Thursday, December 21, 2023

A Quick Update Before the Holidays Begin

Hello, friends. The holidays are about to begin and before things get too crazy, I wanted to post a quick update. Last weekend our daughter and her fiancé were here for an early Christmas celebration. We had a wonderful weekend which included a drive to see the Lobster Trap Christmas Tree in Stonington, CT. It was such an unusual and beautiful sight!

I'm also happy to report that the bathroom remodel was indeed completed on time. It looks beautiful, but this was a little too close for comfort. We literally had just a few hours to spare! 

Later today our daughter and son-in-law, along with Winnie the whippet, arrive for an extra long weekend. Then my SIL will be here tomorrow. Here we go...

Recent Reading//

Joan is Okay by Weike Wang

This is the January selection of the MMD book club, but overall not an especially memorable or impactful read for me. ⭐⭐⭐

This book is the January "flight selection" at MMD. It's a short, quick nonfiction read and I did find some valuable takeaways. Most people seem to love this one, but I'm probably not the target audience.

Current Reading//

by Jonathan Escoffery, narrated by Torian Brackett

This book was nominated for most of the 2022-2023 prizes, but it was Sam's review that convinced me to give it a try... and I'm so glad I did!  It's a read/listen combination and the audio is definitely adding to my overall experience. (It's available on hoopla.) I'm hoping to finish later today and will end up rating it at least 4 stars.

The week ahead//
We'll relax for a couple of days after Christmas before finally heading back to Florida! I'll be back here in early January with my yearly wrap-up post and list of favorites... and I'm already looking forward to reading yours.

Wishing you all a peaceful holiday season and a happy, healthy 2024!



  1. Vicki - It was unlike anything we'd ever seen and so pretty! Merry Christmas!

  2. Love the lobster trap tree! And best wishes for 2024 for you and yours too.

    1. Amy - I couldn't believe the crowd that gathered at sunset to see that tree... pretty amazing! Merry Christmas!

  3. That lobster trap tree is amazing. I just looked at the site you posted a link for and what an event!
    Glad your remodel is down now and just in time.

    Traffic around here has been insane. We almost got hit in the Publix parking lot as we had pulled out of a spot to leave,. this huge SUV kept backing up and I am blowiing the horn like crazy. Finally got around him but people are just nnot paying attention these days. You all be careful heading back to Florida!

    I just finished a light book, uplifting about a family in Wales and it's set at Christmas time so, perfect. I will try one more book before December ends and I look forward to Coming Home!!

    1. Tina - People are driving pretty crazy up here, too! But we have been getting emails from the City of Sanibel almost daily detailing traffic problems... sounds like it's especially wild on island at the moment. We will definitely be careful.

      I finished If I Survive You , then a really short one called One Woman Show, which I loved. Probably one more for me, too, before Coming Home. Looking forward to more Pilcher!! Merry Christmas to you and Doug.

  4. I am so glad your remodel was ready on time, that must have been a stressful last few hours! Have a wonderful holiday with family!

    1. Helen - I've certainly learned my lesson about scheduling big projects so close to the holidays! Hope you're enjoying the time with your daughter. Merry Christmas!

  5. Wishing you a wonderful holiday time with your loved ones. That lobster trap Christmas tree is so pretty! And, so glad the remodel is all done. You are ready for the holidays for sure! Merry Christmas!

    1. Iliana - Merry Christmas, Iliana! Wishing you and your family all the best in 2024.

  6. Have a wonderful Christmas!
    best, mae at

    1. Thanks, Mae. Happy holidays to you and your family!

  7. Enjoy all your celebrations and family!! Merry Christmas! Cindy from

  8. Happy to see that you enjoyed If I Survive You. I think that's the real beauty of digging into those prize nomination lists. I never fail to turn up a memorable book or two that way that I am absolutely certain I would have otherwise missed. Got to learn more about the Lobster Trap Christmas tree, so I'll be heading that direction next.

    1. Sam - I'll try to pay more attention to those shortlists next year. Don't think I'd even heard of If I Survive You until you started talking about it. The audio was very well done. The Jamaican accent was tough to understand in parts, so I was glad to have a print copy, too. Will keep an eye out for his next book.

      The lobster trap tree has become a popular draw in its brief history. It's been great for the own, too... the restaurants and shops. Stonington is a beautiful historic town!

  9. Oh wow! The lobster trap tree is so interesting. It's looks really beautiful lit up. I'm glad you had a great early Christmas with your daughter and her fiancé. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your other daughter and family. Merry Christmas!

    My Post

    1. Jenni Elyse - Isn't that tree unique?! A few other businesses and towns have made one on a smaller scale, but nothing quite so grand. Merry Christmas!

  10. It's wonderful that the remodel was finished in time. That's just short of miraculous, based on my experience with home remodeling!

    Joan is Okay was just okay for me, too. I'll probably skip How to Keep House While Drowning---I, too, am not the target audience.

    Enjoy your time with family!

    1. Deb - Never again will I attempt anything like that remodel at this time of year, lol! There are so many good books out there, and I think you could safely skip those two!

  11. Thank God that bathroom remodel got done just in the nick of time! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family and a safe drive back to Florida!

    1. Jinjer - We had a wonderful Christmas! The crew just left today and we're heading to my parents tomorrow.

  12. It sounds like you're going to have a busy Christmas. I hope it's a good one!

  13. That tree looks so festive. How cool to get to walk into it.

    I'm glad the bathroom got done on time.

    Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks, Joy. Hope you had a Merry Christmas, too.

  14. Happy Boxing Day, JoAnn! I hope you had a lovely Christmas. I'm glad the bathroom remodel was finished in time. :) Our Christmas was fairly low-key, just the three of us, but we had a fairly busy month of social events, so it was nice to relax after opening our gifts. BTW, we don't have a lobster trap tree, but there is a crab pot/cage tree in town. I need to get a picture of it next year!

    I'm sorry Joan is Okay wasn't a hit, and I'm not sure I'll bother with it (I'm pretty sure I have it on audio...). I've been giving up on a lot of books this year. I read over 60+ pages in Bachelor Brothers' Bed & Breakfast, which was a reread for me, but was bored to tears. I thought about pushing through, but decided it wasn't worth it just for a reread. Funny how it's one that I loved back when I first read it.

    Safe travels back to Florida! I'm sure you're anxious to get down there.

    1. Les - I'd love to see a photo of your crab cage tree next year!! This is a fairly new tradition here, but very popular already. Your low-key Christmas sounds lovely. My daughter, son-in-law, the grandpup, and my sister-in-law all left today. We've had a frenzy of cleaning and packing, and tomorrow we're off to see my parents. We'll start south on New Years day.

      The audio of Joan is Okay kept me listening. Pretty sure I'd have given up in print. I remember loving Bachelor Brothers B&B ages ago... no longer have my copy, but I'm sorry to hear it hasn't held up.

      I'm about to start Coming Home and am SO ready for a Pilcher novel. Hope to have a Sanibel sunset photo to post in another week or so. Happy New Year!

  15. The lobster trap Christmas tree is amazing! I'm so glad you got your bathroom renovation finished in time. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and are having a wonderful week!

    1. Katherine - We're very happy with the bathroom renovation, but NEVER again in December! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

  16. That's quite a Christmas tree at the Lobster Trap. I'd like to study that in person. I wish you a peaceful trip back to Florida. That's a big relief to have your bathroom remodel done, how terrific! Happy New Year.

    1. Happy New Year, Susan! We are with my parents now and will start south on New Years Day... anxious to see what awaits us in Sanibel.


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