Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tuesday Intro: Sweetbitter

You will develop a palate.
A palate is a spot on your tongue where you remember. Where you assign words to the textures of taste. Eating becomes a discipline, language-obsessed. You will never simply eat food again.
Sweetbitter: A Novel
by Stephanie Danler

The one sentence description says: "A lush, raw, thrilling novel of the senses about a year in the life of a uniquely beguiling young woman, set in the wild, alluring world of a famous downtown New York restaurant." That definitely sounds like my kind of book, so I picked it up Saturday expecting to preview the first few pages. When I looked up, I'd read over seventy. Sweetbitter  reads like a memoir, but it's a novel. I'm not sure I'd use the word thrilling yet, but it certainly is addictive!

Here is the full goodreads summary:
"Let's say I was born when I came over the George Washington Bridge..."  
This is how we meet unforgettable Tess, the twenty-two-year-old at the heart of this stunning first novel. Shot from a mundane, provincial past, she's come to New York to look for a life she can't define, except as a burning drive to become someone, to belong somewhere. After she stumbles into a coveted job at a renowned Union Square restaurant, we spend the year with her as she learns the chaotic, punishing, privileged life of a "backwaiter," on duty and off. Her appetites—for food, wine, knowledge, and every kind of experience—are awakened. And she's pulled into the magnetic thrall of two other servers—a handsome bartender she falls hard for, and an older woman she latches onto with an orphan's ardor.  
These two and their enigmatic connection to each other will prove to be Tess's hardest lesson of all. Sweetbitter is a story of discovery, enchantment, and the power of what remains after disillusionment.
What do you think? Would you continue reading?

Every Tuesday, Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea posts the opening paragraph (sometime two) of a book she decided to read based on the opening. Feel free to grab the banner and play along.


  1. I've seen this one around and I am curious for more. Hoping you enjoy this one and of course that cover draws me in:)

    1. Diane - This is such an enjoyable read. I'm already starting to recommend it!

  2. Sounds like it would be a very interesting read, and the cover is certainly eye-catching! Here's my Teaser/Intro for this week: http://justasecondblog.blogspot.com/2016/06/teaser-tuesdayfirst-chapter-first.html

    1. Kym - It was the cover that first caught my attention, too.

  3. So, so wonderful! And I loved that first paragraph!

  4. This is on my TBR and it sounds absolutely fantastic. I love the first paragraphn and am glad you're enjoying it!

    1. Katherine - The writing is great for a debit novel.

  5. I put this on my to-read list after reading the NYTimes' review. I just finished Waiter Rant so I'll probably wait a bit before another in-depth look at the restaurant industry. I look forward to seeing what you think of the book.

    1. Margot - I was just thinking Waiter Rant would be a great follow-up to this novel!

  6. This one's on my TBR list. Sounds like a good one. Enjoy!

    1. Heather - Less than 100 pages in, but I'm sure it is!

  7. I have been eyeing this book for a while; can't wait to read it! Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - I already think this is one you might like!

  8. At first glance, this sounds like a story I've read before: naive girl moves to New York to earn fame and fortune. But this one sounds like it has more depth. The first paragraph makes me want to know more.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.
    Sandy @ TEXAS TWANG

    1. Sandra - I do think this has more depth and the writing makes it stand out, too.

  9. I love it when that happens! When I get so lost in a book, I don't realize how much I've read. :-) A sign of a good book, for sure! I like the opening paragraph you shared quite a bit. I would keep reading.

    1. Wendy - I wish that happened more often ;-)

  10. Itching to give this one a go!

  11. I want to read this one, too. I placed a hold at the library and am waiting for a copy to come through. Enjoy!

    1. Catherine - Hope your wait isn't too long.

  12. I had no idea what this one was about until I read a review of it yesterday and then today, I see you posting about it here. I requested it from the library because it really sounds good and the buzz is hard to ignore.

    1. Ti - Glad you're going to give it a try!

  13. Keep going for sure! I purchased this one for all the recommendations out there and as luck would have it, I received chapter samples in my email daily for this one. I'm so eager to get to this one.

    1. Kathy - Hope you get a chance to read it soon!

  14. I would keep reading. It has been getting good reviews. Look forward to your thoughts.

    1. Nise' - It's got many of the elements I love in a book... not surprised I'm enjoying it so much.

  15. This does sound like a great find - I'd read more for sure!

    1. Cleo - I'm still reading and it's still wonderful!

  16. I honestly didn't consider this book when I put it out on display a couple of weeks ago. The cover art doesn't do anything for me, so I didn't even bother reading the synopsis or author blurbs. That said, you've convinced me to give it a chance. Maybe you should consider a part-time job at B&N. You are very good with hand-selling. :)

    1. Les - The cover art caught my attention, but I can't say I love it. Still it's got many of the elements I look for in a novel... very compelling.

  17. Oh yes, keep reading! This is already on my TBR list but I'd love more opinions.

    1. Debbie - I'm pretty sure mine will end up positive!

  18. My husband and I both read this and although parts were rough...we both loved it!

    1. Patty - I can almost see the rough parts coming now...

  19. Vicki - I couldn't resist a novel set in NYC restaurants!

  20. This one didn't interest me until I saw it on your Goodreads. I ended up reserving it at my library.

    1. Reviewsbylola - I hope you like it! I haven't had much time to read this week, but I can't wait to get back to it.

  21. This one doesn't hold much interest for me, so I'd pass it up for other reads I'd enjoy more.

    1. Charlie - Good decision! Unless it's for my book club, I rarely pick up books that don't interest me.

  22. Oh yes, keep reading. I'm curious about what happens to her after the description.

    1. Susan - I'm still only halfway through, but this book is everywhere lately! Nice article about the author in today's NYTimes.


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