Thursday, September 18, 2014

At Last!

Kindle Voyage - image from amazon

There's good news for kindle owners today. No, not the announcement of 7 new devices (although the new Kindle Voyage looks good to me), but at long last kindle owners have been granted the ability to share books. It's called "Family Library" and will be available for all Kindle eReaders released since August 2010, from the Kindle Keyboard onward. A software update is all that's required.

Your "family" may consist of two adult accounts and up to four kids accounts. Since my kids are technically adults, I wasn't aware of amazon's designated kids accounts. However, this still presents a dilemma... I must now choose between linking my library with my mother or my sister. It's a good thing my daughters don't read on kindles.

P.S.  Don't worry, Mom. I've got you covered!


  1. So glad to hear this. I have so many good books on my Kindle that I would love to share. Now can. Very good.

    1. Midlife Roadtripper - Not sure exactly how long it will be until the software is available, but very good news for sure!

  2. Ha! This made me laugh a bit. Sadly I read my kindle books on my Nook, otherwise I would LOVE to hook up with my sister and her Kindle books. But my Kindle is ANCIENT!

    1. Trish - Plenty of new kindle upgrade options ;-)

  3. This sounds interesting! My daughter's the only other one who has a Kindle but it'd definitely be convenient to share books! Now I must stop myself from going to look at the Voyage

    1. Katherine - The Voyager looks really good, but my paperwhite works fine so I can't justify such an expensive upgrade now :(

  4. My mom and I will be sharing our books for sure! I am under strict instructions not to EVER get my daughter an eReader. LOL

    1. Nise' - I think our Moms are big winners with this announcement! :)

  5. COOL! I wasn't aware of this, but I like it! I'm not a Kindle user yet, but it feels like we're all going that way.

    1. Andi - I never thought I'd love my kindle so much!

  6. yes, wonderful... but did you see HuffPost Taste's story on how to make your own pumpkin spice lattes for $1? :)

  7. Wait, all my family has always shared books? I hate that my books show up on the kids' kindles. What am I doing wrong?

    1. Lisa - Maybe they don't have separate "kids" accounts? I have 3 device on my account - kindle paperwhite, iPad, and iPhone - so my books show up in all three places. Maybe you have your kids' kindles set up like that? They say you can have up to 4 kids accounts on the family account.

      Although maybe they don't have the family thing set up at all yet, and you have to wait for new software?

  8. I wish Nook would have done this but I don't know that it will happen now that Barnes & Noble does have anything to do with updates.

  9. I thought we could always share. Although I don't have a kindle just use the app on iPad. I don't have anyone to share with either. My only friend I could share with is in the UK and they won't let us share between countries.

    1. Read the article you linked to and that is a good idea!

    2. Peggy Ann - I think so, too! If you have multiple devices on one account they technically share - like my kindle and my iPhone. Now you can have two different accounts sharing. Big improvement!

  10. Oh man this is awesome! My mom will be the lucky recipient of my hoarding, only if she and I can figure out how to do it. Maybe you can post a tutorial.

    1. Sandy - Yep, our moms are big winners with this announcement! When I figure out how to do it, will post a tutorial - great idea!

  11. I'll have to do more research on this, but thanks!
    My mom has passed, but we did love to share paperbacks back and forth...I miss that, so those of you who still can, enjoy that closeness!

    By the way, I've tried out several e-readers, either mine or someone in my family's (old basic kindle, Nook Color, Kindle Fire, new basic kindle, and kindle paperwhite) and my favorite is my kindle paperwhite, hands-down for ease of reading: lit screen, lightweight, long battery life, can read in the sun!

    1. Rita - I love my paperwhite! I had an old Nook but you couldn't read on that in the dark and I also have an iPad with a kindle app, but that's like reading on the computer... don't like that at all. It doesn't look like the new Voyage will entice me to buy a new e-reader right away. It's a little pricey and my paperwhite is in great shape.

  12. Vicki - You're welcome. I'm so excited about this news. You can share physical books, so why not e-books, right? :-)

  13. Still haven't dipped my toe in with a Kindle yet, but I'm coming around ...

    1. Vintage Reading - I'm still shocked at how much I love my kindle paperwhite... never thought that would happen!

  14. I love my kindle more than my nook (what? Two devices, and that doesn't even cover the apps on my iPad mini...).

    1. Bellezza - You sound like me! I have a nook but never use it (no light) and I love my iPad, but not for reading.

  15. Published before I could add that my mother borrowed my kindle for their trip to Colorado and was most enchanted with the lightness, the size, and the lighting of the Paperwhite. I honk I'll have to buy her one for Christmas, and then we can share as you suggest.

    1. Bellezza - My mother borrowed my paperwhite for a test read and loved it so much that she bought one for herself. I think your mother would so appreciate one for Christmas... especially if you can share books!

  16. I have the paperwhite Kindle and like it a lt. This one is news to me and seems kind of expensive. I do like the ability to soon share eBooks with family --great news/

  17. Still holding onto my Nook (although I rarely use it) but give me paper anyday!

    1. Stacy - I never thought I'd say it, but I *almost* prefer ebooks now... especially with the adjustable lighting.

  18. Replies
    1. Sheila - I'm very excited about this development!


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