Tuesday, December 13, 2016

#AMonthofFaves2016: 5 Books on My Winter Reading List

#AMonthofFaves is back! It's taken me nearly half the month to figure that out, but better late than never, right? AndiTanya Patrice, and Tamara are rotating the daily hosting duties once again. The best part of this event (besides reading all the posts, of course) is that it's perfectly fine to come and go... play along one day or every day, whatever fits your schedule. The complete schedule is here.

5 Books on My Winter Reading List

Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi
This is a 2016 must read that I just couldn't get to in time. I only managed to read one chapter before the library book was due, but it was amazing. Hopefully Santa will bring me a copy for Christmas.

A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles
This book is waiting for me in Florida! Towles' debut, Rules of Civility, was a favorite a few years ago and I can't wait to dive into his new novel.

Can You Forgive Her? by Anthony Trollope
I had so much fun reading the Barsetshire novels with Audrey and a few others last year, that we've decided to test the waters for a #PalliserParty! I'm not committing to the entire series just yet, but plan to begin this first book in mid-January.

The Mothers by Brit Bennett
My daughter is reading this now and will bring her copy home for me at Christmas. It sounds like a book I'll love.

I'm not going to forget about nonfiction just because November is over. This book has been on my wish list for a long time, but now I own both the ebook and audiobook (thanks to those daily deals!) and am ready to go.

What books are on your winter reading list?


  1. I've listened to a sample of The Mothers on Audible a couple of times but haven't taken the plunge yet. I love that your daughter will share her book with you!

    1. Kathy - That's been happening more and more frequently... and I love it!

  2. This is a great list - The Mothers is an absolute favorite of mine. I wasn't as high on Gentleman as others were, but you'll probably like it. And I'd like to read Nothing to Envy as well!

    1. Sarah - Nothing to Envy ebook is still $1.99 on amazon.

  3. I will be at your mid-January party, equally uncommitted but equally all excited! :)

    1. AUdrey - I'll probably go the read/listen combination route again... hoping Simon Vance narrates this one, too! Can't wait to spend time with Trollope again :)

  4. I loved The Mothers. Bennett's writing is amazing. A Gentleman in Moscow was good, but I didn't like it as much as a lot of others did. I haven't read Homegoing either and feel like I need to get to it soon.

    1. Susie - Sarah wasn't as wild about A Gentlemen in Moscow either, so I'm tempering my expectations just a little... and that's a good thing.

  5. Oh, gosh, JoAnn! I've read three of these (Homegoing, The Mothers, A Gentleman in Moscow) and would highly recommend all three of them! Enjoy!!

    1. Tara - I'm even more excited about these books now! Thanks :)

  6. Goodness, just how many books did Trollope write anyway?!
    All of the others are on my tbr. How did I miss those daily deals for Nothing to Envy - it's been on my list for too long.

    1. Care - Trollope was very prolific! I'm pretty sure his novels number in the forties. Nothing to Envy is still $1.99 for kindle.

  7. Nice list...A Gentleman in Moscow is catching my eye.

    ENJOY your week and your winter reads.

    Silver’s Reviews
    My A Month of Faves

    1. Elizabeth - I loved Rules of Civility and have very high hopes for A Gentleman in Moscow.

  8. I missed reading these as well in 2016, and still want to get to the Towles book and the Bennett novel. I need to also get to The Underground Railroad and many others! Right now I'm enjoying "Behold the Dreamers."

    1. Susan - Behold the Dreamers is on my list, too! Will keep an eye out for your thoughts.

  9. I've heard lots of good things about The Mothers!

  10. Vicki - Thanks, I'll probably start the year with Homegoing.

  11. I've been thinking about lots of new books for the New Year, and I must admit the Trollope sounds as though it would be fun. I must say I have never read Trollope, though I'm aware at some point I'd like to. All of your books sound fascinating, especially the title about North Korea.
    I hope the holiday season, as busy as it can be, will offer you a few relaxing moments with a book or audiobook.

