Sunday, June 25, 2023

The First Sunday Salon of Summer: June 25, 2023

Hello, friends. Summer is officially here and all the planned activities, not to mention summer reading, have kicked into high gear. It's been a full month and, sadly, the blog has been neglected for a few weeks. Today's post is mostly a quick catch-up. 

At the beginning of the month we spent a week with my parents in central New York. It was so good to be with them and spend time with my siblings, niece and nephews. We also got to see our daughter, her fiancĂ©, and the grandpup... they drove up from NYC for the weekend. 

Back in CT we have been exploring different parts of the state (the photo above is in Mystic) and enjoying our own town, too - concerts on the green, dinner with friends, and walks along the coast.

As for reading...

Did I mention that I joined Anne Bogel's  Modern Mrs. Darcy Book Club (MMD) last month? It's something I've considered for a while, but took the plunge so I could get Anne's annual Summer Reading Guide. So far, the club has had a positive impact on my overall quality and satisfaction from reading.  I've gotten some great book recommendations (as if I don't already get plenty from all of you!), have participated in live events and author chats, and am currently involved in a small group read of  Lonesome Dove.

Recent reading//

No Two Persons by Erica Bauermeister
narrated by a full cast

I can't resist books about books and this one was a solid listening experience. It's basically a collection of stories linked by each character's involvement/experience with a single book. I gave it 4 stars and plan to post a more complete review soon.

by Jake Bittle

We've all familiar with climate change, but this book brings us to ground zero - hurricanes in the Florida Keys, wildfires in California, floods in Houston, water shortages in Arizona, rising sea levels in Norfolk, VA, and more. It provides plenty of background information, along with first hand accounts from residents of each area. There is already a surprising number of "climate change refugees" in the US. This book makes for compelling and sobering reading... 5 stars, for sure. I'll have more to say in a review.

Current reading//

Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry

I've been wanting to read this book for years, maybe even decades. Last summer I finally bought a copy and this summer made it my reading project. As luck would have it, Lonesome Dove  was also chosen as a Community Pick at MMD, so I'm now reading with a small group. We're on week four and I've made it to page 365... of nearly 900. Westerns are not generally my thing and this took a good hundred pages to pull me in, but now I'm loving it! The audio version (36 hours) is available on hoopla, so I've made this a read/listen combination.

The Postcard by Anne Berest

This is one of the July selections at MMD book club. I have the hardcover on my shelf, but found the audio available on hoopla and started listening on my walk this morning. There are a lot of very positive reviews out there, but it's too soon for me to share even first impressions. 

The week ahead//

We are gearing up for the 4th of July. Our daughter, her fiancé, and puppy will be here later in the week and will stay through the holiday. Catching up on book reviews and blog posts is also high on my list...

How have you been lately? What are you reading?

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.
It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. I am always so impressed with all you do, and all you read. The Modern Mrs. Darcy Bookclub sounds so very interesting. I loved the pictures of all the authors, and I had heard of only a couple. Are your parents still living in their home? You may have mentioned it but I may have missed it.

    1. Nan - Thank you, though it often seems like we're running around more than I'd like. If I had my way I'd stay at home and read even more! My parents are both turning 88 later this year and are so fortunate to be together, fairly healthy, and living in their own home. Two of my sisters also live in the same town and visit them daily. I like to spend as much time with them as I can when we're here... load up their freezer, enjoy the daily Wordle competition with my mother face to face, just hang out and do whatever needs to be done.

  2. Beautiful flowers! I remember watching the movie Mystic Pizza which was filmed there.

    I bought the audio of No Two Persons and hope to get to it soon. Now I want to get The Great Displacement.

    My dad was also a reader. He mainly read westerns and I'm pretty sure I remember him reading Lonesome Dove and watching the series.

    1. Vicki - Oh, I remember watching Mystic Pizza, too... and the place is still there! It's a lovely town and I discovered a great independent bookstore there, too. The audio production of No Two Persons made it for me... a different narrator for each story/character. The only problem was that I wanted more of most of them! I want to watch the Lonesome Dove series after I finish the book.

  3. Happy to see that you're off to a great start this summer and enjoying it so much. Also happy to see that Lonesome Dove finally managed to draw you into it's wonderfully written plot and that you are enjoying the experience. Any time it comes up, I tell people that this is the one I've enjoyed most in my reading life, and how much I like the main characters and how they represent to me the exact kind of people I wish I had known in real life. I think about Gus and Call a lot when reading other novels or facing life decisions of my own, in fact.

