Sunday, January 3, 2021

The First Sunday Salon of 2021

Hello, friends! Hope you're enjoying a peaceful New Year's weekend. It's sunny and a little warmer than usual here in southwest Florida, but we're expecting a cold front by tomorrow. Today we're cleaning, putting away Christmas decorations, and getting organized for the week ahead.

Our Manhattan daughters were here for several weeks in December. Fortunately they were able to quarantine at out recently-vacated condo before eventually joining us at the house. We all kept a very low profile (numbers are way too high in FL) and they have both tested negative (again) since their return to the City. Now we are back to three... one adult daughter lives with us.

Within the past week I've discovered a renewed energy for reading and, hopefully, blogging. My ankle seems to have healed well enough to allow me to walk 2.5 miles with minimal pain. Last week I was able to walk five days. The time on the beach with an audiobook in my ears has done wonders for my mood! I'll maintain this pace/distance for a few weeks and see how it goes.

Finished last week//

Rachel to the Rescue by Elinor Lipman

I've been an Elinor Lipman fan for years, but hadn't heard about her latest until Audrey mentioned it. This is the first novel featuring Covid and the Trump presidency (in an unfavorable light, in case you're wondering) I've come across, but many more are sure to follow. Lipman's witty prose and quirky characters made for a light, fun reading experience.

Last week Audrey and I attended a virtual event sponsored by Belmont Books featuring Lipman in conversation with fellow author and friend Caroline Leavitt - a delightful evening! I hope events like this continue post-pandemic. 

by T.E. Kinsey, narrated by Elizabeth Knowelden

It's been quite a while since I listened to a cozy mystery, but this was a perfect post-Christmas diversion. The first in the Lady Hardcastle Mystery series, our main characters are an eccentric, English widow and her lady's maid, Flo. They have retired to a quiet life the country, but somehow murder and intrigue follow. My favorite aspect of the novel was the witty banter between Lady Hardcastle and Flo. The narrator's British accent made it even more enjoyable. Be sure to choose the audio if you decide to give it a try!


Current reading//

The Undocumented Americans by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio

This book was included on several  "Best of 2020" lists, so I decided to use an audible credit. The nonfiction audio is narrated by the author, an undocumented Harvard-educated American, and is very moving. I've also borrowed the ebook from the library, but will probably continue listening... almost halfway through now.

On the blog//

In the kitchen//

I'm planning to make Ina Garten's Weeknight Bolognese  (a favorite) for dinner tonight and, since there are a few overripe bananas to use, I'll try this Chocolate Banana Cake recipe from Katie Workman. 

I also have to plan menus for the week and make a grocery list. I'm still shopping once a week (at 7 AM) but look forward to the time I don't have to be quite so organized... 

How was your week? What have you been reading lately?

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz
It's Monday... What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. I feel like I have heard of Eleanor Lipman but can't remember her books. Yikes! I'll need to check them out. I do like the cover of Rachel to the Rescue.

    Hope you have a great week and I love this increased desire to read and blog more. I know I'm smitten by it too and just hope that it will last past this week, when "real" life resumes.

    1. Athira - Lipman has written quite a few novels (and a collection of essays) that are always fun to read. Her last novel was Good Riddance. I'm glad to see you are blogging often again... always enjoy reading your posts!

  2. I hadn't heard of that Elinor Lipman book. I have enjoyed several of her books so another to add to the list. Your other reads sound so interesting too. Hope you have a great week and let us know how the banana bread turns out. Looks delicious!

    1. Iliana - US publishers weren't didn't want the book at first (they thought there wold be Trump fatigue!) so a UK publisher picked it up. It will be coming out in the US soon though.

  3. I'm a Lipman fan as well and didn't realize she had a new released. I like her humor. Hope 2021 turns out well for you JoAnn.

    1. Diane - Lipman's humor always strikes the right chord with me. She's excellent on twitter, too. She's posting rhyming poems that poke fun at Trump.

  4. It sounds like you had a lovely and safe visit with your Manhattan daughters. Glad they tested negative after their return home.

