Thursday, July 27, 2023

A Midweek Update: Things Did Not Go As Planned

Hello, friends! Since we'll have a full house this weekend, I thought I'd post an early update this week. Let's just say things did not go as planned...

You might remember that my husband had a high school reunion earlier this month and, while he was there, I visited my parents in central NY. Following the reunion, he drove to my parents' where we all spent Sunday night before continuing home to CT the next morning. By Tuesday he was feeling sick... You may have already guessed the rest of the story but, after three years and five shots, he had Covid... and two days later, so did I. Thankfully, my parents did not get it.

We had planned to go to Lake Placid, NY last Thursday for IronMan Weekend to see our oldest daughter's first full ironman competition, and to celebrate my birthday. Obviously the trip didn't happen. Instead I spent the weekend in CT napping, reading, and listening to audiobooks on my zero gravity lounger in the sunroom. Despite feeling lousy, it seemed like a personal reading retreat!

Meanwhile, our daughter completed her first Ironman! It required a lot of dedication and training... we're so proud of her.

I'm feeling better now, but the still coughing . 

Recent reading//

by Anne Berest, Tina Kover (translator)

This "true novel" is a July selection at The Modern Mrs. Darcy Book Club. (MMD) It was a long book, 464 pages, and on the heavy side for summer reading, but I ended up loving it! I'm looking forward to our  live chat with the translator later today.

Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry

I read this 964 page western over the past two months with a small group of readers from MMD and now consider it the most surprising reading experience I've ever had! At the outset, there was literally NOTHING about Lonesome Dove  that appealed to me - just the praise from trusted readers who consider it an all-time favorite. Now that I've finished, I'm certain these characters will be with me forever! I'm so glad I persevered beyond those first 100-150 pages. Now I plan to watch the miniseries.

by Thornton Wilder

I read this classic play in high school, but picked it up for a reread based on Ann Patchett's recommendation. It's deeper and more philosophical than I remembered... probably more than my high school brain could grasp at the time. The play is about everyday life in a small town where nothing much happens, yet  it's quite moving. Ann says her about-to-be-released novel, Tom Lakewas inspired by Wilder's play. I'll be using my birthday gift certificate to buy Patchett's book on August 1... and now I'm ready for it!

Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano

So sad, but so beautiful... I thoroughly enjoyed this family story.

Current reading//

Banyan Moon by That Thai

This is one of the August selections over at MMD. I'm halfway through and it's fine so far - a typical family drama involving a family whose matriarch immigrated from Vietnam. I was hoping 20th century history and Vietnam itself would play a larger role... we'll see what develops in the second half.

On the blog//

The week ahead//
Our daughter, the Ironman, and her fiancé arrive this evening for a long weekend. We have plenty of activities lined up... should be a great fun!

How is the summer treating you? What have you been reading lately?


  1. I'm glad you are feeling better. Also glad your parents didn't get it but sad yuo missed your daughter's ironman competition. That's quite an accomplishment for her - kudos! Seems these days I hurt myself sleeping - ha!

    I have the Ann Patchet book on hold at the library but they are in the preorder stage now so...not sure when I'll get Tom Lake. I've also added Hello Beautiful to my list/holds. Recently I started another jigsaw puzzle and am still compiling my list of 50 classic books.

    1. Thanks, Tina. The Ironman was such an accomplishment for her, but I know I would have been a complete wreck if I'd been there watching. Any one of the three components of that race would probably kill me, lol!

      I'm going to buy Tom Lake with my birthday gift card and Hello Beautiful was SUCH a good read... just choose your time wisely because it's very sad. I got a new puzzle for m birthday, too. Maybe we'll start it this weekend, my future son-in-law is a puzzler!

  2. I am so sorry you had Covid (I had it in June) and am glad you are feeling better. The cough does linger but gradually gets better and better over about a month.

    Congratulations to your daughter on her Ironman, that's very impressive!

    1. Helen - Yeah, the cough just doesn't want to let go. I know I'm not contagious anymore, but still don't like to cough around people. My daughter has done several half-irons, but this was the first full. Can't imagine putting in all those training hours!!

  3. So sorry to hear that the trip didn't work out for you as planned. But your That's quite an accomplishment. I was a marathon runner until into my fifties, but I can't imagine ever having the dedication required to master all the skills needed for an Iron Man competition.

