Saturday, September 19, 2020

An End-of-Summer Update

 Hello, friends. How in the world did it get to be mid-September? We're savoring the final days of summer along the Connecticut coast, just as we did when we lived here thirty years ago. We've loved having our daughters here (still working remotely), eaten our fill of lobster rolls, and enjoyed long walks (me) and bike rides (my husband). Unfortunately, my walks came to an abrupt end last weekend when I twisted my ankle in a pothole. The sprain is a bad one and there's a small chip fracture, too. I'm staying off of it as much as possible, and using a friend's golf club as a cane when I do need to move around. Hopefully, I'll be ready to walk on the beach by the time we get back to Florida.

Recent reading//

Sorry I'm Late, I Didn't Want to Come: An Introvert's Year of Living Dangerously by Jessica Pan

This book was mentioned last month by Deb at Readerbuzz  and the concept intrigued me. Jessica Pan spends a year trying to overcome her introversion by living as an extrovert. I loved the first several chapters where she talks about moving beyond small talk, networking tips, and her experience using an ap to find a new BFF.  My mind started to wander when she got to trying improv and stand up comedy. I can't even begin  to fathom that! The "final exam" involved cooking a Thanksgiving dinner (in London) for the many new people in her life at the end of the year. Overall, I enjoyed the book... it sure gave this introvert something to thing about. 

The Guest List by Lucy Foley 

This was the first mystery I've read in ages and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The wildly atmospheric story of a wedding, complete with a murder, on an island off the coast of Ireland is told from multiple points-of view: the bride, the groom, the best man, the plus one, the wedding planner, and the bridesmaid. Each character is fascinating and comes with plenty of figurative baggage. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough! Now I need to explore Foley's earlier novels.

The Shell Seekers by Rosamunde Pilcher

I loved this book when I first read it in the late 80s/early 90s and have considered it a favorite ever since. I'm happy to report that The Shell Seekers  stood the test of time and was every bit as enjoyable the second time around... a perfect comfort read!

Recent listening//

I've gravitated toward nonfiction audio over the past few weeks... mostly shorter memoirs and essays. All have been in the 3.5 to 4.5 star range. My favorite of the bunch was I'm Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness by Austin Channing Brown. A couple of the essay's in Zadie Smith's short collection were also excellent.

by Kamala Harris, narrated by the author

Intimations by Zadie Smith, narrated by the author

Current reading//

I've just started this unusual memoir and already love it! It's about the author's relationship with her grandmother, along with family history, and stories. It's unique in that the author is writing in her grandmother's voice... hence the "as told to" in the title. I'll bet this would be great on audio, too, but my library doesn't own a copy.

This is Happiness by Niall Williams

Beautiful writing, strong sense of place (small Irish village), but light on plot. I've been reading a chapter or two whenever the mood strikes... progressing slowly, but steadily.

So that's it on the reading front. 

After another COVID test on Monday, we'll visit my parents in NY again. Depending on the weather (hurricane situation), we'll head back to Florida in early October. 

I hope you're managing with all the craziness that is our world today. Let me know how you're doing and what you've been reading. I'll check in again soon. Take good care, friends.

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.

It's Monday... What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. Just the thought of trying to be an extrovert is turning this introvert off. Too many people, too much small talk with people you either don't know or don't connect to, is hard! However, I love it when there's a book club or a board game to connect the group, then I can be as extroverted as I want to. That said, I love the idea of the book and may try it just to see what all she tries.

    1. Athira - My thoughts exactly! This was a fun book to read and I did get some good ideas, but I don't see the need to try and change your basic nature.

  2. How can one "overcome" being an introvert, and why on earth would you want to? From everything I've read, being shy and being an introvert are not the same thing. I am not shy - am happy with other people, can talk, etc. but I need my alone time, my quiet time to recharge my - would you call it, essence? Who I am, I guess. There is a whole world now that talks about overcoming fears and jumping out of planes, etc. I am much happier in my quiet little life with no "challenging" myself! haha. Sorry about your ankle.

