Sunday, April 16, 2017

The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking

The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
by Meik Wiking
William Morrow, 2017
225 pages
source: borrowed from the library

What is hygge?

Meik Wiking, CEO of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen, and author of this book says:
Hygge is about an atmosphere and an experience, rather than about things. It is about being with people we love. A feeling of home. A feeling that we are safe, that we are shielded from the world and allow ourselves to let our guard down. You may be having an endless conversation about the small or big things in life - or just be comfortable in each other's silent company - or simply just be by yourself enjoying a cup of tea.
How do you get hygge?

Candles, a hot drink, cozy blankets, a sweet treat, books, a small group of close friends or loved ones... Here in Florida, I find hygge in walks on the beach, the sound of the waves, sunrises over the water, a bike ride through the wildlife refuge, and simple sunset picnics at the beach.

 I instinctively knew these things before picking up the book, and I'll bet you do, too.

However, Wiking presents the "information" in an attractive and engaging format. It's a quick read that offers suggestions (reminders?) on how to create hygge.

Go ahead and spend an hour with The Little Book of Hygge, but I recommend you borrow it from the library. Use the money for a candle, tea, and slice of cake instead!

My rating:



  1. I like your alternatve hygge! (and your advice about the book). :)

    1. Audrey - Hygge is a little different in FL, though books are definitely still involved. I'm glad I looked through this one, but equally glad I did not purchase it!

  2. I wasn't expecting so many illustrations!

    Happy Easter!

    1. Lisa - The illustrations were a surprise to me, too, but I liked them. Happy Easter!

  3. This sounds like a nice reminder to enjoy life.

  4. This book looks really neat.

    Hygge is an essential thing to have. In one's life. Those of us who are very busy need to find make time to have it.

    1. Brian Joseph - And this book is just the reminder we all need.

  5. Vicki - I'll be they get through the hold list quickly. It's a very quick read!

  6. I think I can find hygge on my walks too, especially when the sun is out and it's a glorious day. This book looks like a good reminder of some of the best feelings.

    1. Susan - It was a reminder to slow down and get cozy.

  7. I'm very interested in this one, especially since I've been reading a bit about the Nordic way of doing things I'll have to look at this one...

    1. Greg - It's a short book and easy to browse through at the library or bookstore. You get the gist of it quickly!

  8. It does sound like stuff we already know and that the author might have gotten the idea from the Marie Kondo books where she uses these kinds of illustrations for tidying up and simplifying.

    1. Diane - I was definitely reminded of Kondo, especially by the illustrations and size of the book.

  9. Sounds interesting..... thanks for the borrowing advice!

    1. Bonnie - You're welcome. It's a great book to read through, but not one to invest in!

  10. Since moving to Cumbria, England I am finding hygge around every corner or should I say meadow and rolling hill. In the sight of a lone sheep on a hill with the sun in the back ground, in the baby lambs playing in the grass. I just didn't know that was what to call it. I am in the states for a month now and heading to Duck, NC where I find it in the sunsets, walks on the beach , wild horses on Corolla Beach and in the sound of the waves.Peace,

    1. Lorraine - Now we have the right word, lol! I'm enjoying the photos you post from Cumbria... would love to see it for myself one day. Enjoy your time in Duck :)


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