Sunday, April 28, 2019

Sanibel Sunday: April 28, 2019

It's another Sanibel Sunday and, despite a little rain Friday, it's been a glorious week! I've walked every day, we got together with friends, attended an end-of-season reception, and had my FIL over for dinner twice. I even managed to squeeze in some reading time!

Finished this week//

by Oyinkan Braithwaite, narrated by Adepero Oduye

This audio production was unusual, engaging, and slightly disturbing. It's been described as "darkly comic", but I found it more dark than comic. Look for a book brief later this week.

Current reading//

The Past by Tessa Hadley
This is not fast-paced novel, but I am captivated! I should finish in a day or two.

I'm sick of "summaries" and other people telling me what is in the report. It may take some time, but I need to read this for myself. I'm still in the first section but, regardless of your political leanings, the Russian interference detailed here is alarming. I will continue to update my reading progress, but will refrain from political commentary.

Listening to//

by Beth Macy

This has been on my list since it was released last year and I snagged a copy last month during audible's BOGO sale. It's excellent so far, but guess what? Rudy Giuliani appears in this book, too.... and he's defending Purdue Pharma.

On the blog//

Current Reading: My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite
Book Review - Breaking in: The Rise of Sonia Sotomayor and the Politics of Justice by Joan Biskupic

In the kitchen//

Not much happened in my kitchen this week. There was a lot of leftover Easter ham the first few days... including this Classic Split Pea Soup. I made it in the slow cooker with the ham bone. Prior to serving, I removed the bone and added bits of leftover ham. My cooking time was quite a but longer than what the recipe suggested. It was very good, but I won't share a photo. There's just no way to make split pea soup look attractive ;-)

The week ahead//

Things are winding down on the island. Winter tourists and snowbirds are mostly gone, but the summer vacation season has not arrived. Restaurants are quieter, traffic is lighter, and everything seems just a little more relaxed. We have a couple of social engagements, but I'm hoping for a quiet week.

How was your week? What have you been reading?

The Sunday Salon is now hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.


  1. I just saw another Sunday Saloner mention My Sister, The Serial Killer. I think she said she liked it. I admire that you're reading the report, but I just can't...politics lately infuriates me and seeing a redacted report probably will infuriate me even more. And Rudy? Ugh.
    Quiet week are always good. After working six days last week and a few changes in my hour, I'm back to a (mostly) normal five-day week. I'm looking forward to getting back on my routine. Still reading All Things Wise and Wonderful. If plans go right today, will finish or tomorrow.

    1. Bryan - I've had a hard time with politics lately, too, but feel like reading this report is something I need to do. It will also give a little more credibility when trying to have a political discussion with my family ;-) It's been a long time since I read James Herriot, but I really enjoyed those books. Glad you're getting back to a normal routine.

  2. I bet this is your favorite time in would be mine. You are so right about split pea soup! It is not pretty! When we lived in Northern CA there was a town famous for Split Pea Soup. I think it’s the same town that is famous for ebilskivers. I have never made split pea soup...but I make a white bean soup with’s much prettier!

    1. Patty - I really do love it here, but am sure it will be too hot and humid for me soon. Think I'd like white bean soup with ham even more than split pea... and it would definitely be prettier!

  3. OK, I'll pass on Dopesick after what you mentioned about Rudy and Big Pharma. Do you know I actually had the print and then the audio from the library at diff times and returned them unread. Now I'm sure it was just not meant to be for me.

    I'll be curious for your review.

    1. Diane - Dopesick is both fascinating and depressing, especially considering that I used to be a clinical pharmacist in my previous life. Rudy plays a small role so far. Sounds like he was there more for celebrity power... ugh.

  4. I love hearing about your relaxing time in's great that you can connect with friends and have fun there.

    I agree about the Mueller Report. It is sickening that some are trying to keep us in the dark. Looking forward to your updates.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and have a great week.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - It's nice that we have a mix of friends here... neighbors that we've know for just a couple of years, people we've known over the years that have moved here, and then several visitors/vacationers, too.

      I have a theory about how the Mueller Report will end... reading it is actually more interesting than I was expecting.

  5. My Sister, the Serial Killer sounds intriguing. I'm not surprised that it's more dark than comedic though. Someday I hope we'll be living in Florida. It sounds so relaxing. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Yvonne - I'm so happy to be our of the snow belt now. Being able to be active outdoors in the winter is such a treat! We still have a home in NY, but expect we will sell it before much longer. We're spending less time there every year.

  6. Life on the island sounds pretty great! My daughter is in college in Poughkeepsie so this California woman now feels a connection to NY. I am impressed that you are reading the Mueller Report, but good for you because there seems to be a lot of false reports out there.

    1. Helen - We really do love it here. Your daughter must be at Vassar? One of ours went to Bard, just north of there. Two of them live in NYC now and we love to visit.

      I feel like reading the Mueller Report is something I have to do... I need to see and process the information for myself. It's actually more interesting than I was expecting.

  7. Vicki - It makes life a lot easier when things start to get quiet. We'll probably come back sometime in October and enjoy the fall months here, too... snow is fair game up there by mid-October anyway.

  8. We had a disastrous week which is overflowing into this week. Sri Lanka was not prepared for this.the enforced curfews have helped my reading though. Social media is banned so there is time on my hands.

    1. Mystica - I was horrified to read about the tragedy in Sri Lanka. Did not know there was a social media ban, but between that and the curfew I guess there would be more time for reading. :(

  9. I don’t know which would scare me more, My Sister, the Serial Killer or the Mueller Report, probably the latter because it’s sadly not fiction.

