Sunday, January 17, 2021

The Sunday Salon: January 17, 2021

Hello from windy, cool Florida. It's been another news-heavy week but, thankfully, reading provided a welcome diversion and kept me from becoming overwhelmed. Unfortunately, my kindle died midweek. Not a total surprise, since it had been touchy for several months. A new paperwhite arrived an hour ago... can't wait to get it set up!

Another welcome distraction this week was a virtual presentation by Audubon of Southwest Florida on my favorite pink birds- spoonbills and flamingos. Over the past couple of months, I've enjoyed exploring a variety of free online events... bookish and otherwise.

Now for the books...



The first book from my Shelf Subscription (Annie's pick) ticked all the boxes for me. Some reviewers say it's reminiscent of The Great Gatsby - and I can see that in terms of theme - but I was reminded more of the late Pat Conroy. This was such a well-written coming-of-age story... definitely one to sink into the pages and lose yourself! 

Intuitive Eating: A Practical Guide to Make Peace with Food, Free Yourself from Chronic Dieting, and Reach Your Natural Weight
 by Evelyn Tribole,  Elyse Resch 

This book was mentioned in our local newspaper early last week. I was curious enough to check the library for a copy and found the audio available via hoopla. It was an interesting listen, but probably nothing you don't already know. Still, it's good to be reminded every now and then. The audio was about four hours long and it went even faster since I increased the speed.



I didn't make much progress this week. Between my kindle being out of commission and the impulse listen about food and eating, Edith was pushed to the back burner. It will become my primary read now that the new kindle has arrived. I want to finish before the T Book Club zoom next week.


The big hit last week was Slow Cooker Olive Garden Pasta e Fagioli from Damn Delicious... so, so good! I forwarded the recipe to my mother, sisters, and daughters... and am wondering if this week is too soon to make it again.

For a treat, I made a Blueberry Buttermilk Cake from NYTimes. This recipe has become a favorite because it's so flexible... you can use any type of berry and any kind of milk, too.

My husband has been asking for pork chops lately. I prefer tenderloins, but decided to try Pork Chops with Lemon-Caper Sauce from the NYTimes. The sauce was delicious, though it took a bit more effort. He really liked it, but they were still pork chops. 


Inauguration, at last! I'll admit to being a little nervous about how it will all unfold, but am hopeful we'll enjoy a celebration Wednesday evening.

Another virtual lecture  - the week's topic will be Sand Dunes: A Global and Local Perspective.

And more reading, cooking, and walks as we continue to keep a very low profile.

How was your week? What are you reading?

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz
It's Monday... What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. You'll have to let us know how the T book club zoom goes. I'm curious how they would facilitate a possibly large book discussion. Hope it is fun!!

    The Pasta e Fagioli looks and sounds delicious! I'll need to try it too. Thanks for mentioning it.

    I too hope this Wednesday goes well. Cannot wait to see the new administration take shape and say bye to last four years' failed experiment. Ugh.

    1. Athira - They set it up so participants cannot speak. The guest lecturer gives a presentation and comments/questions can be typed in the side bar. After the presenter speaks, the moderator poses the questions. It worked really well the last time for Go Tell It on the Mountain.

  2. Your books look tempting! So does your pasta, even though I still can't quite digest anything with red sauce. Except the occasional spaghetti in small doses. Can't give up everything!

    I am on my third Kindle, and now I am wondering how long it will last. The good news: Amazon shipments of bookish things are pretty quick. Plus, I do have a couple of shelves of print books still unread.

    Enjoy your week, and good luck with the vaccine. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - This new one is my third kindle, too. When I deleted the old one from my account, it said I purchased it in 2013. Guess I got my money's worth!

  3. I've been thinking about Pasta Fagioli ever since my daughter delivered some delicious one she had a month or so ago. That Intuitive Eating sounds like a good and brief reinforcer. I may check into it. I'm also happy you liked The Fortunate Ones as I have the eGalley for future reading. Happy Reading and fingers crossed for a peaceful Wednesday.

    1. Diane - Yes, Intuitive Eating was nothing new for me. But I was something I needed to hear again ;-)

      Hope you like The Fortunate Ones when you get to it!

