Sunday, December 27, 2015

Weekly Update: So Much Fun...

This was a Christmas to remember! The entire week seems like a happy blur. We finally got the tree decorated, spent days baking and frosting Christmas cookies with my mother, ran last minute errands, initiated Twin A's boyfriend into our Christmas traditions, hosted Christmas eve dinner for 14 in shorts (my hubby) and black patent leather flip flops (me), ate the most delicious gingerbread pancakes ever for Christmas breakfast, and ended the day with dinner and more presents with my family.

Today Daughter #1 takes the train back to NYC, Twin A and her boyfriend are on the way to Philly to spend a few days with his parents, and I am savoring the happy memories.

As expected, Lakeside Musing  was quiet all week and I didn't read much of anything either. I did, however, listen to a book:

by Jessica Wapner, narrated by Heather Henderson
I loved it and even have a review drafted. Lots of science, yet this book literally kept me up at night.

Current reading//

The Story Hour by Thrity Umrigar
This was a $1.99 kindle deal (price still in effect, if you're interested) and exactly what I'm in the mood to read. Barely 50 pages in, but really like it.... holding off on my 'Best of' list for a few more days, just in case.

Current listening//

by Denise Kiernan, narrated by Cassandra Campbell
Just started this one, but the story is interesting and Campbell is a favorite narrator. Hoping for another audio win.

New books in the house//

by Kate Andersen Brower
Another $1.99 kindle deal, still in effect.  I have a serious problem...

City on Fire by Garth Risk Hallberg
My library ebook hold arrived - all 900+ pages of it! Guess I'll put my kinlde on 'airplane mode' and hope for the best ;-)

The week ahead//
... should be fairly low-key. I have almost no commitments and plan to read. A lot. I'll also write a few blog posts - a couple of reviews and my favorite books of 2015.

My brother and his family will visit for New Years, weather permitting. It's been ridiculously warm and we still have had no snow, so I'm not too worried. The ski areas, however, are beginning to sweat! There is a chance of snow in the forecast though...

Remember... The TBR Triple Dog Dare begins Friday. Are you brave enough for one final dare? It's not too late to sign up!

How was your week? What are you reading today?

This post will link to It's Monday, What Are You Reading? hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful Christmas! We stayed in our pj's all day but it was really warm here too. We had to switch our air conditioner back on last week.

    1. Kathy - We finally have snow today! Although I'm not really a fan, I was starting to get worried.

  2. City on Fire arrived for me from the library this week, too. Now I need someone to inspire me to start reading these 900 pages.

    1. Deb - I know what you mean... The ebook loan period is only 14 days and there is NO WAY I'll read City on Fire before that.

  3. It sounds like a lovely week, JoAnn!

    I don't think I could resist those daily deals, either. At least you'll be well supplied for the TBR Dare :)

    1. Lisa - That's my rationale for all the daily deal purchases lately ;-)

  4. How nice to see you and your girls and your Mom! Your Christmas sounds lovely, and I'm with you for the lazy week of reading ahead. Happy New Year!

    1. Audrey- This really was one of the best Christmases ever. Have had a wonderful morning of blogging and now I'm ready to pull out The Story Hour and read. Hope you're enjoying a peaceful day, too!

  5. I like the look of The Residence. Your photo is great, too, and it sounds like a wonderful week. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - The Residence sounds like my kind of nonfiction... perfect for my next fiction slump.

  6. Loved the picture! Looking forward to your favorite list. I am working on mine now. Happy New Year

    1. Nise' - I'm having a hard time with my list.... it's a little too long this year. Guess that means I've been reading good books :)

  7. I'm going to check that pancake recipe out. Sounds yummy. Glad you had a great Christmas. And I like the sound of the White House book, as an outsider it always intrigues me.

    1. Kathryn - Last year we used plain Greek yogurt instead of sour cream for the recipe, but they were SO MUCH better with the sour cream!!

  8. Sounds like fun! I need a new audiobook, must look for The Girls of Atomic City.

    1. Samstillreading - The Girls of Atomic City is about the atomic bomb project on Oak Ridge, Tennessee during WWII... such an interesting story.

  9. A happy blur sounds perfect, a bit like our Christmas ... the best kind. I read next to nothing, just having too much fun with family but this week there should be a little reading time. Have a great week and Happy New Year :)

    1. Teddyree - SO glad you had a 'happy blur' of a holiday, too! Hope we can both get back to reading this week :)

  10. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas! The weather has been mild here in the UK too...although a mild winter here equals lots of rain!

    1. Jessicabookworm - We had a wonderful holiday, but it passes so quickly! Our winter has been crazy so far, but we finally have a little snow today.

  11. So nice being with family over the holidays- your time together sounded special. I tried City of Fire but gave up after 200 pages or so. I hope u like it.

    1. Diane - I know reactions have been mixed with City on Fire. Hopefully I'll at least be able to decide whether it's worth purchasing my own copy before I need to return it to the library...

  12. Glad to hear you had a wonderful Christmas - I struggled with what to wear here - as it was warm too - I think 80 degrees! I hope you have a Very Happy New Year!

    1. Pat - Wasn't the weather crazy? Definitely the warmest Christmas we've ever had... and one of the most fun, too.

  13. I am happy to hear that you had a good Christmas.

    The Philadelphia Chromosome looks really good. I love science books and want to read more of them in the upcoming year.

