Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Sunday Salon: Father's Day and Ferrante Fever

Good morning, friends. It's a rainy, humid Father's Day morning in central NY. I'm hoping it clears soon so we can go out kayaking, but the forecast is not very encouraging. That wouldn't be the end of the world though... I have been stricken with #FerranteFever. A day of reading indoors, or on the covered patio, sounds pretty appealing, too.

Finished this week//

The Story of a New Name by Elena Ferrante
Book 2 of The Neopolitan Novels was even better than the first! I finished Friday evening and immediately used that "Buy now with 1-Click" option to download Book 3.

Current reading//

Neoploitan Novels, Book 3 and again a read/listen combination. Hillary Huber's narration is wonderful. I am totally immersed in this series!

On the Blog//
"Pick or Pass" Review of Aquarium by David Vann
Top Ten Tuesday: My Summer Reading List
It's Monday, What Are You Reading? 6/15/15

A blog post I enjoyed//
Reading Ferrante from Jill's Scene... an explanation of #FerranteFever

Happening today//
#FlashReadathon - Check out the hashtag on twitter and instagram... you know you want to join in!

Poldark begins on Masterpiece tonight. Here is my post about missing it the first time around, back in the 70s. Will you be watching?

And finally, a few photos from Our Weekend in Manhattan

evening stroll on the High Line

terrace garden at The Cloisters

How was your week? What are you reading today?


  1. I was wondering what this #FerranteFever was and now I know. We were in central New York last weekend. It was lovely, up on Seneca Lake. This weekend? Going to see my father (and other relatives) about 60 miles away. I don't know if I"ll get much reading done today, but we'll see, maybe in between things.

    1. Bryan - My daughter graduated from a college in Geneva on Seneca Lake a few years ago, so we got to spend a lot of time there... so beautiful and the wineries are fun, too. Not much reading time here either today, but it was good to see my parents and siblings.

  2. It definitely sounds like you have #FerranteFever! I'm curious to give that her books a try. Your pics of Manhattan are beautiful! Looks like a very nice visit! I hope you have a nice day whether it involves kayaking or reading and a great week!

    1. Katherine - Ferrante has quite a few shorter stand-alone novels if you'd rather not commit to a series... I still have one waiting on my shelf!

  3. It is also a rainy Father's Day here. I am a bit south of you on Long Island.

    it looks like you had a nice trip to The City.

    I want to read Ferrante. She sounds like a writer well worth reading.

    1. Brian Joseph - Ferrante seems to have perfectly captured the Naples neighborhood, family dramas, relationships, volatility, etc. My grandparents were Italian immigrants and much of what is written rings true based on their stories. She is definitely an author worth reading!

  4. Ferrnate Fever sounds like a good thing to me! My week was busy!

    1. Kathy - It definitely is! I'm really enjoying this series.

  5. Pouring here this morning, so it was nice to wake up listening to the rain and knowing I didn't have to go outside in it. :) Yes, I will be watching Poldark tonight! (Looking forward to it.)

    1. Audrey - It's almost Poldark time now... glad it's one hour and not two tonight since I'm tired already ;-)

  6. Oh, I love the Manhattan photos...and I must go there someday! My daughter wants to go, too, but I don't know that we could go together. Although we did have fun in Vegas in 2008.

    I must read Ferrante. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - It's an amazing city. I've enjoyed getting reacquainted with it since out daughter has been there... always something to see and do!

  7. Hope you're kayaking right now! The weather has at least cleared in the suburbs North of NYC.

    1. Sarah - We ended up with even more rain this afternoon, so unfortunately no kayaking today. Maybe one night this week...

  8. I swear every time you post pictures of places you've traveled, it makes me want to go there too! :-)

    1. Vasilly - It's a lot easier to travel now that it's just two or three of us instead of 5!

  9. OK, you make those books sound so good that I may have to check them out. :-)

    Hope you guys have a good day with loved ones. Beautiful pictures!

    1. Kay - It's easy for me to see why Ferrante has developed almost a cult following. Her writing is so insightful and real... I keep wanting more of her characters!

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks, Diane. I always love visiting The City!

  11. The first Ferrante book is my book club's pick for this month and I'm pretty excited to get to it (if I could just get that library hold to come in!).

    1. Shannon - Can't wait to hear what you think of Ferrante!

  12. Hope you've had a nice day! I love your photos of your trip to Manhattan! I'll be giving Poldark a try tonight as well.