    I waited until this year to get Covid, too...the cough might linger for a while. It seems to be the last thing to go for almost everyone. It was about three weeks after I tested negative again that mine finally went away. Glad you enjoyed the extra reading time, at least. Take care.

    1. Sam - I think most triathletes are type A personalities, and my daughters fits that mold.... very driven and dedicated! She started doing marathons a few years ago, as a guide for visually impaired athletes and eventually did her own race. So you did marathons, too!? I can't even imagine running that far... 5K is about it for me, but no more running with my knee!

      The reading time, while not being horribly sick, was a covid silver lining. The string of great books made it even better!

  4. So sorry you and your husband had covid but glad you were able to turn it into a reading retreat! I got covid in February and didn't enjoy it but other than the fever it wasn't terrible. I do hate the lingering cough though. I haven't thought about Our Town in ages! I used to have that play virtually memorized we did it so often in various ways in high school. Very curious about Anne Patchett's new book now!

    1. Katherine - Covid was no fun, but after 48 hours the fever and fatigue subsided... and I had a few nice reading days while still in quarantine. I can't wait for Ann Patchett's new book!!

  5. Vicki - My parents were my main concern, so it was a huge relief they didn't get it! Our Town was a short read, and I enjoyed it... can't wait to see how it figures in to Ann Patchett's book.

  6. I'm sorry that you and your husband got Covid! But on the positive side, I'm glad you've had a fun reading retreat. Kudo to you to have finished the 900-ish pages of Lonesome Dove!
    July is a complete whirlwind to me. The first half was a lot of fun with Paris in July, but then my father died on the 18th, and everything changed completely. I'll write about this soon, but through all that, I've read quite a lot. So, whatever happened, at least we've both enjoyed our readings, right? :)

    1. Fanda - I'm so very sorry to hear about your father! Your family will be in my prayers.

  7. I loved Lonesome Dove. It is a big surprise from what one might think it is.

    1. Anonymous - I still miss the characters from Lonesome Dove! Hope to watch the miniseries in August.

  8. Good update. Sorry you got Covid, argh. How bad was it ? Are you over it now? I have not had it yet, but I'm sure someday I will, sigh. Congrats to your daughter on completing the Ironman event, so impressive!! I still need to read Lonesome Dove! I've been saving it since its so long but I know I will love it. I also want to read Hello Beautiful and see if it's like Little Women. I'll gear myself for sadness, right? I wish you a speedy recovery and I hope you enjoy your Sunday. ps. What a beautiful photo up top of the boats and water. Lovely.

    1. Susan - If we hadn't tested, I would have thought I had a very bad cold or mild flu. Thought I was better, but now I think I have a sinus infection. Lonesome Dove was such a surprise to me, especially after almost abandoning it several times in the first 100-150 pages. I just loved those characters. Hello, Beautiful was such a good read!! There are comparisons to be drawn with Little Women, but I wouldn't go as far as calling it a retelling.

  9. Covid just doesn't seem to stop -- it's pretty clear, though, that all those immunizations are making it a much less scary disease (if you aren't too stupid to be immunized, which I'm glad to hear you did have them). I hope your cough is soon completely gone.
    best, mae at

    1. Mae - I'm certain all the immunizations made a difference in the severity of our infections. It sounds like there will another variation of the shot available in the fall and I'm sure we'll get that one, too.

  10. I hope you're feeling better soon. Those sound like some good books to read on sick days!

    1. Joy - I probably have a sinus infection now, but still feel much better than I did. Glad a had such good books to keep me busy while recovering!

  11. I am so sorry you and your husband got covid, but glad you are getting better. Congratulations to your daughter for completing the Ironman. That is incredible. I don't know her, but I am proud of her too, it's impressive! I hope you enjoy your visit with your daughter and her fiance, and you and your husband continue to heal. Have a great week!

    1. Cindy - Every time I think of our daughter completing that Ironman, I am filled with awe... what an accomplishment! We had an excellent weekend with them!

  12. Noooo not more of our friends getting COVID! By now it's probably a question of how many of us in our blogging community have NOT had COVID? Glad you and the hubs are getting better.

