Sunday, June 20, 2021

A Father's Day Sunday Salon

Hello, friends and welcome to another weekly wrap-up. It's been mostly cloudy here for days with on-and-off rain, less-than-impressive sunsets, and plenty of mosquitoes. Yes, "rainy season" is officially here. I was still able to walk most mornings and managed to finish two audiobooks along the way. 

Last week we got ready for our trip north - the car was serviced, I stocked my FIL's freezer with a variety of his favorite soups and baked goods, and we finalized plans to see fully-vaccinated friends along the way. The only thing left to do now is pack!

Finished last week//

With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo, narrated by the author

My annual foray into YA literature, this book is brimming with family, food, and a dash of magic! Emoni is a high school senior. She lives with her abuela, has a preschool daughter, and dreams of becoming a chef. Over the course of her senior year, she struggles with decisions that will effect the course of her life. The book is very real, beautifully written, and the author does a fabulous job narrating the audio edition. In fact, she won the 2020 Audie Award for author narration.  

Since I usually only read one YA novel each year, I select one that comes highly recommended. Thanks to Vicki and to Kaytee, from Currently Reading podcast, for pointing me in Elizabeth Acevedo's direction. If your library offers hoopla, the audio is available there for immediate download.

That Summer by Jennifer Weiner

If you're searching for a vacation read that will keep you turning the pages, look no further. From Philadelphia's Main Line to the outer reaches of Cape Cod, this #MeToo novel is populated with great characters. It's a story about friendship, coming to terms with the past, and forging a way forward. It even delivers a twist or two. I wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as I did... couldn't put it down! 

by Eunsun Kim, narrated by Emily Woo Zeller

So, it turns out I started listening to this book thinking it was something else... the cover similarities are striking. I found it in my audible account (must have been free with audible plus), likely added after reading Nothing to Envy.

This is one young woman's story of her nine-year journey to escape North Korea, through China and eventually to South Korea. It is a harrowing tale of strength and bravery, and one which is important to share with the world. Although the book was not especially well-written, I am glad to have listened to it. And I'd still like to read The Girl with Seven Names at some point... 

About to start//

by George Packer, narrated by the author

I enjoyed Packer's The Unwinding  a few years ago and am curious to hear his take on our current situation. I used an audible credit to download this book.

Morningside Heights by Joshua Henkin

I won a kindle edition of this new release in a goodreads giveaway and am planning to get started later today...

Later today//  

We're planning a Father's Day brunch here at home. Later this afternoon, we'll take Father's Day dinner over to my FIL.

The week ahead//

Will be all about final preparations and packing for the trip north... we hit the road Saturday. I may post again before we leave, but will likely take a blog break while we're visiting family. Look for me again sometime after mid-July.

How was your week? What are you reading?

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.
It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. I love that photo of the beach. There's something about seeing the water and the sky and hearing the relaxes me immediately.

    Good luck with your preparations for the trip north. It sounds like you will have fun stopping along the way to visit with vaccinated friends.

    I've just requested Last Best Hope. I'm pretty sure it will be a book I'll enjoy. I looked for Morningside Heights but it is not on-order yet here. I'll be curious to see what you think of it.

    1. Deb - I started Last Best Hope this afternoon... so far it's making me angry, but looking forward to the "hope" part. Also read a bit of Morningside Heights. I like the writing so far.

  2. Have a fun trip! We haven't decided to travel far as yet!

    1. Thanks, Harvee... this is the trip back home we've been waiting for!

  3. Safe travel down to these parts and hope the weather is glorious while you are here. That Summer is one I am looking forward to I've enjoyed most of my summer reads thus far except perhaps the most recent one Blush. (I love that picture as well.)

    1. Diane - That Summer was a quick read that I just didn't want to put down. Never got into Weiner's last book, but did enjoy Mrs. Everything a few years ago. Too bad about Blush.

  4. Have a wonderful vacation!

    Wishing you a great reading week

  5. You'll have to stop by on the way up. ;-)

    Elizabeth Avecedo is a great narrator. I listened to her narrate her book, The Poet X. It was great.

