Monday, January 7, 2019

Weekly Update: Back in Florida!

We're back! After spending the holidays in cold, snowy upstate New York, we're finally back in sunny Sanibel... arrived late Friday afternoon. It was wonderful to spend so much time with the family, but I sure did miss this. Let the winter season begin!

Current reading//

Standard Deviation by Katherine Heiny

A fun, off-beat family drama. I started reading this right after Christmas and planned to finish before the end of the year... but you know how that goes. All the preparation, the packing,and then days in the car. It was a pleasure to finally pick it up again yesterday afternoon!

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A Life by Jane Sherron De Hart

This book was a Christmas present from my daughter. It's long and fairly dense, so I decided to use an audible credit and make it a read/listen combination. Very good so far... RBG is an inspiration!

Up next//

I'll leave this blank for now... RBG will take at least another week to finish. Who knows what I'll be in the mood for after that. Maybe a classic?

In the kitchen//

We usually have my father-in-law over for dinner on Sundays and yesterday I decided to try something new - Maple and Miso Sheet-Pan Salmon from The New York Times. We grilled it instead of roasting on a sheet pan... and served broccoli and mashed sweet potatoes on the side. Delicious!

A new Whole Foods opened in Fort Myers in November. It was SO busy the first few weeks, we thought we'd wait until January to check it out. Today is the day... I'll let you know how it goes.

The week ahead//

It always takes a few days to settle back into our Sanibel routine and this week we have a few extra tasks. The clothes dryer needs to be replaced - ugh. I was also promised a replacement for my old beach cruiser (bicycle)... maybe I'll have a photo for you next week.

I hope your 2019 is off to a good start. Have you finished your first book of the year? What are you reading this week?


  1. I wish I was in Florida. It’s so cold and windy here. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thanks, AJ. It's a beautiful day today, but they're saying cool weather is on the way... still, that's relative ;-)

  2. Enjoy your time in your peaceful place. I downloaded the RBG book but have not started it yet; enjoy

    1. Diane - I have a feeling you'll enjoy the RBG book!

  3. That salmon recipe sound delicious. You know, I've never cooked with miso. I don't think I've ever even tasted it!

    Finished reading Anne of Green Gables (a re-read) and am currently reading a memoir called If You Lived Here, I'd Know Your Name: News From Small-Town Alaska. It's good, but so far, not great.

    Hope you get a new bike soon. I'm eager to get back out on mine!

    1. Les - I've only used miso a couple of times. Bought some to use for the salmon recipe and today I found one for miso chicken. Can you believe I've never read Anne of Green Gables? My daughter got that beautiful new edition for Christmas, so I just might borrow it. Fingers crossed we can get to the bike shop this week!

  4. The food photo is reminding me i need to make dinner-LOL! Great books and I envy the Floridian sunshine. Have a great week.

    1. Thanks, Lynn... so happy to be in the sun again!

  5. I really want to read the RBG book...and see the movie On the Basis of Sex.

    That salmon looks so good, my mouth is watering.

    I can't complain about snow or anything like that...and California is a pretty good place when we're not having wildfires, etc.

    Enjoy your island time though, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - On the Basis of Sex is playing down here now... I'll go see it if we get a rainy day in the next week. Ugh, the wildfires would scare me to death. Have a good week!

  6. Florida is sounding really good to me since Minnesota weather is already getting me down. I'm eager to see the new movie about RBG. The book sounds interesting too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - I know you're in for a long winter up there. Sounds like you have a lot of good books to keep you busy though :)

  7. We are bicycle shopping as well. Since we bought a camper we find we'd like to cruise around on bikes.
    Nice choices for books. I am finishing up my Netgalley books and will start my first of the year book this week. Welcome back to Florida!

    1. Tina - I've been told to look for is a comfort hybrid... evidently the "comfort" part is key. Good luck in your search for the perfect bike, too :)

  8. We had grilled salmon here last night -- Mr. BFR doesn't mind grilling in the winter. Your recipe sounds yummy. Soak up that sun for me ... we have an icy mix today here in PA.

    1. Beth F - We grill in the winter in NY, too, unless the snow is too deep to pull out the grill ;-) Sorry to hear about the ice... that's the worst!

  9. How wonderful to be in Florida after some time in the cold. Florida this time of year is the place to be! Enjoy getting back into the routine and have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Katherine. We had snow on the ground for all but a few days between Thanksgiving and New Years...feels like I've already lived through an entire winter ;-)

  10. Looks like you had a great holiday break! Looks yummy too. Good luck with your reading this month. I've been meaning to read RBG for awhile!

    1. Heather - I probably won't get many books read this month, but I'm enjoying the RBG bio very much.

  11. That salmon looks wonderful. Hope your new Whole Foods is a good one. Enjoy your Florida time!

    1. Kay - We don't have a Whole Foods in our part of NY (Wegmans rules there) so I've only visited a few times when we're in NYC. The produce I saw today was much better than I've seen in other FL stores!

