Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tuesday Intro: Cheerful Weather for the Wedding

On March 5th Mrs. Thatcham, a middle-class widow, married her eldest daughter, Dolly, who was twenty-three years old, to the Hon. Owen Bigham. He was eight years older than she was, and in the Diplomatic Service. 
It had been a short engagement, as engagements are supposed to go - only a month, but Owen was due in South America at the end of March, to take up a post there for several years, and Dolly had agreed to marry and go out with him. 
Owen and Dolly were married from the Thatchams' house in the country. (Owen's parents had a house in that part of the world also, - the other side of the sea bay of Malton.) 
At the beginning of the wedding morning it was grey and cold.
Cheerful Weather for the Wedding
by Julia Strachey

This short novel, originally published in 1932, is my Classics Spin book. Reviews seem to be mixed overall, but I'm enjoying the writing and the time period so far. With a little luck, I may even be able to finish over the long holiday weekend and watch the 2012 film, too.

What do you think of the intro? Does it make you want to read more?

Every Tuesday, Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea posts the opening paragraph (sometime two) of a book she decided to read based on the opening. Feel free to grab the banner and play along.


  1. I'd be eager to see how she likes South America, and read on.

  2. This sounds interesting. I would keep reading!

  3. Yes, I'd like to read more. Weddings can be so fraught, especially for the bride's family. I remember reading reviews of this & thinking I should look for it - thanks for the reminder!

  4. I adore the cover! I would definitely continue reading this book. I hope the wedding day turns out lovely. I hope you enjoy this book, Joann. Happy Reading!

  5. You have piqued my interest. I don't read a lot of classics, anymore, but there is something lovely about the sound of this one. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  6. I like the beginning, title and cover. Have a happy Thanksgiving. kelley—the road goes ever ever on

  7. I really like this cover and yes I think I'd probably keep reading.

  8. This one has been on my To-Read list. I really need to make dome time to read it.

  9. Seems like good writing, judging from the first few lines. Thank you for sharing :)

  10. does not grab me too much, but I guess I would try another paragraph!

  11. I wanted to read this book anyway, so yes! :)

  12. I like the intro JoAnn and it is actually a Persephone that I hoped to read. Thanks for joining in and Happy Thanksgiving

  13. Wonder if the weather is a prelude to their marriage? Happy Thanksgiving.

  14. Just put in my Persephone order last night. Thought about this one as there is a movie. Alas, didn't make my list. Ordered two for my middle son's girlfriend and two for me. So hard to choose.

    1. Midlife Roadtripper - I finished the book last night and, while I enjoyed it, it is not among my favorite Persephones. Curious about which books you selected...

    2. The Victorian Chaise-Lounge, Kitchen Essays, The Priory and Flush

    3. Midlife Roadtripper - I love Dorothy Whipple and have The Priory here ready to go!

  15. The cover makes me want to read it!

  16. Funny to be reminded how it starts grey and cold, which...well, you'll see. Never knew there was a film, too. As yet, I've never been disappointed with a Persephone book. I hope you like this one, too.

    1. Bellezza - I did enjoy the book. Like you, I've never been disappointed in a Persephone title. Hope to watch the movie this weekend.

  17. I would have picked this one up for the cover!

  18. I've read this a while ago and liked it.


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