Sunday, October 3, 2021

What Happened to September??


It's Sunday, October 3... What happened to September?? It certainly got away from me. We returned to Florida early due to my FIL's health concerns but, thankfully, things are stable again. While in NY, we celebrated my mother's birthday and were able to catch up with a couple of friends. Unfortunately, my hair appointment was cancelled due to a Covid outbreak at the salon (so glad I was scheduled after  the discovery!) and I decided against a mani/pedi, too. I'm growing increasingly frustrated with this lingering pandemic, especially since there are such effective measures to prevent the spread.

It probably goes without saying that September was not a great reading month for me. Once we left CT, my reading time evaporated. I only managed to read two books all month.

September Reading//

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

It's been nearly twenty years since I last read this classic and RIP seemed like a good opportunity to pick it up again. I decided to make it a  read/listen combination this time around and chose the audio version narrated by Thandiwe Newton. While the plot basics stayed with me over the years, many of the finer details had been forgotten. I enjoyed rediscovering several elements of the story, and adding audio to the mix definitely enhanced my overall experience.

Also in September, Novel Pairings podcast offered a two-part discussion which helped me think about the novel from a fresh perspective. It felt like true Jane Eyre  immersion last month... and I loved it! 

The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley

After enjoying Lucy Foley's The Guest List  last summer, I wanted to read  something from her backlist for RIP.  In The Hunting Party,  a group of college friends, now in their 30s, travels to a remote lodge in the Scottish Highlands to celebrate the New Year. Unfortunately, someone turns up dead. The story is told from alternating perspectives and the reader doesn't even learn who is dead until well into the second half of the book. Toward the end, I couldn't turn the pages fast enough! I enjoyed this book even more than The Guest List  and look forward to the author's next novel coming sometime in 2022.

Current Listening//

by Christopher Morley, narrated by Nadia May

Another classic, this bookish novel is short, humorous, and the audio is included in my audible plus membership. I'll finish it on my walk tomorrow morning.

Current Reading//

I'll start something in print tomorrow... hopefully one of the new releases I'm dying to get my hands on.

October Reading Possibilities//

A slew of new novels by favorite authors will be released this month. We'll see how I do with library holds, but I'm sure there will at least one trip to the bookstore this month! 

An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed by Helene Tursten  (10/5)
Crossroads by Jonathan Franzen (10/5)
Oh William! by Elizabeth Strout (10/19)

The Week Ahead//

Today my SIL is coming over for dinner and tomorrow we have appointments for flu shots. There's still a little more unpacking and organizing left... and a lot of yard work to do, but I'm looking forward to more reading and blogging time ahead. 

How was your September? What was your favorite book of the month?


  1. JoAnn, glad you guys are back in FL and settling into 'regular' life. So sorry about your FIL's health issues. I'm also glad you liked The Hunting Party. I liked that one a lot and haven't read The Guest List yet. Maybe before long. Take care and hope your week is a pleasant one.

    1. Kay - Back to regular life, but these days I'm starting to wonder what that even means! My FIL is 94 and we're still concerned, but thankful he's stable again. Foley has another backlist title, The Invitation, I'm keeping an eye out for. I think you'd enjoy The Guest List, too!

  2. I got my flu shot on Thursday and had no sore arm or anything!

    It is so frustrating that outbreaks keep happening because, as you pointed out, it is avoidable now.

    1. Helen - I don't usually have a reaction to the flu shot either, but my husband likes to use it as an excuse to take it easy for 24 hours. ;-)

  3. Glad you are back in FL but, how awful that COVID is still a controversial issue - makes me sick. I finished An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed and Oh, William both very good (reviews soon). I also want to read the Franzen and Towles books as well Toiben's new one The Magicians. I'm a little unsure about Doerr's Cloud Cuckoo. Hope October is a good moth for you.

    1. Diane - I'm am beyond frustrated over mask avoidance and the refusal to vaccinate. So glad to know you liked both the Elderly Lady and Oh William! The first is coming from the library, but I'll likely purchase Strout's book. I'm curious about Toibin's Mann book, but have yet to read The Master. Cloud Cuckoo will not be high priority right now. Happy October!

  4. My September certainly went away from me, what with the renovation and all. I really crave a return to normalcy but it's going to be a while. Looks like some exciting new releases this month! I have been behind on all that so I appreciate all the heads up, lol!

    1. Athira - Any time you've got a renovation going on, time seems to slip away. I know it will take a while, but hopefully it will stay on schedule and you can all get your lives back! October is a huge month for high profile releases.

  5. The list of new books this fall is really amazing, as you say. SO many great authors have new books out. I'm reading Ruth Ozeki's new one now, and I have read Toibin's The Magician as well. Looking forward to the new one by Amor Towles as well.

    best... mae at

    1. Mae - Ozeki's book also interests me. I have not read her most recent, but enjoyed her earlier novels very much. I like Toibin, too. These new release will keep me busy well into 2022!