    It's been oddly cold here this winter.

    It's wonderful that you have found renewed energy for reading. I had a great deal of trouble reading for a while during the pandemic. Then everything I read just felt so-so. I hope this year brings some wonderful stories.

    I loved Elinor Lipman's The Inn at Lake Divine and The Ladies' Man. I will look for Rachel to the Rescue. I'll also seek out Undocumented Americans.

    1. Deb - I was worried about them picking up the virus in the airport or on the plane, but they were extremely cautious - mask, face shield, etc.

      I still haven't read The Inn at Lake Devine, despite having a copy on my shelf for years. That seems to be her most well-known novel, too.

  5. I am very glad to hear that you are able to take your walks again but please, be careful and go easy.

    A new year and a bit of organizing goes hand in hand, doesn't it? I am going to go through my shelves this week to see what I can give away. I am also going to walk around with a trash bag and just get rid of all the little papers floating around, old toiletries, etc.

    1. Ti - Not sure what it is with a New Year and the organization bug, but it happens every year. Thanks for reminding me to go through the old toiletries and cosmetics... adding to my list this week! ;-)

  6. Glad your healing is moving along! That's so great that you got to spend so much time with your family!

    1. Angela - I wish we could have seen my parents and FIL, too, but hopefully next year. It was an unexpected treat to spend so much time with the girls!

  7. I also received Undocumented Americans for Christmas and am looking forward to reading it this year.

    1. Helen - I can see why The Undocumented Americans was included on so many lists. I'm both reading and listening, but hearing the author's voice makes it more impactful. It would be worth listening to the audio sample just so you can get an idea of her tone.

  8. The Elinor Lipman book sounds good! Just my cup of tea, I think. I hope we all manage to get through the better days ahead, even though it will take a while.

    Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - I'm sure you would enjoy Lipman's book! It's such a fun imagining of current events.

  9. I’m delighted your new year is off to a good start!
    I’ve added the Lipman novel to my wishlist, thanks for the heads up!

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Shelleyrae - I always enjoy Lipman's work... this one is good for a few laughs!

  10. I'm a big Elinor Lipman fan, but haven't heard of this new one until now. The virtual event sounds good - author events seem to always be on one of my two nights to work, but I'll keep my eye out for another one! Thanks for the cozy mystery recommendation, too. If you haven't already listened to the Max Pryor books by G.M. Malliett, I recommend them on audio!

    1. Laurie - Thank you for the recommendation! I'm not familiar with the Max Pryor books, but will look them up. BTW, I don't seem to be able to comment on your blog (suspect the problem is on my end) but I enjoy reading your posts.

    2. Thanks for letting me know! I should look into some other commenting platform, I think. I didn't realize it but maybe you have to have a WordPress account to comment, and I should look into trying to change that.

    3. Laurie - I have an old WP account (once started a test blog there, thinking I would migrate over) and sometimes signing in with twitter works, but nothing would yesterday. Have a feeling the problem is here though...

  11. Glad to hear you are able to walk again. Walking is vital to my mental and physical health, and it's rough when you can't do it.

    A Quiet Life in the Country seems like fun.

    Personally, it will be years before I can read anything that references the Trump administration. I'm fervently looking forward to the day when I can turn on a newscast pick up a newspaper or magazine and see no reference to those dark days. Still in recovery.

    I love Ina's recipes - there are a few that are staples at our table and she has never steered me wrong.

    1. JaneGS - I knew daily walks were important to my overall well-being, but didn't realize just how much until the injury!

      US publishers bet many readers would feel the same as you and weren't wild about picking up Lipman's novel. It was actually published in the UK. They've since reconsidered...

      Ina is my favorite! I'm slowly adding her older cookbooks to my shelves. I culled my cookbook collection before we moved and now there is finally room.

  12. I finished Wild Seed by Octavia Butler and The Searcher by Tana French last week. I think I am going to read a bunch of thrillers in a row just to get me through to the Inauguration. LOL!

