Sunday, December 13, 2015

Weekly Update: The Third Sunday of Advent

Sunday, again. I was hoping to write a post this morning, but it's still unbelievably mild and I just had  to go out for a long walk instead. We're flirting with 60 degrees today and they say records may fall tomorrow. Still no measurable snowfall this season... can it really be December? No complaints here!

I've had a productive week. Decorating is nearly done (I'll wait for Twin A to help with the finishing touches), progress has been made with the shopping, and I've even started wrapping. My goal is to finish both shopping and wrapping this week, then concentrate on baking.

On to the reading...

Finished this week//

Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson
What a pleasant surprise - I loved this YA memoir in verse! Look for a book brief soon.

Christmas on Jane Street  by Billy Romp
Looking for a short, sweet holiday read? This might be it. The Romp family of Vermont spends one month each year selling Christmas trees on the corner of Jane St. and 8th Avenue in Manhattan, and living in their small camper. The book is about "the transformative power of love - love of parent and child, of merchant and customer, of stranger and is about the lasting and profound difference that one person can make to a family and one family can make to a community." I don't usually read Christmas books, but was drawn to the West Village setting.  3.5/5 stars

Current reading//

Emma by Jane Austen
Reading Jane Austen is always a pleasure! I'm only slightly behind the #Emma200th readalong schedule now. Hope to catch up this week.

Up next//

by Anthony Trollope
Not sure why I've embraced holiday reading this year, but I plan to read this because it's Trollope. Evidently he was not fond of writing Christmas stories for the seasonal publications, so my expectations are not high. I'll happy just holding this gorgeous edition.

Bunner Sisters by Edith Wharton
My Classics Club Spin book. I was happy to discover it's actually a novella.

On the blog//

#AMonthofFaves: 5 New-to-Me Author Discoveries
#AMonthofFaves: Unique and Memorable Books

The week ahead//

Twin A finishes her final semester of college this week! She'll spend time with us until her job in NYC begins next summer. I'll help her move out of the dorm Tuesday or Wednesday... and that means a few hours of audiobook time both ways since she'll be driving her own car back home.

My book club meets for lunch on Thursday to discuss The Red Garden by Alice Hoffman. I enjoyed the book, but will be curious to see what the others though. Connected stories have been hit or miss with the group.

Daughter #1 comes home Saturday. She'll take the train up from NYC and will be with us for an entire week! Meanwhile, holiday preparations continue...

Are you ready for the holidays? What are you reading this week?

This post will link to It's Monday, What Are You Reading? hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. I'm counting both Emma and Thompson Hall as holiday reads... and I just found a vintage mystery called Tied Up in Tinsel on Hoopla (do you have this service from your library?) and I couldn't resist it. (PS I hate this weather... it looks it it could snow outside, gray skies, but its 30 degrees too warm out here too!)

    1. Audrey - We don't have Hoopla here, but our library in FL just got it. Look forward to learning more about it. Will it mean another site to keep track of for new listings for books and audiobooks? In addition to Overdrive, I mean.

      It's pretty dark and gray here, too, but the mild weather seems like such a gift. I don't ever remember a fall like this!

    2. Hi, JoAnn...I think you'll like it! Yes, it's a different system. Under my library's account it has a few ebooks now (not a great selection) but it's great for audiobooks. I'm often surprised at what it offers...and the real benefit is that there's no waiting. If they own the book, you can borrow it right away. Plus, as you know I can listen on my Kindle, and their app makes it easy to save favorites and 'borrow' them right from the screen. My audiobook addiction is being very well fed!

    3. Audrey- It dawned on me after I typed my earlier comment that I don't actually need to wait to get to FL to use their Hoopla... so I signed up. No waiting is a HUGE benefit! It looks like the ebook selection is very limited there, too. I'm off to check the audiobooks now.

  2. I love Christmassy books! The Jane Street one looks lovely! Everyone home has to be amazing!

    1. Patty - Christmassy books are pretty unusual for me, but this year has been marked by unusual reading habits. Hmm... sounds like a post idea ;-)

  3. Thank lake pict is stunning, yes, can this be December? Love the Christmas books you've chose - such pretty covers.

    1. Diane - This has been the strangest December ever! No complaints here though ;-)

  4. We've been in the high 70s/low 80s the last couple of days, with humidity - yucky weather. But a cold front came through last night, and now it feels like December again. I am getting ready to put up Christmas lights - they instantly make me feel better, and more in the holiday spirit.

    The Trollope stories are interesting. I don't know if you've gotten to the part in the Glendinning biography where she talks about how he resisted writing "Christmas stories" and got very stresses about the holidays. I actually appreciate his slightly bah-humbug attitude :)

    1. Lisa - I have not opened the Glendinning bio since March! I brought it back home from FL and now I'm wondering whether to bring it back again... embarrassing. Hope to finish Emma this week and then read the Christmas stories .

      We has a record high (66!) today. I don't remember the last time I opened a window in December. The local ski areas are getting nervous!

  5. Same here with the weather- can't believe it's Dec. Although we're supposed to get back to the 30's later this weekend. Will enjoy the balminess while it lasts! I'm kinda hoping now it doesn't get all nasty right before Christmas...

    Glad you're going to get some nice family time. Shopping here has started but not very far along yet... a few more trips are in orde I think. Have a great week!

    1. Greg - We had a record high today - 66. Unbelievable! The local ski areas are not happy. Christmas week is high season. I think one more shopping trip should do it for me.

