Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Nonfiction November Week 5: My Growing TBR List

Nonfiction November is a wrap! It's been a great month and I truly enjoyed my nonfiction reading. Week 5 is hosted by Lory at Emerald City Book Review.  Here is the prompt:
New to My TBR: It’s been a month full of amazing nonfiction books! Which ones have made it onto your TBR? Be sure to link back to the original blogger who posted about that book!
First, I need to apologize. I forgot to note who mentioned these books! I'd go back and look if I had time, but...  If you talked about any of them this month, please let me know and I will add your link. Next year I'll be sure to add names as the books join my TBR.

Second, this is not a complete list of books added to my list. I'm afraid that post would be far too long.

And finally, I want to thank our hosts for planning and organizing this event.  Well done, ladies!
Katie at Doing Dewey
Julz at Julz Reads

by Mary Oliver

by Jan Jarboe Russell

by Elizabeth Little

by Candice Millard

by Matthew Desmond

by Lisa Sanders

by Jonathan Eig

Now the question is how many of these books can I read before next year?



  1. I tried Train to Crystal City awhile back and ended up putting it down...but I think the timing was off....read it right after another nonfiction that dealt with internment camps during WWII

    1. Sarah - I can see where two in a row might be too much for that topic...

  2. I just added Upstream to my list! It sounds really good. I inadvertently took part in the November challenge lol - all I read in November were nonfiction books for class. I love your list of new books to read. :)

    1. Erin - I'm already on the library hold list for Upstream, but may not get it before we leave for the winter. May have to get on the FL hold list, too!

  3. Those all look good to me, especially The Birth of the Pill.

    1. I agree with Kathy. The Pill one is the one I am extremely interested in.

    2. Kathy and Care - The Pill book sounds like a great read... and I love the cover, too!

  4. Destiny of the Republic looks like a great book! I missed this one during the past few weeks.

    1. Nick - I'm thinking of listening to Destiny of the Republic on our drive to Florida... sounds like one my husband would enjoy, too.

    2. Destiny of the Republic is just wonderful, and the audiobook version is great. . . though there are a couple of scenes with medical procedures that are kind of gory. The story is just fascinating, though. I didn't know anything about Garfield and he was an amazing guy.

    3. Thanks, Karen... will give the audio a try!

  5. The Birth of the Pill grabs my interest...I remember when it was first available, and how it changed our lives. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - Young women have a hard time imagining what life must have been like before the pill. This books sounds like a great read!

  6. You have some promising reading in front of you. As to how many of them you will get to by years end, I do not know. I would like to fit in several of my new finds this month, but with the season and all, we'll see. Happy reading.

    1. Toady - I may not get to any of them before the end of the year.. but hope to read most of them before Nonfiction November returns again!

  7. Vicki - There are just SO many books I want to read and never enough reading time!

  8. I've participated in Nonfiction November three times now, and every year I gather so many recommendations I can never read them all...but I keep trying! I'm glad you enjoyed this year.

    1. Lory - Thanks so much for organizing/hosting this event. It's one of my favorites!

  9. Replies
    1. Patty - I think nonfiction is an acquired taste ;-)

  10. Thank you for sharing some of the books you found in November. It's the best part of blogging, I think.


  11. Some really interesting titles! I don't read a lot of nonfiction so posts like this remind me to not forget to add nonfiction reads to my radar. Hope you get to these books so you can tell us about them :)

    1. Iliana - I'm going to try to add more nonfiction to my reading again in 2017.

  12. Nonfiction November is a really good event each year. So many good books -- so little time! I've noted a few titles down as well -- I like your Supreme Court books.

    1. Susan - I don't participate in very many blogging events, but I love Nonfiction November. It always leaves me with a wish list to last the entire year!


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