    1. Nan - Yes, being shy and introverted are two different things. I definitely need my alone time, but enjoy small gatherings, too. It's large crowds of unfamiliar people that gives me anxiety... but that's no longer a problem with the pandemic, lol!

  3. I do love the title of that first book but, like you, I can't even imagine doing something like stand-up comedy. I considered myself to be an introvert most of my life, and it's only been the last 20 years or so that I'm starting to feel more comfortable in the social situations that used to always make me feel so uncomfortable. It took a while...but it repetition finally got me there.

    As for the end of you know, it doesn't really end along the Gulf Coast until the last hurricane or tropical storm is finally put to bed. And what a year, it's been. Looks like Hurricane Beta is coming now. Summer has a ways to go yet.

    Hope your ankle improves quickly.

    1. Sam - Part of being comfortable in certain social situations is a matter of practice/familiarity... guess as we reach a 'certain age' we've done it enough that it becomes natural. Stand up comedy is something else altogether though!

      We're planning to start back to SWFL within the next couple of weeks, but will keep an eye on the tropics. It's been a wild year for storms/hurricanes and the last thing we need is to cross paths with one now.

  4. Great to hear from you, JoAnn and that you've been enjoying your reading and the last days of summer, but so sorry to hear about your ankle. Put your feet up and I hope it won't take too long to heal. 🙏 My reading has been a bit slow of late, as I have been trying to get used to work with the new rules and regulations. Take care, stay safe and happy reading! 😃

    1. Thanks, Jessica. The ankle injury has given me more time to read this week, but I'm starting to get restless now. Good luck with the transitions/rules at work. It's been a big challenge for my sister, but they're managing so far.

  5. Oh no about the ankle! Hope it heals quickly!

    1. Thanks, Amy. The swelling has finally gone down, but it's still quite painful. Guess I need to pay more attention to the road and less to the scenery and audiobook!

  6. Our summer drags on here into September and October, but it's a milder summer, so it's much more pleasant. Well, that's when we don't have a hurricane approaching in the Gulf. Which we do right now. Again. Sigh.

    Oh no, a twisted ankle. That's my worst worry. We are planning a hiking trip in November, and we're trying to get in a lot of walking in preparation for it. I hope you heal quickly and thoroughly.

    I think I was most surprised to see the introvert try improv. It was something she loved, and I can't really imagine that. The whole experience of putting herself out there was a positive one for the author, and you could see that she was much happier after trying it.

    I've never read Shell Seekers. Note to self: Look for it.

    I hope you have a lovely week, JoAnn.

    1. Deb - The number of storms this season has been crazy! Hope things settle down some in the next week or two before we go back to FL. The introvert book was fun, but the improv exercise just floored me. That seemed more like a 'final exam' than hosting a Thanksgiving dinner party, lol! I'm surprised you never read The Shell Seekers. That length/style of novel seems to have gone out of style, but I sure loved it.

  7. Sorry I'm late is in our book club, will get around to it sometimes. The Guest List is HIGH on my TBR list. Thanks for sharing The Shell Seekers, that's my type of read.

    Hope your ankle heals quickly. At least you know have the perfect excuse to stay curled up with a book.

    May you have a good week! Here's my The Sunday Post #12

    1. Elza - Sorry I'm Late should make for an interesting book club discussion! Hope you get to The Guest List soon... perfect October read.

  8. Thanks for your update. We have been living in a world of smoke but finally it is beginning to thin, we have sunshine again, and the sky looks blue. Don't ask about my sinuses!

    1. Judy - I'm glad the smoke has finally thinned. Some of it even made its way to southern CT! Fall is setting in early here... 40s overnight and 60s during the day. Time to head south!

