Sunday, October 18, 2020

The Sunday Salon: October 18, 2020

Hello again from Florida. We're so glad to be home! Our six weeks along the Connecticut coast were wonderful... we were reminded of how much we enjoyed living there back in the 80s. The only downside was a broken ankle. My mid-September ankle injury turned out to be a break, so morning walks, along with audiobook consumption, came to an abrupt halt. 

Toward the end of of the month, we all got rapid COVID tests and headed to central NY. The time with family, crisp fall air, and gorgeous colors (especially the pronounced vibrant reds) made for a glorious visit.

Now we're back in Florida, encouraging the contractor to finish up the punch list leftover from July so we can start living at the house. It's kind of crazy going between two places every day... good thing they're only a few miles apart!

With all that's been happening, and all the news to keep up with, I've only finished one book in the past two weeks...

 Listen to the Marriage: A Novel by John Jay Osborn

This unusual novel features three characters (wife, husband, and marriage counselor) in one room with no action whatsoever. The reader basically observes their marriage counseling sessions. For obvious reasons, it will not appeal to everyone.

There were several instances where it seemed I was actually eavesdropping on this stressed couple.... an oddly voyeuristic feeling, yet I kept right on reading. The way in which the couple gradually came to articulate their feelings, find the true meaning in words being spoken, and examine underlying issues with the guidance of a skilled therapist was fascinating.

After finishing, I realized Osborn is also the author of The Paper Chase, the novel behind the television show of the same name...which I loved back in the day. I've downloaded a sample to my kindle. Note to self: remember to read about the author before beginning a book! 

My rating:

Current reading//

Anxious People by Fredrik Backman 

Since starting this book yesterday, I've already read half of it. It's filled with quirky characters in an odd situation - they're accidental hostages following a foiled bank robbery attempt. In all honesty, I considered setting it aside around 20%, but so many 5-star ratings from friends convinced me to stick with it a little longer. I'm fully invested now and can't wait to see how it all plays out.

I'm mostly listening to this book, narrated by the author, but progress is painfully slow. As I mentioned, my morning walks haven't resumed since breaking my ankle, so audio time has been limited... I am enjoying it though.

Coming soon//

It's almost time for Nonfiction November, my favorite blogging event of the year! Get all the details here.

A Virtual Book Launch//

Modern Comfort Food: A Barefoot Contessa Cookbook by Ina Garten

I know I'm not be the only one missing book club meetings and author events. My sister-in-law recently convinced me to give virtual events a try, so upon receiving an email from RJ Julia Booksellers announcing Ina Garten's virtual book launch, I purchased a ticket. It included a signed copy of her new book plus access to her live interview with Sam Sifton, NYTimes food editor. I enjoyed the event, though it felt like I was watching someone else's Zoom conversation. Audience members could type questions and Sifton selected a few to pose to Ina... who was delightful. Have you tried virtual bookish events?

In other news//  

We filled out our mail-in ballots last week and hand-delivered them to the county Board of Elections. They had traffic cones and multiple signs leading to a drive-up tent, where two poll workers checked ballot envelopes for signatures, handed out "I VOTED" stickers, and deposited ballots in the secure box. I was shocked to find a steady stream of vehicles both ahead of and behind me! The next day I was able to check on-line and see that my vote had indeed been counted.  Do you have a plan to vote?

How are things going for you this fall? What have you been reading lately?

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.
It's Monday... What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. I hope your ankle will heal soon! I always !
    Look forward to Ina's is this one? I would probably never try many of her recipes but I love her Chinese chicken Asia's her butternut squash risotto, her lemon yogurt cake, and probably some others that I can't think of at the moment. :)

    1. Audrey - I tried to go for a walk yesterday, but my ankle just hasn't healed enough. I'll try again in another week... sigh.

      I still haven't received Ina's cookbook! The event was the 7th, but media mail takes forever, especially here. I like the recipes you mentioned. Here Bolognese sauce is a new favorite. I'm looking forward to cooking my way through this one when it finally arrives.

