Wednesday, September 1, 2021

It's September and RIP is Here!


It's September and you know what that means... RIP is back! Now in its 16th year,  RIP - Readers Imbibing Peril - has a home at @perilreaders on Instagram and twitter. The event, which runs through Halloween, encourages readers everywhere to enjoy: 

  • Mystery
  • Suspense
  • Thriller
  • Dark Fantasy
  • Gothic
  • Horror
  • Supernatural

Visit @perilreaders to check out various challenges and information on this year's group read.


I'm not a big mystery reader, I definitely don't read horror, and have never gotten into fantasy either, but there are still plenty of books on my RIP tbr. These are the ones I hope to read this year:

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë (reread)

The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley (audio)

 An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed by Helene Tursten (release date 10/5)

Are you participating in RIP this year?


  1. I remember The Hunting Party being a pretty good read!

    1. Angela - Oh, good... I really enjoyed The Guest List last year!

  2. I love this time of the year. I have no formal list this year but there are a few books I am looking at. My RIP post should be up this Thursday.

    1. Ti - I usually post a list of ten or more books for RIP and then read just a couple. This year I'm hoping to read all of these. I love fall, too!

  3. I haven't done challenges for years, but this one seems to be quite popular and it always catches my eye. Of the titles you listed, I've only read Jane Eyre, but I love the title "An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed." I'd definitely pick that one up if I spotted it in a bookstore.

    1. Sam - I look at this as a push to read seasonally more than a challenge. An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed is a follow-up to An Elderly Lady Is Up to No Good, which I loved last year. Believe it or not, it's about an octogenarian serial killer... and it's hilarious. I borrowed it from the library on a whim. Couldn't resist the title!

  4. Vicki - I loved An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good! My mother and sister did, too. Hope you give it another try.

  5. I don't have a formal list either, but I know I won't have trouble finding books. I've read The Hunting Party, by the way. Liked it and I want to say I did it on audio. Can't quite remember. Enjoy!

    1. Kay - There's never a problem finding books, is there?! I have the audio of The Hunting Party ready to go. May supplement with the ebook if I can borrow it from the library. Happy September!

  6. That sounds like a doable list. The Hunting Party was a DNF for me but it might have been a case of bad timing as others seemed to have liked it. Have fun.

    1. Diane - Quite a few bloggers prefer The Guest List to The Hunting Party. I got a copy of Hunting Party through an audible BOGO sale, so will give it a try. Fingers crossed.

  7. I thought this was only about reading horror so never joined in, but now I see that thrillers and mysteries count I think I will join for the first time!

    1. Helen - There are so many ways to adapt this event... I don't read horror either.

  8. I’ve never heard of the RIP reading theme! Maybe I’ve seen it in the past & thought horror. I do not do horror!

    Personally I enjoyed The Hunting Party more than the Guest List but the ending of Guest List surprised me. Lucy Foley is great.

    1. Tina - It's easy to think "horror" when you see this event and I never read horror. I thought I remembered that you really liked The Hunting Party. I have the audio ready to go and am hoping to borrow the ebook from the library.

  9. I am terrified of horror and thrillers and even suspense, and my brain can't seem to follow mysteries well, so, no, I will one of the few people in the social media world of readers who won't be participating. But I'm always delighted to see all the people who love this event.

    1. Deb - My reading choices for this event are fairly limited, too, since I never read horror or dark fantasy. Plus I usually only read one of two mysteries or thrillers a year, but try to plan them around this time.

  10. Thank you for reminding me! I just signed up. I've got a ton of movies and books and podcasts lined up for the next two months! My favorite time of the year.

    The Hunting Party is on my list. I've been wanting to read a few of hers.
    Jane Eyre is on my list for a reread. It's been too long! Good luck with your reading!

    1. Heather - Glad you signed up! It's probably been over 15 years since I read Jane Eyre. Just purchased a new paperback copy at the local indie and I have the audio, too, so will get started as soon as I finish my current reads.

  11. Amazing that this has been going on for 16 years! I'm joining in again this year with 10 mysteries and thrillers from my shelves. I'll be happy if I get through half of them! Good luck and have fun.

    1. Les - I can't think of any other challenges or blogging events that have been going on longer! Even though I usually read only one or two books for RIP, it's always fun. Can't wait to see what you pull off your shelves.

  12. I love R.I.P. but I don't quite have my reading list together yet. I love mysteries, so that is no problem, and I just picked up Lucy Foley's Guest List, so that will be on the list!

    Enjoy the seasonal reading!

    A reread of Jane Eyre is always a good idea!

    1. JaneGS - I read The Guest List last year for RIP - so good. It's probably been close to 20 years since I read Jane Eyre, so this should be interesting...

  13. I certainly am taking part in R.I.P this year, too! I don't read horror either, but I do love a good mystery, thriller and gothic tale. Happy atmospheric reading! 🎃

    1. Jessica - Thank you! I'm going to read Jane Eyre first.

  14. Hmm. I hadn't thought of joining in but now you have me rethinking that. There's more categories than I thought. You have a good list.

    1. Susan - Even though I don't read many of popular categories for this challenge, there are still quite a few I do read. It's always fun, even if I only read one or two books. Go for it!

  15. I'm so excited for this challenge but I do love mystery books. I try to go for more ghostly stories rather than straight up horror. Jane Eyre is a great choice. Hope you enjoy your selections!

    1. Iliana - I started Jane Eyre today. It's been well over a decade since I last read it... looking forward to getting into it.


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