  9. Oh, no, I'm so sorry about your ankle! I hope that with rest it'll heal quickly. Thank you for reminding me to put a hold on The Guest List - I've been wanting to read that one for awhile!

    1. Angela - I hope it heals quickly, too... sitting around is beginning to get to me! Hope the wait for The Guest List isn't too long.

  10. I am reading THIS IS HAPPINESS as well. It was recommended by author Libby Page's Instagram. I am also finding it a little slow but the writing is beautiful.

    1. Sharon - Isn't the writing beautiful? Unfortunately, it's very easy to put down. I seem to pick it up and read a chapter every few days... no hurry to finish.

  11. Wonderful to learn about all you been reading, but I'm sorry about your ankle. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  12. First of all I am sorry to hear you twisted your ankle and I hope you are on the mend soon. I am on the library list for Lucy Foley's book and enjoyed The Hunting Party very much. I too reread Pilcher's book The Shell Seekers back in June. I will add the link and hope you don't mind me sharing that.

    1. Tina - My husband (retired radiologist) thinks I've probably got a small fracture. I'm staying off of it as much as possible, but really miss my walks. Your recent reread of The Shell Seekers motivated me to finally pick it again, so thank you. I'm happy to post your link here! Did you get flooding from Sally? Hope all is well.

    2. We had so much rain from Sally and at one point the water was flowing across our property, looked like a stream there was so much. Thankfully only one tree went down and Doug and I were able to move it with sheer determination and pushing as it was across the driveway.

      I stopped posting on my Wordpress book blog as I was too frustrated. We will have to see if I ever get back to Blogspot. It's been a rough month with our elderly dog and all attention has been on getting her well.

      Take care and travel safely back to Florida!

  13. The "Sorry I'm Late" book makes me think of my young cousin. As a project for one of her psychology classes last year, she decided to live as an extrovert for a day (I can't remember the assignment but this was her approach to it). She's normally pretty introverted. By the end of the day, her family was seriously ready to have an intervention to ask her what drugs she was on!

    I hope your ankle heals quickly! Enjoy your week!

    1. Jen - That's pretty funny about your cousin. Glad it was just for a day though... can't imagine trying to keep it up for a year!

  14. My mom and husband have been enjoying lobster/crab rolls from our favorite restaurant. I opt for the halibut with crab risotto. Delicious!

    I'm sorry to hear about your sprained ankle. I hope it heals quickly. My husband is scheduled for a CTscan on Tuesday to see if he needs surgery for his broken arm (which occurred 8 weeks ago!) since he still isn't gaining much in the way of range of motion. :(

    I'm so glad to hear that The Shell Seekers stood the test of time. It's on my long list for re-reads. Someday...

    The Guest List sounds like one I might enjoy, especially if it's more mystery than thriller. I've read a couple of psychological thrillers this month and wasn't terribly impressed with either one. I did finish a very good nonfiction audio by Diane Rehm, which I highly recommend, and now I'm listening to The Dutch House (read/listen combo). My reading is looking up!

    Enjoy your final days in CT & NY. Safe travels, my friend.

    1. Les - I do enjoy the occasional lobster roll, but halibut with crab risotto sounds even better!

      Turns out my sprained ankle is actually a small fracture, and now I've got some ligament damage, too. So disappointing... healing may take longer than I'd planned. I hope Rod can avoid surgery on his arm. Seems like everything falls apart once you hit 60 :(

      Rereading The Shell Seekers was so comforting. I'm thinking of other books from that era that might have the same effect - maybe Beach Music by Pat Conroy, Colony by Anne Rivers Siddons, or more Rosamunde Pilcher. Any suggestions?

      Think you'd enjoy The Guest List. I found out after I'd finished that the audio is a highly-rated multi-narrator production... might be worth going that route. I'll look into Diane Rehm's book. Hope you're enjoying The Dutch House as much as I did.

      We got our covid tests today - negative! Will pack up tomorrow and then drive to NY on Wednesday. The process begins again!

