Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Sunday Salon: Summer is Here!

At last. It's summertime here on the lake and we're having gorgeous weather  for an entire weekend! A ridiculous amount of rain fell earlier this week, including 3.5" in just one morning. The sump pump was working overtime and our lawn is still a spongy, squishy mess, but the sun is finally shining.

Finished reading//

by Dani Shapiro, narrated by the author

This is Shapiro's short (just under 4 hours) memoir about marriage... mostly her own, but with a couple of side-trips into her parents and in-laws marriages, too. It reads like a meditation, reflective and  philosophical. She talks about how marriage changes over time and the effects of hardship, tragedy, and joy.
“I've become convinced that our lives are shaped less by the mistakes we make than when we make them. There is less elasticity now. Less time to bounce back. And so I heed the urgent whisper and move with greater and greater deliberation.” 
I appreciated the openness, immediacy and intensity of this work and picked up another of her memoirs as soon as I finished.

by Dani Shapiro, narrated by the author

This is the third memoir by Dani Shapiro I've read in as many weeks... I'm officially a fan! This book examines the ways faith, prayer, and devotion affect everyday life. Again, I found Shapiro's writing to be thoughtful, intelligent, and insightful. Her narration not only added feeling, it increased my understanding and overall appreciation of the work. I highly recommend listening, but also plan to purchase a print copy. There are several passages I want to reread and many quotes I'd like to share.

Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger

This book is beautifully written, packed with nostalgia, and gives the reader plenty to think about. It's a coming-of-age story with a murder mystery component. I solved the mystery fairly early on, something I never do, but that's not really the point of the book anyway. With a variety of themes for discussion, we should have an excellent book club meeting in a couple of weeks.

Current Reading//

Ask Again, Yes by Mary Beth Keane

I started this book last night, but am already drawn in to the story of two young, rookie cops in 1970's New York City. This novel was on many summer reading recommendation lists and I understand it will follow the lives of the two families over the next forty years.

On the blog//
Out of Control: The Current State of My Library Hold List
This Week's Read: Devotion  by Dani Shapiro

In the kitchen//

Early last week at Scallions in Saratoga Springs, NY, I had the most delicious burger - a crispy quinoa burger. Served with lettuce, tomato, sprouts, and a dollop of mashed avocado, it was amazing! When we got home I googled quinoa burgers and was surprised to find so many recipes... I'd never even heard of them before.

I chose to try a recipe for Stellar Quinoa Burgers from Bon Appetit (the above photo is from their website) Let's just say that it required a fair amount of effort and the results were disappointing. A day or two later I discovered frozen quinoa patties at Wegmans, which I purchased but have not tried yet.

Have you ever eaten a quinoa burger? Do you have a recipe to share?

The week ahead//

Nothing major, but several little things this week... car service (we may need to replace the windshield if they can't fix the chip),  appliance repair call, more gardening, a couple of meetings. We ordered new carpet for the bedrooms and I'm hoping they can install it toward the end of the week. Otherwise, it may interfere with our 4th of July visitors and plans. Fingers crossed!

How was your week? What have you been reading?

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.


  1. Glad you've been enjoying your reading. I have been too. Ordinary Grace was a big hit with our mystery group, though it is not a typical mystery at all. It won several awards. I have not made quinoa burgers. Hope you can find a recipe to suit. My husband has almost completely switched to veggie-type burgers when he can find them that he likes. He eats very little beef these days. Sometimes a turkey burger. Have a good week!

    1. Kay - I think Ordinary Grace will be very well received by my book club. My mother and sister also plan to read it soon. Your husband has switched to veggie burgers? I'm impressed. Mine ordered an Impossible Burger last winter not realizing it wasn't meat. I decided not say anything right away. After a bit or two, he thought it tasted a little unusual so I told him. He did eat the rest and said it "wasn't bad" but never ordered another one!

  2. Ordinary Grace sounds very good and I just picked up Ask Again, Yes although I've yet to start it.

    We actually had rain here too the other day. A freak shower in June. It's not common here at all. Welcomed, though. I never want to be in drought again. So scary with the wildfires.

    My weekend is pretty good. We spent the day at the beach yesterday but in a turn of events, my son almost drowned. It was quite scary and we had to get the lifeguard to rescue him. He is good but shaken. It was surreal because we thought he was kidding around. I'm still affected by it.

    1. Ti- OMG!! That is so scary... I'm so glad he is okay! Are you planning to read Ask Again, Yes soon? I've read about 20% and think it's excellent.

  3. Sunshine makes everything better! And all 4 star reads. I just finished a reread of Dust Tracks on a Road by Zora Neale Hurston for reading group tomorrow. My Tiny Book Club went to the Getty museum and perused their porcelain exhibits, then discussed The Blue. Great day!

    1. Judy - Yes, a little sunshine definitely makes everything better! I got used to it in Florida, so have been experiencing withdrawal since we've been back in NY. How wonderful to visit the Getty with your book club! How tiny is the Tiny Book Club?

    2. There are three of us. We used to be two from another book club who joined forces to read some more challenging books than were usual in that group. Then we added one more who is a wonderful poet with a turbulent life behind her. The original name was The World's Smallest Book Club but our new member renamed us The Tiny Book Club!

    3. Judy - I love it! There are so many books beyond what (at least my) book club might tackle... you're lucky to have found other more adventurous readers.

