Sunday, June 26, 2022

A Late June Sunday Salon

Hello, friends. It's hard to believe we're approaching the end of June already... summer in Connecticut is in full swing. We're enjoying the town beaches, the parks overlooking the cove and river, and weekly concerts on the green. We've had visits from both NYC daughters, plus I drove to central New York to spend time with my parents... and get a haircut!

I've read some good books this month, too, but haven't managed to write about them. I'll post a full review for Lessons in Chemistry  and then a mini-review round up for the others.

Recent reading//

by Maggie O'Farrell, narrated by Anne Flosnik

Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys
by Kristin Hannah, narrated by Julia Whelan

Current reading//

The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

After finishing Kristin Hannah's version, I figured it was time to reread the classic novel about the Dust Bowl migration. I'm also planning to watch the Ken Burns PBS documentary.

Coming soon//

 It's that time... Paris in July is almost here! Tamara at Thyme for Tea and Deb at Readerbuzz are teaming up to bring this month-long event back to the blogosphere. You can read more about it and sign up here.

My new library book group has chosen The Book of Salt  by Monique Truong (set in Paris) for early August discussion, so at least one of my selections is set. 

Will you be participating?

Feedly update//

A couple of weeks ago I posted about my frustration with bloglovin' and began to set up a feedly account. That's working out well so far. You can follow up to 100 blogs with a free feedly account and, even though I follow more than 100 on blogluvin', I can now read my core group of blogs regularly.

I check blogluvin' periodically to catch up with the rest, but it still appears to be down more often than not...

The week ahead//

Next weekend is the 4th of July! Twin B and her boyfriend will spend the long holiday weekend with us and, of course, I am excited to see them. But... with all that has happened on so many fronts this past week, I'm not really feeling like fireworks, parades, and Yankee Doodle. Sigh.

How was your week? What have you been reading?

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.
It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. I’m glad to see you liked The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox as I placed it on my TBR. It sounds so intriguing! You listened to The Four Winds as well! I enjoyed it on audio. You always post such interesting books! Take good care and happy reading!

    1. Miaismine - I hope you enjoy Esme Lennox. It will be on my list of midyear favorites. The Four Winds was a read/listen combination for me... so sad, but I kept turning the pages!

  2. Sounds like you have had a good-busy June. I liked The Four Winds a lot. I've never participated in July in Paris, so I'll just continue working through my 20 Books of Summer list. Yes, this year celebrating Independence Day seems a tad hypocritical for me.

    1. Diane - The Four Winds was so sad... makes me want to learn more about that tie period.

  3. Vicki - That's probably what we'll do here this year. Pre-pandemic we always hosted a big 4th of July party.

  4. I enjoyed "The Book of Salt" -- it sounds like a great choice for Paris in July. My review is here:

    best... mae

    1. Mae - Thanks for the link to your review. Sounds like The Book of Salt will be a good read!

  5. Hello! Thanks so much for stopping by Impressions in Ink.
    I am reading several books: The Tiger Rising by Kate DiCamillo, An Indiscreet Princess by Georgie Blalock, Berlin by Sinclair McKay, The Light Attendant by Wendy Fehr. All of those are on my Kindle. I also have a stack of paperbacks to read. Wuthering Heights-a reread- by Emily Bronte, With or Without me: A Memoir of Losing and Finding by Esther Maria Magnis, Following the Call: Living the Sermon on the Mount Together by various authors.

    1. AnneKristy - You're reading some great books. I just commented on another blog that I need to read Kate DiCamillo and reread Wuthering Heights a few years ago. Sadly, that one didn't hold up as well for me. Welcome to the Sunday Salon!

  6. I agree that celebrating the 4th isn't as appealing this year.

    I also use Feedly and really like it. I can't believe you follow over 100 blogs! How do you find the time to read them all?!

    1. Helen - I also follow a lot of food/cooking blogs on blogluvin. Often I just look at the titles to see if I want to read the post/recipe. The majority of my time is definitely spent on books blogs... even if I can't always keep up!

  7. II loved the Kristin Hannah book and the book from Maggie O'Farrell. Thanks for whatever you did to your comment box that made it possible to add a comment!

