Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Midpoint Favorites 2016

It's hard to believe 2016 is half over! The end of June is a good time to pause and reflect on how the year's reading is shaping up, and The Broke and the Bookish is here to help. This week's Top Ten Tuesday asks about our favorite 2016 releases, but I'm adjusting that slightly to my favorite books read in 2016. Each category is listen in the order read.


City on Fire by Garth Risk Hallberg
I was so angry over the non-ending of this chunkster, but that feeling has faded. Now I only think about the excellent writing, gripping story, and memorable characters...and how it could have been 300 pages shorter.

Miller's Valley by Anna Quindlen
A great story! I think it's Quindlen's best novel in 20 years.

The Nest by Cynthia D'Aprix Sweeney
Maybe it doesn't live up to all the hype, but still a solid, entertaining summer read.

Mothering Sunday by Graham Swift
Hands down my favorite novel of the year. Why have I waited so long to read Graham Swift?

The Children by Ann Leary
Maybe not quite a good as The Good House, but it still earns a spot on my list of favorites.


A tough read, but so important.

When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi
My favorite nonfiction this year. Keep the tissues handy.

I was a rabid Mets fan back in the day... no apologies ;-)


by Julia Claiborne Johnson, narrated by Tavia Gilbert
A good story made great by an outstanding narration.

by Richard Russo, narrated by Ron McLarty
My current listen. Russo is a favorite author and Ron McLarty is Sully... I'm loving this one!

Have you made a list of favorites?
More Top Ten Tuesday posts can be found here.


  1. I'm taking notes because I've read 4 of those books and loved them too.

    1. Kathy - I was thinking I wouldn't be able to come up with ten favorite, but once I got going it was hard to stop.

  2. I was given The Nest as a birthday present a few days ago. It sounds good.
    I haven’t read any of these. I haven’t read any 2016 release at all.I bought some but they are still in my bookshelves.
    Nice list!
    My TTT.

  3. Great list! I have that Quindlen title on my kindle to read, so now I should get to it soon, based on other reviewers' love for it.

    I also read Missoula and yes, it's a tough read but I wish every high school senior would have to read this before graduating. The lenience shown to college sports stars as "hometown heroes", and not rapists left an awful taste in my mouth.

    I grew up in NY until I was 22, and my family lived & breathed for the Mets. I remember '69 vividly, and even the teacher in my elementary school wheeled in the tv to let us watch some of the world series :)

    Nobody's Fool-- loved the movie, will think about reading the book.

    1. Rita - You're so right, Missoula would be an enlightening read for high school seniors! Hope you get to read Miller's Valley soon. I think Quindlen really nailed this one. My family would have been watching the Yankees in the late 60s... they were all quite shocked when i jumped ship for the Mets during the 80s. Not quite halfway through Nobody's Fool yet, but I can already imagine what a great Sully Paul Newman would be! Will watch the movie soon.

  4. Be Frank With Me is on my TBR and my library has it on audio so I'll have to go that route. The Children looks reall good and I've been wanting to read The Good House for far too long to not have read it by now. Quindlen is another author I really want to read. There are so many!

    1. Katherine - I'm sure Be Frank With Me is a good read in print, but if the audio is available, that's the way to go. Tavia Gilbert does such a good job with Frank's voice... sometime I had to remind myself that it was a single narrator.

  5. I've read four on your list and enjoyed them a lot. When Breath Becomes Air is still my favorite of the year, so far. I almost added Missoula to my list, too.

    1. Kathy - It will be hard to top When Breath Becomes Air on the nonfiction list this year!

  6. I always come away from your lists with so many new books/authors to try. GoodReads, here I come!

    1. JaneGS - LOL, hope you get a chance to try a couple of these!

  7. Vicki - The Children was such a good read... hope you can borrow it from the library.

  8. You read some great books so far this year. I want to read many of them myself.

    I have heard such good things about Mothering Sunday both from your self and from others, It sounds like a nook that I want to get to soon.

    1. Brian Joseph - Mothering Sunday was just about perfect, in my opinion. I'll be reading more Swift before the year is over.

  9. I never think about making a list of faves! But maybe I should?

  10. HA! I was really surprised to see City on Fire on your list....I remember you feeling the same way I did about the ending. I have still not forgiven it and so wish for all that time back.

    1. Sarah - Isn't it funny? All I can think about are the character and Hallberg's writing... the anger and frustration is mostly gone.

  11. Great list! I can't wait to read Miller's Valley!

    1. Stephanie - I hope you love it as much as I did.

  12. I am looking forward to Miller's Valley and The Children. Loved The Nest.

    1. Nise' - I liked both Miller's Valley and The Children more than The Nest. You've got some great reading to look forward to!

  13. I want to read When Breath Becomes Air but I am not sure I want to read a book I know will make me cry. I am hoping the audiobook will be easier.

    1. Athira - I definitely understand that, but think the audiobook is just as devastating.

  14. Judging from your liking City on Fire , Miller's Valley, and Nobody's Fool, and my agreeing with you wholeheartedly, it's clear I need to read the rest of these.
    This reminds me those reviews that start, If you liked Dante's Inferno and Pride and Prejudice, you will LOVE this new mystery by Stieg Larsson!" I've requested The Nest and The Children from the library.

    1. Mary - This makes me so happy! I hope you enjoy them as much as I did... and if you haven't ready Leary's The Good House, I highly recommend that one, too :)

  15. Oh how did not not attach the name Ann Leary to The Good House? I need to pick up The Children!

    1. Lisa - It's not quite as good as The Good House, but I still thought it was a great read!


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