Sunday, August 13, 2023

It's Tom Lake Weekend!

Hello, friends, and happy Sunday. We are finishing up a wonderfully quiet week at home - no travel, no visitors, mostly good weather, and plenty of sunshine. We enjoyed a lovely dinner by the shore with friends, explored a nearby coastal town, and ate lobster rolls for lunch.

And now, it's Tom Lake weekend! I have been eagerly anticipating Ann Patchett's new novel and set aside some time this weekend to just read. Patchett is one of my favorite authors and I'm pretty sure I've read all of her books. My daughter and I have tickets to see her next month at Symphony Space in NYC. I can't wait!

Recent Reading//

The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov

This is another classic play, first published in 1903, that may be tangentially related to Tom Lake. An old Russian family, hopelessly in debt, is "urged to cut down their beautiful cherry orchard and sell the land for holiday cottages - they struggle to act decisively." After Our Town last month, I enjoyed reading another play... though this one reminded me how much I struggle with Russian names. It seems like everyone has at least three! I'm not sure how it might enhance my reading of Tom Lake, yet.

Edited:  I just got to the part where the parallel is obvious!

by Irmgard A. Hunt

I saw this book mentioned on Susan's blog last month and thought it would be a good follow-up to The Postcard  by Anne Berest... and it was! This was a read/listen combination for me (the ebook and audio are both available on hoopla) and it was fascinating. A memoir from the German perspective is well worth reading and, at times, quite unsettling. Written in 2005, before our current political woes, I noted several chilling parallels to today.  Head over to Susan's blog for a more complete review.

Current reading//

Tom Lake by Ann Patchett

I am halfway through this novel and loving every sentence! I purchased a print copy and later learned that Meryl Streep narrates the audio version. Yes, I ended up using an audible credit, too. I've been listening to audiobooks for over twenty years and this is one of the best performances ever!

On the blog//

The week ahead//
Both NYC daughters, their fiancés, and Winnie the Whippet all arrive in a few days for an extra-long weekend. The "kids" will all be working remotely for a day or two, but we'll still have plenty of time to enjoy summer near the shore. Fingers crossed the weather cooperates!

What's new with you this week? What have you been reading?

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.
It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. I have the Tom Lake book but I am still readiing the Valerie Perrin book. Looking forward to it. You have a great weekend planned!!

    1. Tina - How are you liking Fresh Water for Flowers? I'm trying to decide if I'll read that next or Covenant of Water... both are pretty long, lol.

    2. I'm enjoying it. The characters are so vividly written and I plan to read more by Perriin now. My stack of books is high now, everything came in at once because I forgot to suspend some of them. Tom Lake is next but on the others I check to see how many holds there are on a book I now have. If it's a high number I read that one next so I don't have to get in a long line!

    3. Tina - I'm glad you like it so far! When I was in the bookstore to pick up Tom Lake, I noticed Valérie Perrin has another novel called Three which also sounds really good. Yesterday a bunch of my ebook holds came in and I ended up delaying them all... so many books right now!!

  2. I’ve seen several posts about the new Patchett book — It sound fabulous, and I’ll have to try to get to reading it soon. I loved some of her other books.
    Good book list!
    best, mae at

    1. Mae - As much as I enjoy Ann Patchett's novels, I love her nonfiction even more! Tom Lake may have me rethinking that stance...

  3. Hooray for Tom Lake! My library’s copy of the audiobook just came in for me and I’ll be starting it soon so I’m glad to hear you’re loving it! I enjoyed the interview with Ann Patchett on the Books, Beach & Beyond podcast (hosted by Elin Hilderbrand). Have a great week ahead!

    1. Jodie - Hope you love the Tom Lake audio, too. Meryl Streep is just phenomenal! I just subscribed to the Books, Beach & Beyond podcast last week and listened to the episode with Jenna Bush Hager... Ann Patchett will be next.

  4. I keep watching my hold list and seeing that my request for a copy of Tom Lake is still rather sluggishly hanging in. I think I'm down to about #75 now after starting out at something just over 100. But the progress is less than 5 spots a week, and I'm growing impatient. I like the book written from the German perspective of Hitler, too, but I'm not sure it's the right season for that one. I'm least patient in the summertime, and I suspect that one might test my patience.

    1. Sam - On Hitler's Mountain will certainly test your patience (maybe save it for winter) but it's well worth reading. Hope your library hold list starts moving a little faster...

  5. I can feel your excitement over the Tom Lake book and upcoming adventures with your NYC peeps! Enjoy!

    1. Thanks, Jinjer... between the kids coming and reading Tom Lake, things are pretty good around here right now!

  6. Vicki - Banyan Moon ended up being a surprise... liked it so much more than I expected.

  7. I'm so excited for your excitement! I hope it's living up to your expectations. I wouldn't mind listening to it with Meryl Streep. I enjoyed the one with Tom Hanks narrating.

    1. Heather - I did a read/listen combination for The Dutch House, too. Tom Hanks was great!

  8. I can't wait to hear your thoughts about this book. I thought I'd be reading it this weekend, too, but then I remembered that our book club meets Tuesday. As soon as I finish our book club book...

    This weekend has been much more relaxing than the past four. It's nice to stay home for a bit!

    1. Deb - We've been on the go a lot this summer, too... and our quiet week at home was such a nice change of pace. I loved it! I'm loving Tom Lake, too.