    1. Monica - It turned out to be another rainy day, but we still enjoyed a lot of family time. Glad you liked the photos -visiting Manhattan is always a treat!

  13. Your weekend looked like so much fun! I'm on the fence about Poldark. There's very little else to watch on Sunday nights but then I think it might be nice to just shut off the television and not get caught up in yet another show.'s PBS and it's based on a book so it's gotta be good, right?

    1. Lisa - We had an amazing time in New York... so much to do and see, so many wonderful restaurants! Hoping Poldark is as good as the previews make it seem, but like you said it's PBS and based on a book. We'll see.

  14. Isn't it great when you find a series you have to read back to back? Hope you got all the reading you wanted done.

    1. Emma - It really is... and even better because I usually shy away from series.

  15. Looks like you've had a great reading week. Your NYC photos look wonderful. Thanks for sharing them. Have a great week.

    1. Pat - Thanks, it was a great week and I'm loving these books. Hope your week is off to a good start :)

  16. I'd love to walk the High Line! Also the Brooklyn Bridge.
    Just finishing up The Dream Lover by Elizabeth Berg. Fiction about George Sand. Enjoying an independent woman far ahead of her time. Well written.

    1. JudyMac - I still need to walk the Brooklyn Bridge! So many things to do and I'm hoping my daughter doesn't decided to move any time soon ;-)

      The Dream Lover sounds good... it's been too long since I read Elizabeth Berg. Glad you are enjoying it.

  17. Love when you get into something that's so compelling that you just have to buy the next book right off the bat :D

    1. Jennifer - I hardly ever dive right into the next book of a series... probably high school or college was the last time that happened!!

  18. Ha! FerranteFever! intense, yes? and I haven't read this series but I know I want to. The one book I read by this author was crazy intense.

    1. Care - Yes! Intense is the perfect word. Which Ferrante book did you read? I also have The Lost Daughter on my shelf.

  19. I've wanted to read Ferrante for a long while now. You're intriguing me further!

    1. Andi - These books are (as Care said) intense and well-wriiten... so good!

  20. I recorded Poldark and look forward to seeing if I connect with the series. Beautiful pictures.

    1. Nise' - I really liked Poldark... more than I was expecting. Looking forward to next week already!

  21. I need to pick up the Ferrante books soon. I keep seeing and hearing about them everywhere. Love those NY pictures!

    1. Athira - Just beware... Ferrante is addicting!

  22. Don't you just love the 1-Click option. That thing will be the death of me. LOL. Happy reading!

    1. Darlene - That 1-click option might just do both of us in! I've started buying myself gift cards so I can replenish the balance and not see all little charges on my credit card!

    2. You know that's a really good idea. It's amazing how fast those small charges add up and then my visa bill is so long it's intimidating. lol. I think I might try the gift card way.

    3. Darlene - It definitely makes for a shorter credit card bill... and if I buy a gift card at the grocery store, it gets lumped with the food budget ;-)

  23. I'm envious of your Sunday morning in NYC. And, I cannot go on Amazon after two glasses of wine or else my finger gets stuck on that 1-Click option.

    Just started Alice in Wonderland. Couldn't belive I've never read it.

    1. Midlife Roadtripper - Wine and 1-Click most definitely do not mix... I've got several books on my kindle and shelves to prove that one!!

      We're lucky to have a place to stay in NYC. There is so much there to see and do, I will never get tired of it. Hope my daughter decides to stay a little longer.

      I read Alice and Wonderland when I was in grade school, but I'm guess it might have been a children's version. Don't think I've ever read the real thing either. Enjoy!

  24. You've introduced me to a new author I hadn't heard of before: Elena Ferrante. Her books definitely sound addicting. Thanks for the word.

    1. Thecuecard - Addicting is right! Be sure to clear your reading calendar if you decide to begin this series ;-)

  25. Vicki - There is SO much to see and do in NYC that it's hard to know where to begin. It's very touristy, but I love to do those open top bus tours when we visit a new city just to get an overview, see what catches my interest and where I'd like to return to spend more time. You could focus on the attractions like the Statue of Liberty. Empire State Blgd, 9/11 Memorial or maybe shopping, or theater, or museums, or architectural wonders. You could spend all you time exploring the green spaces like Central Park and the High Line. There are even foodie walking tours that are so much fun!

    I don't know many restaurants outside of my daughter's neighborhood, so I hesitate to make recommendations there. Whatever you decide to do, it will be wonderful. I'd love to see the Macy's parade some day :)


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