    1. Brian Joseph - The Philadelphia Chromosome is fascinating!! Lots of science, especially in the beginning, but I loved the parts about bringing gleevec (a drug for CML) to market.

  14. Sounds like a great Christmas! Enjoy your reading in the up-coming week. Our snow-free stretch looks to be ending as a major storm is scheduled to move in this afternoon bringing 6 - 11 inches of snow. Here is what I read last week. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - Our snow-free winter ended today with a dusting, but it looks like more is on the way! Good weather to stay indoors and read:)

  15. Sounds like a wonderful Christmas for your family.

    I hope you are enjoying The Story Hour.

    Have a wonderful last week of 2015, and Happy New Year!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

    1. Elizabeth - I am loving The Story Hour, but guessing it won;t end well... Happy New Year!

  16. Now that is a fun Christmas...those cookies in your photo look just like the ones my mom and grandmother used to make! The tree is lovely! We opened up presents in shorts, too, but it is a little cooler and wetter today. It was foggy most of the weekend. I am very curious about your thoughts for City On Fire! That took me forever to read! Enjoy your relaxing week!

    1. Patty - We can only borrow ebooks for 2 weeks and I know there is no way I can read City on Fire in that period... I may not even be able to start it before it's due :( My hope is to read enough so that I know whether it will be worth buying my own copy. I hate deadlines ;-)

  17. I've been meaning to read The Story Hour for a while now, but I keep putting it off. LOL

    1. Teresa - I'm about halfway through The Story Hour now and enjoying it very much!

  18. Sounds like a fun Christmas! I had to laugh at initiating Twin A's boyfriend into the traditions. We did the same this year with Eleanor's and that was a lot of fun and sweet to see those steps towards their own lives being taken. Yay for The Residence! It was one of my favorite books from this year! I loved how it didn't feel very political but you got a sense of how life is like in the White House. Love your pictures. Happy New Year!

    1. Katherine - I think I'd just read that The Residence was one of your favorites before coming across the kindle deal.... no hesitation at all when it was time to "buy with 1-click". Happy New Year!

  19. I love finding bargains on Kindle!

    1. RAnn - I'm starting to think I need an intervention on the kindle daily deals!!

  20. Glad to hear there was a lot of fun going on at your house for Christmas. Didn't realize you were going to post again before becoming a Snow Bird. :-)
    Currently reading: Although I haven't read one of his books in a while, one of my favorite writers, Paul Theroux, has recently had published a book called "Deep South." It is a very eloquently written account of some of the poorest and most impoverished and most needy people native to the Deep South. It might be a depressing book to a few, but I think the contents are true in every sense of the word. I haven't quite finished it yet, but it has been a real eye-opener. Paul Theroux is a world-class traveler, but I believe his wandering around the South led him to meeting some wonderful people along the way and has opened the door on a destination that was all along right in his back door.

    1. JudyMac - Yes, there will be regular posts here for the next couple of weeks. We don't head south until January 8 or 9. I'll probably take a week or so off, but will continue to blog from Sanibel. Maybe I'll change the name to Gulfside Musing? ;-)

      Paul Theroux has been on my radar for years. Deep South sounds like an interesting read!

    2. How about Stooping Around in Sanibel? LOL What fun it is!

  21. Vicki - The Story Hour is my first book by Thrity Umrigar, but it definitely won't be the last!

  22. I added Girls of Atomic City to my TBR after Nonfiction November...will be interested to see what you think! And - can't wait to hear what you think about City on Fire...I felt strongly about that one and so so wish I could see some sales numbers :)

    1. Sarah - I seem to be listening to audiobooks as I fall asleep lately... not much progress on Girls of Atomic City yet, I'm afraid.

  23. I've heard so many great things about Thrity Umrigar, but still haven't read anything by her. Sounds like you've had a great week!

    1. Shannon _ I own at least 3 of Umrigar's book. So glad to finally read her!

  24. Merry Christmas to you, so glad you had a wonderful holiday. We had a pretty warm Christmas too, but today an ice storm hit so it's winter now! Glad we got home just in time. :)

    Enjoy your week, and happy reading!

    1. Greg - We got that ice storm yesterday... thankfully I didn't have to drive far. Hope you're having a god week :)

  25. It sounds like a great Christmas celebration, in spite of the heat wave! ;) I remember when we lived in San Diego and had a big group over for Thanksgiving or Christmas. We would often have to turn the A/C on in order to have a fire in the fireplace. Or even just to cool the house down. We had snow on Christmas Eve, which looked very pretty as we flew over Nebraska on Christmas Day, heading toward rainy Oregon. I'll take the rain over snow any day!

    Have a great week! I'm looking forward to your Sanibel posts. :)

    1. Les - Hope you're having a wonderful time in Oregon! Another week and a half until we hit the road :)

  26. City On Fire looks great! Hope you have a fabulous New Year's Eve celebration!

    1. Myra - It's soooo long, it had better be good ;-)

  27. Glad you had such a wonderful Christmas week!

  28. Yay for wonderful Christmases! Hope your New Year is just as great. I thought The Residence was interesting and I like Umrigar so enjoy!

  29. I'm glad you had a nice holiday! The book about the White House looks really interesting.

    1. Patience_Crabstick - Last winter I found that this type of lighter nonfiction helped get me out of a major reading slump... now I'm ready for the next one :)


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