    1. Bryan - Well, we will be passing through PA! ;-) Glad to know you liked Poet X. I'll add that one to my list.

  6. Enjoy your trip and your blog break! I just put a hold on That Summer because of your thoughts. Wasn't sure about it but I think I'll give it a try.

    1. Melissa - I was a little surprised That Summer grabbed me....might not have even picked it up if I'd known it was a #metoo story. Maybe it is better to go in blind once in a while.

  7. I hope you have a wonderful father's day celebrating and all the best on your upcoming trip. It must be a bit stressful to get everything ready so I hope you are able to take in a few more walks along the beach to soak up the beauty and get ready. Have a wonderful time visiting your friends on your trip!

    1. Iliana - Preparing to be away from home for so long is stressful. We may re-evaluate this plan next year, but I can't wait to see all the family and friends we've been missing for the last year and a half. It turned out to be a sunny afternoon, so we're going to head over to the beach for sunset soon. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend, too.

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks, Audrey. Fingers crossed we can get together later this summer!

  9. Vicki - I hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation, too... it's good to have a break. And thanks again for recommending With the Fire On High. Have you read anything else by Acevedo?

  10. What a great list of books! I hope your father's day plans went well.

    1. Helen - We had a great day and will see my FIL again tonight.

  11. Have a great trip! Sounds like you'll be busy but a change of scenery will be nice. I hope your Father's Day brunch was wonderful and that you have a great week!

    1. Katherine - We had a wonderful brunch yesterday... perfect setting near the water!

  12. Have a safe trip. Seems like it'll be a good summer for you up North. The Weiner book sounds like it was the ticket. And was sad to hear that woman's journey to freedom took 9 years, ugh! what courage. Hope you have many audios for the car trip ... Enjoy your family gathering.

    1. Susan - We've had bad luck with audiobooks on road trips the last few years! Seems like we always start talking and end up having to rewind. I'll sometimes listen while he's napping though ;-)

  13. Good luck with the packing! I can usually load the RV with no trouble since we done it so often now, but I always struggle with what clothes to bring. Clothes for hot weather and clothes for freezing temps all in one trip! I usually bring too many of both, but when you throw in a few social engagements (or weddings!), it makes it even more complicated. And like you, I cook a lot of meals to freeze so my mom can have some "homecooked" dinners while we're gone.

    I've seen a few posts about With the Fire on High, but until reading your review, didn't really know anything about it. I think I'll add it to my audio list.

    Safe travels north and enjoy all your visits with family and friends. I'm looking forward to hearing about where you go on your trip back north. Pictures, please! :)

    1. Les - The clothes are definitely the hardest part! Between now and late September I could need just about anything except snow boots. And then then there's footwear...

      I read so little YA, but I do want to explore more of Acevedo's work. Bryan mentioned Poet X in a comment above, so that will probably be the next one I try.

      Hope you continue to enjoy your travels. Our first stop will be Savannah (we love that city), but will spend our free day exploring historic Beaufort, SC. Will be sure to post a few photos on instagram!

  14. I loved That Summer and I'm curious about Morningside Heights. I hope you had a great trip enjoying time with friends and family.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and have a great week.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - I read about 15% of Morningside Heights yesterday and really like it so far... my first experience with this author.

  15. Have a great trip! Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  16. You look like you had a busy but productive week - I love how you stock your FIL's freezer up - and you still fitted in some great reading. Sadly my week has mainly been work, work, my interview and quite a bit of anxiety over it all. But I cheered myself up by reading The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis; re-watching classic Star Trek films; and good homemade food, including my favourite Tomato & Tarragon Soup. 😊

    Good luck with the packing, safe journey and enjoy your time with family. 🙂

    1. Jessica - I hope this is a better week for you. I know how stressful interviewing for a new job is... my oldest daughter was going through the process when she was here at the end of 2020. It ended up turning out well for her, and I hope it does for you too. Tomato and Tarragon soup sounds delicious!