    2. Ouch! A fracture, even a small one, sounds painful. Rod just had his CTscan, so we'll know soon enough if he needs surgery.

      Yes, I would add Beach Music and Colony to that rereading list. They were both soooooo good! Have you read The Tea Rose by Jennifer Donnelly? That's another that's on my list. 756 pages (mass market). From the back cover:

      Following in the footsteps of such beloved epics as A Woman of Substance, The Thornbirds, and The Shell Seekers comes this tower story of murder and revenge, of love lost and won again, and of one determined woman's quest to survive and triumph...

      I'll be sure to look for the audio version of The Guest List. I'm having a great time reading/listening to The Dutch House. Stayed up far too late reading it last night. I love Tom Hanks' performance, as well.

      Enjoy your journey homeward!

  15. I'm so sorry about your ankle! I know how much you love your walks, and the weather is becoming so lovely for them. I hope it heals soon.

    1. Thanks, Audrey. Planning to send you an email later today:)

  16. Hi JoAnn,
    Oh, gosh, you have a noteworthy list of books here. I'm taking lots and lots of notes! Thank you!!
    I, too, hope your ankle heals quickly. I recently had my share of "spills," as in falling flat on my face on our neighbors' wonderful trails, caused by Sandy's antics. I hate to blame her, BUT... Two troublesome falls which have left my body totally intact, but ungodly sore, including a bad shoulder. I should have been 33 years old when I had Sandy, not 67! Sandy is invigorated by the colder temperatures and is crazy about wildlife (a true huntress), so that she lurches me forward. Oh, well!!

    1. Judith - Sandy sounds so exuberant... would love to see a photo of her on your blog one day (though blogger is giving us so many challenge, I understand if you're not able to do that.) Temps even here in southern CT have been downright chilly the past few days. Fall is upon us! Hoping we can take a drive up into the Adirondacks before heading south... we missed the foliage last year. Unfortunately no hiking because of the ankle, but at least we can see some of the colors.

  17. So sorry to hear about your ankle. What a bummer - hopefully you will heal quickly and can resume walking soon.

    Sorry I'm Late strikes me as so odd--I wonder if the author did this experiment on herself so that she could have something to write about. Cynical me, but I cannot fathom doing something like this myself.

    The Guest List sounds marvelous - will try to get that on my Oct reading list.

    So glad The Shell Seekers held up--I have been meaning to reread for years. There are parts of the story that I remember vividly, and parts that are simply gone, so it will be a treat.

    Take care--heal fast and travel south safely.

    1. JaneGS - I'm not quite sure what the author's purpose was, but it did make for entertaining reading. Practicing for small talk situations and networking events might be understandable, but stand up comedy? No way!!

      The Shell Seekers was the perfect comfort read last week. I'll have to see out more like that as we head into what can only be a tumultuous fourth quarter.

      October is ideal for The Guest List. I'd like to read her earlier novel, The Hunting Party, next month.

  18. Glad to know the Shell Seekers has stood the test of time. I loved it when I read it back in the 80s. I've read a few books I liked back then that haven't stood that test.

    1. Anne - I'm hoping to revisit other favorites from that era this fall. Have a feeling I'll be needing more comfort reads...

  19. Ouch, I have a weird fear of twisting/breaking my ankle, even the thought of it makes me shudder. I hope you heal quickly.
    Travel safe

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Shelleyrae - I've twisted my ankle before, but this time seems to be the worst. Hoping if I'm careful and stay off it, the healing will be quicker. Maybe I'll even get more reading time out of it!

  20. I want to read that introvert book because I love the title. Also, I’m in extreme introvert who works in a job made for extreme extroverts. I need all the advice I can get!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Aj - The title was definitely a draw for me! Even though I'd never put myself through something like that, there were a couple of strategies worth trying.