    1. Sam - Lonesome Dove is just wonderful! I'm especially taken with Gus, but Call still seems to be something of an enigma. I hope we come to understand more of his backstory. Could not be more surprised by how much I love these characters and can easily see why they would be among your favorites. So far this book has made me both laugh and cry... and I don't often cry at a book.

    2. I can confidently tell you that the best is yet to come - and that you will get more of Call's backstory. Love your enthusiasm.

    3. Sam - Oh, good!! I may have to put The Postcard on hold and just plow ahead!

  4. I love that you’re living life to it’s fullest and that family plays an important part of your life. Our wildfire season here in Western Canada started in April which is extremely early. We’ve seen progressively warmer weather here to over the past decade so climate change is evident here too. Have a great week!

    1. Jodie - Family has always been the top priority of my life... as it is for my parents and was for my grandparents before them. Thankfully, we all get along, too. We had a tough time with the smoke from wildfires in eastern Canada a couple weeks ago. It was kind of spooky. The air quality of fine now. Hope you have a good week.

  5. Good update! Sounds like all is well with you in Conn. Would love to see grandpuppy photos when possible :-) And I need to see if the hoopla at the library here will have The Postcard or if the library has hoopla, I still need to check. I'd like to listen to The Postcard as well. And I must get to Lonesome Dove someday. I think my older brother often quotes from it, lol.

    1. Susan - I'll have plenty of opportunities for Winnie photos next weekend... will be sure to add one or two to my post. A lot of libraries here are dropping or limiting hoopla because it is so expensive. Hope yours has it. I'm so thankful the Sanibel library offers it... I use it even more than Libby for audiobooks.

  6. Sometimes I read your post slowly and digest, and sometimes I flip through quickly at first--and voila! If only I had the accent in the right place(!) I bought The Postcard based on pages and pages of positive reviews. I hope to read it in the near future.(?) We have a very unusual summer and fall coming up, due to Ken's recent diagnosis. I've been piling up books, movies, etc. as distraction, and I have loads of work to distract me, but still. I always, always love to hear what you say about what you're reading!

  7. I tried to publish a comment via Google and it failed. So here I go again!
    I purchased The Postcard, after reading page after page of stellar reviews from newspapers and reviewers across Europe, and then here in the U.S. I was overwhelmed by the universal kudos for this novel.
    So I hope to read it in the near future.
    We have a tricky three months ahead here, due to Ken's difficult diagnosis and treatment. This came upon this in April. (Aggressive, high-risk prostate cancer).
    I'm grateful to have the wonderful, caring doctors we've met--top notch! Yale Medical School! I'm thankful to have work that's distracting me and is fascinating, and we're now totally addicted to movies! Added movie channels and all! Perfect for summer when lots of times it's too hot and humid to do much.
    I've read three books in June, though I set a tentative goal of 20 books this summer. Oh, well, I knew, given everything that it would be unlikely I'd devour 20, but still I wanted to participate. Best to you!

    1. Judith - I got both of your comments. The first one didn't go through right away because I have to moderate all comments now due to spam.
      The Postcard sounds like it will be an interesting read. I'm trying to decide whether to just plow through Lonesome Dove before really getting into it. I mostly read just one book at a time and hate to divide my time between two novels.
      I'm sorry to hear about Ken's diagnosis, but glad he is receiving good care. Are you traveling to New Haven for his treatments? Books and movies are always good distractions. I wish you both all the best.

  8. You've been busy! I hope you enjoy the book club. It sounds like fun. Have a great week!

    1. Yvonne - I'm enjoying the book club very much. We'll see if it's just the novelty or if it will continue.

  9. I bet summer in Connecticut is amazing. A perfect life would be to spend summers up north and winters down south, I think.

    Modern Mrs. Darcy Book Club has always sounded like something I'd enjoy. I hope you will tell us more as you continue to participate.

    So glad you are enjoying Lonesome Dove. Just thinking about that book makes my heart happy.

    1. Deb - We're starting to think being up here for summer (or until the end of hurricane season) and then heading back to FL is perfect! We'll see how things work out with our daughters as they get married... don't think we'll see much of them in FL other than a winter vacation.

      MMD book club has been on my radar for years. Looking back through the archives, there are many books I have read and now have access to the recorded author chats. The live events have been fun, too. It's hard to keep up with the forums, but I am enjoying the small group reading LD. Still can't believe how much I am enjoying that book... what a surprise!

  10. Wow! Sounds like it's been a fun and busy summer already! Mystic looks beautiful!

    Checking to make sure No Two Person's is on my is.