    2. BTW, that's "her Chinese Chicken Salad, her butternut squash..." I need to remind myself not to type on my phone or Kindle right now!
      I'm sorry the ankle is taking so long to feel better...I'm sending it (and you) encouraging thoughts!

    3. Audrey - I was trying to figure out the Chinese Chicken Salad, lol... thanks for the clarification! ;-) Hope your eye situation is resolving, too.

  2. So sorry to hear about the broken ankle. Hopefully yu will heal quicky but it always seems like a long time when you are just waiting.
    Yes, definitely planning to vote and we will be going in person. I don't trust it any other way.

    1. Tina - It's been just over a month with the ankle and I'm starting to get impatient. Might try biking tomorrow and see how that goes... walking is still too painful. Hope the lines aren't too long at the polls!

  3. Hope you ankle is on the mend, and that your new home is soon finished. I liked Anxious People (eGalley) a lot, but, it didn't hook me from page one; quirky for sure but, enjoyable. We requested mail-in ballots but dropped then off at Town Hall instead of mailing. Hope this madness is over soon - so hard to focus.

    1. Diane - Glad to know it took you a while to get into Anxious People, too. I'll be happy when the election is over, too... it's almost impossible to concentrate on anything else these days.

  4. Wow, a broken ankle sounds painful! Relax and heal!

    I loved that show The Paper Chase! Now I will check out Listen to the Marriage.

    I started reading Anxious People...and while I liked parts of it, I lost momentum and set it aside. I am sure I will return to it.

    I like the sound of the crisp fall air in your visit to NY...and I hope you are able to get everything done in Florida.

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - The Paper Chase was a favorite show of mine. Will check to see if it's available on Netflix or Prime. Hope the book is good, too.

      This is actually my second attempt at Anxious People. I didn't get very far at all the first time, but am hooked now. Fingers crossed!

  5. I love Bill Bryson narrated books but I haven't listened to AT HOME so I can't remark about it. I want to read that Backman book but I am too distracted to read these days. My Sunday Salon post with a focus on faith

    1. Anne - I think a lot of Americans are too distracted to concentrate on much of anything these days... I hope this is all over soon!

  6. Sorry to hear about the broken ankle! Hope you are feeling better soon.

    Listen to the Marriage sounds intriguing. Hadn't heard of this one.

    The kids and I are planning to vote in person. I mailed my husband's ballot yesterday.

    I'm definitely looking forward to Nonfiction November too!

    1. Thanks, Melissa. Initially we thought the ankle was just a bad sprain, but turns out it's a small fracture. Wish I could remember where I heard about Listen to the Marriage... it might have been a podcast. The ratings aren't that great on goodreads (and I can see why people wouldn't like it) but I thought it was pretty interesting. Hope I can concentrate on writing my Nonfiction November posts... could be a wild time here...

  7. Vicki - Yours was one of the reviews that convinced me to keep going with Anxious People... thank you. Your home and kitchen updates sound exciting. I can't wait to start cooking in my new kitchen. It will be such a change from the tiny one here in the condo. Good luck voting in person. Our good friends next door will do the same... hope the lines aren't too long. I tried going for a walk yesterday and didn't get very far, but am managing daily activities. Hopefully another week or two will be better.

  8. I'm so sorry about your ankle! Yikes. That's tough. Glad you were able to get out and see some pretty fall colors. I hope your ankle heals up quickly and you can get back to some morning walks again!

    Glad your house is coming along too. Hope it all gets finished soon.

    I need to read At Home. I picked it up a few years back when Border's closed and got it on sale. I've heard nothing but good things!

    I've been listening to a couple of books but it's harder to find the time to listen as much as I used to when I was commuting or doing more errands before the pandemic! My audiobook listening just isn't quite what it used to be.

    1. Heather - My ankle is fine for daily activities now, but I'm missing my daily walks. Missing my audiobook time, too. Hopefully I'll get there soon. At Home has been on my shelf for years, too, so I'm glad to finally read it.

