Sunday, July 9, 2023

Midyear Musings and a List of Favorites

Halfway though 2023... already! It feels like the year is flying, even as I make a conscious effort to slow down and really enjoy the small moments. [There is nothing like watching the sun set over the water.]  I've enjoyed good times with family and friends, and I'm thankful my knee has allowed me to resume my morning walks with an audiobook. 

When thinking about my 2023 reading, one thing stands out. The numbers are way down. A closer look tells me that some of it is the result of no "audiobook walking" for six months, but just as much can be attributed to the longer books I seem to be gravitating toward this year. I think the big book trend will continue for a while longer, too. 

With that in mind, here's my list of first half favorites.


Trust by Hernan Diaz

The Latecomer by Jean Hanff Korelitz

Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver

Chorus by Rebecca Kauffman

Any time I reread Pride and Prejudice, it automatically makes the list!


by Jake Bittle

Have you read any of these books? What are your favorite books so far this year?


  1. My reading totals are down a little this year, too, and it's for the same reason---a focus on big books. But I'm okay with that. It doesn't really matter to me how many books I read or how big the books are; the important thing to me is that the books are good books. You have definitely read some good books.

    I do hope to read Nine Black Robes, but that will probably be a little later this year.

    1. Deb - I'm completely okay with lower totals, too, especially when I'm enjoying the longer books so much! I may not even join the goodreads challenge next year.

  2. I haven’t read any of these books yet and my favourite book is likely Drowning by TJ Newman. I love the flower photo! Have a wonderful week ahead.

    1. Jodie - I've seen a lot of good reviews for Drowning, but haven't read that author yet.

  3. Oh, I'm with you about no audiobook walking. I miss it, but it's just been too hot and humid here for walking. You had many great books this year, so far. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Yvonne - It's way too hot and humid to walk in Florida now! We stayed through most of July the last several years and it got so I was walking earlier and earlier in the morning, and only on shaded routes. Now much of our shade is gone after Hurricane Ian... we were in CT for Memorial Day.

  4. Not being able to walk and listen would destroy my stats! Glad you are back in the saddle, so to speak :) Demon Copperhead is insisting on being read next, although I might have to back that soon given my penchant for ignoring resolutions. The cover of Chorus is gorgeous--I need to find out more about that one for sure. Glad you enjoyed your romp with P&P--I will be rereading in the fall. Happy July reading!

    1. JaneGS - In addition to the stats, not walking was tough on my mood, too! I never realized how important it is to my overall well-being. Demon Copperhead was a tough read, but so worth it. Can't figure out why Chorus hasn't gotten more attention. My quick reviews for both books is here:

  5. The year has been zipping by! Love the hollyhocks. Demon Copperhead is one I keep seeing around. Hope you love it. Enjoy your week!

    1. Rachel - Demon Copperhead is pretty bleak and difficult at times, but such a good read!

  6. I love hollyhocks. When I was a girl my mom showed me and my sisters how to make dolls out of the flowers. I've loved them ever since then. Demon Copperhead and Trust are both such good stories. No wonder they won the co-Pulitzer Prize this year. A first.

    1. Anne - I rarely read Pulitzer Prize winners before they are chosen and this year I read and loved them both prior to the awards!! I think the audio added to my appreciation of Trust, and I was just blown away by the creativity of the structure. Kingsolver is always so good... I need to go back and read The Lacuna. Haven't gotten to that one yet.

  7. Replies
    1. Emma - The climate change book was riveting!!

  8. Vicki - I think I'm going to stop tracking numbers next year... and may not join the goodreads challenge either. I'm loving these longer books, but the low numbers make me feel bad.

  9. Vicki - I love the pink hollyhocks, too... such beautiful, old-fashioned flowers!

  10. I never keep a count of how many books I have read. Makes it easier.
    best, mae at

    1. Mae - I'm starting to think that's the best approach!

  11. Oh gosh, of all your favorites, I've only read I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings and what a wonderful book that was!

    1. Helen - I can't believe it took me so long to read Maya Angelou!! Hope it doesn't take as long to get to her other books.

  12. My reading totals are way down through the first half of the year, but I'm thinking it's because of my conscious effort to read a book closer and with more concentration than I had been doing. The slower pace is definitely helping me absorb, and more importantly, remember more of what I read for longer periods of time.

    I like your trend toward reading longer books, too. I'm sometimes hesitant to fully commit to the time it takes to read one of those doorstops the way they deserve to be read. But then I look back and notice that a disproportionate number of my favorites turn out to be the longer books.

    1. Sam - I always loved long books but, when I look back at my reading journal, it seems like I started shying away from them shortly after I started blogging in 2008. I didn't really make a conscious effort to start reading them again this year, but once it happened I just embraced it. The Covenant of Water will probably be my next big book.