  12. Vicki - It's so good to be back. I hope to have a final verdict on Standard Deviation next week.

  13. Yay for being back in warm, sunny Florida! It sounds like your daughter knows you well with the book selection - I love RBG!

    1. Kathy - I think my daughter is as big a fan of RBG as I am!

  14. I wish I had somewhere to escape to this time of year! Enjoy your time in Florida!

    1. Angela - This is the best time of year here in Florida!

  15. I loved Standard Deviation. I listened to it and the audiobook was fantastic. Enjoy!

    1. Susie - I think Standard Deviation is wonderful so far! Hope to finish today or tomorrow.

  16. Florida looks lovely at this time of year. You live in the best of both worlds.

    You must let us know about RBG. I have so much admiration for her.

    1. Deb - SW Florida and central New York, at opposite times of the year, are the best of both worlds!

  17. Sanibel in the winter looks like my kind of place.

    A new dryer? I hate when it's a "have to" get item. I like when it's just me wanting to upgrade but dryers are so efficient now. I bet it will save you loads in electricity costs.

    First book. I didn't make a big to-do over it because I seriously wasn't even sure what I'd pick but I was such a mess at the end of the year that I went with a self-help type book... Stretched Too Thin by Jessica Turner. It's a workbook type read and it's been good so far.

    1. Ti - I hope we see a difference in the electric bill. What a pain to have to get a new one though. Glad to hear Stretched Too Thin has been good... and hope it hasn't been too rough being back at work this week.

  18. Ow great to be back in the sun. As you know our East Coast weather has been dreary. What does the sun look like? The salmon looks yummy...I can’t wait to see your new cruiser. I know you will enjoy every delicious sunfilled day! We used to live in Tampa!

    1. Patty - The schools back in NY all had a snow day yesterday and there's a new storm on the way. Could be a repeat tomorrow... my sister teaches 2nd grade and would love another day! I think I knew you used to live in Tampa, but had forgotten about it. How long ago was that? A friend of mine from college just retired and moved to Apollo Beach. Hope to get up there for a visit this winter.

  19. How wonderful to have a Whole Foods not far away! I suppose I should consider myself lucky to have one in Albany, but it's more than 90 minutes drive each way. Sigh. Do love their food and I live on it entirely when I'm traveling in the Boston area.
    And how nice to be back with those lovely beach walks. You know for a fact that I'm a winter lover, but I find myself just a bit envious when you present those gorgeous beach scenes!!!
    Do enjoy your winter season!

    1. Judith - This is the first time I've had easy access to a Whole Foods! They're not in Syracuse (that's Wegmans territory) and they're new to this SWFL market. We got some chicken, lamb, and produce - it was all excellent! Look forward to trying more of their products, but not sure it will be a weekly stop...17 miles away and tough traffic during the season.

      I've been walking about 3 miles each morning, with RBG for company. The perfect way to start the day!

  20. Beautiful!!

    And that salmon looks amazing too! I will have to add that to our list to make. I feel like I have a laundry list of little tasks to get done to get back on track after the holidays - have fun settling back into your Sanibel routine! :)

    1. Thanks, Erin. We're pretty much settled in now... my bike is next on the list! :)

  21. What a beautiful place to spend winter! Can't wait to hear your thoughts on RGB book. I do love that cover. Good luck finding your new replacement cruiser and yes, hope we get to see a picture of it!

    1. Iliana - The RBG book is very long, but I'm enjoying it.

  22. Ahh Florida, that beautiful blue sky. Add a photo of your new bike once you get it. Sounds perfect to ride around there. We haven't had much winter here yet which is strange ... it could be the start of the apocalypse .... today it was 50 degrees in Canada! Enjoy your week.

    1. Susan - We're having a cold snap down here now (they heat is on!) but winter has arrived with a vengeance in NY... schools closed 2 days this week! Haven't managed to get the bike yet. Soon, I hope!

  23. RBG has me worried! I'm struggling to find the time and place to read (we still don't have a couch and only kitchen chairs :() so haven't finished my first book.

    1. Stacy - I'm worried about RBG this week, too...hope she continues to recover quickly! Hope you get a comfy chair soon :)

  24. Mmm the Maple and Miso Sheet-Pan Salmon, with broccoli and mashed sweet potato sounds delicious! I have also been enjoying my cooking this year, having already tried new recipes for turkey and ham pie and baked bananas with chocolate and rum sauce. Yum! Sadly I haven't finished my first yet though. I am currently reading Bellewether by Susanna Kearsley, Jane Austen at Home by Lucy Worsley and I am re-reading Emma by Jane Austen.

    1. Jessica - Your new recipes sound wonderful... especially the baked bananas!! No hurry to finish books, I think it's better to read slowly and enjoy.

  25. Welcome back. Standard Deviation is a wonderfully funny book. Influenced by Anne Tyler, too.

    1. Vintage Reading - Interesting! I enjoy Anne Tyler and can see where that could be the case...


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