Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Teaser Tuesday - September 29

Another Teaser Tuesday from The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins:

Men! They are enemies of our innocence and our peace - they drag us away from our parents' love and our sisters' friendship - they take us body and soul to themselves, and fasten our helpless lives to theirs as they chain up a dog to his kennel. And what does the best of them give us in return?
(page 171-172)

Very Victorian, wouldn't you say? Find more teasers at Should Be Reading, hosted by Miz B.


  1. Nice tease. Mine is Victorian too, but along the Tex-Mex border. Teaser Tuesday: The Texicans

  2. Hahaha--I love it!! Great teaser :)

  3. Wowzers, she means business. Great teaser!

  4. Brilliant tease. Another book to add to my TBR list. :) My tease is here: http://rundpinne.blogspot.com/2009/09/puzzle-king-teaser-tuesdays.html

  5. Hah! That's my favorite tease of the day!

  6. I love this book! A very Victorian sentiment indeed - but sadly still true today I fear!

  7. Another wonderful teaser. I definitely need to head back to Victorian England as soon as I can!

  8. Joanne...the writing is fabulous! This one arrived last week at my house. Hope to read it soon. ENJOY

  9. Such an interesting teaser! I have to agree it's very victorian.

    My teaser isn't very victorian at all, but feel free to check it out at Find the Time to Read

  10. Wow - that is a good teaser. :)

    Here's my Teaser! ~ Wendi

  11. I would really like to know what she felt she got in return in the end. I've never even heard of this book, although it looks like it is a classic?

  12. Thanks for the great teaser.

  13. I've had this on my wish list forever.

  14. Yikes! Great teaser. Another book I need to add to my to-read list.

    Here's my Teaser Tuesday.

  15. Does that come from a speech or an internal thought? Very effective, either way - and maybe a bit bitter, as well. Great teaser!

    You can check mine out here.

  16. Oh! I have this in my TBR pile and plan on reading it soon. I love your teaser and can't wait to see what else is in this book.

  17. Book Bird Dog - I'll be right over ...

    reviewsbylola - thanks!

    Becky - she sure does!

    Jennifer - You won't be sorry this is on your list!

    Amy Reads Good Books - That had 'teaser' written all over it - lol!

    Rachel - I'm loving it too, but am also afraid the sentiment may be true more than I'd like to admit even today.

    Fleurfisher - I'm enjoying my stay in Victorian England!

    Diane - Can't wait to hear what you think!

    Jess - I really enjoy books from this period.

    Wendi B - Thanks. I'll be over to see your soon...

    ds - unfortunately...

    therubycanary - Yup, it's a classic. Collins was a friend of Dickens.

  18. Gautami - Too much truth, I'm afraid...

    Nise' - thanks!

    Ann Marie - You're welcome.

    Staci - I'm glad!

    Stacybuckeye - You won't be sorry when you finally get to it.

    alitareads - This is definitely one I'd recommend!

    celia - It's a journal entry that recounts a conversation...she really said it!

    Well-read Reviews - Thank you!

    Catherine@ The Blonde Diaries - This is a great book. Hope you can read it soon.

  19. I guess it's possible that after you have finished reading the book you can still be teased by it! I am! Hope you enjoy. :)

  20. Oh, My...certainly a dreary existence. That has not been my experience for the last 30 years. Glad I didn't live back then.

    Lots of Victorian recently. Mine is from the first Jane Austen mystery.

  21. Uggghhhh... now I am depressed...

    LOL very good teaser!


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