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - I'm so glad that worked! All comments are moderated now, but hopefully some of the issues with leaving a comment are resolved. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough with The Four Winds and I think Esme Lennox may end up on my list of favorites this year.

  8. Oh, JoAnn. Your life in CT this summer sounds idyllic! We are beginning to feel like sumer has finally arrived on the coast. Even hosted a neighborhood happy hour yesterday for a dozen plus friends. Adirondack margaritas, beer, wine and lots of yummy food made for a great Saturday evening.

    I can't wait to try The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox. I've been reading (very slowly) The Narrowboat Summer, which is good, but not exactly a page-turning. I'm beginning to feel impatient... I have The Four Winds on my shelf, but will wait until I finish all my summer reading selections before I start that one. I would love to reread The Grapes of Wrath, which I read (and loved) in high school. I had no idea Hannah's book is a similar work. I'm planning to partake in Paris in July and will post my choices in a couple of days. I only have three to read, but that is ambitious for me during the busy months of summer.

    I have given up on Bloglovin' and made the switch to Feedly, which is going well, so far. I don't follow nearly as many blogs as you, so it's no trouble to use the free version of Feedly.

    I know what you mean about celebrating the 4th of July... Have you read the latest column by Pamela Paul in The New York Times? Here's the link. Pretty spot-on. Our neighborhood is having its annual celebration and my husband's small band has been asked to perform, so we're going. Frankly, I'd rather go for a walk on the beach and spend the day reading. Oh, well.

    1. Les - Being back in CT reminds us of how much we loved New England when we lived here 30+ years ago. It's so beautiful, the people are very friendly, and the winters are nowhere near as harsh as they were in central NY. We don't know many people in our neighborhood yet, but I look forward to a time when we can host neighborhood gatherings here, too.

      Not sure if I mentioned to you that I set aside Narrowboat Summer early last spring. It was just too slow for me at the time, but I'm still surious about how it turns out. The Esme Lennox book was great... took me a little longer than usual to catch on to the narrative style, but I ended up loving it. Can't wait to read more by O'Farrell.

      Steinbeck has been a favorite of mine since high school, but I have not reread The Grapes of Wrath since then. The Four Winds was a page-turner, but I feel like Steinbeck is more 'the real thing.'

      I follow a lot of food/recipe blogs on blogluvin, but have only moved my favorites over to feedly. Think I'd break the 100 blog mark if I tried to add them, so will leave them at blogluvin' and hope for the best.

      Thanks for sending the Pamela Paul link. I saw the article yesterday, but didn't get a chance to read it. Will do that this afternoon.

      Hope you enjoy your neighborhood 4th - love that Rod's band is playing! We'll just have a small cookout for the 5 of us and see what else the day brings. Have a good week!

    2. I'm sure it won't take long to meet your neighborhoods. How wonderful to return to a place you already know and love.

      I'm still chugging along with Narrowboat Summer, but find I need to read it during the day or I'll fall asleep if I read it in bed. Now to find something a little more engaging for my evening reading. I'll let you know if NS picks up enough to encourage you to try it again. :)

    3. Les - I'll wait for your thoughts before getting back to Narrowboat Summer. Will be curious to see what you pick up for evening reading!

  9. Sounds like a great week for you. We're just celebrating the 4th with a few friends. I really want to read the Four Winds. I have it on my wishlist. I hope you have a great week.

    1. Yvonne - The Four Winds will definitely keep you turning the pages, but it is very sad. Hope your week is off to a good start.

  10. Thanks for the visit JoAnn. You asked about Jayber Crow - unfortunately I DNF at 40% (listening to it). The voicing was fine, very good even, and though I can appreciate that it's well written and evocative of a place and era, I was impatient with nothing happening and so many characters that he'd tell a little anecdote here or there and then move on. May have been a case of right book, wrong time.

    1. Terrie - Thanks so much for that feedback on Jayber Crow. I had a feeling it might be slow-moving and contemplative... probably why I haven't picked it up yet. Will have to be careful in choosing the right time to read it!

  11. The Book of Salt did not get good reviews by some of the goodreads reviewers, but I'm eager to see what your group thinks of it.

    1. Harvee - I saw that the goodreads reviews aren't exactly stellar and am a little apprehensive. Will give it a try since it's for book group and hope for the best. I'll be reading a library copy.