    1. Judith - Reading Trollope's Barsetshire novels (with blogging friends) was one of my best reading experiences ever. I'm not sure that can be replicated with the Pallisers, but I'm looking forward to testing the waters. The North Korea book is $1.99 for kindle now if you're interested ;-)

  12. The Gentleman in Moscow sounds amazing though I have heard the start is a little slow and you always make me want to read Trollope. I haven't actually done so yet but I've added the Barsetshire series to my TBR.

    1. Katherine - I heard the same thing about Gentleman in Moscow, so decided to save it for a relaxing Florida read. Reading Trollope is always a pleasure :)

  13. I am always in favor of Trollope! I've read four of the Pallisers so far and loved them. And did you know there's a new edition of The Duke's Children (Pallisers #6) being re-released this spring? Apparently Trollope cut quite a bit before publication but the original manuscript was rediscovered and republished by The Folio Society a couple of years ago, but editions are really expensive. Everyman's Library is reprinting it in April. I'm definitely going to read the new edition!

    1. Karen K. - I remember hearing about the Folio Society edition and am thrilled Everyman's Library will reprint it! The political aspect of the Palliser series worries me (I've had more than enough politics at this point!), but I do look forward to Can You Forgive Her? ... then we'll see about the rest of the series.

  14. As you know, after finishing the Barsetshire novels I read Can You Forgive Her a few months ago. I thought that it was outstanding. I will be moving on to the remainder of the series soon.

    We continue to be on parallel Trollope reading Tracks JoAnn!

    1. Brian Joseph - We are definitely on the same Trollope track... and I look forward to catching up with you. Maybe we will read some of the Palliser novels at the same time!

  15. I think there is another book by Elena Ferrante coming up - a kind of miscellany which I'd like to read.

    1. Vintage Reading - Frantumaglia: A Writer's Journey was just published last month... it's on my list, too!

  16. I got Homegoing from the library but had to return it unread because of other commitments--I definitely will be reading it soon. Sounds just amazing. A Gentleman in Moscow also really appeals to me. One more Trollope in the Barsetshire series and then I can branch out, unless I reread the lot, which is tempting. I do have a copy of Can You Forgive Her? which looks delicious. Happy reading.

    1. JaneGS - I'm tempted to reread the Barsetshire novels, too... that the best reading experience ever. I'm sure reading with friends contributed! I'll read A Gentleman in Moscow in Florida this winter and plan to start the year with Homegoing.

  17. Ooh love the look of the books on this list. I hope to read Homegoing too - I'm planning on listening to the audiobook.

    1. Tanya - I love audiobooks and have heard the audio version of Homegoing is very well done. May end up making it a read/listen combination.

  18. It looks like you have a good winter of reading in front of you. A Gentleman In Moscow and The Mothers are both my winter TBR. I am having one of those many moments in life where I am having difficulty figuring out what to read since my TBR has grown out of hand and I recently acquired several books that I want to read. Maybe it would be a good idea for me to take an honest look and make up a list like yours.

    1. Toady - I get overwhelmed by the number of books to read, so it really helps me to try and prioritize. I may not always stick to the list, but I feel better having made it!

  19. The Moscow book sounds intriguing. I see mixed feelings about it in these comments. I put it on hold from the library. I need to stop holding so many books at the library and show a bit of restrain. I know they will all come in at once and I will need a ute to pick them up. Stay tuned. Would love to read the Mothers but not in our library and if I buy one more book in the next couple of weeks I might be out on the street. So many here to read. Isn't life fun when one is reader. :-) Trav. Penguin

    1. Pam - That's the thing about library holds... they ALWAYS seem to all come in at the same time. I loves Towle's earlier novel, Rules of Civility, so I have high hopes for A Gentleman in Moscow. I know the response hasn't been overwhelmingly positive, but I'm still looking forward to it.

  20. Just bough Homegoing yesterday and can't wait to read it!

    1. Lisa - I'll be starting tonight or tomorrow:)

  21. A Gentleman in Moscow is on my "potential" list for next year. I've heard it's great.

    1. Rachel - I'm seeing it pop up on quite a few year-end lists this weekend!


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