  13. One of my friends mentioned that they are easing into earlier wake-ups in order to get ready for the return to school in August. Summer is flying by, isn't it?! We are home from Canada and gearing up for a month of visitors. I'm already tired! ;)

    My audiobook numbers are down, too. I went six weeks without listening and when I tried to get back to it yesterday, the book didn't interest me, so on to another. I'm hoping to get back in that groove this week.

    I'm hoping to get to Trust, The Latecomer, and Demon Copperhead this year, but I'll probably only read the Kingsolver book since I already own a copy.

    Pretty hollyhocks! Enjoy your morning walks. I'm glad your knee is doing better!

    1. Les - Welcome home! It must be good to be back, but you must be deep into unpacking, cleaning, and reorganizing... it never ends, does it!? I've enjoyed the photos you've posted. Canada is unbelievably beautiful!

      I think you'll like Demon Copperhead, though parts of it are tough to read. For the rest of the year I'll be trying to read from my shelves while using an anticipated birthday gift card and the library for new releases and book club selections. It's been so good to have my audiobook walks again! I'm up to almost two miles, but the pace is still much slower.

      I used to have hollyhocks in my NY garden, but these are at the Florence Griswold museum gardens in Old Lyme, CT... such a beautiful spot!

  14. I thoroughly enjoyed Copperhead and am pleased to see it made your fave list....I thought it worked on many levels. Hope you have a terrific week.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Terrie - Kingsolver is such a talent! My daughter has my copy of Demon Copperhead now, and two of my sisters are on their library's hold list.

  15. I feel like I should read David Copperfield before I dive into Kingsolver's book...But I probably don't need to. I do love Kingsolver, though. Such a fantastic author.
    Your post reminds me that I should do a mid-year book assessment. I can't even think of my faves so far this year! A lot of your faves are on my list to read. But Pride and Prejudice is always a favorite as well when I re-read it. I'm just starting Mansfield Park an annotated edition. It's the one novel of Austen I have not read yet. I've started it many times and never get too far into it. I'm hoping the annotated edition will help me finally finish.
    Hope you have beautiful sunsets this week!

    1. Heather - I hoped to read David Copperfield first, too, but didn't get to it. Now I want to read it while Kingsolver's novel is still fresh in my mind! It's always a pleasure to reread Jane Austen and, moving forward, I'd like to do one every year. Hope the annotated MP works for you!

  16. This year has gone by so fast! My reading for the most part has been good but as the temperature has gone up I've definitely felt the slowing of my reading.

    1. Katherine - I think many of us read more at certain times of the year. For me summer has been a traditionally slower reading season, primarily because life gets so busy!

  17. Since the sun is up so early these days, I've been able to enjoy it in the mornings before I start work on my days working from home. The daylight will soon be getting shorter again. I enjoyed reading through your list of favorites for the first half of the year. Maya Angelou is one of my favorite poets and you can't go wrong with Pride and Prejudice. :-) I hope you have a great week and rest of the year, JoAnn!

    1. Thanks, Wendy. I can't believe it took me so long to read Maya Angelou's book, but now I want to read all of them! I've also decided to reread at leas one Jane Austen every year!

  18. I may need to read The Latecomer just to find out why the heck the triplets hate each other. LOL

    I love your picture with the purple and yellow flowers.

    I can't believe this year is half over already either. Shocking.

    I'm so glad you can enjoy your audiobook walks again!

    1. Jinjer - The Latecomers was such a treat for me. I really enjoy this author's writing and this is a twist on dysfunctional family drama I've never come across before!

  19. Thanks for sharing your list.

  20. You have good quality reads and a solid favs list. You've had much on your plate this year so I wouldn't worry about numbers, especially since many of them are so long like Copperhead. I just enjoyed Yellowface on audio (it's a bit diabolic in a satirical cracked way), and I have especially liked A Town Called Solace, The Churchill Sisters, The Light Pirate, Nightbitch, and Trespasses by Louise Kennedy. I can recommend those. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Susan - Thanks for those recommendations! A Town Called Solace is my favorite Mary Lawson novel so far, and I still have Road Ends on my kindle. The Light Pirate is so tempting, and I'll probably read it later this year despite our recent experience with hurricanes!

  21. Hi JoAnn, Taking some time to catch up on my favorite blogs today. I can't believe I haven't read ANY of your faves thus far for 2023. I'm glad your knees are better, mine are troublesome as well as are all of my joints dut to a med I'm on I suspect.

    I've been updating my 2023 reads on the blog (lot's fewer than last year thus far as well ), haven't felt like reviewing or blogging. I am keeping quite busy though with friends, lunches out and a new houseplant obsession. Take care and enjoy life.

    1. Hi Diane - It's good to hear from you! I'm surprised you haven't read any of my favorites- there's usually a lot of overlap. Probably because I get so many great recommendations from you. I'll be sure to check your blog to see what you've been reading.

      Glad to hear you've been busy with friends, and I love plants, too. I don't have nearly as many since we started going back and forth to FL, but there are a couple that travel with us. Take care.


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