  4. I've never had a quinoa burger, but I did clip a recipe for them (which I will probably not be able to find!) Also one for chickpea burgers. I'm not a vegetarian but I find the idea of veggie burgers appealing. I'm sorry yours didn't turn out ... it's so annoying especially when there's a lot of work involved.

    1. Audrey - The quinoa burgers I made weren't awful, just not as flavorful as the one I had at the restaurant. If I try that recipe again, I'd add more seasonings and try harder with the toppings. Sure wish I could get the recipe from the restaurant...

  5. We are having great summer weather this weekend too. I'm loving it. Sounds like you had some great reading. Hope this is a good week for you.

    1. Yvonne - I think everyone in the northeast was overdue for some good weather! Hope both the good weather and good reading streak continue :)

  6. Good luck on the carpet installation.

    I enjoy Dani Shapiro's memoirs, although I have only read a couple of them: Black and White and Family History.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - After a little break, I'll check out Shapiro's Black and White... haven't seen that one around. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the carpet installation this week, but think it's unlikely. They may just wait until after the 4th of July. We'll see...

  7. I really liked Ordinary Grace. I'm halfway through Ask Again, Yes and it's terrific so far.

    1. Kathy - I read more of Ask Again, Yes last night and love it!

  8. I'm intrigued by the William Kent Krueger. I've enjoyed mysteries by him but it's been awhile since I read anything by him. This looks wonderful. Curious about Dani Shapiro. Good luck with all your maintenance tasks this week! Have a great week!

    1. Katherine - Our maintenance tasks are nothing compared to what you're dealing with now! Why do tenants have to trash places? Hope you have a wonderful week. Hope the wedding is perfect!

  9. Replies
    1. Pussreboots - There was a big difference between the one in the restaurant and the one I made, lol!

  10. Glad the sun peeked out for you! We have had unusual raining, one storm came flying in (literally, gusting in a scary fashion) but today our sun is out.

    I love William Kent Krueger, the Cork O'Connor series. I have this book but never read it. Why, I don't know! I'm stubborn about not wanting to try authors' attempts to branch out from what I enjoy from them. Perhaps one day.

    As vegetarians, we've eaten every form of burgers, lol, but not quinoa burgers. Will investigate some recipes and see. Enjoy your week, JoAnn, and hope everything planned goes smoothly.

    1. Rita - Now I'm curious about William Kent Kreuger's series! I will look up Cork O'Connor and see if I can get the first one. The writing in Ordinary Grace was excellent.

      I have a recipe for black bean burgers I like. Also tried one with white beans that was just okay. It needed more seasoning, I think. Didn't know you were vegetarians... I'd like to try it, but my husband would never go along.

  11. I bet the weather is amazing when the sun comes out after a hard rain at the lake. I hope you enjoy the delightful weather.

    I'm glad you are enjoying the memoir series by Dani Shapiro. I love it when I read a good book and then learn the author has others. Maybe you will enjoy the third book best of all.

    I bought a container of quinoa for something I was making several years ago, but I never got around to making it. The container sits in my pantry. Maybe I need to try some burgers. After, of course, checking to see if it is still good....

    Have a great week!

    1. Deb - Discovering a new author is the best :) I don't usually read that many books by the same author in such quick succession, but couldn't help myself this time!

  12. Well the photo of the burger looks awesome. I haven't seen frozen quinoa burgers (but I wasn't looking for them) -- I'll check when I'm at Wegman's this week. We eat quinoa quite often.

    1. Beth F - I chose that recipe based on the photo... and the fact that it used roasted, mashed sweet potato to hold it together. Maybe I should have tried a spicy mayo on it... can't quite put my finger on what was missing.

  13. I have not read many memoirs...actually only one because I didn’t realize it was a memoir until the end of the book. I have had fresh veggie burgers from Wegman’s that I loved but I m not sure they had quinoa in them. Quinoa freaks me out lately because they look like teeny eyeballs. Just don’t look at them too closely.

    1. Patty - I've never tried Wegmans fresh veggie burgers, but I will next time. Now that you mention it, quinoa does look like tiny little eyeballs, lol!!

  14. Yes to three days of nice weather! We had that here too! Today however, is a bit

    That burger sounds really good!

    1. Erin - Yup, the clouds moved in today here, too. Back to rain tonight and tomorrow morning. Ugh!

  15. Vicki - Homeownership is a never-ending and often expensive adventure! Our house is reaching that age where everything needs to be replaced. Sigh.

  16. We've had a lot of rain here, too, and more on the way. It's been challenging to get much done in the way of gardening this week. My reading has leaned more towards mysteries in the last couple of weeks. The books you've read look really great.

    1. Monica - The entire spring has been pretty wet and miserable here, so I'm glad we were in Florida for most of it. After more rain this morning, we got out for a walk along the Erie Canal... it turned in to a beautiful day. My reading has taken an unusual turn this year. There's been a lot more nonfiction, but almost no mysteries or classics. We'll see how the next six months shape up.

  17. The lake looks nice there now. July is always the best month here so I'm hopeful it'll be great. We just got back from 10 days in Montana so I need to catch up. I have not had a quinoa burger but now you have me very curious to try. Maybe I'll get the patties first.

    1. Susan - Can't wait to hear about the Montana trip! Still haven't tried the frozen quinoa patties I bought... this week for sure.


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