Sunday, October 24, 2021

Sanibel Sunday: October 24, 2021


Hello, friends. It's a rainy Sunday morning here in SW Florida, and I'm kind of hoping it continues all day - a perfect excuse to lounge on the couch and read! I'd love to finish my current book this afternoon. We spent a lot of time working on the condo last week... several projects, both indoors and out, to get it ready to put on the market.

Some good news to share - my husband got his Covid booster yesterday and he didn't experience any side effects at all. The pharmacist encouraged him to have me sign up for one, too, even though I'm not 65. Seems like there's more than enough to go around down here...

Recent reading//

Crossroads by Jonathan Franzen

This was a great read - classic Franzen! The first installment of a planned trilogy, it's set in the Chicago suburbs of the early 1970s and dives deep into the psyche of each member of the Hildebrandt family. The ending isn't exactly a cliff-hanger, but I was definitely left wanting more. Fingers crossed I don't have to wait ten years.

Franzen's writing is as sharp as ever, but perhaps a little less pointed and more compassionate toward his characters. Could he be mellowing? From a literary perspective, this is easily the best novel I've read all year and will surely end up on my list of favorites in December.

Finally, this is a long book - nearly 600 pages - so I made it a read/listen combination. The 25-hour audio version narrated by David Pittu, is excellent. 

Current reading//

Beautiful Country by Qian Julie Wang 

This recent Read with Jenna pick is a touching memoir about growing up undocumented in Brooklyn in the 1990s. Another read/listen combination, the author narrates the audio herself. I'm planning to finish it this afternoon.

In the kitchen//

Nothing really new in the kitchen... I stuck with recipes in the regular rotation. My FIL requested Katie Workman's Chocolate Banana Cake, so that was this week's treat. The recipe calls for three large ripe bananas but the ones I had were on the small side, so I used five. It turned out even better than usual!

Last night I made Sheet Pan Shrimp Boil from Damn Delicious. This has made regular appearances on our dinner table for a few years and is one of my husband's favorites. Most andouille sausage is too spicy for me, so I substitute turkey kielbasa.

I also made Taste of Home's Quick Buttermilk Cornbread to go with the shrimp boil. I chose the recipe because I needed to use up the buttermilk. It turned out to be much sweeter than my normal recipe... delicious, but I'll stick with the old standby.

The week ahead//

We'll continue getting the condo ready to list, hope the contractor shows up to work on the downstairs here at the house... and maybe I'll start reading Taste: My Life Through Food by Stanley Tucci.

How was your week? What have you been reading?

Seen on my walk - two pileated woodpeckers!

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.
It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. I have the audio of Crossroads from the library but it may be due before I'm finished but, I did buy the hardcover. So happy you love far I am as well. Unfortunately, I have my bookclub read to start and finish by Wednesday so that will be my focus for the next 2 days. I'm doing more combo reads lately as well. I love it! Beautiful Country is another one I have in print and audio. The shrimp sheet pan dish looks yummy. I never tried turkey kielbasa but the hub likes turkey bacon a lot so I will try it.

    I get my COVID Booster Friday - Moderna originally by Pfizer booster. We had our flu shots with no side effects last month. Have a great week and good luck with you condo sale.

    1. Diane - I don't think I've listened to David Pittu before, but he won an Audie Award for narrating The Goldfinch. Still haven't read that one and now I'm tempted to listen. Crossroads was so good that I don't think it matters whether you read or listen.

      We both got the Moderna vaccines, too, and he got a Pfizer booster. That seems to be what all the CVS pharmacies have here. I may see if they'll let me schedule one, too.

  2. Good luck as you do the final work on the condo. It's so exhausting getting a house ready for sale right? Really interested in the Franzen book but oh 600 pages? Oh boy... Thank you for sharing the recipes. The chocolate cake one sounds delicious! Have a great week!

    1. Iliana - It's hard to commit to a 600 page book! Glad I took the time for this one though.

  3. I’ve been thinking of that book by stanley tucci too, but my list is very long right now.

    best… mae at

    1. Mae - I just got the Tucci book from the library, but I'm tempted by the audio since he narrates it himself.

  4. I love that picture of the Pileated Woodpeckers! I sometimes see them in my yard too, but they don't stick around long.

    I always find good recipes on Damn Delicious. That Sheet Pan Shrimp Boil looks great. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a good week!