    1. Judy - That sounds like a great idea! Have a feeling these next couple of weeks will be wild...

  13. Beautiful photo. The beach is my happy place.

  14. I'm glad your ankle is better. I enjoyed reading A Quiet Life in the Country but can see that it would make a great audiobook. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - Have you read any other books in the series? I wonder if they are as good. The narrator's accent made it even more enjoyable, I think.

  15. I love the photo too! Good luck with easing back into your walks. Take care!

    1. Thanks, Kay. I'm being very cautious... don't want to re-injure anything!

  16. I'm glad you are back walking the beach with your audios! I know walking makes all the difference (as I take one everyday too) and I hope your ankle holds! I hope we survive till Inauguration Day. Stay well.

    1. Susan - Walking again has done wonders for my mood... my husband thinks I was getting a little cranky ;-) Think we're in for a wild ride the next couple of weeks!

  17. Vicki - The characters in A Quiet Life in the Country are so much fun... and the accent of the narrator is delightful. It would be a good choice next time you're in the mood for a cozy mystery.

  18. Happy to hear about the positive attitude you've found toward reading and in general. That's a great way to begin a new year. The weather here has been so spectacular that I'm doing more walking and "listening" than I have in a while. I hope it lasts.

    1. Sam - Walking and listening is great... especially on these cooler mornings. Fingers crossed the good weather and motivation lasts.

  19. I'm glad you were able to safely spend time with your out of town daughters! Happy New Year! (Melinda @ A Web of Stories)

    1. Thanks, Melinda. It's was so good to be together. Happy New Year!

  20. Nice that you had your daughters safely with you and that the holiday break has refuelled you with some energy for various pursuits. I wonder how many more books will include Covid and DT. Will be interesting to see.

    1. Kathryn - I have a feeling we'll be overrun by Covid and trump books in the next few years, lol!

  21. We had a quiet NYE too though honestly ours usually are though maybe not THIS quiet. Glad the Manhattan daughters stayed COVID free and you were able to spend time with them. A Quiet Life in the Country looks like a book I'd like so I'm adding that to my TBR. Happy New Year!

    1. Katherine - I think you'd enjoy A Quiet Life in the Country, too. Hope you're having a better week.

  22. I haven't tried Elinor Lipman's work yet. Thanks for the suggestion. Right now I am finishing The Guest List by Lucy Foley and enjoyed an anthology abut wine for my first book the nonfiction challenge with Shellyrae.

    It's cold and windy today in North Florida. Yesterday we drove to a park near Bainbridge Georgia to scope out camping sites. Otehreise, it;s staying in and reading or watching movies. Watching the crazy insurrection unfold on the news via tablet. Times like this I wish we had TV feed!

    1. Tina - Hope you're enjoying The Guest List. I really enjoyed it last summer and want to read her earlier books.

      It's chilly down here again, but such an improvement over our central NY winters! The news from Washington has been truly horrifying this week... it cannot end soon enough.

    2. He has ruined this country. It's going to take a long time to heal from this.
      I liked The Hunting Party better than the Guest List but it's still good!

    3. Tina - I'm afraid you're right about that. :(
      The Hunting Party will be my next Foley novel - thanks.

  23. Where the heck did the week go?? What a way to start 2021, right? I'm am sickened by what has transpired in D.C. and hope Trump is impeached again!

    I'm so glad you were able to have your daughters with you in December and also very happy to hear that your ankle is better and that you're out walking again. Walking is good for the soul!

    I first heard about Lady Hardcastle mysteries on He Read She Read (podcast) and have been curious, so I just bought the audio to listen to later this month. Yay!

    1. Les - It's been a week... 2021 seems a lot longer than just 8 days! Just awful!

      I also learned about Lady Hardcastle though He Read She Read. They are right - audio is definitely the way to go.

  24. I really need to pick up one of Eleanor Lipman's books!

    1. Lisa - I'm surprised you haven't read her! Not sure I'd go with this one right away... especially if you're as angry at trump this week as I am!


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