Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Sunday Salon: Mother's Day Edition

Another Sunday, and another week of staying at home. Most of Florida is gradually coming back to life, but we have elected to wait a bit longer. Many restaurants have reopened with limitations... but we were disappointed to learn that the staff at one our favorites is not wearing masks. Hair and nail salons are reopening tomorrow. I desperately need the services of both, but will wait a few more weeks to see what happens.

Social distancing doesn't seem to be working very well on the beaches either. After reopening recently, the City of Naples closed their beaches again indefinitely when swarms of people descended upon them yesterday. Our public beach parking lots are still closed and the city has an emergency meeting Tuesday to determine their fate. Beach access brings out strong feelings... we'll see what happens.

Finally, today is Mother's Day. I had planned to fly to NY to surprise my mother and am disappointed that couldn't happen. On the plus side, all three of my adult daughters are here to help me celebrate. I couldn't tell you the last time that happened. We had cinnamon rolls this morning, I read a delightful little book this afternoon, and look forward to curbside take-out from a local restaurant for dinner. Good things can happen even during a pandemic.

Finished this week//

by Anne Tyler

Over the years I've read many Any Tyler's novels and they've come to feel like comfort reads. What better time for a comfort read than during these crazy times? Fans of Tyler will appreciate the familiar setting and characters. This isn't one of her best, but it is 192 pages of pleasant, cozy escapism.

by Michael Gustafson

I just learned about this book yesterday on Kathy's Week in Review post. What's not to love about an indie bookstore, a public typewriter, and the way patrons express themselves? The book wasn't available in either of my libraries, but I found the ebook for just $1.99 and read it in two short sittings today. Best two dollars I've spent in ages!!

Current reading//

by Margaret Atwood

My reread was solely audio this week and, since I had company on about half of my walks, progress was limited. I'm at 65% now and still enjoying the book, but think I must have been a more patient reader in my earlier years. I'll return to the read/listen combo this week to finish it up.

The week ahead//
I'm not sure why I continue to include this section. How much longer until I can type something other than "more of the same?"

How are you all holding up? Are restrictions easing in your area? What have you been reading?

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.
It's Monday... What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. Happy Mother's Day and, how nice your daughters are with you. I'm listening to the Anne Tyler book - just started it.

    1. Diane - I usually listen to Anne Tyler's books, but was able to get this in print first. Wish I'd listened though... her books seems even more enjoyable that way.

  2. Happy Mother's Day! States around us (NH, RI) are starting to open but we have really good local and state leadership and they have resisted the pressure. We had very unbeachy weather this weekend (there was some snow around yesterday -- not near me -- and it was in the 40s with a windchill of 32 yesterday! I've never read Anne Tyler -- do you have a favorite to recommend?

    1. Audrey - Anne Tyler tends to be an "audio author" for me. With just a couple of exceptions, I tend to listen to her books. Digging to America is a favorite. Two others I really liked are The Amateur Marriage and Back When We Were Grownups, though I tend to get those two titles confused. Hope you get some warmer weather there soon!

  3. I badly need a haircut, but I’m happy to wait. A haircut is not worth spreading disease. Enjoy your time with your daughters. I hope you have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. AJ - You're so right, but I'll be happy when it's finally safe to get ride of my gray roots ;-) Hope it's a good week for you.

  4. Restrictions are easing in our area but, like you, we're going to wait a while to venture out. We've decided to keep our store closed to customers and continue with the curbside service. It's frustrating some people and pleasing others but, to be honest, we don't really care right now - we just want to keep everyone safe.

    I agree with your assessment of Redhead but I listened to the audio and think I liked it a hair more than you did. I'm glad you loved Notes From a Public Typewriter too.

    Happy Mother's Day!

    1. Kathy - I'm happy so many businesses here are continuing their curbside pickup, too. Our indie bookstore has stared to book private browsing times. My daughter wants us to sign up, but I'm still hesitating. I usually listen to Anne Tyler's novels... probably should have done it for this one, too.

  5. I'm glad you were able to be with your daughters today!

    Our governor is hinting the beaches may open for Memorial Day weekend, so we shall see how that goes!