    1. Gretchen - I've had really good luck with recipes from Damn Delicious. The sheet pan shrimp boil is one of ouor favorites!

  5. Wow that woodpecker photo is awesome. I've never seen two like that! Also excellent to hear about the Franzen book being so good. Woohoo. Can't wait. I'm curious to hear what you think of Beautiful Country .... it's been on my radar. Have a wonderful rainy day.

    1. Susan - I was surprised I was able to get that shot of the woodpeckers. They usually fly away so quickly. I think you'll love the Franzen book. I enjoyed Beautiful Country, but if you only read one undocumented immigrant story this year it should be Infinite Country by Patricia Engel. That one is a novel though, not a memoir.

  6. I am so glad I bought Crossroads! Yes, a lengthy novel, but I don't mind when the book is good.

    Enjoy your week...and I love those woodpeckers.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - I borrowed Crossroads from the library, but may need to buy a copy for my shelves!

  7. We used to have a pileated woodpecker who showed up quite a bit here but I haven't seen him in awhile and I miss him! Good to know your husband didn't have any side effects from his booster. I'll be eligible for mine next month (I qualify as a caregiver) and have been wondering about the side effects. The chocolate banana cake sounds amazing! Have a great week!

    1. Katherine - I love the variety of birds here, but those bright red heads always catch my eye! Hope you have good luck with the booster, too. My husband originally had Moderna, but got a Pfizer booster.

  8. Vicki - I got the book from the library, but I'm tempted to use an audible credit. He narrates the audio version himself.

  9. Oh, those woodpeckers! I do want to read Crossroads and Beautiful Country sounds good, too.

    1. Jenclair - It was such a treat not to have those woodpeckers fly away. I lingered to watch(and listen) a little longer. Crossroads was excellent and I really liked Beautiful Country, too.

  10. I just finished Taste by Stanley Tucci, and I would say it's an ideal book to read after a wonderful fiction book like Crossroads. Thank you for sharing your hearty recommendation of the new Franzen book. I have it here and he's speaking about it tonight via Houston Inprint. I'm eager to hear what he has to say.

    Pileated woodpeckers are a sight, aren't they? Such big birds with such bright red heads.

    I am looking forward to seeing what you think about Beautiful Country.

    1. Deb - I started listening to Taste on my walk this morning and love it. The Houston Inprint event with Franzen looks great - enjoy!

      I enjoyed Beautiful Country. She had such a rough childhood and I loved seeing how books and libraries became so important to her.

  11. They are handsome birds!
    The Tucci book is popular right now.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Shelleyrae - I started listening to the Tucci book on my walk this morning and love it already!

  12. Glad there were no side effects from the booster. I should schedule one too. Rainy weather is great for reading! The Tucci book sounds good. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - Yes, my husband did great with the booster and I'm hoping to get one later this week. Fingers crossed I'll be as lucky. Started listening to the Tucci book this morning and love it already.

  13. That's great that your husband got the booster. I hope you'll be able to get one too.

    Crossroads looks great. I'll have to check it out. Have a great week!

    1. Yvonne - Me, too! In our area, it seems like vaccines are plentiful and pharmacies really want to get them into arms. Fingers crossed. Crossroads was excellent.

  14. I just ordered some books for myself and totally forgot about Crossroads! That will have to be my next book purchase! I think I'm going to be waiting forever for the ebook from the library. Good to know about the audio, but, boy, that's a long one!
    Your food sounds delicious, as always!

    1. Laurie - It seems like quite a few of the new book releases by favorite authors are REALLY long this season. Wonder what that's all about...

    2. Yes, I'm reading Cloud Cuckoo Land and it's 640 pages! Once they have a big hit, the editors are afraid to mess with success? ;)

    3. Laurie - I think that's it. Amor Towles new novel is pushing 600 pages, too, and I forgot about Cloud Cuckoo Land! At least Elizabeth Strout's is of a normal length... makes me more likely to read it sooner.

  15. Another beautiful sunset photo! I'm glad you're enjoying the rain, though. We've had a lot this past week, which is fine, but the 65mph gusts yesterday were pretty unnerving! Glad it's calm again.

    Which booster did your husband get? I plan to get Moderna (which is what I got before), but want to plan around a "recovery" day in case I feel like I did after the second vax.