  6. A Jane Eyre reread is such a treat. I feel one coming on sometime in the not too distant future! I just finished The Guest List and thought it terrific, so now I am eager to read the Hunting Party. Lucy Foley does know how to spin a suspenseful tale!

    I read Parnassus on Wheels awhile ago and remember enjoying it, but not much more than that! Must go back and read my own blog post about it :)

    September flew by, but that's okay...I love October so much. In CO early October means bright blue skies fringed with golden leaves, crisp mornings and mellow evenings. We can still get tomatoes and raspberries from the garden. I rediscover cooking in the fall. My favorite time of year!

    1. JaneGS - I've never enjoyed Jane Eyre as much as I did this time. Between adding in the audio and listening to the two podcasts, it seemed like a much fuller experience.

      Parnassus on Wheels is just delightful! I'll look for your old blog post when I've finished.

      My cousin's daughter lives in CO and posts gorgeous pictures every fall. I'm always struck by the vibrant blue of the sky and your golden leaves are so different from the reds and oranges we get in NY... but so beautiful. Seems like there's always a snow photo before the month is out, too!

      I'm so happy to be back in my own kitchen. Several new recipes are on tap for dinners this week, and a couple of new salads, too.

  7. September was a blip for us too -- as we had two trips & a new dog ... so not much reading time here either. It went by so Quickly. I'm glad you're back in FLA and it seems our reading lists coincide ... but who knows when I will get to them. I'm on the library wait list. The Foley book seems a bit fun ... Enjoy your week.

    1. Susan - Now that we're back, I'm waiting for life to settle down again. Not sure whether that will happen or not. I got the Elderly Lady book from the library today and it looks like a quick read. Maybe Franzen next? Have a good week.

  8. Thank you, Vicki. At 94, every prayer helps. I think you would enjoy the Elderly Lady books very much.

  9. Sorry to hear about your FIL. Hope he heals up.

    I loved Thandie Newton's reading of Jane Eyre. I'll have to listen to that podcast discussion. I always love to hear more!

    We're planning on getting our Flu jabs in two weeks. Hope all goes well!

    My favorite read in September was My Heart Is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones. But I did read quite a few last month for R.I.P. and most of them were stellar. I still need to read one of Lucy Foley's books. I've heard good things.

    1. Heather - I just read your post and am so sorry to hear about your FIL. Will keep your family in my prayers.

      Hope you get a chance to try one of Lucy Foley's books... perfect reading this month. I think you'd enjoy the Jane Eyre podcast episodes, too.

  10. I read The Hunting Party, but not The Guest List, just opposite of you. I’ve started The Guest List, but not felt compelled to finish it. What I really want to (re)read is Jane Eyre after seeing your posts on it. Love the classics so much!

    p.s. If you found where September went, let me know.😉

    1. Bellezza - I enjoyed Jane Eyre even more with this reread, but was a little surprised by all I'd forgotten. The podcast episodes added a lot, too. Still can't figure out what happened to September though ;-)

  11. Good luck with your flu shots! I generally don't have a reaction but every once in awhile I get a sore arm. I'm planning on getting mine Friday. I want to try The Hunting Party. It sounds a lot like Ruth Ware's first book which I loved. Have a great week!

    1. Katherine - The flu shots went smoothly... no reaction at all so far. I think you'd like The Hunting Party. I need to try Ruth Ware!

  12. My sister got her flu shot several days ago and she was still complaining about her sore arm last night. We hope to get ours this week, too.

    It's frustrating to hear people here requesting prayer for people sick with Covid in the ICU when you hear that these people refused the vaccine. Very frustrating.

    I enjoyed Parnassus on Wheels a lot, and I'm considering reading the sequel. I don't think I have ever read Jane Eyre. Maybe it is a book I'll read during next year's RIP.

    1. Deb - I didn't realize there was a sequel to Parnassus on Wheels! I'll finish shortly and will see if I can find it. Fingers crossed!

  13. Glad you enjoyed both of your September reads! Jane Eyre is one of my favorites, and I remember really enjoying The Hunting Party.

    1. Angela - Every though there wasn't much reading last month, the books I did read were great. I consider that a win!

  14. I share your COVID frustrations. I think people in this county have become way too complacent about the spread of the virus, and it shows. We're noticing, too, that some of the breakfast places we drop in to are having a problem keeping their lobby eating area open because of a severe lack of employees showing up for work...don't know if they can't find enough of them or if they are calling in sick. And...shortages in every grocery store I visit when it comes to finding particular brands or even a few old favorite products. I don't see life getting back to normal for at leas another year.

    I haven't read Jane Eyre since the early nineties, I think. I've been meaning to revisit a few of those old British classics at some point but never do seem to get around to it. I still have a couple of unread Jane Austen novels to choose from...maybe one of those would get me started.