    1. Angela - Overall, it was a very memorable Mother's Day! Hope your beach opening is smoother than some have been around here. Have a good week!

  6. Sorry to hear that you couldn't travel to see your mother, but glad you had your daughters around to make it a nice Mother's Day.

    Restrictions are starting to ease a little in my part of Pennsylvania, but I'm supposed to remain working from home until the end of June, so it feels like not a whole lot is really changing. That said, I did get to go a local health food store that had been closed until this weekend. What I'm (still) looking forward to is nice weather. I think maybe the snow is finally behind us.......I hope?

    1. Megan - I see that parts of PA are reopening. My brother and his family are in the Philadelphia area, but don't think they're involved in it yet. Hope you have a good week, with some sunshine and warm weather.

  7. Belated Mothers Day wishes.
    I've downloaded a few classics from Amazon which were all free so I am hoping to read one of them in between my other reads.

    1. Mystica - Thank you! We had an unusual but very good day. I hope you enjoy your classics... I'll be curious to see which ones you'll be reading.

  8. Our governor has eased up just a little bit, but our curve hasn't flattened yet. Of course there are people protesting, but the vast majority want to stay home right now (and that includes me). We had a Zoom game party with our sons yesterday, so that was fun. I have the Tyler on deck.

    1. Amy - People have such strong feeling about re-opening, but it's hard for me to see how things can loosen up without the criteria being met. We'll be home for a while longer. A Zoom game party? Sounds like a good time!

    2. Agreed, JoAnn. Even if things open up, I won't be there. And yes! There are virtual sites for games!

    3. Thanks for the link! Hope we can give it a try :)

  9. Restrictions here in WA are very slowly starting to ease, though we're still under a stay at home order until the end of the month. Since I'm teaching from home through the end odf the school year nothing really feels different to me.

    That little book Notes From a Public Typewriter sounds so interesting. I'm going to have to check it out. Have a great week.

    1. Susie - I think you'd enjoy Notes From a Public Typewriter... such a wonderful book!

  10. I am glad you had a fun Mother's Day! And cinnamon rolls, yum!

    My husband colored my hair for me on Saturday, for the third time during lockdown. LOL. He will be a pro by the end of this.

    Our governor has relaxed some stuff but only for business, like manufacturing. But good news out of Detroit - we are no longer a hotspot. Woohoo! Our curve is flattening thank goodness. Fingers crossed it holds.

    1. Erin - Don't think I could every get my husband to color my hair for me... I'm so impressed yours is doing that. He's a keeper!

  11. I'm glad you were able to enjoy a few good books last week. Books and nature have been the two constants in my life during this lockdown. Anne Tyler is always quirky, and it's that factor that wins my heart every time.

    I have no plans for the week either, except our now-normal Zoom schedule. I am waiting a bit longer for a trip to the hairdresser. I can wait until I see how things are going. I'd really like to start a big project, but I can't seem to get my energy up to do so. Maybe this week.

    I hope the virus is getting beaten back by the heat and humidity. And I long for things to return to normal soon.

    1. Deb - Heat and humidity are creeping up here, so I'm hoping that will slow the virus some. My books and being outdoors make this all so much more bearable. Hope you have a good week.

  12. I am glad that you are taking a sensible approach to leaving isolation. I am worried that some states seem to be rushing to reopen, and that can be scary.

    I was in the right mood to enjoy the escape into Redhead by the Side of the Road.

    Notes From a Public Typewriter looks like one for me!

    I loved Cat's Eye a few years ago.

    Enjoy your week and stay safe. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - I usually listen to Anne Tyler's books, or at least do a read/listen combination. Think I missed the audio component this time. I am certain you would love Notes From a Public Typewriter... and the price is right, too! Take care.

  13. Some restrictions are lifting here in Minnesota too. No restaurants or beauty shops for a while though. I'm okay with being home but I was a stay-at-home even before the Stay At Home orders began. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - Introverts and homebodies definitely have the advantage in dealing with the stay at home orders, lol! Happy reading this week.

