Sunday, March 21, 2021

The Sunday Salon: Spring is Here!

Spring is here... and even though making it through a Florida winter is no big deal, it' still a milestone. I'm no fan of these darker mornings, but the extra hour of sunlight after dinner is the best. We've enjoyed some beautiful sunsets at the beach this week.

My brother and fiancé were in Florida all week and spent the last few days at our condo. They're both fully vaccinated but we're not quite there yet so, while we couldn't join them at restaurants, we spent plenty of time catching up at the beach and on our lanai. What a treat!

Finished last week//

This is my kind of narrative nonfiction! It strikes just the right balance between hard history and human interest. Mundy's research is thorough, her writing is great and I learned about something completely new. I wasn't at all familiar with this fascinating story of women recruited from colleges (primarily the Seven Sisters) and trained by the government to break codes during WWII. A fun fact - this group of women included Bill Nye the Science Guy's mother. 

As an added bonus, Code Girls  has inspired me to read further on the subject. I'll likely turn to fiction next and have placed a library hold on  The Rose Code  by Kate Quinn. (Have you read her? I haven't yet.) I'd also like to continue the WWII theme in my nonfiction reading. The Splendid and the Vile  by Erik Larson may be the nonfiction title I choose for April.

This was a read/listen combination for me. Erin Bennett's narration of the audio version was pitch-perfect, but I was glad to have the ebook available, too. I would've hated to miss the photos. 

Current reading//

Bitter Orange by Claire Fuller

I started reading this book yesterday morning and didn't want to put it down when it was time for my walk, so I downloaded the audio version, too.  At the 30% mark, I can't say I really like any of the main characters, but am looking forward to getting back to the story . 

In the kitchen//

The Key Lime Pie I mentioned last week was delicious. The recipe I used (given to me by my mother-in-law many years ago) was unbelievably easy. Not sure why I waited so long to try it. If you'd like to make one, too, this recipe from Taste of Home is practically identical.

On St. Patrick's Day, I made Irish Soda Bread for the first time using a recipe from Natasha's Kitchen. My sister has always been the official baker of Irish soda bread and delivers loaves to family and friends every year. Since we're in Florida now, I had to make it myself. It disappeared within 24 hours!

The week ahead//

One of our Manhattan daughters is arriving tomorrow! She is still working from home and will stay at our condo (we're starting to refer to it as the "holding tank") for a quarantine period before joining us at the house. We're hoping she'll stay around for much of April, too.

How was your week? What have you been reading?

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz

It's Monday... What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date


  1. I made Irish soda bread, too. I cooked mine in the oven but in the cast iron skillet at the recommendation of the author of the recipe I used. Very good.

    1. Anne - I baked this one in a cast iron skillet, too. So good!

  2. So happy to read you've made progress with vaccinations and, how great that your daughter will be visiting as well. I've been looking for another good NF and added Code Girls audio to my holds list last week - glad you enjoyed it. Have a good week.

    1. Diane - In many ways, Code Girls reminded me of The Radium Girls... another aspect of history I knew nothing about. So interesting!

  3. We aren't early risers, so the dark mornings don't both me. We usually get up with the sun (which is around 7:15 right now). I am a huge fan of the extra evening sunlight, especially as we get into the summer months. I'm not positive, but I think it stays light as late as 9:30. Don't remember for sure, but I know it's late!

    How nice to get a visit in with your brother and his fiance. My brother and sister-in-law are planning to come for a visit in May, which makes me so happy! I don't know if they will have had their vaccines yet, but we will have had both of ours, so we'll feel pretty comfortable having them here. We'll still plan to eat here rather than in restaurants, though. There just aren't that many with outdoor seating. :(

    I haven't read anything by Kate Quinn, but I have The Huntress in my stacks and The Rose Code sounds like another I'd like to try. I also have The Splendid and the Vile on my nightstand, but it hasn't yet called to me.

    I'm almost halfway through Circe and I'm enjoying it, but it has me constantly Googling various gods and goddesses since there are quite a few that I'm not familiar with. On audio, I'm listening to The Vanishing Half, which is holding my attention, but I'm only listening while cycling or walking. I'm looking forward to talking about it with my book group!

    How wonderful that one of your daughters is heading your way. Enjoy your time with her!

    1. Les - Sunrise isn't happening here until 7:30. Too late for me, but it will get better. The evenings are wonderful though!

      It was so good to see family again! Not quite "normal" yet, but just being together outside is a real treat. I'm sure things will get even better as we inch toward full immunity.

      Circe ended up being a DNF for me. I don't have much of a mythology background and felt like I was missing too much. So many bloggers loved it though. I enjoyed The Vanishing Half quite a bit.