    1. Sam - Same issues both here in FL and in the northeast over the summer... grocery store shortages, not enough restaurant help, and business closings due to infections. I think this will go on well into 2022. Sigh.

      Rereading Jane Eyre was such a memorable experience!I've read all of Austen (several multiple times), but there are a couple I keep meaning to reread. My reaction to Jane Eyre should prompt me to get to Austen sooner.

  15. The Hunting Party is on my TBR for the month! It sounds so good!

    And ugh yes. I am so frustrated that this pandemic is still happening when we know now how to contain it better.

    1. Erin - The Hunting Party is definitely worth a read and RIP was the perfect time!

  16. September (and every month for the past four years - since retirement) flew by, didn't it? I really need to start thinking about Christmas shopping since it sounds like deliveries may be delayed for various reasons. Maybe everyone on my list will be happy with a big box of See's candy. That'd be easy! :)

    I'm sorry you had concerns about your father-in-law's health and I hope he's doing alright now.

    My daughter, who is not a reader (although she jumped on the Harry Potter band wagon when they first came out), picked up a book (Verity) to read on a flight to San Diego today and said she couldn't put it down. I've never read Colleen Hoover, but it sounds like this one is part thriller, part erotic fiction. Not my cuppa, but I'm thinking if she enjoyed the thriller aspect, maybe she'd like The Hunting Party. I'm also looking at some of my older favorites (The Likeness by Tana French and Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris) and may send her a few for her birthday. I hope she continues to find books that are entertaining and help to turn her into a lifelong reader.

    You'll probably get to Amor Towles new book before I do. I sure hope it's another winner!

    We're on the road for two more weeks, but we'll get our flu shots as soon as we get home. After that, boosters for our Moderna vax, hopefully sometime before Christmas.

    My favorite book of September was The Most Fun We Ever Had. Thank you so much for bringing it to my attention, JoAnn. What a wonderful audiobook!

    1. Les - I've been thinking the same thing about Christmas... need to get started (or at least figure out what to get everyone) soon. A big box of See's sounds good to me. We usually receive one every year and it's always a treat!

      My FIL is stable again, but he's lost some ground since we left. It's been a tough couple of months and I'm very thankful my SIL has been around the whole time.

      The Hunting Party does sound like a book your daughter might like. Once I got all the characters straight, I was hooked! The Likeness is still on my list. I wonder if she would like The Mother-in-Law by Sally Hepworth?

      I got the Franzen book from the library yesterday. It's well over 500 pages, so it might take me a while to get to Amor Towles new novel. So many good ones this month!

      Hope you enjoy the rest of your time on the road... and keep the photos coming! The Most Fun We Ever Had was probably my favorite novel last year. I did a read/listen combo and thought the audio was excellent.

  17. Your October reading plans look quite good.

    I can't believe we are in October already. The year really has flown by.

    I am trying really hard to read books back to back so that I do not lag at all. That is when I get hit with a slump which has happened this time of the year for the past five years. So far, I am avoiding it.

    1. Ti - That happens to me, too. If I don't have the next book ready to go, I can lose momentum... and slide into a slump far too easily. This year I started to have a monthly reading plan and that seems to help a lot.

  18. I agree! I don’t know where September went. Now it’s October and it’s getting cold here. They’ve even mentioned the snow word. I’m not ready!

    Hope your reading plans for October go well. I’ve been trying to avoid podcasts and just listening to books instead so I don’t get in a slump.

    The whole pandemic is wearing on me too. It’s pretty bad where I am right now. It’s sad it’s gotten to this when we clearly know how to control it with proper measures.

    Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Darlene - It's gotten so we head south well before any mention of "the s word", lol! I have a love/hate relationship with podcasts these days... so many good ones, but they take me away from audiobooks. What's a reader to do?! We continue to keep a pretty low profile here in FL. Things are improving, but are still far worse than they were when we left CT and NY. So frustrating. Hope you have a great week, too!

  19. September also flew by for me, JoAnne and I only finished one book, which was the Christian non-fiction Miracles by C.S. Lewis. Although I did also make good progress through the weighty classic The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. Here's to a better October of reading! 🎃

  20. Jessica - Glad I'm not the only one who blinked and September was over! I hope your October if off to a better start... and I hope you're enjoying your time with The Count of Monte Cristo. It took me a long time to read that one, but I ended up loving it.

  21. And here we are mid-October! I'm so sorry you had to cancel your mani/pedi and I totally understand the frustration. I go from exhausted to frustrated over this pandemic and the fact that we have a vaccine yet so many still won't take it. Ridiculous. Anyway, I'm so glad you were able to celebrate your mom's birthday!

    1. Iliana - I'm hoping the Moderna booster is approved soon and will get it as soon as I'm able to. I'll hold off on the hair and nail salons until then...ugh. We did have a wonderful time for my mom's birthday though!


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