Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sanibel Sunday: St. Patrick's Day Edition

Happy St. Patrick's Day from Sanibel! My father-in-law is coming over for dinner as usual but, other than adding green tint to the icing on the cake, we don't have anything special planned. How about you?

It's been a busy couple of weeks for us. Twin B was here for five days last weekend so I never got around to posting. We've been up to Sarasota twice to see friends, attended a couple of neighborhood gatherings, plus the usual steady stream of activity. I do love our Florida winters!

Reading time, once again, has been minimal and most of it has been on audio. I only managed to finish one book.

Delta Wedding by Eudora Welty

I read this with Audrey for the Back to the Classics Challenge and plan to post a review within the next couple of weeks. For now, let's just say that I've enjoyed several of Welty's short stories and at least one of her novels, but this won't go down as a favorite.

I'm beginning to worry about a reading slump... so many books have been set aside lately. Yesterday I biked over to the library, came home with  five titles that caught my eye, and then downloaded two more ebooks from another library. I'll wait until one of them "sticks" before naming names ;-)

In the kitchen//

It feels like we've gone retro this week. This Slow-Cooker Pineapple Teriyaki Chicken from Budget Bytes  was easy, flavorful, made enough for leftovers, and my daughter loved it. I've had good luck with recipes from this site, so made this exactly as written. I wouldn't change a thing next time either.

It's Girls Scout Cookie season again. I'm not sure how I stumbled across this recipe for Thin Mint Chocolate Poke Cake from Life in the Lofthouse, but this is about as retro as it gets. The recipe calls for a Devil's Food cake mix, a box of instant chocolate pudding, and Cool Whip flavored with peppermint extract, in addition to the thin mint cookies. It reminds me a cake my mother might make! Add a few drops of green food coloring to the whipped topping and it's perfect for St. Patrick's Day. I would suggest letting cake with the pudding on top chill as long as possible before adding the Cool Whip. The recipe says 2 hours to overnight, but I only had two hours. The cake tasted even better the next day.

Finally, this Pan-Roasted Lemon Broccoli Pizza featured on a Weekend Cooking post over at Beth Fish Reads has become a new favorite. I've made it at least three times in the last couple of months using Whole Food's frozen cauliflower pizza crust. All three of our daughters love it, but my husband is still not sold. He wants his pepperoni and sausage!

That's all from Sanibel this morning. I'll let you know what I'm reading soon, but in the meantime tell me which books you're enjoying this weekend.

The Sunday Salon blog link-up is back! Deb at Readerbuzz is the new host.


  1. We're going out with friends for St. Patrick's Day. They're always fun but, since he's Irish, it should be extra fun tonight.

    I'm wondering if I'm going through a reading slump, too. I'm reading a red hot book right now and, frankly, I'm finding it rather dull.

    1. Kathy - It could just be the book and not a slump... fingers crossed. Hope you had fun with your friends on St. Patrick's Day!

  2. Your photo is (as always) so lovely! That seems like a very peaceful place to be.

    I'm so sorry that Delta Wedding didn't work for you. I'll be finishing it today (it's cold here, but sunny, so I'm going for a walk! I mean it!) It won't be a favorite of mine either, but there were times when Miss Welty's writing took my breath away, so I loved that aspect of it.

    1. Thanks, Audrey. I didn't dislike Delta Wedding... and the writing was beautiful. Guess I was in the mood for more plot. I've started Good Riddance and am very happy with it so far!

  3. But how can you just sit down and read when you really do have so much going on? Your Florida winters sound amazing! Enjoy!

    1. Patty - Exactly, lol! Looking back over the past few years, my reading has been a little slower during our winter "season" and picks up when we're back in NY.

  4. Yeah, I doubt my husband would like that pizza either! I am going to try the Pineapple Teriyaki Chicken, though! Mmmmm. I hope you find your way out of your reading slump. Maybe a collection of essays about life, love and food? Ann Hood's new book "Kitchen Yarns" was a great read for me. I'm giving it a 4.5/5 rating and plan to buy a copy for my keeper shelves. I loved it! I'm also thoroughly enjoying The Library Book (a book club read) and My Grandmother Told Me To Tell You She's Sorry (my audio read). I have the latter in print as well, which is good since I know I'll read it again. Such a great story! I hope you continue to have a nice weather. It's sunny and warm here on the Oregon coast!

    1. Les - I'm very close to the top of the hold list for Kitchen Yarns in print. Wonder if I should jump on the audio hold list as well. Hope it's as good as Morningstar... I loved that. Had The Library Book checked out last month, but didn't get to it in time. I'll definitely try again. I ended up starting Good Riddance by Elinor Lipman. It's light, fun and very enjoyable so far. Sounds like spring has come to the Oregon coast - hooray!

  5. I am sorry Delta Wedding was a disappointment. Don't worry about your reading mojo, though; I'm certain it is just waiting to join you again when you find a good book. I do hate the times I feel like I'm reading just to be reading, when I am going through the motions, when I know I am liking but not loving a book. Unfortunately, that is the case for me and Don Quixote. At one time in my life, I'd have put it on my list of favorite books. Not any more.

    I'll send some Good Book Vibes your way.