    I loved Lonesome Dove. Book and mini series.

    Jeez is it almost 4th of July already??? I can't believe it.

    1. Jinjer - No Two Persons is a great book for book lovers. Hope you enjoy it. Don't think I've ever been so surprised to actually like a book as with Lonesome Dove... it is not at all what I usually read, but I just love the characters! 4th of July always has a way of sneaking up on you, doesn't it? Turn the calendar and there it is, lol!

  11. Nice to hear you've been enjoying the summer with family and in your area. Climate change is frightening and the impact is serious and yet many in government fail to acknowledge it. Sadly, it boils down to greed in most cases. Enjoy your week and happy reading!

    1. Rachel - It's a lot easier seeing both of our families when we are in CT... although they all love visiting FL in the winter! Hurricane Ian really hit the islands of Sanibel and Ft Myers Beach hard last fall. Climate change is definitely here and they key word now seems to be resilience... we'll see how far that takes us. Hope you have a good week.

  12. I read Lonesome Dove last summer as a Buddy Read with my sister. Also not usually a fan of westerns, but the characters in this one are SO interesting and I remember thinking the dialog had a perfect tone. Hope you like it! Thanks for the visit.
    Have a terrific week.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Terrie - What fun to do a buddy read with your sister, and I think LD really lends itself to reading with others. The dialog is excellent... I'm really enjoying this book!

  13. I know you don't need more recommendations :) But I'm urging everyone I know to read Little Miseries by Kimberly Olson Fakih and Even Though I Knew the End by CL Polk. They're entirely different books, but each is soooooooo good.

    1. Amy - I love recommendations! I actually have Little Miseries on my kindle. Even Though I Knew the End sounds way outside my comfort zone but, since it's short, I just got on the library hold list. Will let you know... Thanks!

  14. We have just gotten the Lonesome Dove dvd from the library and I wonder if I would like the book, if we watch the series. McMurty's son James is a musician and we own almost all of his CDs.
    Looking forward to reading more this incedibly hot summer as I'll be inside. I'd made up my own list of books after seeing/visiting the Classics Club and will start on that this summer.

    Love hearing about your time in CT and NY, visiting family.

    1. Tina - I usually read before watching but, since the first 100 pages or so didn't do much for me, it might be easier to get through them if you already know you like the story and characters. I'll be curious to hear what you end up doing. I want to watch the miniseries after I'm done reading.

      I keep a pretty close eye on the FL weather and it really sounds especially miserable this summer. Glad you have a long list of books to turn to. Hope you guys stay cool!

    2. Tina - Forgot to ask... are you on a blog break? I know I haven't been around much, but was wondering if I'd just missed your posts.

    3. That's a long book, Lonesome Dove, and I admire you for sticking through 100 pages before getting invested. We started the DVD of Lonesome Dove but stopped after the first disc. Taking a break on it.

      Glad you enjoyed the Bauermeister book and I loved how some characters appeared again linking the stories. I want to know what happened to the widower in the ghost town!

      Thanks for asking about the blog break - I am indeed stopping for a while. Keeping up with a few blogs I enjoy though so, not completely offline.

    4. Tina - Thanks for coming back to comment. I'm sure when (hopefully not if) you're back from the break, your posts will appear in my feed. Sorry to hear the LD miniseries is slow at first, too. So many readers just love the book, so I felt I had to give it more time than I normally would. Halfway through now and I's say it's been worth it. With the weather so warm and humid in FL, I'm sure you'll get a lot more indoor time to read and catch up on shows. Also glad to see you're still on goodreads. Take care, Tina.

  15. I'm glad you are enjoying your new book club. All of your books sound interesting though not something I would usually pick. I hope you enjoy them. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - I know we have very different reading tastes, but I always enjoy hearing about books I probably won't read, too. The new online book club has been a lot of fun so far. Hope your week is off to a good start!

  16. What a pretty photo! I've never been to Mystic, but plenty of my friends have. Seeing family is such a joy. Hope you have a summer of getting together. Great books this week. Hope you enjoy them.

    1. Cheryl - Mystic is such a fun place to visit! We're saving the aquarium for a rainy day, and there are so many things to see and do there. Hope you're having a good week.

  17. Mystic is such a great little town, I'm glad you had some time to enjoy it as well as being with family.

    1. Helen - Mystic is so pretty! We were there last summer, but before that it was in the late 80s. I discovered a very nice indie book store, Bank Square Books, that I hope to visit again.

  18. I'll be curious what you think about the Jake Bittle. Scary stuff but important.

    The Mystic waterfront looks gorgeous.