  12. It looks like you have great plans ahead of you! Enjoy Paris in July! I am feeling a bit similar about the fourth of July as well. I think we will probably just have a small cookout with my brother and his family. :)

    1. Erin - A lot of people I know are feeling a little ambivalent about the 4th this year... which is sad. I hope you enjoy your family cookout . Have a good week.

  13. I liked Four Winds but I found The Grapes of Wrath to be a much truer experience for me of the Great Depression. But that's probably just me, and it's possibly because I read GofW first.

    I'm glad you will be joining in for Paris in July. I've always meant to read Book of Salt. Maybe I will read it during July, too.

    I use my Blogger Reading List to keep up with what is going on with other bloggers. I wish there were a better system.

    1. Deb - I liked The Four Winds, but knew pretty early on that what I really needed to do was reread The Grapes of Wrath. Steinbeck is definitely the real thing and, in some ways, I felt like Hannah was manipulating the reader's emotions.

      It's always fun to read all the Paris in July posts, even if I only get to do one or two. The timing is perfect for The Book of Salt... I hope it's better than some goodreads reviews lead me to expect.

      The Blogger Reader made things so easy back in the day. Do you mean you are using your blogroll? That's a good idea, too.

  14. It is hard to believe that June is almost over. It looks like you are having a good one. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - I can't believe it's time to start thinking about midyear favorites already! June has been a fun month. Summer here is beautiful!

  15. I'm looking forward to Paris in July, too! I haven't chosen any books but I'm looking for some. And I just finished Lessons in Chemistry -- it grew on me after a so-so start and I ended up on the side of enjoying it.

    1. Audrey - Paris in July is always fun! The Book of Salt has some mixed reviews on goodreads, so I've got my fingers crossed. Glad you enjoyed Lessons in Chemistry, too.

  16. Lucky book selection with The Book of Salt! I'm participating in Big Book Summer, so can't join another challenge right now. I do badly enough with just one! We're launching into summer -- eating outdoors, going for ice cream cones, line dancing at the beach pavilion, and having summer cocktails. It's here and gone before we know it in New England!

    1. Laurie - I always think about doing the Big Book Summer challenge, but it seems like signing up for any challenge leads to automatic failure for me. The Book of Salt really is a luck coincidence... love Paris in July!

  17. I adored Grapes of Wrath, and haven't read The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah. I'll look forward to reading your comparison of the two books.

    1. Cheriee - I loved The Grapes of Wrath when I read it in high school! Reading it now, I remember the characters, but am surprised by how much I've forgotten.

  18. Glad to hear you are reading Grapes of Wrath. I reread it a year or so ago, after a hiatus of about 40 years, and found it incredibly powerful. I decided to skip Four Winds as it sounded too hard to read right now.

    1. JaneGS - Probably a wise decision to skip The Four Winds now.. it's unrelentingly sad. Rereading The Grapes of Wrath after 40+ years and I am impressed all over again!

  19. I've switched to Feedly as well after giving up on Bloglovin. I did have to cut a few blogs but most of them were inactive so it worked out okay. I read Grapes of Wrath for the first time a few years ago and really enjoyed it even though it is emotionally challenging. I love the look of The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox. I hope you are having a wonderful week.

    1. Katherine - Blogluvin' seems to have some major problems these days, but I am happy with feedly as an alternative. I was following a lot of inactive blogs, too, so it has helped me streamline things. The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox was SO good... maybe tomorrow I'll get all my reviews posted.

  20. It is a little hard to get excited about the 4th with so much political turmoil and conflict going on right now.

    I loathed The Grapes of Wrath when I had to read it in high school but I re-read it maybe 10 years ago for my book club and loved it. I've read a couple of other Steinbeck books since then and loved them too. I feel like my teenage self would think I'm a jaded pessimist now. :-)

    I'm glad you've been spending time with my family and the picture of the boats is beautiful!

    Enjoy your week!

    1. Jen - I'm happy to be seeing family this weekend, but less excited about all the rest of it. Sigh.

      I loved GoW in high school but ,rereading it now, it's obvious I've forgotten a lot. Steinbeck was an amazing writer!

      We're loving summer in southern CT!


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