      Our daughter is arriving later tonight... can't wait!

  4. I bought Irish soda bread from a Boston Irish bakery -- it was good but homemade must be even better! I'm especially fond of the kind of history you're describing so I'll look for Code Girls. And I loved The Splendid and the Vile and hope you will too...

    1. Audrey - I think you will enjoy Code Girls, too. Looking forward to The Splendid and the Vile!

  5. The Splendid and the Vile was a really good read - so many interesting personal facts!

    1. Angela - Another recommendation for The Splendid and the Vile... thank you!

  6. The Code Girls was so interesting, especially the recruiting and having a glimpse into the lives of these women! Beautiful photograph!

    1. Jenclair - Code Girls was such a fascinating read! What an adventure that was for those women. Can't imagine not being able to discuss it with family for so long. It's no wonder many of them struggled going back to 'normal' women's roles after the war. I don't typically read much WWII history, but might start now!

  7. I am so jealous that you got to see your brother! I am hoping that I can get to the UK this summer once my brother and I are both vaccinated. It will have been about 18 months since I've seen him and 2 years since I've seen my SIL and nieces. Far too long.

    I really liked Quinn's The Alice Network and am looking forward to The Rose Code. And now I'll have to add Code Girls to my list.

    1. Helen - It was so good to see them! The visit wasn't completely normal, but it sure was a step in the right direction. I hope you can get to the UK this summer.

      Glad to know you liked one of Quinn's books. I highly recommend Code Girls!

  8. I know I’ve told you but The Rose Code was so good. I loved her first book as well, The Alice Network. Saturday I picked up Bitter Orange from the library & I will start it sometime this week.

    Key Lime pie?! I am definitely checking that recipe.

    1. Tina - I remembered that you are a fan of Kate Quinn! The Rose Code seems like it would a perfect follow-up to Code Girls... hope the wait won't be too long.

  9. I have been noticing Irish Soda Bread on some posts, and now I'm hungry! LOL.

    Love your beachy photo.

    I have Bitter Orange on my Kindle somewhere...maybe I need to bring it forward.

    Enjoy your week and your books...and those walks along the beach. Here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - Bitter Orange has certainly piqued my interest... not sure where it's going, but I doubt it will be to an entirely pleasant place. The writing is really good!

  10. The Code Girls does sound good. Irish Soda Bread sounds good too. I've made it before but not yet this year. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - I highly recommend Code Girls... so interesting and readable!

  11. I made Irish soda bread for the first time as well! Mine was excellent and I was surprised at how easy it was and it didn't last very long either in my house!

    So happy you are on your way to getting fully vaccinated. It's a nice feeling. My husband gets his second shot in April and I'll be getting my first shot next Friday!

    Code Girls has been on my list for awhile. Glad it's good. I may pick that one up this summer.

    Lovely beach pics! I'm so jealous. It's just been cold and windy and rainy here.

    I hope you have a wonderful week.

    1. Heather - Sounds like your family enjoyed the Irish soda bread just as much as we did here! Think it will become a new tradition for me.

      My husband will reach full immunity on Friday (2 weeks after second shot)... we are so excited. I don't get my second shot until April 8, but it's scheduled and I couldn't be happier.

      The beach has been such a source of peace during this crazy year... we are fortunate to be so close. Have a great week!

  12. Watching the British Baking Show has made me want to try Key Lime Pie (apparently it's Paul's favorite). I have added this recipe to my queue.

    I know you enjoyed your time with your brother and you will enjoy your time with your daughter. I feel like I have been starved for human companionship and now I am gorging on company.

    I heartily recommend Splendid and the Vile. I felt so much compassion for the British. I don't think I ever thought about how difficult it must have been for them.

    1. Deb - It was SO good to see family again, and I know exactly what you mean about being starved for human companionship. My husband and I kept remarking on how good it is that we enjoy each other's company so much... we sure didn't see that many other people!

      Glad to get your recommendation for The Splendid and the Vile. Thank you.

    2. I just put the Key Lime Pie in the refrigerator. We will have it after lunch when my dad and his wife come over. Thank you for the recipe, JoAnn!

    3. Deb - I hope you all enjoy it. Such a simple treat to prepare!

  13. Loved The Splendid and the Vile - I'm an Erik Larson fan and this is one of his best.

    I read one Kate Quinn novel - Mistress of Rome and I was underwhelmed. I felt that she brought too much of the 21st century into Ancient Rome and the main character was just not believable. I think a 20th century setting might not be as jarring.

    Really eager to read The Code Girls.

    We're also getting closer to full immunization. It takes time and we all still need to be careful and considerate, but the progress feels great!

    Have a good week.