    SO GLAD you loved Lonesome Dove, but how could you NOT???

    All those other books and the play sound good. I suppose I should add them all to my out of control list. Sigh. Thanks?????

    1. Jinjer - I really thought I was going to completely avoid covid, but guess it was not to be. Still can't stop thinking about Lonesome Dove and those characters - so, so good!! Just found the miniseries available on hoopla, so I'm going to start on them that this week. July has been a great reading month... I was overdue for one!

  13. My sister and I tackled Lonesome Dove last year and, like you, I was surprised at how much I liked it. Definitely out of my normal reading genres, but that's a good thing! I enjoy a nice long book now and then and that one was totally worth the time investment. I'm looking forward to reading Hello Beautiful and Banyan Moon. Have a terrific week!
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Terrie - I think Lonesome Dove is probably even more enjoyable as a buddy or group read. I may never read another western, but I sure loved that one!

  14. Oh no JoAnn! I am hearing more about people getting COVID again despite being fully vaccinated. I hope you’re feeling better now. Congratulations to your daughter - what an achievement! Have a healthier, wonderful week ahead.

    1. Jodie - We keep hearing about friends getting covid, too, and most for the first time. So glad we had all the shots first! Hope you have a great week.

  15. I can't tell you how delighted I am that you loved Lonesome Dove, too. What is it about that book? Maybe it's the characters? Maybe it's the interaction between the characters? I don't know, but I love it, and I'm glad you do, too.

    I'm so sorry that you and your husband got Covid. We are still waiting for that shoe to drop, as we know that it some day will.

    1. Deb - I think the appeal of Lonesome Dove must be the characters... this is a group I will NEVER forget! Never thought I'd enjoy this book so much! Can't wait to watch the miniseries.

  16. As I debate whether to go to my 40th college reunion, I've heard now of two Covid cases after reunions -- states apart! Boo hoo. I've had Covid twice, and the first time (Delta) it was so bad I couldn't read. Second time, much milder, but still it wreaked havoc on my system, leaving me with hypertension, fluid in my ears, and other things I never had before. Really want to avoid a third time!
    Good idea to re-read Our Town before reading Tom Lake! She also refers to The Cherry Orchard by Chekov. I listened to an audio edition of The Cherry Orchard while I read Tom Lake, and meant to watch Our Town after finishing it, but I never did.

    1. Laurie - We both had relatively mild cases, but I hate to think about what might have been without all those vaccinations. I hadn't heard The Cherry Orchard mentioned in conjunction with Tom Lake, but I just downloaded it and will read before starting Patchett's novel. Thanks!

  17. Oh no!! I hope that you are both feeling much better. I am sorry though that you got it, but hopefully you had a mild version.

    I am so happy you loved Lonesome Dove. It is such a fantastic book with fantastic characters. Newt, Corporal Cal, Gus... July Johnson. So many! I read all the books except I think the Streets of Laredo and loved them all.

    Tom Lake is on my TBR. I should read Our Town as well!

    Have a great week and feel better. Try honey in tea!

    1. Erin - We are all doing much better, and I do think it was pretty mild thanks to all the vaccinations. If we hadn't tested, I would've just thought it was a bad cold. I just loved all the characters in Lonesome Dove, but Gus was by far my favorite. I plan to watch the miniseries this month. Hoping to get to a book store this week to get a copy of Tom Lake... Ann Patchett is always worth reading!

  18. Glad something good, your reading, came out of this experience. Get well soon!

    1. Thanks, Harvee. I've heard about so many people being too sick to read, but thankfully I was still able to read and listen. Finally feeling better now :)

  19. Oh, JoAnn. I'm sorry you guys got Covid! I'm glad your parents didn't get it, but what a bummer. I'm glad you were able to read and listen to audiobooks. Nothing worse than being too sick to do even that. We've been so lucky (so far!) and none of the three of us have had the virus. With all our summer visitors, though, I won't be surprised if we get it. Fingers crossed we don't!

    Very cool that your daughter finished her first Ironman. What an accomplishment. Will she do another? It's definitely something that takes a lot of training! I've run in two half marathons, but never anything as strenuous as an Ironman. Good for her!