    I'm curious about Franzen's book and will go with the audio when I do read it, but I hate to have to wait a long time before the next installment. Maybe I'll wait a year or so...

    That sheet pan meal looks great! I'm so tired of cooking, but this one looks pretty easy so I'll add it to our menu for the week. Tonight we're having Taco Soup (aka lazy chili).

    Speaking of food, Stanley Tucci's new book is getting rave reviews and I'm tempted to start listening for Nonfiction November, but I've already made my list and really want to stick to some of the older titles that I've chosen. I guess it can wait. Sigh.

    Great photo of the woodpeckers! I'm starting to research real cameras for getting closer shots of wildlife. My phone is great, but without a zoom, it's rather limited.

    Have a good week, JoAnn. We're busy with company. Brother and SIL were here yesterday afternoon when their flight out of Portland (OR) was cancelled. Friends from Nebraska were here for the afternoon and evening as they look around in the area for a place to live (yippee!). And, my aunt and uncle arrive from North Carolina either this evening or tomorrow morning, depending on their flights. Busy, busy!!

    1. Les - My husband got the Pfizer booster, but his original shots were Moderna. He was pretty lucky as far as side effects go. I ended up getting mine yesterday (again Pfizer after two Moderna) and ended up with side effects again. Not nearly as bad as after second Moderna dose, and was fine after 24 hours.

      I started listening to Tucci's book and LOVE it already. There are recipes included, but audio is definitely the way to experience this one. I'll check a print copy for recipes.

      If you find an easy-to-use real camera for capturing better bird photos, please let me know. The phone camera is definitely limited, but so are my photography skills ;-)

      Hope you enjoy the time with family and friends... sounds like you'll have plenty of that coming up! It's so good to be able to be with people again!

  16. I'm behind. You're selling your condo? Good luck!

    My in-laws have a gorgeous condo on the water in Naples but it's an upstairs unit. Their knees really can't take much more of their steep stairs. None of us have broached the idea of a downstairs unit yet and they haven't mentioned it either. I'm curious to see how much longer they hold out.

    My husband got his covid booster on Thursday and actually felt better than he did after his second one. He still had a sore arm and a nagging headache but the headache was not as bad and didn't last as long.

    The woodpeckers are beautiful!

    Enjoy your week!

    1. Jen - Yes, we're going to list the condo. We bought a house here a couple of years ago, but continued to live at the condo while renovating. We moved into the house nearly a year ago, then kept the condo as a "holding tank" for quarantining visitors during the worst of the pandemic. Now we're finally ready to let it go... and hopefully buy a summer place in coastal CT.

      My husband did great with his covid booster, but I wasn't quite as lucky after I got mine yesterday. Not nearly as bad as after my second shot though, and I was fine within 24 hours.

      Hope your week is off to a good start!

  17. Crossroads is on my list. I wasn't aware if was part of a trilogy.

    That shrimp dish looks so good.

    1. Ti - Yes, Franzen is planning a trilogy. He's not the fastest writer though, so I'm hoping it doesn't take him 20 years to finish it!!

  18. What beautiful were really lucky to get such a good picture without them flying off.

    I had that Franzen book in my hands the other day in a bookstore and I flipped through it for a few minutes. As I've done all too often, I let its page-count and plot intimidate me into putting it back on the shelf. I'm starting to believe that people like me who have such overwhelming TBR lists will ever have the patience for a 600-page book again. And that's not a good thing.

    1. Sam - I used to love reading long books, but started to avoid them sometime after I started blogging. Now that I'm not quite so concerned about posting frequently or reading a certain number of books, it's easier for me to pick them up. There is still the concern of the overwhelming TBR lists though.

      I've noticed that a lot of big name authors have new releases this season that seem ridiculously long. Wonder if editors feel reluctant to edit them...

  19. We got rain the other day, too, and it was so great since we're in a severe drought.

    I have Beautiful Country on my TBR shelf so am really looking forward to seeing what you think of it.

    1. Helen - I'll share some brief thoughts on Beautiful Country this weekend... a good read.

  20. Glad to hear that your husband got the booster with no side effects! I am getting ready to sign up for mine. In Michigan I can get it now as the parent of a child with special needs, so I am going to get it. I was wondering how the side effects would be!

    1. Erin - I ended up getting a booster a few days later, but unfortunately had side effects similar to the second dose, but less severe.


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