Friday, April 12, 2019

Scenes from the Naples Botanical Garden

We recently spent a beautiful afternoon at the Naples Botanical Garden. My photos were taken with an iPhone 7... I'm due for an upgrade!


  1. That looks like a wonderful place to spend a few hours.

  2. I love botanical gardens. I could stroll for hours. My kids get so bored though. The hub does too.

    1. Ti - Same story here... my SIL and I loved it, but my husband was mostly humoring us!

  3. Stunning, you would think you visited another country and you weren't in south Florida.
    My husband just upgraded from a iPhone 7 to a Xs Max. He loves it. makes my 7 phone look like a cracker!

    1. Tina - My husband got a new phone at the beginning of winter... can't believe how much shaper the photos are. Mine still works, so I can't justify am upgrade just yet...

  4. Vicki - It's well worth a visit if you get the chance :)

  5. Gorgeous!! I love botanical gardens.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you, Patty. I just love places like this!

  7. Gorgeous - I love this sort of thing and, the hub humors me when I suggest places like this.

    1. Diane - I love seeing how gardens like this vary with area. There were so many unfamiliar, but beautiful, flowers, plants, and trees here.

  8. How pretty! Your pictures are always wonderful!

    1. Audrey -Thank you... I'd love to take a photography class!

  9. I enjoyed this tour. You are in the TROPICS, for sure. How nice! Are you sweltering yet, by any chance??
    We still have 8-12 inches of snow in the woods, but the fields are pretty much clear.
    Happy Easter!

    1. Judith - This is actually considered sub-tropical and, yes, we've already had some very warm & humid days. It's a little early, but we're expecting a cold front tonight or tomorrow.
      Our small lake in NY is sometimes frozen into April and there is one snow bank in a shady corner of the school parking lot that tends to linger into May. I imagine it will be starting to fell like summer by the time we get back. Happy Easter to you, too!

  10. We were there this January, and I thoroughly enjoyed the visit. Were the glass sculptures still there? My phone is an LG as I refuse to replace my cracked iPhone, and I'm really pleased with it. In case you update with another brand.;)

    1. Bellezza - This was our first visit to the Naples Botanical Garden. and I know we'll go back... it was just spectacular! Unfortunately we just missed the glass sculptures. There were still remnants of the dismantled exhibit behind the scenes. We were a few days too late :(

  11. Love these pictures. I used to travel on business to that area a few times a year and I miss the lushness and color of the area. It was always a treat to go in the winter, when CO is so brown and dry.

    1. JaneGS - I love it here this time of year... not quite so much in the summer when it's so hot, humid, and stormy! The Botanical Garden was a beautiful discovery.

  12. I think your phone is taking lovely pictures! Or, I should say, you're taking lovely pictures with your phone. :)

    1. Thanks, Les. My husband has a newer iPhone and I'm stunned by how much the camera quality has improved. Mine phone still works fine, so even though I'm due for an upgrade I can't justify the cost :(


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