  14. I'm so sorry you couldn't be with your mom forth mother's day but it does sound like you made the best of it with your daughters. It is so crazy what this pandemic has forced us into right? We are also opening up our state but some of our parks have had to close due to so many people crowding. I don't like being stuck at home but I will stay in for a while longer that's for sure. Wasn't Notes from a Public Typewriter delightful? I love that book.

    1. Iliana - Notes from a Public Typewriter certainly contributed to the wonderful Mother's Day here. I need to own a print copy... and maybe give a couple as gifts, too. Hope you have a good week :)

  15. Vicki - Naples had a city council meeting today that went on for hours! Just got word that they are reopening again with some very creative restrictions that will last through Memorial Day. Waiting to see what happens when our city council meets tomorrow. Strange times...

  16. This is Arkansas. Do we even HAVE any restrictions? Sigh...

  17. We were permitted to have two visitors at homes, so my parents drove up for Mother’s Day and we had afternoon tea outside.Im glad you were able to spend the day with your girls,

    Wishing you a great reading week, stay well x

    1. Shelleyrae - Sounds like a perfect Mother's Day! Hope this has been a good week, too.

  18. JoAnn, glad you had a nice Mother's Day. Sorry you couldn't be with your own mother, but I know you were glad your girls were all there. I got a call from my hair stylist last week. Our area opened the salons on Friday and she was in the beginnings of reaching out to customers. I'll get a haircut in a few weeks and will be happy for it. Ha! Take care and hope your week goes well!

    1. Kay - The hair salons here reopened this week, but I'm still not ready to venture in. When I do, I may just get a haircut and discuss ways to go gray gracefully!

  19. What a great Mother's Day you had! Mine was nice with loving messages from one son and one sister and two nieces. We have broadened to take out, only once in a while. It's a relief from cooking and cleanup! Since CA nor LA County are still having more cases and deaths, home is where I am.

    1. Judy - We haven't done much take-out except for the occasional pizza, but I'm ready to start... SO much time spent cooking here!

  20. Mother's Day WAS different this year. Not so much in what we did but in feel, for sure. We still went out to eat but picked it up and ate in the car. Still drove to the beach but took a coastal route and just kept driving by numerous beaches. Many were out and not wearing masks even though the beaches were closed. In So Cal, there is a large group who will not wear masks and several businesses have opened again orders and have been fined and forced to close again. I want these small businesses to survive. I think most of them just don't know how to take their business curbside. Many could make the transition but they do not. That would at least provide some revenue.

    1. Ti - The businesses here are trying all sorts of methods/variations of curbside service, with varying degrees of success. I think they'll figure the best way forward eventually. The indie book store here is starting to offer private browsing time - locals can go in with one other person for 30 minutes. My daughter wants us to give it a try... sounds like fun!

  21. Lovely that you were able to spend Mother's Day with your daughters though definitely disappointing that you weren't able to surprise your other. I'm really missing the beach right now and probably if it was just people walking or sitting there would be no problems but people just won't behave! We are opening a bit here and I'm glad for the people who desperately need to get back to work but I think we will be staying put for awhile. Enjoy your reading and I hope you're having a great week!

    1. Katherine - So far the reopening seems okay, though many making the choice to stay home longer. Face masks make a big difference at restaurants - if servers aren't wearing them (and more than you'd expect are not) local patrons seem to stay away.

  22. Pretty picture of your beach. Things seem to be getting testy about access these days. I think public places should wear masks ... too bad about your fav restaurant not using them. We are gradually starting to open here ... tomorrow is Stage 1. I will wait like you for a few weeks yet. Thx for your reviews. I haven't read Cat's Eye ... so wondering about it.

    1. Susan - There was a tense city council meeting this week where it was eventually decided to keep the public parking lots on the island closed until June 1... that gets us through the big Memorial Day weekend. Crazy times!

  23. Wow. That's pretty shocking that the staff at your favorite restaurant isn't wearing masks. It's going to be a long year, I'm afraid. Living with a 87-year-old parent makes me especially cautious. I feel especially lucky that I was able to spend Mother's Day with her and am sorry your weren't able to be with your mom. But how nice to be with your daughters! I got a nice long phone call from mine, but I don't know when I'll feel comfortable with a visit.