  9. I'm so sorry about your ankle. Hope you heal up quickly!

    I'm super excited about Nonfiction November this year. :)

    1. Monika - The ankle is more of an inconvenience than anything else... I am anxious to get back to my walks. I can't wait for Nonfiction November!

  10. Hey JoAnn, glad that you are back in FLA. How is your ankle? When will you be able to start your beach walks again? So glad you voted early & got your ballot counted! Yes I got my absentee ballot in to the state of Virginia in early Oct. So I voted too -- and I remain hopeful (cross fingers). I'm just starting to read for Nonfiction November. Hope your new place will be ready soon. Enjoy.

    1. Susan - I'm pretty happy to be back, too, and hoping to resume my walks in another couple of weeks. Glad you voted early. The number of people who have is mind boggling... turnout records will likely be shattered. Hooray for Nonfiction November!

  11. It would be so nice to know one's vote has been counted. We couldn't vote by mail, as that's only open to a small group of people, mostly the ill and elderly, and the state makes no rules requiring masks for voters, so I had to brave the small indoor voting area in my town.

    You have sent me to my library to request Listen to the Marriage, Anxious People, and Comfort Food. I have been a lifelong fan of the movie Paper Chase (I haven't seen the show, but I will definitely look for it), so I couldn't pass up Listen to the Marriage. Anxious People sounds like the sort of humorous book I've been needing to read. And Comfort Food? Perfect for this time.

    I hope the work is quickly accomplished on your house and you are able to move in soon.

    1. Deb - It does seem that Texas makes it harder for people to vote, but people seem to be persevering this year. I'm glad! Hope Listen to the Marriage will be a book you like. I thought it was fascinating!

  12. Sorry to hear the injury is worse than you thought, but happy that you are home safely.

    My reaction to the Backman book was much like yours. About 20% of the way through it, I was losing patience with the characters and the two rather inept police interviewers. But I knew it was highly praised by most readers, so I stuck with it...and then it clicked. I ended up really liking it and the way that it ended.

    I saw that Bill Bryson has just announced his retirement. The one you are reading is not one of my favorite Bryson titles, but I'm already missing him.

    1. Sam - That's definitely the reaction I'm having to Anxious People... losing patience with all of them until it clicked. Your review was one that convinced me to keep going, so thank you!

      I missed Bill Bryson's retirement announcement! Sorry to hear it, but certainly wish him the best. At Home is filled with interesting stories and facts but, even though I'm enjoying it, I'm never dying to pick it up.

  13. What a beautiful photo, JoAnn! I've missed your Florida pictures. Welcome home!

    I'm so sorry about your broken ankle! It must be very frustrating since I know how much you like to walk. Are you in a boot? My husband's broken arm hasn't healed and now the orthopedic surgeon is recommending shoulder replacement surgery. :( He's not very happy about this, but he wants to get this all behind him so he can start playing his guitar!

    I hope it won't be too long before you can move into your new home. I have another friend in Florida and they have finally finished their renovations. They lived in their 5th wheel trailer all summer. Can you imagine how hot that would be, even with A/C?! Yikes.

    Listen to the Marriage sounds like a winner. I'll have to listen to a sample. Thanks! Rod loved Bill Bryson's At Home, but I never got around to reading it.

    I can't wait for Nonfiction November!! I've got my stack of books ready to go. I haven't done too well with the RIP XV challenge. So far, I've only read 4 books, given up on 3 and have 5 others to read. I'm about 1/5 of the way into Magpie Murders, which is good, but it's not calling to me too much.

    I haven't tried any virtual bookish events, just my monthly book club. I'm not a huge fan of Zoom...

    I dropped our ballots off at City Hall yesterday. I was the only one there, so I wonder if more people are mailing theirs in. However, there are several drop boxes scattered all over our county, so maybe other residents took theirs elsewhere. I'll check tomorrow to see if mine's been counted. I will be so glad when this election is over!!