    1. JaneGS - Another hearty endorsement for The Splendid and the Vile! I'm going to make it my April nonfiction read.

      Ancient Rome with too much of a modern perspective sounds like a problem. She seems to get better reviews with a 20th century setting, so I am hopeful for The Rose Code.

      I'm pretty sure you would enjoy The Code Girls... such a good story.

      My husband will achieve full immunity Friday, 2 weeks after his second dose. He's chomping at the bit, but knows restraint is still necessary. My second shot isn't until April 8. Still, we are making progress!

  14. The Holding Tank. That got a chuckle out of me.

    I was a little too comfortable this weekend. We ate inside once but no one was around us. The servers were vaccinated as they shared that with us. I also went to church twice, once with no one around me and the second time some in less than 6 foot proximity but half of it outside. I double masked but still. I am pushing my luck and will be more careful until my vaccine appt for 4/6. It will be hard though because my daughter returns to high school on 3/29. I need a bubble.

    1. Ti - The girls get a kick out of the holding tank, too. It does seem apt in these covid times though.

      We'll all be in a better place once more people are vaccinated. It's hard to stay vigilant with everything open... Florida is like a free for all these days. The spring break crowds are astonishing. AT least 4/6 is coming, and I'll get my second dose on 4/8. Let the countdown begin.

  15. That's great your daughter is there, in the holding tank. Ha. I know what you mean. I was in a holding tank, last summer before visiting my folks. I read Kate Quinn's novel The Alice Network ... which was readable stuff. I'm glad you liked Code Girls. I will eventually get to it. Have you heard of The Daughters of Yalta? It's a nonfiction book I'm reading now that is quite good. I think you'd like it ....

    1. Susan - I'm pretty sure my sister read The Alice Network. She's been reading a lot of historical fiction lately. Just looked up The Daughters of Yalta. This is the first I've heard of it, but it does sound like one I'd enjoy. Thanks for mentioning it.

  16. This picture is dreamworthy :) I saw everybody making soda bread for St Patrick's day and it reminds me I have a recipe in one of my cookbooks, I need to be making one soon. Enjoy the time with your family and have a great week :)

    1. IzaBzh - Thank you! The beach always calms me down... such a tranquil place. My daughter just flew in this evening. We'll see her outside until her quarantine period is over. Hope you have a good week.

  17. Vicki - Thank you! We are so fortunate to be so close.

  18. What a beautiful beach picture! I miss the beach so much and am hoping in the fall we will be able to figure out a way to go - maybe off season and in a private house or something. I love Key Lime pie and haven't had it in way too long. I'll have to try the recipe you shared! I normally do some kind of stew and soda bread on St Patrick's Day but didn't manage it this year. The soda bread looks great! I want to read Code Girls and Kate Quinn is high up on my TBR. All her books look fascinating. I hope you enjoy it! Have a great week!

    1. Katherine - I sure hope you can get to the beach this year. September is generally the quietest month here, but October and early November have better weather are still not that busy.

      Next year I'll make beef stew for St. Patrick's day. I've been searching for years for a favorite recipe.

      We'll see which one of us gets to Kate Quinn first! Hope you're having a good week.

  19. How great that you have seen family. I too went to a large family gathering on Sunday. All adults were fully vaccinated. It was almost overwhelming to be with so many people at one time after all this time, but also so wonderful.
    I spent most of the week reading Here Be Dragons by the recently deceased Sharon Kay Penman. It was worth it!

    1. Judy - It's almost hard to remember what it's like being with a large group of people! But I can imagine how wonderful it must have been for you. We've all been away from family for far too long!

      Glad to know Here Be Dragons was worth the time investment. Just looked it up on goodreads and nearly every one of my friends has rated it 5 stars - wow!

  20. That sunset is beautiful! Spring is a lovely season with thoughts of renewal but I tend to not look forward to it as much because it's usually short-lived around here and then we go into summer hell! haha... Really excited to hear what you think about Bitter Fruit. I've seen that one mentioned quite a bit. And, I've got to get back to Code Girls. I started it a couple of years ago and it was just not the right time but I'm in the mood for more nonfiction. Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Iliana - Spring is extremely short here, too, but I do enjoy the beautiful flowering trees. Summer heat and humidity start way too early though!

      I'm over halfway through Bitter Orange... still intrigued and unsure of where things are headed, but the writing is very good and I'm always ready to keep reading or listening.

  21. I love the cover of Bitter Orange. I want to redo my kitchen colors with bright green and bold orange.

    1. Care - And then I'll stop over for a slice of pie!

  22. Mmm that bread looks amazing, I have such bad luck with bread but isn’t a bad thing as I’d eat it constantly!


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