Friday, September 8, 2023

A Look Back at August and Plans for September

The long holiday weekend is behind us and we are now well into September, but I'd still like to take a look back at August and outline some September reading possibilities. 

In August, we tried to make the most of the long summer days. The kids all visited, we traveled to upstate NY to see my parents and attend a family reunion, and spent several evenings on the beach for sunset. I managed to read four books last month, and was happy with their variety and quality. I read a classic play, a memoir, a new release from a favorite author, and reread a Pulitzer Prize winning short story collection on audio.

Books Read in August

The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov
classic play, ⭐⭐⭐💫

by Irmgard A. Hunt
memoir, ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Tom Lake by Ann Patchett
literary fiction, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri
short stories, reread,⭐⭐⭐⭐

September Reading Possibilities

memoir in essays, audio reread (COMPLETE)

The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese 
literary fiction, read/listen combo in progress

True Biz by Sara Nović 
MMD September selection, ebook in progress

The Road to Dalton by Shannon Bowring

The Light Pirate by Lily Brooks-Dalton

Also planned in September is a longer visit with my parents, a quick trip to Buffalo to see friends, and two long weekends in NYC... one for an Ann Patchett event and another to go wedding dress shopping with our daughter who is getting married next  summer. We're also finalizing plans for our daughter's wedding next month. So exciting!

How was your August? Any big plans for September? What was your favorite book last month?



  1. You had a good reading month. I'm unfamiliar with Road to Dalton ... is that worth pursuing? Also what did you think of The Light Pirate ? That might have been too close to home. Pretty tough. Have fun in September.

    1. Susan - The Road to Dalton is a debut published by Europa and set in small town Maine. I read a few very positive reviews (can't resist Maine and Europa is a draw, too) and purchased a copy with my bday gift certificate. Will let you know... The Light Pirate is a library hold, but should arrive soon. Les and Tina both read it recently and convinced me to try it. We'll see...

    2. I'm very curious about The Light Pirate after hearing thoughts about it from Les and Tina.

    3. Yes. I liked the Light Pirate too. A bit scary and different.

  2. September sounds like it'll be a whirlwind for you but so much fun stuff going on! Hope you have a great time and can't wait to hear how the Ann Patchett event goes!

    1. Iliana - There will be a lot of travel this month, so I'm tempering my reading time expectations. I cannot wait for the Ann Patchett event... I'm going with my daughter.

  3. You have some excellent books read and to be read. Enjoy September.

    1. Thanks, Harvee. It's a busy month, but I'm still hoping to get through several of these.

  4. Nicely done, JoAnne, especially considering how busy a month August was for you. Your September choices are promising, too, so another good reading month ahead. I really liked the Verghese book and I'm looking forward to the Patchett and McBride books to finally arrive from at my library. (Still #55 on Patchett's and #19 on McBride's, but getting there.)

    1. Sam - Verghese's book is wonderful, but it does require time and patience. I haven't had as much time to read as I would like, but am always happy to pick it up.

  5. After reading "Tom Lake" I was tempted to read "The Cherry Orchard" since Patchett includes many references to the Checkhov play -- and "Tom Lake" is set in a cherry orchard with three daughters, etc. I hope you enjoy your event.
    best, mae at

    1. Mae - I'm glad to have read The Cherry Orchard, but it didn't add as much to my Tom Lake experience as Our Town did.

  6. Your September plans are so much fun (both reading and personal). Lots of travel and really good books lined up is a good thing.

    1. Helen - Yes, a little bit of everything is on tap this month!

  7. Wow! That's a lot going on -- sounds fun and I hope you get some reading in along the way.

    1. Joy - September got away from us before it even started, lol! I'm hoping for some reading time, too, but know it will not be as much as I'd like...

  8. Your Sept is sounding pretty busy, but it looks like you have some good books lined up. I loved Covenant of Water but it's another long one. One you mentioned that's new to me is the James McBride one and I've add it to my list! Have a most wonderful Sept!
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Terrie - I seem to be reading more long books this year... not an intention, but it's just worked out that way. Hope to get McBride's novel from the library soon. Happy September!

  9. After hearing James McBride speak at an author event in Houston, I am eager to read his new book. He came across as a very wise man.

    I hope I get a chance to read the new Ann Patchett book, too. It arrived for me at the library, but I had to return it because I was about to leave for Italy.

    Enjoy all your travels this month, JoAnn!

    1. Deb - Attending author talks is so much fun! I've heard McBride interviewed on a podcast and agree he comes across as being a wise man. I'm looking forward to reading his new novel. Enjoy the rest of your time in Italy!

  10. Your summer sounds just as busy as mine. We still have a few more visitors in the queue for later this week and in October and November, but it's been nice to have a little breather.

    I hope to get a chance to read On Hitler's Mountain. It's been on my mental TBR list since I first saw it in B&N. I also want to read McBride's latest. I've only read his memoir (The Color of Water), which is very good, but that was way back in 1998. The Road to Dalton has also been on my radar. Wonder if it's something my mom would enjoy...

    I'm envious that you are going to see Ann Patchett. A few of my friends and I talked about driving up to Portland to see her, but it didn't work out. I've watched a lot of her recent events online, which is almost as good.

