Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: 2022 Author Discoveries


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Since today is a "freebie" week, we get to choose our own topic. I'd like to highlight my favorite author discoveries of 2022. This was actually last week's prompt but you know how that goes. It seems like I've been behind all month...

Favorite Author Discoveries of 2022

John Boyne - The Absolutist

Kim Fay - Love & Saffron

Damon Galgut - The Promise

Maggie ShipsteadSeating Arrangements

Steven RowleyThe Guncle

Claire Keegan - Foster and Small Things Like These 

Lydia Millet - Dinosaurs

Have you read any of these authors? What were your favorite author discoveries of 2022?


  1. I haven't read this Rowly book, but I have enjoyed his writing in the past. Glad you found him this year.

    1. Deanna - I'm looking forward to reading Rowley's earlier novel and he also has a new book coming out this year.

  2. I’m glad you decided to catch up this week. These books sound interesting.

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-bookish-confessions/

    1. Lydia - Thanks, I discovered some great writers last year.

  3. I read Mary Lawson's Crow Lake a long time ago and thought it was good. Haven't read any of the other books or authors though.

    1. Kay - I remember *meaning* to read Crow Lake ages ago, but never got around to it. Hope to read Lawson's other two books this year... they seem to be on the quieter, more somber side.

  4. I have enjoyed a few of these titles. Claire Keegan was a new to em author and I enjoyed her books.

    1. Tina - I think you're the first person to let me know about Foster... thank you again!

    2. Absolutely! I just received the Small Things Like These book! I am reading that and 84, Charing Cross Road next. Then back to In Shetland. Had to put it all aside for Jane Harper's new book as there was a long wait at the library for it. Thought I'd better tackle it first.

      Hope all is well for you!

    3. Tina - I listened to Small Things Like These, but plan to read it in print sometime this year. 84, Charing Cross Road is an all-time favorite... have lost count of how many times I've read it!

  5. I have not read any of these. The last one puts me in mind of The Nature of Small Birds.

    1. Cindy - I just looked up The Nature of Small Birds and it sounds like a really good read!

  6. I love Mary Lawson and John Boyne, whom I discovered a few years ago. Maggie O'Farrell, Steven Rowley, Claire Keegan, and Kim Fay are all new to me, too. So many wonderful authors! I'll have to look for The Promise and Dinosaurs.

    Chris Whitaker (We Begin at the End), Ash Davidson (Damnation Spring), Anne Youngson (The Narrowboat Summer) and Alex George (Setting Free the Kites) were some of my favorite discoveries (besides the ones I mentioned above) in 2022. Now to read more of their books...

    1. Les - 2022 was such a good year for author discoveries! We Begin at the End and Damnation Spring are both books I hope to read this year. I started The Narrowboat Summer on audio last spring, but got pulled away by another title. Plan to give that another try in print. Setting Free the Kites is on my (very long) library wish list, too. So many books and authors...

  7. Vicki - My mother loved Love & Saffron, too!

  8. I haven't read any of those authors. But, scrolling down to the last book, I thought "Dinosaurs" is a book about dinosaurs, or at least about animals or nature (lovely bird on the cover helps!), but apparently I was wrong. :))

    1. Fanda - LOL, yes it isn't about dinosaurs. But it's still a lovely, quiet book.

  9. Several familiar ones on this list (mostly on my TBR, but every time I see them I'm reminded I want to read them). I've read a different O'Farrell and John Boyne, both very good. I have Shipstead, Galgut & Dinosaurs on my TBR......man oh man, I need time to read! :) Thanks for the visit & hope you have a terrific week.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Terrie - I hear you about the reading time! I hope to read more of both O'Farrell and Boyne this year.

  10. I haven't read any of these authors, although I keep thinking I need to try O'Farrell. I've heard good things about her books. I hope you enjoy all these!

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan - O'Farrell is wonderful, but I think her books are very different. Read the synopsis and pick one that appeals. Good luck!

  11. These are all new to me though they all look good. I'm adding Love and Saffron to my TBR as that one especially calls to me.

    1. Katherine - Love & Saffron was one of my favorite reads of 2022. Hope you get a chance to enjoy it, too.

  12. I'm hopefully going to be reading a Maggie O'Farrell book this year. I have tons of them on my TBR list.

    1. Aj - I'm hoping to read one or two more Maggie O'Farrell novels this year, too.

  13. What a great list. I've only read one John Boyne book which I did enjoy but several of the books you mentioned on your list are on my TBR!

    1. Iliana - I'm hoping to read more John Boyne this year. I think he has a new book coming, too.

  14. I am happy to have discovered Claire Keegan and Lydia Millet, too. Now I think I'd like to see if I can learn more about Angie Cruz.

    1. Deb - How Not to Drown in a Glass of Water was a book that really grew on me. I want to check out her earlier novel, Domenica.

  15. Yeah definitely Claire Keegan was a favorite discovery for me last year. Such a good writer! And I'm looking forward to A Town Called Solace soon for my book club's next discussion. I liked her debut novel years ago.

    1. Susan - I'll be curious to hear what your book club thinks of A Town Called Solace. Some members in my group in NY did not like quieter novels, so I'm not sure how it would have gone over there. I loved it though!

  16. I found Maggie Shipstead and Clare Keegan this past year. Love them both. I can highly recommend Great Circle and I thought Small Things Like These was amazing.

    1. Thanks, James. I will add Great Circle to my list. Foster was excellent in print, but I listened to Small Things Like These and I don't think that format did it any favors. I plan to reread it sometime this year.


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