    Take care and good luck with your ankle!

    1. Les - No, thankfully I did not need a boot. It seemed like I barely moved at all for a week or two. Now I'm able to do normal activities (and am so thankful for that!) but miss my walk so much. I might try an early morning bike ride and see if I can tolerate that. I can imagine how frustrated Rod must feel not being able to play his guitar, etc. I hope the surgery will quickly get him back to where he wants to be!

      It shouldn't take long for the odds and ends to be finished. We had them stop for the couple of months we were away, but hope they'll be back at it this week.

      I like At Home... enjoying the interesting facts and stories, but don't miss it while I'm away. I'll be curious to hear what you think if you get to Listen to the Marriage. So many reasons not to like it, but I couldn't stop reading.

      I haven't gotten around to RIP reading yet and am not sure I will... so many distractions lately. Bring on Nonfiction November!

  14. Hope the ankle heals soon. Your books look interesting though I found the Backmann book slow going.

    1. Mystica - This is the first I've read of Backmann and I'm surprised it took me so long to get into!

  15. We faxed our ballots in for Biden from Tasmania a couple of weeks ago and received notification from Lee Co where we are required to vote as our last place of American residence in 1988! The benefit of being duel citizens. I had to cancel my brother's vote for Trump. He's to the right and my sister and I to the left and we don't talk politics with him as don't want to ruin good relationships. I will be glued to tv on 4 Nov here which is 3 Nov there. I loved the tv show Paper Chase. Such a long time ago. Hope your foot heals soon. 🤠⚘🐧

    1. Pam - So funny that we vote in the same county from opposite sides of the world! And thank you for taking the time to cancel your brother's vote ;-) I'm not talking politics with some of my siblings these days either and it's probably for the best. Election Day can't come soon enough.

  16. Yes, definitely planning to vote, and will be thankful when all the election kerfuffle is behind us.
    Hope that ankle heals quickly!

    1. Michele - My thoughts exactly... the sooner this is over the better!

  17. I've done a couple virtual bookish events. They're fun, but I'll be glad to get back to in-person events someday! Hope your renovations finish up soon!

    1. Angela - The virtual bookish events are better than nothing, but I sure do miss live gatherings...

  18. Oh no!! I am sorry about your ankle but glad you had such a great time with your visit. :)

    I am getting excited about Nonfiction November too!

    1. Erin - The ankle did put a damper on some of our plans, but we still had a great time. I just love Nonfiction November!

  19. So nice to hear from you again. Your time in CN and NY sounds great, despite the broken ankle, and I'm sure the cooler weather makes your return to FL even better.

    I love Bill Bryson's At Home, and I prefer listening to him reading his work rather than my reading it myself. I have listened to this one twice, and enjoyed it immensely both times.

    Listen to the Marriage does sound interesting--I like how the effectiveness of the therapy comes through.

    Anxious People also sounds interesting--good premise.

    Best wishes on getting settled.

    1. JaneGS - I've found that I prefer listening to Bill Bryson, too, but still try to have a print copy on hand for reference. At Home is very interesting so far. Once I'm back to my walks, there will be more listening time so progress should speed up. Eventually I'll get to The Body: A Guide for Occupants.

      Listen to the Marriage was so interesting, but I haven't recommended it to any of my real life reading friends... think the lack of a real plot or action would be too off-putting. I'll be curious to see if it works for some blogging friends.

  20. Ankles need quite a lot of time to heal properly as I’m sure your doctor told you, and is more prone to reinjury so take care!
    I’m starting to put together my ideas and reading list for Nonfiction November

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Shelleyrae - Yes, my ankles have been prone to sprains and twists for almost as long as I can remember. This has been the worst, so I'm trying to be careful to give it plenty of time to heal... it's just frustrating because I want to get back out on my walks. I'm going to try to start working on Nonfiction November posts this week.

