Tuesday, June 25, 2019

This Week's Read: Ask Again, Yes by Mary Beth Keane


July 1973
Francis Gleeson, tall and thin in his powder blue policeman's uniform, stepped out of the sun and into the shadow of the stocky stone building that was the station house of the Forty-First Precinct. A pair of pantyhose had been hung to dry on a fourth floor fire escape near 167th, and while he waited for another rookie, a cop named Stanhope, Francis noted the perfect stillness of the gossamer legs, the delicate curve where the heel was meant to be. Another building had burned the night before and Francis figured it was now like so many others in the Forty-One: nothing left but a hollowed-out shell and a blackened staircase within. The neighborhood kids had all watched it burn from the roofs and fire escapes where they'd dragged their mattresses on that first truly hot day in June. Now, from a block away, Francis could hear them begging the firemen to leave just one hydrant open. He could imagine them hopping back and forth as the pavement grew hot again under their feet.
Ask Again, Yes
by Mary Beth Keane

June has been an unusually good reading month for me and it looks like it might end it on a high note. I started reading Ask Again, Yes  Saturday evening, am about a third of the way through now, and it's excellent! Within just a few pages, I was fully invested in this story of two rookie NYC policemen and their families.

Here's the goodreads summary:
Francis Gleeson and Brian Stanhope, rookie cops in the NYPD, live next door to each other outside the city. What happens behind closed doors in both houses—the loneliness of Francis's wife, Lena, and the instability of Brian's wife, Anne, sets the stage for the explosive events to come. 
Ask Again, Yes  is a deeply affecting exploration of the lifelong friendship and love that blossoms between Kate Gleeson and Peter Stanhope, born six months apart. One shocking night their loyalties are divided, and their bond will be tested again and again over the next 40 years. Luminous, heartbreaking, and redemptive, Ask Again, Yes  reveals the way childhood memories change when viewed from the distance of adulthood—villains lose their menace and those who appeared innocent seem less so. Kate and Peter’s love story, while haunted by echoes from the past, is marked by tenderness, generosity, and grace.
What do you think? Would you keep reading?

First Chapter/First Paragraph/Tuesday Intro is hosted by Vicki at I'd Rather Be At The Beach.


  1. I just read this a couple of weeks ago! It was a good read and I loved the backstory of Irish American cops in the '70s. Since I lived in NYC until 1981 and knew of family friends who were cops it appealed to me. One caveat for me-- I thought the middle of the book dragged some, but that's probably a case of "it's me, not you". Enjoy!

    1. Rita - I haven't reached the middle yet, but maybe if I'm expecting a slow section I won't mind it when I get there :)

  2. I'm about 3/4 of the way through with this one and I am loving it.

  3. I've got this one on my Kindle to read this summer hopefully. I like the sound of the beginning, though I am not a New York girl at all. Ha! My Dad was a cop though - not in uniform any more as I was growing up, but I think that cop's families have certain things to adjust to.

    1. Kay - New York doesn't seem central to the story. It's really more about the relationships, but I am enjoying the police aspect.

  4. I just downloading the audio and also have the Book - sounds so good. enjoy

    Here's my pick: https://bibliophilebythesea.blogspot.com/2019/06/first-chapter-first-paragraph-tuesday_25.html

    1. Diane - I just listened to an audio sample. Maybe I should consider a read/listen combo!

  5. You have definitely grabbed my interest. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - This seems like a book you'd enjoy.

  6. I love the opening, so I would definitely keep reading!

  7. I am still lost in the wonder of Where The Crawdads Sing but this morning I have to decide what to read next. Somehow I will, of course-:)

    1. Judy - Oh, Crawdads was wonderful! I'll be curious to see what you decide on next...

  8. This does sound so good! I'd read this, too!

    Here is my Tuesday post. Hope you can pop by. Thank you!

    1. Sassy Brit - I'm enjoying this one very much!

  9. You and Kathy have convinced me! Now to decide on print or audio.

    1. Les - The audio narrator is excellent! I'm at 75% now and plan to read the rest. I'll get to the end quicker... dying to see how this wraps up.

  10. It sounds good. Maybe I will look for it in audio once I finish my current audiobook.

  11. Funny! I saw new words from this book on Kathy's blog and I had to look it up. NPR gave it a rave review, and that turned my radar up high. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    1. Deb - I saw Kathy's post, too, and looked up the same words, lol!

  12. I love when within just a couple pages, you know a book is going to be a winner!

  13. I like that beginning and I'm also captured by the time period. I'll make sure to keep it on my radar.

    1. Beth F - I'll finish this weekend... can't wait to see how Keane wraps it up!

  14. Yes. It sounds like you're liking it -- so go for it. It seems to be getting positive reviews about it. Another domestic novel

    1. Susan - Domestic novels usually appeal to me... this one was excellent!

  15. This one is on my list. I'm glad that you are liking it. I am posting this so late I am sure you are done with it by now!


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