  6. Cold, damp and dark here! That Trollope collection has a fab cover.

    1. Vintage Reading - I'm hoping it lives up to the promise of the cover. We'll see...

  7. I baked all day today and will cook more tomorrow. I will mail the last package tomorrow and then we'll be ready for Christmas, if we can figure out what to get our son and my father-in-law.

    1. Kathy - You're in good shape for the holidays!! One more shopping trip for me, then the cooking and baking begins.

  8. Seems like your pretty organized for Christmas. Can't believe it's 60 degrees there. It's been pretty mild here but that means 30s. Not too much snow here 2 or 3 inches max. Enjoy your busy week & Christmas-y Trollope stories.

    1. Susan - We had a record high of 66 today! I don't know if I've ever had a window open in December before. Hope Trollope will be good and Christmas-y :)

  9. Congrats to Twin A on her graduation. Have a great week.

    1. Thanks, Nise'. Graduating in December almost seems anti-climatic, but we're very proud of her!

  10. Christmas on Jane Street sounds like the perfect read this week before Christmas. Thanks for the recommendation :)

    1. Molly - It was a sweet story, but the West Village setting was the main attraction for me!

  11. These all look wonderful...and so is your photo. Brown Girl Dreaming piques my curiosity. Enjoy your reading and your new week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - Brown Girl Dreaming is outside my comfort zone (YA, written in verse) but was such a good read! I need to push the limits more often.

  12. I have been reading everywhere how unseasonably warm it is for you people in the USA. May it continue a little longer for your walks. Hope you enjoy holding and perhaps reading the lovely Christmas story by Trollope.

    1. Kathryn - This warm weather is great for getting all of my steps in each day! Looks like this "el nino" pattern will hold a little longer :)

  13. Everyone's talking about the weather!

    1. Mystica - It was even warmer today! Amazing!

  14. It's been warm here in Ohio, too! Not complaining at all 🙂. I'm behind with my Emma reading, but hope to get back to it today.

    1. Sharon - I think this warm weather is perfect!Just starting Emma volume 3 tonight - so good!!

  15. I don't read too many Christmas stories but Christmas on Jane Street sounds sweet. I do have a couple of children's Christmas picture books to share with my granddaughter and review.
    Enjoy the milder weather, hope it continues and yay for family home for holidays :)

    1. Teddyree - This has been such an unusual reading year for me... and now I'm reading Christmas books! Who would have thought! We had a record high temp today, and it looks like we'll stay mild a little bit longer :)

  16. We are having unseasonably warm weather in VA too. Congratulation to your daughter for completing her courses. Enjoy your holiday preparations.

    1. Pat - We had another record high today! It doesn't seem as big of a deal when you graduate in December, but we are so proud of her :)

  17. Congrats to the graduating student! And how nice to have the kids home.

    1. Beth F - Thanks! She's lucky to have time off before her job starts... heck, she's lucky to have a job! We look forward to having her with us for a few months :)

  18. I've had Brown Girl Dreaming on my shelf forever and just haven't picked it up for some reason. (That reason is: TOO MANY BOOKS, lol) One of these days!

    Have a GREAT week!

    1. Jennifer - Brown Girl Dreaming is amazing... and a quick read! Hope you find time soon.

  19. Brown girl dreaming sounds delightful. Verse novels are my simple pleasure, I haven't read one in awhile.

    1. Marce - I expected to have more trouble with the verse, but it wasn't a factor at all. Such a good book!!

  20. Really appreciate your title: Third Sunday of Advent. Good reminder what this Season is all about. Your view out to the lake is beautiful. We have about 20-25F temp. Not too too cold, but a hinderance still for heading out birding. So, blogging instead. ;)

    1. Arti - It's been a beautiful fall here and we're still quite warm. Rumors of snow for the weekend though... we certainly can't escape it much longer. I'm glad to see you blogging more. Now if I just had more time to keep up with it all;-)

  21. Congratulations to Twin A! I'm sure you're excited to have her home for a while!

    I know I've read something by Edith Wharton that I didn't mind but Ethan Frome broke me! What a depressing book! I can't say that I feel the need to pick up anymore of her work. I hope you like Bunner Sisters though!

    Enjoy your week!

    1. Introverted Jen - I've read quite a few books by Edith Wharton, but place Ethan Frome in a class by itself... dark, depressing, rural winter. I much prefer her novels about wealth in NYC.

  22. I also loved Jacqueline Woodson's Brown Girl Dreaming, and another good one in verse is The Crossover by Kwame Alexander.

    As for reading, sadly, I haven't read anything yet this month. I've been waiting for a few books to come in from on hold and nothing else has caught my eye in the meantime. Ready for the holidays? Not doing too much since wife works through holidays, but we'll have a nice Christmas dinner anyway at home.

    1. Bryan - Brown Girl Dreaming was surprising in so many ways! I'll check and see if my library has The Crossover... wouldn't mind trying something else in verse.

      I finished Emma this week, but that was mostly thanks to 6 hours in the car with an audiobook. Having a hard time concentrating on anything in print this week, so maybe another cozy mystery may be the answer.

      One more shopping trip should do it for me, then I'll finish the wrapping. Next week we bake :)

  23. I really love the book covers for these Jane Austen novels - saw a few in Kinokuniya here in Singapore fairly recently. :)

    1. Myra - That Jane Austen cover is just gorgeous, I agree! I didn't really need another edition, but couldn't pass it up :)

  24. Vicki - Brown Girl Dreaming was an excellent. Fingers crossed review will post tomorrow!


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