  4. I'm glad you were able to get your Kindle replaced so quickly. I wonder how the Paperwhite compares to the Kindle. I got the Fire last January before I left for my big trip to Paris, but I've heard such good things about the Paperwhite I've wondered if I chose wrong.

    We get to see so many great free Zoom presentations from our naturalist group. One member is hosting an eight week intro to birding that I'm looking forward to beginning next week.

    I hope you are able to get back to Custom of the Country soon. I'd like to know if I should add it to my Classics Club list.

    I love the look of Slow Cooker Olive Garden Pasta e Fagioli. I will look at that recipe. We may try it here soon.

    1. Deb - I was happy the kindle came so quickly, too. My daughter ordered one at the beginning of the pandemic when her library closed and she had to wait much longer. They must have sold a lot of them at that time! My favorite feature of the paperwhite is that it is not backlit like a tablet... much easier on my eyes!

  5. I am a little nervous about the inauguration as well. I just hope he is sworn in with as little violence and disruption as possible! My parent are birders and believe birding and all the related efforts have been really great for people during this pandemic. It's so calming.

    1. Helen - I so agree about birding! My interest really started when we moved down here... so much to learn about and discover. It's a nice diversion during the pandemic.

  6. Ahhh I miss the beach! Pork chops with lemon caper sauce sound tasty! When does the inaug festivities start anyway? I need to look that up. Is it on the 19th or 20th?

    1. Jinjer - The inauguration is Wednesday 1/20... sure hope the transfer of power is smooth. Fingers crossed!

  7. I wasn't interested in The Fortunate Ones when I first heard it compared to The Great Gatsby, but if you think it's more like Pat Conroy's books, I may have to give it a try!

    Hooray for a new Kindle! I need to dig out my Nook and see what ebooks are on it. I never use it, but I know I downloaded a few books a year or two ago and I really should read them.

    Guess what I was planning to make tonight (before reading this post)? Pasta e Fagioli! I don't remember where I got the recipe, but it's not quite the same as yours. Like you, I prefer pork tenderloin over chops (had a grilled pork tenderloin last night), but a lemon-caper sauce sounds good. Maybe over chicken breasts with some angel hair pasta?

    Enjoy your virtual lectures, reading, cooking, walking and the BIG EVENT on Wednesday!!

    1. Les - I almost gave The Fortunate Ones five stars. The way Tarkington tells the story reminded me a lot of Pat Conroy - so engaging! The southern setting and coming-of-age aspect only strengthened the association for me. The Gatsby comparison makes sense when you think of the social/class issues, but I don't think I would have even made that connection if I hadn't read about it first.

      I love reading on my kindle. The adjustable font is key for me these days! I also like not having to rely on good lighting.

      Hope you enjoyed your Pasta e Fagioli last night. I'm back to pork tenderloin tonight... it'll be a while before I make chops again. Good idea to try that sauce with chicken! Next time...

      Fingers crossed for Wednesday. It can't come soon enough. Have a good week!

  8. I've had good luck with Damn Delicious's recipes! There are several that made it into my personal recipe notebook. I have the Olive Garden Zuppa Tuscana copycat soup on my meal plan for this week and can't wait! I can't remember who it is from. Yay for the new Kindle! My paperwhite has started to have a few odd minutes here and there so I'm thinking it might be time for a new one. It's definitely earned its keep. Have a great week!

    1. Katherine - I've made quite a few recipes from Damn Delicious, too, and they are always good. My old kindle was from 2013, so I think I got my money's worth from it. Hope yours hangs on for a while longer!

  9. I've been reading and cooking and taking photos. All very quiet down here in Tassie.

    1. Pam - Sounds like you guys have dealt with Covid so much better than most of the rest of the world - kudos! I enjoyed reading your most recent blog post... good to catch up with you.

  10. Hey, the link to the slow cooker recipe doesn't work, and it looks delicious. :)

    1. Amy - Thanks for letting me know. It's fixed now!

  11. Mmm, pasta fagioli! The virtual presentations sound fun - it's nice that we can attend things we normally wouldn't be able to.

    1. Angela - I've been enjoying a wide variety of presentations - cooking, book, birds, and our environment. Sure hope these continue after the pandemic is over.

  12. I am still planning a trip to Everglades NP and the Tampa area, and roseate spoonbills are at the top of my must-see bird list.

