Thursday, December 15, 2016

#AMonthofFaves2016: “New to Me” Author Discoveries

#AMonthofFaves2016, hosted by Andi, Tanya Patrice, and Tamara continues today with author discoveries. As it turns out, I read a lot of new authors this year, but these are the standouts:

Author Discoveries 2016

Graham Swift (Mothering Sunday)
Without a doubt, Swift is my top author discovery of the year. Mothering Sunday was a favorite of 2016 and I want to read his entire backlist. (my review)

Thrity Umrigar (The Story Hour)
Why did it take me so long to read Ms. Umrigar? So many of you have raved about her for ages. I'll try The Space Between Us next.

Garth Risk Hallberg (City on Fire)
This guy can write! I chose his debut novel (a doorstopper by any standard) for my 2016 First Book. The non-ending was incredibly frustrating, but nearly twelve months later I'm still thinking about those characters. And did I mention the writing was excellent? I'll read whatever Hallberg writes next, but hope it comes in under 500 pages. (my review)

Cynthia D'Aprix Sweeney (The Nest)
This book got SO much hype... and while I really enjoyed the novel, I'm not sure it was warranted. Still, I love the fact that she is a 50-something debut author. (my book brief)

Jung Yun (Shelter)
This book just blew me away! It's darker than my usual fare... and in the running for my #1 novel of the year. (my book brief)

Bryan Stevenson (Just Mercy
My favorite nonfiction read of's my book brief.

Which authors have you discovered this year?
The complete schedule for #AMonthfFaves2016 is here.


  1. Such a fantastic list! Surprised to see Hallberg on there - you recovered from that ending better than I did. I think his next book would have to be 300 pages or less for me to pick it up.
    And thrilled to see your comment about Shelter.
    I'd like to check out Swift.

    1. Sarah - I'm pretty surprised Hallberg is there, too! I was SO angry about the end of that book, but somehow that has faded and I just remember the great writing and characters.

      Mothering Sunday was quiet and character-driven, with wonderful writing. Hope Swift's other novels are like that, too.

  2. Replies
    1. Kathy - I still can't believe it took me so long to read her!

  3. You have some of my favorites here! I think Shelter was absolutely amazing. Definitely in the running for my best book, too. I also really enjoyed The Nest.

    1. Susie - I'm still recommending Shelter to everyone I can think of... such an amazing novel!

  4. Great list, and especially since I only read one of the bunch -- Just Mercy-- and enjoyed that. I think I'd like Shelter, and probably more, after I check them out further.

    1. Rita - I pretty sure you would enjoy Shelter, too!

  5. The author of The Nest came to the MS Book Festival and after hearing her speak, I've been considering adding her book to my TBR pile ;)

    1. Tamara - The Nest was a great dysfunction family story... not too heavy, but very entertaining!

  6. Vicki - Can you recommend any of Umrigar's other books? The Space Between Us is the one I have, but I'll probably want more after that :)

  7. I haven't read any of these authors though The Nest and The Story Hour on my TBR. I read a decent number of new to me authors this year but not all that many standouts. I think my favorites were Ian Fleming and Rick Riordan!

    1. Katherine - I read quite a few favorite authors this year, but was surprised by the number of new ones. These were definitely the standouts!

  8. There are so many boons on your list I want to read! I read The Nest too, but really liked it. City on Fire and Shelter are on my reading list.

    1. Tanya - Hope you get to read at least a couple of them next year!

  9. Great choices! I love Umrigar's works! And I've got Shelter on my shelves and can't wait to read it!

    1. Sharlene - I'll be reading more Umrigar in 2017, and can't wait to hear what you think of Shelter.

  10. Thanks for sharing this terrific list! I've been on and off again about The Nest. I'm on again. I'm curious about Shelter too.

    1. Pat - The Nest was very entertaining... a perfect vacation book. Can't recommend Shelter highly enough!

  11. Haha I am going to have to develop a Lakeside Musing Challenge button. Instead of picking my own books for 2017 I will just read whatever you post and see if I can keep up. I have City on Fire on the shelf. Its size intimidates me but I know I will love to read it. I just put Just Mercy and Shelter on my list at the State Library. Your reading tastes are almost the exact same as mine. I am not sure when I will get to these but they all sound wonderful. Trav Penguin

    1. Pam - LOL! I've noticed our reading tastes seem to coincide... hope you are able to get to at least a couple of these.

  12. Shelter and Just Mercy have been on my radar, but now both officially on my TBR. Thank you for sharing this great list!

    1. Toady - They were both 5 star reads for me. Hope you enjoy them just as much!

  13. City on Fire really caught my eye, and your thoughts on it convinced me! Shelter looks good too. Thanks for sharing these!

    1. Karen - Just prepare yourself for that non-ending in City on Fire! It took me months to get over that one, but my admiration for the book has persisted.

  14. I completely agree about The Nest!

    1. Stephanie - It was a fun read, wasn't it? :)

  15. Nice list. Shelter was pretty dark. Good grief that narrator is pretty unhappy! I liked it though.

    1. Susan - Shelter is much darker than my usual fare, but I loved it!

  16. Absolutely agree about the Graham Swift - and to think I never would have picked it up in a store. Thank heavens to arrived in my mailbox!

    1. Lisa - I meant to read another Swift novel before the end of the year, but you know how that goes...

  17. I've still yet to discover some of these authors! Hope you have a wonderful holiday!

    1. Iliana - Thank you, we had a wonderful Christmas! Hope you did, too. Maybe some of these authors will cross your path in 2017...

  18. For me this is a wonderful list because I haven't read even one of these authors. Now I have some good discoveries ahead of me. Thanks JoAnne, and Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    1. Thank you, Margot! I hope you are enjoying this holiday season with your family, too.

  19. The Space Between Us is so good!! I can't wait to try more by Umrigar, too. I'm also eager to try The Nest. Wish I had enjoyed Just Mercy as much as you did. I probably shouldn't have tried to listen to it during the hectic holiday season.

    1. Les - I planned to read The Space Between Us last winter, but got distracted by the Sanibel library... just love that place! This year I really want to read my own books, both from my shelves and on my kindle. We'll see how that goes. Too bad about Just Mercy. That ended up being my top nonfiction read of the year.

  20. Thrity is a Cleveland author and I've been lucky enough to hear her speak. I've only read 2 of her books and need to read the rest.

    1. Stacy - I remember you hearing her speak, but didn't realize she is actually from your area. How cool is that? I'll definitely be reading more of her in 2017.


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