    1. Reese - Jake Bittle's book was definitely scary stuff, but I learned a lot. I'm planning to write a review later this week. Mystic is a beautiful town!

  19. I rejoined MMD book club too for the summer book club sharing. I have to say haven't been on it much but need to catch up. Meant to watch the Patti Callahan Henry one live but forgot! So will catch it on the replay. Ah Lonesome Dove. You are so welcome. I did try it. I didn't get as far as you I think - not sure, but gave it up. Maybe if I'd tried it as a slow read.

    1. Kathryn - This is my first time joining and there is a lot to keep up with! It seems easy to pick and choose what you want to do though. It took me a couple of tries to get into Lonesome Dove. The first 100 pages, especially, are tough to get through, but it finally clicks after that.

  20. Loved LONESOME DOVE. I hope you do too! Now I am hoping over to the Modern Mrs. Darcy to see what that is about.

    Here's What I'm Reading

    1. Anne - Lonesome Dove is such a pleasant surprise... never thought I'd react so positively to a western. I'm about halfway through now.
      Thanks for the corrected link :)

  21. What beautiful flowers! It sounds like you've had a fun month with lots of family! I've really enjoyed other books by Erica Bauermeister and that one looks like such an interesting read. Have a wonderful week!

    1. Katherine - I really liked Bauermeister's The School of Essential Ingredients and her nonfiction House Lessons. Might have to give some of her other books atry now. Hope you have a good week!

  22. I am curious about No Two Persons. Enjoy your week, and thanks for sharing.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - No Two Persons is the kind of book any book lover can relate to!

  23. It sounds like you are having a wonderful start to the summer, JoAnn! I think we felt the same about wanting more from Bauermeister's latest. I'm happy to know that you are enjoying Lonesome Dove. Once I get back into my walking routine, I'll start listening. While on our road trip through Alberta & B.C., I haven't had time to listen to audiobooks. I'll have to start my current listen from the beginning, since I've forgotten what it's even about. Glad you're getting in a lot of time with family. When we get home (July 7th), we'll have a week before our visitors start arriving. We have four sets of relatives coming one week after another. I'll be ready for another roadtrip after August! ;)

    1. Les - Yes, summer is off to a great start! June weather was slightly cooler than usual, but I loved it... smoke from the wildfires, not so much.

      I'm loving all the photos from your trip! My brother has been up there skiing in the winter (they even had a helicopter drop them off at the top of a mountain once!) so I've seen a lot of snow photos, but I can't get over how beautiful it is in the summer, too!

      I'm sure you'll get your audio groove back once you get back to your home routine. Although it sounds like your entire summer is going to be pretty busy! Where's the next road trip? As my mother always says, do it while you can!! Enjoy the rest of your trip!

    2. JoAnn, I feel bad for everyone who has been affected by the Canadian wildfire smoke, but I'm also happy that we haven't had any issues while we've been up here, other than one or two days of mild, smoky-haze. We were really concerned about our trip and the smoke, but have lucked out!

      I know of some people who have gone helicopter skiing up here, too. I'm sure it's gorgeous up here in the winter, but we're loving the summer weather and wildflowers. Not much in the way of wildlife, although we have seen a few bears, mountain goats, and Bighorn sheep. Still waiting on the moose!

      Our next road trip will be on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. We'll head up there in late September. I need to get that trip planned and organized as soon as we get home from this one! :) I like your mother's philosophy. Life is too short to not do this sort of thing while we are still able.

    3. Les - So glad your trip has not been impacted by smoke. It's back again for us... just in time for the holiday weekend :(

      Vancouver Island looks like such a beautiful place and I'll bet fall is an ideal time to visit! Enjoy the rest of this trip and have fun planning the next!!

  24. I've been casually looking at the climate change geography, complete with fantasies of moving to the Great Lakes area. I probably won't due to family, but I'm tempted by cooler summers and more snow storms than ice storms in the winter.

    1. Joy - I've lived most of my life in the Great Lakes area of central NY and agree that's probably going to fare better than other areas as climate change progresses. Syracuse averages 120" of snow per year, but that's been way down the last several years. Summers are warmer, too, but nothing like what's happening in the south. We'd be there now, but CT is much closer to our kids in NYC.

  25. I loved Lonesome Dove!! I also loved Dead Man's Walk - maybe even more than Lonesome Dove. Such a good series!

  26. Erin - I didn't know Lonesome Dove is a series! Just found on goodreads that Dead Man's Walk is book 3. We'll see, I just might end up reading them all!


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