    LoL about pea soup not being photogenic—reminded me of Jack Gifford’s classic bit of pea soup coming to a boil. Some things you just never forget!

    1. JaneGS - The Mueller Report is, unfortunately, much scarier then My Sister, the Serial Killer... and I haven't even finished the section on Russian interference yet. LOL about the split pea soup sketch!

  10. Thanks for popping over to my blog and for the kind comments. Sounds like you had a GOOD week! Cheers. My Sunday Salon

    1. Thanks, Anne, I enjoyed reading your posts :)

  11. As an outsider, I find your country’s tolerance for Trump and his blatant lies inexplicable. Ive noticed a number of books about the opioid crisis published recently, it is such a scourge.

    Have a great reading week

    1. Shelleyrae - I live here and find the country’s tolerance for Trump and his lies inexplicable! According to the Washington Post, he has just uttered his 10,000th falsehood. He is an embarrassment, at best.

  12. I can't bring myself to read the Mueller Report, so I am grateful to you for reading it and sharing it with those of us who can't handle politics right now in America. I hope you will update us frequently on it.

    Our snowbirds tend to linger here along the Gulf Coast of Texas as the migrating birds are passing through this month and next month. Everyone you see seems to be looking up at the sky through binoculars.

    I'm intrigued with Dopesick, too, but I'm not sure I have the courage to read such a depressing book right now. Again, I will rely on you to share with us.

    1. Deb - I'm not sure how I've ended up with two serious, disturbing reads at the same time... think I'd be better of with the six classics like you're juggling! ;-)

  13. Hi JoAnn,
    I can only imagine that you must be clinging to every day left on Sanibel. How lovely those beach walks must be. And how nice to have it so quiet there now. I don't think I told you this, but our CPA and his wife (who works every bit as hard in the business as he does) had an absolutely wonderful time on Sanibel for several weeks last November. It sounds like they can't wait to go back again this fall.
    As I read your post, I think that you are so right to want to read the report for yourself. I must as well. And it is not political at all to worry about how the Russians are interfering in our elections. So if you were to share opinions or facts or remarks about that--that is not political. It's FACT. And I truly fear that the more that people classify this serious fact as political, the more we have to fear from Russian interference. It should disturb everybody. Because who knows when Putin or another Russian leader is going to throw weight behind Democratic candidates, that is, when they think it is in their best interests to do so?

    1. Judith - I'll probably finish Volume I of The Mueller Report today... it is nothing if not alarming. I'm shocked (although I probably shouldn't be) that Trump had a long phone call with Putin yesterday and never discussed the meddling/interference. Thank you for recommending The Past. It was a wonderful novel and I'm looking forward to reading more of Hadley's work. It started off slowly, but I enjoyed the setting and getting to know the characters.
      The weather here is beginning the shift toward summer - definitely warmer, more humid, and pop-up late day showers. We only have 2 or 3 weeks left, but I'm still not quite ready to leave...

    2. JoAnn,
      Do take your time with your leave-taking; it's such a special, harmonious place that you'll want to savor each moment before the big packing up comes along.
      I'm so glad you liked The Past. I have Hadley's 2019 novel on my Nook, but haven't gotten to it yet.
      Our gloominess here has not abated, although there is talk of a bit of sun tomorrow.

    3. Judith - I'm on the waiting list for Hadley's latest novel... decided to give The Past a try as I slowly make my way to the top of the list. My fingers are crossed that the sun actually did materialize for you a little bit today :)

  14. Split pea soup with ham! One of my favorites. My husband is dying to read the report. I guess I'd better order it for him.

    1. Beth F - I know he's started reading now. Wondering if he's finding t as riveting as I am...

  15. Your beach posts on IG are beautiful!

    I have been curious about My Sister the Serial Killer - I think I will check it out when I am in the mood for something dark. :)

    My cousin read the report and said it was fascinating!

    1. Thanks, Erin. I'm putting the finishing touches on a review for My Sister, the Serial Killer this morning... will post soon. I agree with your cousin on the report.

  16. My Sister the Serial Killer was a surprising find for me.

    1. Judy - A surprise for me, too... the audio added to my enjoyment.

  17. My Sister the Serial Killer is one I really want to read. It sounds like something very different from the usual thrillers. Hope you are having a wonderful week!

    1. Iliana - My Sister, the Serial Killer is not exactly what I'd call a thriller. It was an unusual read, for sure!

  18. Yeah the Serial Killer Sister was sharply done I thought, unusual too. I'm glad you're reading the Mueller report and I'm worried about Russian meddling too. I'll be interested to hear about Dopesick too. Enjoy your month on the island.

    1. Susan - I'm trying to think of a book to compare to My Sister, the Serial Killer and can't come up with one. It may be in a class by itself! Still plugging away with The Mueller Report, but I'll finish Dopesick sometime this weekend.

  19. I laughed at your split pea soup comment. It's so true! It's just not attractive but so yummy! I didn't make a ham this Easter so no soup for me.

    I am reading Letters to the Church for my life group. It's fascinating if you like that kind of thing. I just finished The Wife Between Us which was a fun read. A real page-turner. I have to get the review up.

    1. Ti - Yeah, there is really no way to make a photo of split pea soup look like something you'd want to eat, but it sure was delicious! The Wife Between Us sounds like a good one...starting to feel like it's time for my annual thriller.


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