre processed.

    The above looks very good. It looks like a lot of things that we eat in my house.

    1. Brian Joseph - Quick, simple meals with fresh ingredients are perfect for week nights. This one has definitely earned a spot in our regular menu rotation!

  2. Looks very tasty. I'm not a big arugula lover, but other greens could be substituted. I'm just beginning to use Skinnytaste. Lots of choices in that cookbook.

    1. Kay - I have had good luck with every Skinnytaste recipe I've tried... both on the blog and in the cookbook!

  3. I have the Skinnytaste cookbook! And - I cook flounder a lot, but have never tried to bread it before....looks yummy!

    1. Sarah - That cookbook is fast becoming a favorite!

  4. Mine mostly involve chicken breasts or pasta but I've been longing for alternatives and new ideas. This looks SO good.

    1. AUdrey - Almost all my 'quick and easy' dishes involve boneless chicken breasts. Fish is nice for a change :)

  5. We love flounder and I'm always looking for new ways to cook it. This sounds simple and delicious. Perfect for summer. I need to spend some time on the Skinnytaste blog

    1. Beth F - Flounder is one of my favorites, too. You'll be amazed by all the great recipes on Skinnytaste.

  6. I'm pinning this one,it looks like the perfect weeknight dinner.

    1. Diane - It definitely is... so many of her recipes are quick and easy!

  7. I've never really loved to cook and am kind of over it now, I'm sad to say. Carl would love that dish, though, so I just might have to make it.

    1. Kathy - This is so simple and tastes like a gourmet meal... go for it!

  8. I'd never guess that a dish with a beautiful and fancy title like that would only take twenty minutes to make. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    1. Deb - I would even serve tis to company... it looks so pretty.

  9. Our go-to dishes always seem to be pasta based. The girls LOVE pasta and it's quick and easy enough. I do look forward to the days when I can experiment a little bit more, but try to introduce new recipes now and then. It usually takes a bit of goading to get them to try but Elle will usually say "oh I do like that!" :) Anyway, I think I NEED to get the Skinnytaste cookbook!! I've had good luck with some of her recipes online.

    1. Trish - When my girls were younger, all my 'go-to' dishes included pasta of some sort. It has been once to branch out over the years :)

  10. I love Milanese anything though I've never tried it with flounder. I've made a pork Milanese and a chicken Milanese and all go over enthusiastically. I try to change up what I cook pretty regularly just to keep me interested. The older kids will generally try anything but the little doesn't. I'm hoping he'll grow out of it! I haven't tried very many of the Skinnytaste recipes but I've had good luck with the ones I've attempted.

    1. Katherine - I've made chicken tis way, but need pork. Think I'll have to try that next!

  11. I love fish but rarely cook it at home. This recipe sounds delicious. Maybe have to give it a try. :)

    1. Jama - This is the easiest fish recipe... I'm sure you could do it!

  12. My usual go-to dish tends to be a quick stir-fried noodles (we always have noodles and rice noodles in the pantry), with a leafy Asian veg or spinach or whatever vegetable that works, and some protein like tofu, chicken or shrimp.

    I've never cooked flounder before! We usually do salmon, tilapia fillets and occasionally sea bass or pomfret (whole). I'll have to see if I can find flounder one day. Looks yummy.

    1. Olduvaireads - We do a lot of salmon and tilapia, too, but my family would love it if I did noodles more often!

  13. Looks delicious! I'm always nervous cooking fish (about undercooking or overcooking) so usually leave it to hubby, but this does seem pretty simple!

    1. Laurie - This recipe is practically fool-proof!

  14. Egg whites - great idea. Cheers from Carole's Chatter!

    1. Carole - Egg whites makes it a healthier dish!

  15. I had a colleague just show me the blog Skinnytaste last week! Specifically, she showed me posts about the machine called a spiralizer which makes vegetables into "noodles". So cool! Anyway, this dish looks wonderful. I love arugula and tomatoes, I just have to hope I can find a decent piece of fish here in the Midwest.

    1. Bellezza - A spiral vegetable noodle maker is on the top of my kitchen wish list!

  16. This looks delicious and a good fish recipe to try at home is always worth a lot.

    1. Suze - Not sure why fish intimidates home cooks so much, but this recipe is a keeper!

  17. Quick meals are the best :)
    Happy cooking,
    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

    1. Shelleyrae - Don't know what I'd do without my 'quick and easy' repertoire!

  18. I like fish but my son is not a fan. I must try some recipes that I can cook for myself. I might start with this one for inspiration.

    1. Marg - It's so mud harder when you have to cook for teenagers! This one is so quick, that you could easily make it for yourself sometime... hope you decide to give it a try.

  19. Yum!! Nice, easy recipe that combines many of my favorite ingredients.

    1. Catherine - That type of recipe is definitely my favorite!

  20. Sounds delicious and you can't beat quick and healthy!

    1. Lisa - It is delicious... low cal and tasty are an added bonus!

  21. That sure looks and sounds yum!! I will have to give it a try.

    1. Athira - Think you'll be happy to have more quick and easy recipes after the baby is born :)

  22. I'm not a huge fish eater but this look so good. I do like quick and easy so I'll have to check out that site. I get impatient with anything that takes too long. lol.

    1. Darlene - Even if you're not big on fish, she has lots of other recipes on her website. The cookbook is excellent, too!

  23. Vicki - Flounder is one of my favorites, too.

  24. I'd have to find a sub for the breadcrumbs but I love fish!! My kids don't. My husband doesn't either so I rarely make it.

    1. Ti - One of the best things about this recipe is that you could make a filet just you in no time at all!


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