    Favorite book last month was Tom Lake, and it looks like The Light Pirate will be at the top for September. BTW, I'm almost finished with Lonesome Dove and I'm glad I stuck with it!

    1. Les - We've tried to fit so much in this summer... it's been a bit crazy, but so much fun!

      The Color of Water is the only McBride I've read so far and this new one sounds excellent. The Maine setting in Road to Dalton got my attention and I tend to enjoy Europa's offerings... we'll see how this goes. I'm hoping timing works out for my library holds - fingers crossed! So glad you've stuck with Lonesome Dove. It's so different from my usual books, but I really loved it!

      I'm so excited to attend the Ann Patchett event! James McBride will be there later in the fall, but that's only a few days after the wedding and I doubt I'll feel like heading right back to the city so soon. Just found out that Barbara Kingsolver will be speaking at the wildlife refuge in Sanibel this winter. I've marked the day tickets go on sale on my calendar!!

  11. Vicki - You've got some great reading ahead!!

  12. Exciting activities coming up for you! We did so much traveling and big events this summer that I'm looking forward to a less busy fall, after a quick weekend coming up flying down to visit our granddaughter in Maryland.
    I've made plans to go with a librarian friend to the Boston Book Festival but that's just a Saturday in the city, no real travel involved. Probably I'll try to squeeze in just one last visit at the end of October to see the baby before the holidays are upon us, though!

    1. Laurie - Yes, lots of activities this fall but so many books I'm looking forward to as well. I'm sure I'll find a happy balance. Hope you enjoy the Boston Book Festival and, of course, another visit to see that grandbaby!

  13. Sounds like August was a good month. I hope September is a good one. Have a great week!

  14. How awesome to attend the Ann Patchett event!! I would love that! The Road to Dalton sounds really amazing.

    1. Erin - I just can't wait to see Ann Patchett later next week!! The Road to Dalton sounds like the type of book that's always a hit for me... I'll let you know!

  15. Wow! August AND September sound jam packed with good books and good fun and lots of wedding stuff! Enjoy!!!

    1. Jinjer - I'd much prefer a slower, steadier pace, but it seems like all this stuff is happening at once! Exciting, for sure!

  16. I also loved Tom Lake - I enjoyed it more than The Dutch House, if I'm honest. I was able to meet Ann Patchett at a librarian event in Nashville and it was a delight. I hope you enjoy the event!

    1. Anbolyn - So nice to hear from you again... it's been a while!! Tom Lake is my favorite book of the year so far and I just cannot wait for the Ann Patchett event. Going with my daughter will make it even better. Off to see what you've been up to...

  17. It sounds like you have a lot of fun events going on this month. I hope all goes well!

    I am glad you enjoyed your reading last month. I am looking forward to reading Tom Lake. I don't think I will get to The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store as soon as you do, but I really want to read that one. I also have been wanting to read Light Pirate.

    Have a great week!

    1. Wendy - I hope you enjoy Tom Lake as much as I did. The library hold list will likely determine what my next read will be. Hope your week is off to a good start!

  18. I just on the waitlist for the audio of Tom Lake and am so looking forward to it. The Cherry Orchard is also on my TBR. Have a happy September!

    1. Katherine - Hope you love Meryl Streep's narration, too... so, so good!Have a good week.

  19. I really enjoyed The Road to Dalton, I hope you do to.
    I’m sure the upcoming weddings will keep you busy.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Shelleyrae - I'm glad you enjoyed The Road to Dalton! Yours was likely one of the reviews that convinced me to add it to my list.

  20. Ah, I remember reading The Cherry Orchard, it was my first Chekhov, and I kinda liked it. I have read Seagull last year, but it just didn't hit it off like The Cherry Orchard.

    Your September reading plan is interesting. I have The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store on my TBR, it looks promising. And The Road to Dalton sounds like a calm and delightful read.

    Happy reading, JoAnn! :)

    1. Fanda - I know I won't get to all of those books and will likely get distracted by others, but I'm especially excited to read The Road to Dalton.... it sounds like it will be a quiet, soothing read. Hope you're having a good September.

  21. What a fun couple of months you have in store! And seeing parents and family is precious. I have no idea if I would actually like The Light Pirate, but I do love the cover. With regards to Hitler's Mountain--I have read a few reviews and I'm intrigued, but after my trip to Germany I need a break from Hitler for a bit.

    1. JaneGS - It's been a really good month so far. Just got back from visiting my parents and tomorrow we're off to NYC! I'm *still* reading The Covenant of Water, so won't get to all of the other books this month... but hopeful for one more. On Hitler's Mountain will still be there when you're ready, but I can understand why you'd want to take a break!

  22. You have a quite a few on my list here. I liked The Light pirate and that had me search out her previous book, Good Morning, Midnight. I enjoyed the nonfiction The Great Displacement - thank you for that recommendation :-)

    1. Tina - I finally got The Light Pirate from the library, but am afraid I won't get to it before it's due. The Covenant of Water is really slowing me down... it's good, but just TOO long! So glad you enjoyed The Great Displacement. I thought that was so interesting and I learned a lot - like the history surrounding Houston's flooding and the situation in Norfolk.


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