  9. JoAnn, I hope you enjoy it as much as you were anticipating! I saw someone say they were having a read-a-thon this weekend, and I was like, why do I never think to do something like that, LOL!

    1. Cindy - I love the idea of a personal readathon! I devoted more time to reading than I usually can, so maybe it was a mini-readathon, lol!

  10. Your weekend sounds wonderful, JoAnn. It was a pretty laid back weekend for us. I did drag my family out to run a few last minute school errands, but other than that, we had a nice weekend home. My daughter had a friend over today. It's back to the grind tomorrow. I hope you are enjoying Tom Lake! I do like Patchett's writing and would like to read that one at some point.

    I hope you have a nice visit with the family! Have a great week!

    1. Wendy - I think we all need those laid back weekends from time to time... and I am loving Tom Lake. Good luck with the last of the back to school errands. Hard to believe it's that time already.

  11. I've read a few Patchett books and, I agree, she's got a way with a sentence! Enjoy the time with your family! Thanks for the visit.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Terrie - Ann Patchett is definitely a top-tier author for me... just love how she writes and her insights into human nature.

  12. I’m glad you are enjoying Patchett so much

    Wishing you a wonderful reading week.

    1. Thanks, Shelleyrae. I love Patchett and have been reading her books for over twenty years!

  13. Interesting assortment of books. I'm always happy when a favorite author publishes a new book. I'm glad you are enjoying it. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - There is a small group of authors that I will always read their news books. Patchett is near the top of that list!

  14. Good to hear you are relishing your read/listen of Tom Lake. I've been hearing about it quite a bit.

  15. Yay for a quiet week followed by a week of visitors! Meryl Streep would be an excellent reader.

    1. Joy - Last week was just so relaxing...and there really is nothing like a weekend at home with a good book!

  16. I read Tom Lake as an ARC and plan to buy my own copy, but you've reminded me to put a hold on the audio edition from the library. It'll probably be a 6-month wait, so I'll have forgotten enough of it by then to be ready!
    Sounds like a relaxing week.
    I've been home and resting and doing nothing much, but, somehow, when it's forced on you, it doesn't feel quite the same, right?

    1. Laurie - I can see why you'd want your own copy after reading an ARC, but the audio is something really special too! Hope you're feeling better today.

  17. I added the Hitler book to my TBR. It sounds really interesting! I hope you're having a great week.

    1. Aj - I've never read a memoir from the German perspective, especially an adult looking back on her wartime childhood. This was so interesting, but the parallels to today are disturbing.

  18. It's so great that you are loving Tom Lake and that you get to go hear Patchett speak later this month. What a fun combination.

    1. Helen - Patchett is just amazing. I've been a fan for decades!

  19. I have my library copy of Tom Lake on top of the pile of books and games to be packed for our trip! I am looking forward to reading it. Your week sounds awesome, and how exciting to be able to hear Patchett speak!

    1. Erin - You're in for a treat! It's perfect vacation reading - enjoy!

  20. Oh dear, Tom Lake isn't drawing me in. Can't get interested in her acting career and three cherry form isn't absorbing me either . Just ignore me!

    1. Vintage Reading - I'm sure you're not the only one... there were at least a couple of readers/reviewers (on goodreads?) saying the same thing. Nearing the end, I absolutely love this novel and am going to be sad when it's over. It's a read/listen combo for me and Meryl Streep's narration adds to my enjoyment. Sorry it's not working for you.

  21. Hey thanks for the shoutout. I'm glad you found the Hitler Mountain book an interesting read. It's definitely unsettling, who would want a childhood like that?! And great to hear about Tom Lake. I might get the audio version. Glad you're enjoying it. That bodes well. I think the premise sounds good.

    1. Susan - I finished Tom Lake last night and really loved it! Meryl Streep's narration was simply perfection.

  22. I have Tom Lake on my TBR and am really looking forward to it. I struggle with Russian names too. In high school I had a year of international literature and there was a LOT of Russian novels and have been a bit too scared to pick up another Russian book ever since. Maybe one day!

    1. Katherine - Russian names didn't seem to be as big of a problem when I read newer translations (thinking of Anna Karenina). I wonder if they tried to stick to one or two names per character. The Cherry Orchard was probably an older translation.

  23. Enjoy Tom Lake--I am also an Ann Patchett fan.

    1. JaneGS - I finished and loved it! So glad I took the time to read Our Town first... that really helped.

  24. I absolutely LOVED Tom Lake! I read it in three days and didn't want it to end. So good! My review goes up tomorrow. Patchett is coming to Portland (3 hours away), and I'm tempted, but still haven't decided. Do you recommend a reading of The Cherry Orchard? I'm not a big fan of reading plays.

    Enjoy your weekend. We are having glorious weather (sunny and in low 60s), and now that we have a guest-free weekend, I'm looking forward to being lazy and sitting outside with my current book.

    1. Les - There are some parallels between The Cherry Orchard and Tom Lake, but I don't think it improved my reading experience in any way. Plus, the Russian names were difficult to follow. Seemed like I was constantly referring back to the character list. Reading Our Town first was key for me!

      Hope you enjoyed the guest-free weekend... must've been so nice to just relax at last! Our house emptied out last night. We had 7 here for a long weekend. Exhausting, but so much fun!

    2. So glad to hear how much you, JoAnn, and you, Les, liked this book.

  25. Another book I must read. I've heard so many good reviews of this one and can't wait to read it too!

    1. Iliana - I think Tom Lake is probably my favorite book so far this year. So glad I read Our Town first though.


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