Sunday, October 28, 2018

Sanibel Sunday: We're Back!

Hello from sunny Sanibel, FL! It's been a long week, but we're back... and earlier than usual, too. The first cold front of the season came through last night. Our air conditioning is off, the windows are open, and I had a glorious walk on the beach this morning. I collected a few sand dollars, a banded tulip, and several paper figs.

Finished this week//

by Kory Stamper, narrated by the author

An entire book about dictionaries? Yes, and I loved it. I borrowed both the ebook and audiobook from the library, but the author's narration was so good, I ended up just listening. Look for a Book Brief soon.


by Robin DiAngelo, narrated by Amy Landon

I've listened to nearly half of this book. To say it's giving me a lot to think about is an understatement. It seems especially timely as we approach the midterm elections.

Up next//

Nonfiction November starts this week and I have quite a few titles under consideration, but I'll probably begin with...

by Kate Moore 

The main question is whether to read or to listen... or maybe both. Will you be participating in Nonfiction November?

How was your week? What have you been reading?


  1. I've already started gathering my books for Nonfiction November! I hope you love Radium Girls as much as I did - my only 5 star read of the year so far!

    1. Angela - I can't wait to get started... downloaded the audio via hoopla and will pick up the book at the library tomorrow.

  2. I always forget about nonfiction November, which is too bad because I do really enjoy nonfiction a lot. Word by Word is my kind of book. Enjoy your stay in FL--reading your posts definitely makes me want to fly south.

    1. JaneGS - I'm very happy to be down here. Seems like I get really sluggish and inactive during the winter otherwise.

  3. Oh, to be at the beach right now - I bet it is glorious there.

  4. Glad to hear you guys made it to FL. Bet you did enjoy that beach walk. Have fun with your non-fic reading!

    1. Kay - The beach is definitely my favorite place to walk, especially at low tide and with a good audiobook!

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog, and enjoy your week, with the walks on the beach.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - Thanks, it's so good to be back :)

  6. Good luck with Nonfiction November! I’m doing that, too. I have a huge stack of nonfiction next to my bed already. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. AJ - I got an early start with NF November. Should finish White Fragility in another day or two.

  7. The names of the shells are so lovely! I've put the Kory Stamper book and audiobook on reserve...

    1. Audrey - I hope you love it, too! The audio is excellent.

  8. I bet you feel like you are in heaven when you arrive in Florida after the cold northlands. Enjoy our beautiful southern winter weather.

    I hope Nonfiction November goes well for you. I love nonfiction. I just wish November wasn't such a busy month.

    1. Deb - Southern winters are my kind of winter! I love nonfiction, too, and seem to be reading more and more of it as I get older.

  9. A walk on the beach sounds so lovely right now. Glad you get to enjoy it.

    I've been considering Radium Girls so will be curious to hear what you think. White Fragility also sounds like one well worth reading.

    1. Susie - I just downloaded the audio of Radium Girls from hoopla and will pick up the book at the library tomorrow... looking forward to it!

  10. This is such a wonderful routine. I hope to be in this cycle someday...sigh...beautiful shells!

    1. Patty - We're still getting used to this new way of life, but I'm very happy here:)

  11. I definitely want to read Word by Word. Someone in my book club last week presented The Radium Girls (we each presents the book we loved reading during the past month) and really loved it, though it's an appalling reality. Here is my post:

    1. Emma - Hope you love Word by Word as much as I did... and very happy to hear your book club friend enjoyed The Radium Girls. I should be starting it by the end of the week.

  12. Florida looks lovely. I don't read nonfiction but hope you find some good ones. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - Late fall is my favorite down here... it's much quieter before the tourist season!

  13. I've never heard of Nonfiction November, but I am 100% on board with it! Here is my weekly update!

    1. Alexis - If you like nonfiction, be sure to check out the link. I get the best reading recommendations from this event!

  14. On of my reviewers read The Radium Girls and enjoyed it. Secret life of Dictionaries sounds interesting. See what I read this month at Girl Who Reads

    1. Donna - Glad to know your reviews enjoyed Radium Girls. I hope to get started by the end of the week.

  15. Beautiful photo! We had a gorgeous weekend after a lot of rain. Beautiful, sunny skies. Yes, I'm definitely joining in on Nonfiction November.

    1. Iliana - Will look forward to your NF November posts... just love that event!

  16. I will primarily be reading middle grade fiction for the Cybils next month. My weekly update.

    1. Pussreboots - Several bloggers will be busy with Cybils next month - enjoy!

  17. Vicki - It hasn't been that cold at night here yet (only mid-60s) and we're in the 80s during the day... just about perfect!

  18. I think I need a beach home in my future.

    I am good. Working today. Bleh, but the reading is good. Fully immersed in Murakami right now. Nothing else can work its way in and I am tired of fighting it. I am just reading this one book and that's okay.

    1. Ti - So glad you're enjoying the Murakami... nd glad you decided to just go with it :) Happy Halloween!

  19. On my way to FLA for some beach time. Not staying as long as you do. Words sounds great!

    1. Nise' - Hope you have perfect beach weather while you're here. Enjoy!

  20. That's excellent you are in Sanibel! Enjoy, beautiful. I'm still interested in the dictionary book you mention and will check for it at the library. Maybe the audio is better? I need a nonfiction book (at least one) for November! Also trying to get Forty Autumns too.

    1. Susan - I thought the audio version of Word by Word was excellent! The author did an amazing job narrating. I had the ebook, but ended up listening to nearly all of it. My daughter enjoyed it it print though. Forty Autumns is favorite nonfiction of the year.

  21. Aw JoAnn, I am very jealous that you could go for a walk on the beach. It would be a very, cold windswept walk if you did here in the UK! This week, I have been reading The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan and A Gathering of Ghosts by Karen Maitland. I always forget Non-Fiction November, but I do regularly read non-fiction so hopefully will still be able to take part a little. Happy reading!

    1. Jessica - The Pilgrim's Progress is a classic I've been meaning to read for decades! Maybe your review will be the one to convince me to finally pick it up. I hope you can join in for Nonfiction November. I always get the best recommendations during this event!

  22. Such beautiful shells! I'm looking forward to some walks on my beach next week. It's been far too long since I've done so and I'm quite eager. It won't be as warm as what you're experiencing, but I do so love the sound of the ocean as I walk, letting all my stress and worries slip away.

    Yes! Nonfiction November is what I will focus on this month and quite possibly for the rest of the year. I need to start a list of all the titles that are recommended.

    1. Les - I'll be interested in your thoughts on such an extended road trip. You've seen and done so much, but I'm sure it will be a relief to get home! I'm really in a nonfiction mood right now. Other than Trollope's final Palliser novel, I may just read it for the rest of the year, too!


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