    1. Deb - I think your Good Book Vibes worked! Decided to start Elinor Lipman's Good Riddance and it's just what I needed... light and fun. Maybe I need a break from nonfiction and classics;-)

  6. Hi JoAnn,
    I'm so glad that March has been so agreeable for you on Sanibel. A dear cousin of mine lives in Sun City, not far from Tampa, and always declares that March is his favorite month in Florida.
    I had quite a slump for several weeks in February and worried a bit about it. But my brain was just too overloaded with what I was managing in the way of household disasters--and it would have been the same if loads and loads of fun or fulfilling things were happening. For me, at least, the more that's going on, the less I can manage to read.
    That cake looks so good! The broccoli pizza, I dunno. George H. Bush and I agreed about only one thing in this universe: We're not lovers of the broccoli.

    1. Judith - I'm so glad your household disasters have come to an end - what a month! I decided to start a lighter book and it seems to be just what I needed. Thank you Elinor Lipman. Maybe my brain just needed a rest after all that RBG and the classics. LOL about the broccoli :)

  7. Delicious foods! I'm really loving the look of the Lemon Broccoli Pizza. I often get Spinach and Mushroom from the neighborhood pizza parlor.

    I should probably pick up more classics. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - I love spinach and mushroom pizza, too. A new pizza place opened down here and, for the first time ever, mushrooms actually have flavor! I may need a break from classics for a little while...

  8. Broccoli pizza?! I love broccoli and pretty much have it every night. But, I've never had it on pizza....

    1. Helen - I love broccoli, too... you should give it a try! :)

  9. I like it that you found five books but aren't willing to name then yet. It sounds like something I'd do. Go to the library, let books jump into my arms, and then wonder why I chose them. Ha! Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Anne - So far that plan has worked. The first one I picked up, Good Riddance by Elinor Lipman, is light, fun, and seems to be just what I needed... a change of pace!

  10. Yum, that pizza looks delicious!! My husband did the traditional corned beef, cabbage, and potatoes for St. Patrick's Day. It's the only time of year he gets to eat it (corned beef), so he was very much looking forward to it!

    1. Angela - When we're in NY, my brother-in-law always cooks the corned beef and cabbage. I hear this year's was the best ever!

  11. Your winters in Florida are gorgeous and help me get thru the North. Now spring is beginning here and temps look promising. I might like to try the teriyaki chicken recipe you suggest as I like using the slow cooker. It offers multiple meals for the week!

    1. Susan - So glad spring is finally coming to your part of the world. It seems like this was an especially long, hard winter. I love slow cooker dinners and am beginning to wonder whether I need one of those Instant Pots, too. Finally picked up a light read and it seems to be just the break I need.

  12. I’ve been doing a lot of reading this month. Just finished a book I’ll bet you would like—unless you read it when it came out in the mid-90’s—called “The Samurai’s Garden” by Gail Tsukiyama. Story setting is 1939 in a small community on southern coast of Japan, just as the Japanese are beginning their assault on China. Not a war story, a very unusual people story. I thought it was excellent.
    The pollen is flying like mad here. Used to not bother me, but now it does, so I’m going to curb my outdoor walks for a few weeks and use the treadmill. Glad you’re enjoying Sanibel!

    1. I'm going to jump in on this comment and second Judy's recommendation for The Samurai's Garden. I read it many years ago and thought it was fantastic. I must have read it before I started this blog, but it's one I've often thought about reading a second time. It's a powerful, yet quiet, lovely novel. I highly recommend it!

    2. JudyMac and Les - Yes, I loved The Samurai's Garden, too! It must have been back in the 90s when I read it... pretty sure it was a favorite that year. I've decided to change gears and read something light now. It seems to be working. Sorry to hear the pollen is getting you down, Judy. Luckily I've never had a problem with allergies, but my brother and sister have a tough time with them.

  13. Vicki - Hope you like those recipes. I'll definitely be making them again!

  14. WE can't do greed dyed anything as my husband is allergic to green coloring! My daughter is allergic to red coloring. And me and my gluten. We are a sensitive bunch.

    1. Ti - Wow, you guys certainly are a sensitive bunch! Guess your St. Patrick's Day was not especially colorful ;-)

  15. Pineapple and Teriyaki chicken? That is so much on my radar now. I really like chicken dishes.

    I've been in a reading slump a while back but lately all the books I've wanted have come in at the library within days of each other. Hard to fit in the time to get to them all. Loved The Moroccan Girl enough that i purchased the author's first book. Also read We Must be Brave and that was enjoyable. Now I have Jane Harper's latest, The Lost Man.

    1. Tina - Just found your comment... I'm not sure why blogger doesn't always notify me when there's comment waiting to be moderated. Grr! My daughter has already asked for the Pineapple and Teriyaki Chicken again, but my sister sent me another recipe using chicken, snow peas, and mushrooms with rice noodles. Think I'll try that first. Funny how library holds always seem to come in groups. I just finished Elinor Lipman;s latest and thought it was very good. Just what I needed!

  16. JoAnn, I can sympathise, while I haven't quite been in a slump, I do seem to be struggling to get through and find time for books even when I am loving them! In the last week, I finished reading Lives of Notorious Cooks by Brandan Connell, and I have a fair of chunk of Death of Western Christianity by Patrick Sookhdeo and Little Men by Louisa May Alcott.

    1. Jessica - It is certainly hard to fit everything in and sometimes hard to keep reading even when we love a book. I just finished Good Riddance by Elinor Lipman... light, fun, and just what I needed!

  17. Broccoli is one of my favourite things, so I will definitely try that recipe!

    1. Simon - I'm also a big broccoli fan. This pizza recipe is a winner!


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