  17. Have a great, and safe, trip JoAnn. I'm happy to see that you are so close to making it happen; I have the itch for a road trip of my own really bad right now, and we make risk one toward the end of July...still a little leery of hotels.

    I'll look forward to what you think of the new book by Henkin. I've read several of his, and enjoyed all of them.

    1. Sam - I'm really excited about our trip, but the leeriness of hotels is still there. I'll do a ridiculous amount of wiping down surfaces, airing out the room, etc. after we check in... but still happy to be traveling.

      Read about 15% of Henkin's book yesterday and really like it. It's my first time reading him, but am looking forward to reading more tonight.

  18. I've read a few YA books and the one that comes to mind is The Sun is Also a Star, a romance.

    1. Harvee - The Sun is Also a Star is on my YA list, but I doubt I'll read another this year.

  19. Enjoy your trip! We've got the mosquitos in abundance here too. Too much humidity, but when the humidity goes away, here comes the high temps. Guess I'm never satisfied. I'm going to put that Jennifer Weiner book on hold at the library. I've enjoyed several of her books.

    1. Kay - We're excited about traveling again, but will still be pretty cautious. Looking forward to seeing Savannah again and visiting friends in NC and PA.

      This is only the second Jennifer Weiner novel I've read. Enjoyed Mrs. Everything, but Big Summer didn't grab me right away and I never went back to it. Hope you enjoy That Summer as much as I did.

      I commented on your first post a few days ago, but it never appeared. I've been having some problems with commenting in general lately... not sure if it went to spam of just disappeared?

  20. My mom was reading That Summer while we were home. She seemed to be enjoying it.

    I saw With the Fire on High somewhere else today as well. I'll have to look for it.

    My in-laws took their annual trip north at about the time we headed to NC. They're full-time in Naples but my MIL still has family in Indiana. They stopped to see some of their "snow bird" friends there too. Then they went over to Pennsylvania to see my youngest BIL and his wife. They moved to PA in late 2019 so no one has been able to visit them yet because of covid. My in-laws are back in Naples and the heat and humidity now.

    Safe travels!

    1. Jen - I've only read one other novel by Weiner (Mrs. Everything) and was surprised by how much I enjoyed That Summer... might have to try some of her other novels now.

      Sounds like we're going to follow in your in-laws tracks! Our first stop will be Savannah, but then we'll visit friends in NC and PA before eventually landing in NY for a couple of weeks. We'll move on to CT after that. The humidity is really picking up here...

  21. The Girl with Seven Names wasn't one I'd heard about but thanks for highlighting that book. I have read Jennifer Weiner ages ago and enjoyed her books. Nice photos from the beach. Have a great time visiting family!
    We are finally back home after 6 weeks in the RV. Much to put up after the remodel.

    1. Tina - I was disappointed when I realized I had the wrong book... have a feeling The Girl with Seven Names has better writing, but the basic stories sound pretty close. That Summer was a surprise - had no idea it was a #metoo story or that I'd find it so unputdownable. Must be such a relief for you to be home after so long! Take your time getting settled and organized again. That's supposed to be the fun part!

  22. I'm jealous of your copy of Morningside Heights, and your trip! ;) I used to read Jennifer Weiner and had stopped, so I tried Mrs. Everything (so many great reviews!) and didn't like it at all. Maybe That Summer would be better.

    1. Laurie - I've read just over a third of Morningside Heights and really like it... my first experience with Henkin. I liked Mrs. Everything, but though That Summer was even better.

  23. Enjoy your trip to the north! :-)

    Loved reading your thoughts on the Acevedo book. I recently read another one by her and loved it - so much that I'm considering reading more of her books sooner, rather than later.

    1. Thanks, Athira! I thought I remembered reading about Avevedo on your blog. I'm planning to read more of her work, too.

  24. I have That Summer on my Kindle but it came in from the library after I made my summer reading list so I am trying to fit it in.

    Enjoy your trip!

    1. Ti - I haven't read much by Weiner, but really enjoyed That Summer. Hope you are able to fit it in!


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