  21. I'm so sorry about the sprain. I'm sure you're really missing your walks. They are so mind clearing for me.

    It's nice to hear that The Shell Seekers lived up to a second read. I remember loving it, too, but actually remember very little about it. I'm Still Here was a favorite of mine, too. She did such a good job bringing racism down to a personal level. Hope that ankle is healing quickly!

    1. Susie - I was surprised at how little of the actual story I remembered. The characters were all familiar, but it was fun seeing how the plot unfolded all over again!

  22. Nice to see an update from you, JoAnn, but I am so sorry about your ankle injury. Hope it heals well and you can get back to your walking when you get home. I haven't read The Guest List, but I have read Foley's previous book, The Hunting Party. It was good. I'll likely get to the other one at some point. Glad that The Shell Seekers worked well as a re-read for you. It's been a long, long time since I read it. Maybe I'll try it again this winter. As to the introvert book, it kind of makes me nervous just to think about it - ha! One of my husband's delights is that this pandemic has meant that there are no parties - none that we have to host or attend. He'd be happy to continue with that aspect for pretty much forever. Ha! I might like a small party or two. ;-)

    1. Kay - I'm with your husband on the party situation! That's been the one positive for me, but our 'socially distant outdoor cocktails' with one other couple have been very enjoyable. It would be nice to increase the size of the gathering just a little though... We'll see what fall and winter bring. Take care!

  23. Nice looking assortment of books. I think I'll just stay a contented introvert though. I hope you ankle heals soon and lets you get out walking again. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - I won't be turning into an extrovert any time soon, either! Have a good week.

  24. All sorts of bookish goodness in this post. Love it.

    But, your ankle!! Sprains sometimes hurt more than a break. I hope you heal quickly.

    1. Ti - Thanks, Ti. I'm kicking myself for not paying better attention to where my feet were landing...

  25. The Shell Seekers is one of my favorite books of all time though it's been years and years since I read it. I love her short stories - they're a little trite but comforting. I broke my ankle and then a few years ago had a bad sprain like you describe and I think it hurt worse! Stay off of it and when it starts feeling better keep staying off it!

    1. Katherine - I'm sure that's wise advice! The Shell Seekers is one of my favorites, too, but I've never read her stories.. will have to give them a try!

  26. Sorry to hear about your sprained ankle, argh! I hope for you a speedy recovery. We all need our walks. I think I could use a Shell Seekers read ... and I'm curious about the Niall Williams book too. Have fun back East ... before your migration back to FLA.

    1. Susan - I think the ankle injury has been more of a mental blow... the walks were about more than exercise,I think. The Niall Williams books is so beautiful and well-written, but very put-downable, too. An unusual combination!

  27. Quiet was a good book about being an Introvert. As a child I was called shy, but, as an adult, I just need a lot of alone time and quietness. I don't like loud tv, loud music or loud people LOL. Can't change who we are and why try on something like this.

    So sorry you injured your ankle. Glad it didn't happen at the beginning of your vacation.

    1. Diane - I've had Quiet on my list for years, but have never gotten around to it. I suspect that is a more serious, scientific book than Sorry I'm Late. I'm with you on the loud tv, music, etc! I'm glad this happened near the end of out time here, too. Would have been awful if I had to sit here all summer.

  28. Vicki - I didn't expect to love Nobody Will Tell You This But Me as much as I did... so, so good. My sister is reading it now. Can't wait to hear what she thinks. Pretty sure you will enjoy Dan Rather, too.

  29. Looks like you have some great books there! I want to read Kamala Harris' book and The Guest List looks fantastic as well. Happy fall reading this week! Stay safe!

    1. Heather - The Guest List is excellent on audio, too, according to several trusted sources. Hope you get a chance to try it!

  30. As a fellow introvert and lover of stunt memoirs, I'm definitely interested in Sorry I'm Late. Like you, I think some of the things the author tried would be too much for me to consider doing!

    1. Katie - This was a fun read, but far beyond the realm of possibility for me!


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