Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Tuesday Intro: My Beloved World

I was barely awake, and my mother was already screaming. I knew Papi would start yelling in a second. That much was routine, but the substance of their argument was new, and it etched that morning into my memory.
"You have to learn how to give it to her, Juli. I can't be here all the time!"
"I'm afraid to hurt her. My hands are trembling." It was true. When my father made his first attempt at giving me the insulin shot the day before, his hands were shaking so much I was afraid he would miss my arm entirely and stab me in the face. He had to jab hard just to steady his aim.
My Beloved World
by Sonia Sotomayor

One book often leads to another... As I was finishing the last few pages of Sisters in Law over the weekend, I knew I had to keep reading about the other women on the Supreme Court. Fortunately, my library had both the ebook and audiobook of My Beloved World available, and I downloaded both. I've read about a third of the book so far and am loving it!

Here is a portion of the goodreads summary:
The first Hispanic and third woman appointed to the United States Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor has become an instant American icon. Now, with a candor and intimacy never undertaken by a sitting Justice, she recounts her life from a Bronx housing project to the federal bench, a journey that offers an inspiring testament to her own extraordinary determination and the power of believing in oneself.

What do you think? Would you continue reading?

Every Tuesday, Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea posts the opening paragraph (sometime two) of a book she decided to read based on the opening. Feel free to grab the banner and play along.


  1. I would love to know more about her! Thanks for sharing...and here's mine: “THE MURDER GAME”

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - Seems like she did not have the easiest of childhoods...

  2. I love the opener as it rings so true - enjoy your reading, I wonder which book this one will lead you onto next?

    1. Cleo - Approaching the halfway mark and starting to wonder the same thing ;-)

  3. I have heard good things about this book and am glad to hear you are enjoying it so far. I need to add this one to my wish list! Thanks for sharing, JoAnn!

    1. Wendy - Have a feeling I'll be able to recommend this one!

  4. I absolutely loved this book and then the author. I've recommended it to countless numbers of people. I'd also recommend Notorious RBG, but I think you may have already read it.

    1. Margot - I can see why you loved this one. My respect and admiration is growing with every page. Yes, I did read Notorious RBG... another excellent book!

  5. Sounds like a difficult situation. I would keep reading :) Thanks for stopping by!

    I hope you will consider joining in the 2017 PenPal sign-ups on my blog:



    1. Thanks, Colletta. I'll stop by and take a look :)

  6. I think the title on its own would be enough for me to keep reading!

    1. Audrey - This book is excellent so far, and quite a contrast from both RBG and Sandra Day O'Connor. Thanks again for tweeting the Smithsonian link... I'd LOVE a set of those legos!

  7. Vicki - It's a great read so far.

  8. Sounds interesting. I like listening to memoirs so I might see if my digital library has it in audio. GIrl Who Reads

    1. Donna - Rita Moreno narrates the audio version... it's wonderful!

  9. These books sound fascinating especially The Nine and the Sisters in Law. I have always been interested in issues around courts, crime and justice and would probably enjoy these. Will see if my library has anything on US supreme court. Maybe one of my audible credits. It will be interesting to see what happens with the Supreme Court with the new president. I wish the congress would have let Obama at least pick one but I won't get political. We have to go with the reality of the time I suppose. No wonder I am reading so many blogs and books, disappearing into the world of sense and reason. haha Enjoyed the post.

    1. Pam - I hope you can find one or two of these books over there. All eyes will definitely be on the Supreme Court over the next few years...

  10. I have this too (well,son has the paperback) but I've yet to get to it. I do plan on it, though. Son recommended it highly but I'm never sure if he's biased by his love for the law. I see you and other people enjoying it so I'll give it a try sometime, maybe soon.

    1. Rita - It was your son's recommendation, plus the mention of Sotomayor and other women on the Court a the end of Sisters in Law, that convinced me to read this book now. I'm loving it!

  11. Yes, I would keep reading. She isn't someone whom I've heard of and I think the book would give me a good insight into American life and aspirations.
    Miss Cellany.

    1. Share my Garden - The US Supreme Court is so interesting to me, both their current and past decisions and the lives of the justices.

  12. I could not help but continue reading :)

    1. Brian Joseph - I'm over 50% now and already confident enough to whole-heartedly recommend this book.

  13. Yes, I would definitely keep reading! Have you read Ginsburg's latest book (My Own Words)? It's selling very well. Out of Order by O'Connor looks good, too.

    1. Les - I was wondering about My Own Words... glad to hear it's selling well. I'll definitely take a closer look. Haven't heard of Out of Order, but will check that out, too. Thanks!

  14. I loved the intro but definitely wouldn't have picked up the book from the synopsis.

    1. Suzanna - The book is much more interesting than you'd expect from the synopsis.

  15. I'm betting this is a good one. Thanks for sharing. I've committed to reading smarter books, as soon as I'm over the election results. Thanks for visiting my blog. Here's Mine

    1. Paulita - I think it's taking many of us longer than expected to get over the election...

  16. Sorry I'm a little late responding but this has been a stressful week with testing and doctor appointments.

    I would definitely like to read this book.

    I hope you and your family have a special Thanksgiving.

    1. Diane - I'm sorry to hear it's been a tough week.. thinking of you and your family today. Hope all is well. Happy Thanksgiving.

  17. JoAnn I hope you and your family are enjoying the Thanksgiving holiday! I would definitely like to read this book. From what I've heard of her life she sounds like an interesting person!

    1. Iliana - We had a wonderful weekend, but exhausting! I even managed to finish the book and found her path to the Supreme Court very inspiring.


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