    Enjoy your week.

    1. Jane GS - I love roseate spoonbills, but never saw one before we lived here. If you are in Tampa, you may be close enough to Sanibel to stop by the Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge on your way to the Everglades. I frequently see them there... along with many white pelicans this time of year!

  13. Nice variety of books. In the post-Christmas retail slow down, my brother is home more and doing more cooking. He's found a recipe for a stew he wants to try today. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - It's good that your brother does some cooking... hope you enjoyed his new stew recipe. Have a good week.

  14. Sounds like your'e staying busy despite all the distractions and barriers to normality out there. There's a lot to be said for that. I'm looking forward to what you think of the Wharton book; I find her fascinating because of the insights her background gave her.

    1. Sam - We're trying to make it work. I was just telling my husband yesterday that it's a good thing we like each other so much... we rarely see anyone else these days! The Custom of the Country is a reread for me. It doesn't seem to be as popular as some of Wharton's other novels, but the main character is one of the most memorable I've ever come across. Wharton did lead an interesting life... I've visited her home (The Mount) in the Berkshires several times and always end up learning something new.

  15. Thanks, Vicki. We finished the last of the soup for lunch today. I want to make more!

  16. Yay for a new Kindle! Can't wait to hear what you think of the Wharton book. And, thank you for the recipes. They look delicious and I love the pasta fagiol soup but will try to make it without meat. Will let you know if we try it.

    1. Iliana - I'm sure that pasta fagioli recipe would be good without meat, too. The Wharton is a reread for me... loved it quite a few years ago and am enjoying it very much this time around as well.

  17. Won't it be nice if we can really let loose & celebrate on Wednesday?!? I think we all deserve it after 4 very long, hard years. I'm gettin excited. & Yay to your new Kindle -- that's always fun to get a new efficient one. You have me thinking of picking up The Fortunate Ones -- I am a sucker for coming of age tales. I'll add it to my list .... and I'd like to read a Wharton novel this year ... but haven't decided which. Enjoy your week. Beautiful picture of your beach walk!

    1. Susan - We've scheduled a post-inauguration socially-distant champagne toast with our neighbors... can't wait! The Fortunate Ones is one of the better coming of age stories I've read. Especially recommended if you like Pat Conroy!

  18. I also have been escaping into reading to deal with a lot of the stress that the world is hitting us with! I'm just hoping that the Inauguration will go off without a hitch! - Melinda @ A Web of Stories

    1. Melinda - So am I!! Glad we've had our books to get us through all the craziness.

  19. This will be the week that was for America, the day we have been counting down for, hopefully the beginning of something new. I think we have pork chops every week around here. I always fail to keep them moist when I cook them indoors, so I let my husband grill them, at which he is a champ.

    1. Judy - Yes, we are finally here. Just know things will get better! Good idea to grill the pork chops... we'll do that next time.

  20. I feel as if I am living in a third world country with our power being shut off all the time for brush fire prevention. It was shut off for two days and we still had two brush fires! BUT, my power came on this morning so I could see the inauguration. Beautiful. I felt a sense of calm that I have no felt in years.

    1. Ti - Whew! Glad you got your power back in time for the inauguration. It was something, wasn't it? I'm feeling that calm, too.

  21. Wednesday went well, fortunately ! I was thinking that when my Kindle fire would break down, I'd love to get back to the paperwhite (strong battery, reading in the sun...). I never heard about that book by Edith Wharton but I finished Ethan Frome last week - it earned the title of most depressing book of 2021 already ! Have a great week :)

    1. IzaBzh - Ethan Frome is nothing if not depressing! I've read it two or three times over the years... not sure why, it's not a favorite Wharton.I love reading on the paperwhite. I understand the fire is more like reading on an a computer screen. This is much easier on the eyes. It's great for reading outdoors, too. Wednesday did go well - what a relief!

  22. Oo I had been considering The Fortunate Ones and your review has clinched it. I love Pat Conroy's books so much and if this is anything like his, then I need to read it!!!

    Stay safe and enjoy those birds! I would love to see a Spoonbill one day. :)

    1. Erin - I've loved so many of Pat Conroy's books, too. You definitely need to add The Fortunate Ones to your list!!


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