    I'm looking forward to diving into Lonesome Dove later this fall (when I can concentrate on my reading and not so much on meal-planning for visitors), and have also added The Postcard to my list. I pre-ordered a signed copy of Tom Lake, which should arrive any day now. I'm picking up a copy of Our Town (I've never read it!) later today at the library. I'm wondering which I should read first?

    I bought a copy of Hello Beautiful (I really want to add a comma after Hello...) when we were in Alberta and it's on my nightstand, so I'll get to it pretty soon.

    Hope your cough is gone by now. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

    1. Les - I guess I really thought we were going to avoid the whole thing, but at least we had relatively mild cases. We did the 5-day quarantine as advised, but I wasn't so sick that I couldn't read. So many of my friends were literally out of it for an entire week. I'm so relieved my parents didn't get it!!

      I was asking my daughter about future Ironman plans and I think it's off the table for 2024 since they'll be getting married. Who knows what she'll decide after that. I still say any one of those three events would've killed me, lol!

      My advice for Lonesome Dove would be to commit to the first 100-150 pages. I wanted to put is aside before the end of the first chapter, but was encouraged to give it 100 pages by others in the group doing a reread. SO glad I stuck with it in the beginning!

      I just got my signed copy of Tom Lake today and will start it soon. Right now I'm halfway through On Hitler's Mountain, the memoir Susan (The Cue Card) mentioned on her blog... it's a nice follow-up to The Postcard. Hello Beautiful is just so good! I think you'll enjoy that one, too.

      It looks like you're having fun with all your summer visitors. Happy August!

  20. Sorry to hear that you and your husband got Covid--but at least you got some reading time in! Always a bright side :) I am super interested in reading Lonesome Dove myself. I know I read it, or maybe skimmed it, as it didn't much for me when I read it in the mid 80's, but my sister loved it so much and now you're raving about it. I just finished True Grit and I'm totally in the mood for another western. Happy August reading!

    1. JaneGS - It's been a few weeks and I still can't stop thinking about the Lonesome Dove characters - what a great read!! If you decide to give it a try, you should commit to100-150 pages. I started it last summer and never made it through the first chapter, and think reading with a group really helped this time. Did your sister go on to read The Streets of Laredo? I might consider it next year...

    2. I'm sure Frances did read the sequel...isn't it part of a trilogy? She was an avid reader of western writers...I still have yet to read Ivan Doig, another of her favorites.

    3. JaneGS - Yes, Lonesome Dove is part of a trilogy. I may pick up the second installment next summer. One western writer I really love is Wallace Stegner. Crossing to Safety is wonderful (though not really western) and I've also loved The Big Rock Candy Mountain and Angle of Repose. A few of his other books are still on my tbr list... as is Ivan Doig. The Whistling Season has been on my kindle for years!

  21. Oh no! I'm sorry you got sick and missed your daughter's Ironman competition but I'm glad you didn't feel worse and your parents didn't get sick. We called my mom on Mother's Day to tell her we were going to fly home for a weeklong visit. She was so excited! But she called me three days later to tell me that she, my dad, and several aunts and uncles who live nearby all had covid for the first time ever. Thankfully my 86-year-old grandmother avoided it and everyone recovered relatively quickly. But we had to cancel our flight home.

    Congratulations to your daughter for completing an Ironman competition! That is no small feat.

    Lonesome Dove is so good! I'm not a fan of Westerns (My dad loves Western movies and he watched way too many when I was growing up, in my opinion) but Lonesome Dove is something special. How could you not love Gus and Call? The mini-series is good too.

    Have a great visit with your daughter the Ironman and her fiance!

    1. Jen - It seems like Covid is changing a lot of travel plans again this summer. Hope your relatives are all recovered now and you get to reschedule your trip soon.

      I'm not a fan of Westerns at all, but just can't get Gus and Call (and a few others) out of my mind! Haven't started the miniseries yet, but plan to watch it soon. I found it on hoopla through the library!

  22. Oh no!!! I hope you are both feeling better.
    My nephew Alex did the Lake Placid Ironman too! It's an amazing achievement. Congratulations to your daughter!!

    1. Audrey - Congratulations to your nephew, too. That really is an amazing accomplishment! We are recovered now, but I felt so bad not being able to be there for the BIG day. I'm sure I would have been a nervous wreck until she finished, but still wanted to be there to support her...


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