Thursday, September 29, 2016

Another Classics Club Spin

The Classics Club Spin has been a huge success over the years and now it's time to play again - round 14! I've missed the last couple of spins, but since I have no classics commitments at the moment, it might be fun to choose my next one by chance.

The rules are the same, only the dates have been changed.

Here's how it works:
- Go to your blog.
- Pick twenty books that you’ve got left to read from your Classics Club list.
- Post that list, numbered 1-20, on your blog by next Monday. (10/3)
- Monday morning a number from 1-20 is announced. Go to the list of twenty books you posted, and select the book that corresponds to that number.
- The challenge is to read the book by December 1, 2016.

In the past I've come up with fun categories and themes, but this time it's purely alphabetical. Time is running short. The original purpose behind joining the The Classics Club was to challenge myself to read 50 classics in 5 years. My five year deadline is coming up in April... and I've read 43 so far. The pressure is on to 'finish strong'!

My Spin List

  1. Bronte, Anne - Agnes Grey
  2. Bronte, Charlotte - Villette
  3. Cather, Willa - A Lost Lady
  4. Collins, Wilkie  - Jezebel's Daughter
  5. DuMaurier, Daphne - My Cousin Rachel
  6. Forster, E.M. - Howards End (reread)
  7. Gaskell, Elizabeth - Wives and Daughters
  8. Hardy, Thomas  - The Return of the Native
  9. Hemingway, Ernest - The Sun Also Rises
  10. Keyes, Daniel - Flowers for Algernon (reread)
  11. Mitford, Nancy - The Pursuit of Love
  12. Powell, Anthony - A Dance to the Music of Time (first movement)
  13. Pym, Barbara - A Few Green Leaves
  14. Steinbeck, John - The Winter of Our Discontent (reread)
  15. Tan, Amy - The Joy Luck Club
  16. Taylor, Elizabeth - A Game of Hide and Seek
  17. Trollope, Anthony - Miss Mackenzie
  18. Whipple, Dorothy - The Priory
  19. Zola, Emile - The Belly of Paris
  20. Zola, Emile - The Fortune of the Rougons

Check back on Monday to see what I'll be reading...

 The spin landed on number one, so I'll be reading Agnes Grey by Ann Bronte.


  1. Nice list! My pick would be either the du Maurier or The Sun Always Rises, which I enjoyed much more than I expected to. Good luck - hope you get one you like!

    1. Fiction Fan - I would be thrilled to read either du Maurier or Hemingway. Can't wait until Monday!

  2. All of these would be good to read...I'm partial to My Cousin Rachel, because I just barely finished reading it, or the Barbara Pym, because she's a new favorite for me, but I don't think you could go wrong with any number you spin.

    1. Lark - After your review, I'm really hoping for My Cousin Rachel, too! Barbara Pym is always a treat :)

  3. My Cousin Rachel would be a great story to combine with the RIP Challenge too! :)
    I don't know why I have not joined the Classics Club. I need a push to read more classics.

    1. Iliana - My Cousin Rachel would be perfect for RIP, and so would Jezebel's Daughter. Fingers crossed!

  4. JoAnn,
    An intriguing list here--I'm so glad you published it here. I'm still reading and enjoying My Cousin Rachel, and one book we share on our lists, one I'm looking forward to is Wives and Daughters. I admired Agnes Grey and believe that many critics highly undervalued it. In fact, although I read it on the Nook, I want to buy a paper copy so that I can read it again and cherish it alongside my copy of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. I think it's "Wildfell"--hope I'm not off on that word. Enjoy!!

    1. Judith - I absolutely loved The Tenant of Wildfell Hall! If you click on the Classics Club tab under my header photo, you will see the list of the 43 books I've already read... along with the other titles remaining on the list. The club has been a great experience.

  5. Vicki - I wouldn't be disappointed with any of the books on this list. Hope I can get to 50 by the end of April!

  6. Thanks for the kick in the butt to do this!

    1. Lisa - I'll keep an eye out for your list! :)

  7. Wow! You're only 7 books away from finishing your 50?! Awesome. I have read one of the books on your list which was on my list: Algernon.

    1. Care - I added Algernon to my list after you and Athira read it...even picked it up as a kindle daily deal since then. Wouldn't be disappoint if it gets chosen Monday.

  8. Anthony Powell is on my list also. From your other books, I'd definitely recommend Wives & Daughters (long but so wonderful!); Love in a Cold Climate; and I loved everything by Dorothy Whipple -- The Priory was great, and it's a fast read. Good luck with your Spin pick on Monday!

    1. Karen K. - I'd love to read Dance to the Music of Time, but then there are the other three movements that will likely get added to my list... Looking forward to Monday already.

  9. I have Wives and Daughters on my list too! I'd love to get it. The Fortune of the Rougon would be good to and then you could start Zola's Rougon-Marquart series. It's a great list and I hope that you get the book you want!

    1. Cleopatra - I just finished Germinal and am now curious about the entire series. Would be very happy if the spin lands on Wives and Daughters, too!

  10. Zola is always good....
    Personally not a fan of T. Hardy, but I read this one.
    I hope you get a great book like Villette, that book surprised me.
    Comfort is always Pym and Du Maurier, great women writers.
    Good Luck!

    1. ipsofactodotme - I've read three Zola novels and he's fast becoming a favorite. Hardy seems to be growing on me, too. I'd be happy if Villette comes up and always love Pym and Du Maurier. Can't wait to see which number is chosen.

  11. Wives and Daughters is really good. I have Agnes Grey on my list too :)

    1. Rachel - I added Agnes Grey to my classics club list after reading and loving The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Gaskell is always a treat!

  12. I have several of your titles on my TBR pile but they're patiently waiting in my cc list take 2 & I really should finish my first cc list first!!

    The Taylor would fit into my schedule nicely this spring, & I have a lovely Virago modern classic hb edition :-)

    1. Brona - I may be going about this all wrong, but even after I read seven more books and reach 50, there may still be nearly that many more left on the list! After my initial 50 appeared, the number of classics I wanted to read just kept growing ;-)

  13. What a fantastic list! I don't think you can go wrong. I love it that you have a re-read on your list. Great books should be re-read.

    1. sunt_lacrimar_rerum- I had several rereads on my original Classics Club list, but sadly, have not gotten to any of the yet.

  14. Hope you get #7--I love that book so much!

    1. JaneGS - I wouldn't be at all disappointed if 7 is today's number!


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