  21. JoAnn, I am so sorry to hear about your ankle! I pray for a swift recovery for you. But glad even with that, that you managed to have a lovely trip and get back to finishing off the house once you were back. Take care, rest, heal and read! I am also looking forward to taking part in Nonfiction November. 👋📚🙂

    1. Thank you, Jessica. I am trying to sit and read more, but there is so much around me that needs to be done... it's hard. Can't wait for Nonfiction November!

  22. I hope your ankle heals soon. I have At Home on my TBR stack. It's the sort of book that I tend to read over many many days a chapter or so at a time while I'm also reading other books. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - Thanks! Your method for reading At Home is similar to mine, but I'm adding in the audio version too. Have a good week!

  23. Hope your work gets done in a timely manner and that your ankle heals well. I was able to vote early before leaving to help my mom out in Florida.

    1. Nise' - Thanks, hoping for progress on both fronts this week.

  24. Good luck with the construction stuff and the ankle stuff. That sounds stressful. I’m glad you’re enjoying Anxious People. I need to read that one. And, I’m looking forward to Nonfiction November. It’s one of my favorite reading events. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. AJ - I ended up giving Anxious People 4.5 stars... so glad I stuck with it!

  25. I'm sorry to hear the ankle was a break but not shocked from how you described it. Keep resting it! I don't think I every let mine properly heal and I still have issues with it sometimes and I broke my 10 years ago! I listened to the Bill Bryson but I feel like I need to just continuously listen to it over and over because there is so much information crammed in there that I don't feel like I absorbed even half of it. It was fascinating and entertaining though. Have a great week.

    1. Katherine - I'm starting to feel like my ankle could become a recurring injury, too. Trying hard not to do too much too soon... fingers crossed. The Bill Bryson book is packed with information and interesting tidbits! I'll be happy if I absorb and remember half of it, lol.

  26. Do you have to have surgery on your ankle or has too much time passed now? I hope it's not causing you too much grief.

    Why is it that the final punch list always takes so long to complete? In my other house, it took forever and then many weeks later I dropped something in the kitchen, bent down, and realized that the underside of my cabinets were not painted. Ugh. Check everything. Get on the floor, and look around.

  27. All the books you're reading are on my wishlist. I actually love the sound of Listen to the Marriage and will check it out.

    I had forgotten about Nonfiction November - thanks for the reminder! Will need to try to make time for it this year.

    Welcome back home!

    1. Athira - I'll be curious to hear what you think if you do get to Listen to the Marriage... that may have narrow appeal, but it sure worked for me! Glad you're in for Nonfiction November.

  28. Once again I have fallen behind in visiting blogs. I have been reading two very long books, one for me but due soon at the library and another for a reading group. 200 pages a day is a full time activity! Sorry about your ankle, glad to know you are safely back in Florida. The marriage counseling book sounds interesting. Happy reading from here on!

    1. Hi Judy - Yes, reading 200 pages a day would keep me occupied full time, too! You have been reading some great books though, so I know it's worth it. The ankle is slowly healing... the main problem now seems to be my impatience. Take care.

  29. Hi JoAnn,
    I am so glad your ankle is healing. It's so hard to be patient. I know for sure, because I broke my tibia, just under my knee, in 2012. Books help, I took to watching loads of movies I hadn't seen, and then some. So take care!
    We have long since voted by absentee ballot and are happy to have that done. I guess "happy" is the word, though I haven't been feeling happy. I suppose I'm feeling disturbed, upset perhaps, and worryingly distracted. My mind is running away, escaping, in all sorts of directions away from our national situation, so much so, that I am forgetting things I need to do, people I said I'd call, and I know it's not dementia (I'm sure that's coming eventually, though not at the moment!) It's just that I don't want my mind to be in this world right now, so it goes into escape mode.
    Modern Comfort Food is coming my way via the New York Public Library, as an e-book, in about 5 weeks.
    And I'm so glad you mentioned the novel about a couple in marriage counseling--sounds fascinating. Will look that one up!


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