    What a coincidence that you are also reading Cat's Eye! I have a good friend who says it's her all-time favorite book so I was eager to give it a try when she offered to loan me her copy. I started it a few days ago and so far, so good. I not a big fan of MA's books, but this one feels a bit more readable/enjoyable than say, The Edible Woman or Oryx and Crake! I just finished #11 (A Great Reckoning) of Louise Penny's Three Pines series, which I loved. It's probably my favorite book so far in that series. On the TV, we've just finished watching all of Unforgotten. Such a great series! Enjoy the rest of your week and the weekend, although they're all the same these days, right?

    1. Les - What do you think of Cat's Eye? I'm not a big Atwood fan either, but this and The Robber Bride are old favorites. Hope to finish later today... didn't remember as much about it as I expected. I say this all the time, but I really NEED to try Louise Penny!

    2. I'm really enjoying Cat's Eye and stayed up late reading "just one more chapter." :) If it and The Robber Bride are your favorites, I may have to try that one later after I finish this one. When you decide to read Louise Penny, maybe skip the first book (Still Life), or if you do read it, don't let it influence your decision as to whether you want to continue with the series. It's not her best.

    3. Les - I seem to remember liking The Robber Bride even better. Was going to reread that one first, but the library copy wasn't available. I may read that in a couple of months. Still Life is on my kindle, so I'll read it with that idea that the second book is a must. Thanks :)

  24. I was reading the news yesterday of how New Zealand has not had a new case in 3 or so days. Happy for them but that just depressed me. I don't know what we are expecting in the US and I get it, lockdown is an unusual ask and probably against all the ideals of freedom we are used to, but heck, we need to survive this and also do it as soon as possible. I can't decide whether it's better to open the economy sooner but still have many succumbing to coronavirus OR shutdown completely, hurt the economy, and then reopen virus-free. Both are damaging long-term and will cause different kinds of deaths. But hey, some places did do it in couple of months.

    Moving on from depressing thoughts :) I just read Kathy's post about Notes from a Public Typewriter and now here as well. I'm just tempted to buy the book if only because I really need a quick fast read at the moment. I've been reading Yaa Gyasi forever, which is a beautiful book but it's not a fast book.

    1. Athira - I'm certain you will love Notes from a Public Typewriter! Yaa Gyasi's novel is amazing, but not a fast read... Typewriter might be just the thing for a quick diversion!

  25. Glad your Mother's Day had gone well esp. with three daughters accompanying you. Hope your mother is doing well too and that you all can keep in touch via the screen. Our province has begun to re-open but our city, Calgary, is not due to 75% of the whole Province's cases are found here! I for one would not mind the delayed opening. Better be safe than sorry. Take care, JoAnn! BTW, I can't leave my comment here using Arti of Ripple Effects. Instead it's a Google account, which I'm not sure will work. Fingers crossed. :)

    1. Arti - It's good to hear from you! Commenting here is difficult for many and I have no idea how to fix it, yet moving to Wordpress is so daunting. I have trouble commenting on many blogs as well. Glad to see our white pelicans have returned to your pond and the great blue herons, too. We sold our home in NY last fall and are here in FL full time. Hoping to return to NY for at least Aug and Sept, but we'll see how it goes. Hope all is well with you and your family. Definitely better to stay safe... take care.

  26. Glad your girls with you. PA is starting to open but we plan to remain sheltered in place for at least another month.

  27. I did go to the salon last weekend and I felt very comfortable there. They only had two stylists working, each with only one person in the building and everyone was required to wear masks. It was so nice to do something that was normal, even if it was a little different.

  28. I need to read more Anne Tyler - I like the title of the latest, which you read. The typewriter one is appealing too.

    Life goes on - I have made my peace with having longer hair, longest it's been since college! My daughter gave my husband a much needed trim, but we've decided to stay isolated for the time being. Things can open without us - we are keeping our local restaurants buzzing with takeout orders, so doing our bit for the economy.

    Take care and read on - we will survive.


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