Sunday, September 18, 2022

The Sunday Salon: September 18, 2022

Hello from upstate New York! We've been here with my parents for the past week and tomorrow we'll drive back to Connecticut. It's been fun seeing family and playing tourist in our former hometown. Especially enjoyable was a chilly midweek dinner by "our" old lake. Fall is definitely in the air! 

I haven't had much time to read, but did listen to a couple of audiobooks.


by Steven Rowley, narrated by the author

I'm so glad I chose to listen to this book! The author's fabulous narration added to the overall experience. While much of the novel is light and humorous, it also deals with serious issues, especially loss and grieving. I was happy to learn a film adaptation is already in the works and am tempted to check out the author's earlier novels, Lily and the Octopus  and The Editor. Have you read them?

by Claire Keegan, narrated by Aiden Kelly

Short-listed for the Booker Prize, this beautifully written novella (just under 2 hours on audio) left me wanting more - of everything. It was wonderful as far as it went, but I felt it ended far too abruptly. I'm definitely in the minority as most readers loved the book. Maybe it might have been more satisfying in print..


by Dolen Perkins-Valdez, narrated by Lauren J. Daggett

I'm really enjoying this as a read/listen combination and hope to finish today or tomorrow... such a troubling, compelling story based on actual events. I'll have more to say next week.


Lucy by the Sea by Elizabeth Strout

I'm at the top of the library hold list and expect to receive this book when it's released on Tuesday. Elizabeth Strout is one of my favorite authors, so I can't wait!

On the blog//

The week ahead//

It's going to be busy. Besides general catching up when we get home tomorrow, a few appointments are scheduled later in the week, and then we turn around and drive back to NY next weekend. My mother's birthday was yesterday and we had a small celebration, but her "official" birthday party with a larger family gathering is scheduled for next weekend. 

How was your week? What have you been reading?

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.
It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. what a lovely way to spend time: by a lake that’s full of memories.

    best… mae at

    1. Mae - It was a lovely evening by the lake So good to be there again.

  2. It has been a while since I've listened to an audiobook. I have been concentrating on my review stack. Enjoy your celebrations. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - Seems like most of my books have been audio for the last week or so. Good luck with your review stack!

  3. The time by the lakeside sounds so nice. I would love it there. Have not read Lily and the Octopus but it's a book cover on my next puzzle. The puzzle was an impulse purchase after getting my latsest puzzle with Jane Austen book covers. Had to get the dog book covers then!

    Have a safe trip back. Hot here now.

    1. Tina - It was so nice to be back on our lake... but it sure was chilly! Reminded me of what's to come and why we left, lol. That sounds like a fun puzzle. I've never done one with book covers, but definitely want to!

  4. I enjoyed reading The Guncle and I think the tv adaption will be fun.

    Wishing you a great reading week, and happy birthday to your mom!

    1. Shelleyrae - I think The Guncle would be an excellent film or tv show! So glad to finally read it.

  5. I think Take My Hand is excellent though so disturbing.

    1. Helen - I finished Take My Hand yesterday and it really was disturbing. Hard (well maybe not so hard) to believe things like that actually happened...

  6. Vicki - Small Things Like These was really a beautiful little book... just wish the story kept going. The narrator of Take My Hand perfectly reflected the seriousness of the subject - she was a good choice.

  7. A very happy birthday to your mom! Hope you enjoy every bit and really looking forward to hearing about your current reads.

    1. Iliana - My mom sure enjoyed her day and I'm already loving Lucy by the Sea!

  8. It must be a strange feeling to be a tourist now in your former hometown.

    Small Things Like These came in for me at the library, but I may pass on it, based on your review.

    I do hope Lucy by the Sea arrives for me this week, too. It seems like I have been waiting for it for a long time.

    1. Deb - It really was a strange feeling to be there but not live there... not entirely pleasant. Small Things Like These is so short, it might be worthwhile to just read it and see what you think. It was lovely, but I just wanted more. I'm loving Lucy by the Sea so far. Hope you get it this week, too!

    2. I picked up Lucy by the Sea from the library today!

    3. Deb - You're in for a treat! I am about halfway through and don't want it to end... loving every sentence!

  9. I love that fall is coming, and here in the northeast, it's especially beautiful!

    1. Angela - Fall is my favorite and I'm happy to be able to stay in the northeast long enough to enjoy it this year!

  10. What beautiful flowers! Everything here looks completely fried and we are hoping for cooler weather at some point. Guncle looks so fun! Have a wonderful week!

    1. Katherine - The last week or two have made a world of difference here... it's cool enough at night so that plants don't fry 24/7. The Guncle was such an enjoyable read, despite the serious undertones. I'm going to read more by that author.

  11. Your books all look so good! The Guncle is one that intrigues me. Great time with family. Enjoy the rest of your time away.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - The Guncle was a really good read. Might be the first book I've read with a Palm Springs setting - added fun!

  12. Ooo, Lucy By The Sea. I plan to pick that up too. Happy reading. -vvb32 reads

    1. vvb32reads - I've read about a third of Lucy by the sea... it's excellent!

  13. It's nice you got to see your old Lake. Wow pretty emotional going back. I liked the Keegan book in print. But Rowley's Octopus/dog novel wasn't for me though others loved it. You'll get to Lucy by the Sea before me ... so I look forward to hearing what you think. Enjoy. & have a great week.

    1. Susan - It was so nice to be back by the lake, but so weird not to live there! Keegan's book is so short, I might give it a second read in print. Maybe I missed something listening. Thanks for the input on Rowley's older book. Lucy by the Sea is excellent! I don't want it to end.

  14. It looks like you had a wonderful time in upstate NY! Yes, fall is in the air, but not here in Boise. 83 today and heading to 86 tomorrow! We'll be thankful for our cooler temps on the coast when we get home in another week or so.

    Like you, I haven't been reading much, either. I did go for a 4+ walk today, so I listened to more of my audiobook, but otherwise I've only stolen a few minutes of time to read before falling asleep each night. Of course, I'd rather hike than sit around reading, so it's all good.

    I haven't read The Guncle, but you've convinced me to get it on audio. I've been listening to Book Lovers, which is really light, but sometimes it's nice to be entertained and not read/listen to something heavy like The Four Winds. We're going to another bookstore tomorrow, so I'll look for a copy of Small Things Like These. Last week I bought copies of Anything Is Possible and Oh William! Gotta support the independent bookstores! :)

    I hope your mom has a wonderful birthday celebration. Is it a milestone? My mom will be 90 next year!

    1. Les - We had such a good time last week in NY, we decided to drive back up this weekend, lol! I'm loving the cool temperatures, especially since we missed fall the last few years.

      I had a better reading week this past week, finishing 2 books. Absolutely loved Lucy by the Sea by Elizabeth Strout!

      The Guncle was such an entertaining audio... perfect for time alone in the car and on my walk.It was a really nice change of pace from The Four Winds. I love visiting indie bookstores when we travel. I'm going to need copies of My Name is Lucy Barton and Anything is Possible to add to my collection.

      Enjoy the rest of your travels and keep the photos coming... what a beautiful part of the country!


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