Monday, November 19, 2018

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? - November 19, 2018

It's Monday and we're back in snowy central New York. The view from my window is a painful contrast to last week's beach walks, but I'm really happy to see my parents and siblings. We'll stay up here through the holidays.

Finished this week//

by Trevor Noah, narrated by the author
I finished listening to this book on the plane Friday night. It seems like everyone has read it, so  I don't plan to write a review. This is the December selection for my book club and I'm sure we'll have a great discussion... it really is as good as everyone says :)

Current reading//

by Kelly Corrigan, narrated by the author
This was recommended by several bloggers during week 1 of Nonfiction November... and I'm loving it, too!

by Laura Shapiro
Purchased on the recommendation of a book club friend, this book has been on my shelf for at least a couple of years. I love books about food almost as much as books about books... this one is very entertaining so far.

On the blog//

Nonfiction November, Week 3: Reading About Race

In the kitchen//
I'm gearing up for Thanksgiving. We will, as usual, host dinner for my family. The crowd will be slightly smaller this year... under 20.

The week ahead//
I'm making my final grocery lists this morning, then we'll battle the early holiday crowd at Wegmans. Thanksgiving set-up and serious cooking begin tomorrow. Our Manhattan daughters arrive tomorrow evening. So many activities planned between now and Sunday.... no wonder it's my favorite week of the year!

How was your week? What are you reading?

It's Monday, What Are You Reading?  is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. Something from the Oven looks awesome -- I'll look for that at my library. We had a foot of snow here, so we're really in the holiday spirit. Wegman's was crazy yesterday!

    1. Beth F - You got even more snow than we did! Wegmans was a zoo today, but I'm sure it will get even worse as the week progresses. Something From the Oven is a fun read!

  2. You can keep the snow up that way - I'll be happy with a snowless winter. It sounds like you're in for a wonderful holiday season! I'm with Candace - Something from the Oven looks wonderful.

    1. Kathy - The older I get, the happier I'd be with a snowless winter! Something From the Oven is very good so far.

  3. Oh my! You are going to be very busy! Thanksgiving is supposed to be a really cold day for us. I plan on being on the sofa under a quilt in jammies sipping coffee and alternately reading and watching the parade. The 1950’s kitchen book looks very interesting!

    1. Patty - We'll be looking at record lows for Thanksgiving, too... jambes, quilts, coffee, and books sound divine! Happy Thanksgiving to you and Den!

  4. Such great listening for you! Wasn't Noah a fabulous reader. I felt like I was sitting in his living room while he told about his life. And, Tell Me More...excellent, too! Enjoy your snowy Thanksgiving!

    1. Susie - My last few audiobooks have been fabulous! I'm lucky to have such good recommendation sources - thank you. Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Ha! My Thanksgiving table is down to 3 people this year, so we're bailing on the turkey and going to a movie theater that actually has good food and a bar. :) I just started The Library Book by Susan Orlean and so far, so good. This weekend I finished all 4 volumes of the graphic novel series Paper Girls and can't wait for the next one coming out next month.

    1. Amy - Love the bold break with tradition! I'm still on the library hold list for The Library Book, but making progress toward the top. Glad it's off to a string start for you.

  6. I love that snowy shot...and your cozy setting. I've read a book by Kelly Corrigan, so I'm curious about this one...and Born a Crime sounds very good. Enjoy your Thanksgiving preparations.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - I've wanted to read one of Kelly Corrigan's books for a while. Over halfway through this one and it's excellent. Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Our snow was briefly pretty...yours is nicer! But we're going to have record cold apparently on Thursday so that will make it seem more holiday-ish. I enjoyed Laura Shapiro's short bio of Julia Child and am now listening to her new book, What She Ate -- a "food biography" of sorts about six women (Dorothy Wordsworth, Eleanor Roosevelt, Eva Braun, Barbara Pym, and I'm forgetting who the others are...) Yours has been on my list forever too! Happy Thanksgiving - I'm thankful for you!

    1. Audrey - I've got Shapiro's Julia Child bio on my list, but will investigate What She Ate, too. Record lows are predicted here for Thanksgiving morning... single digits. Hope my daughters have not signed up for a turkey trot. Brrr! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family... and thank you for reading so many wonderful books with me!

  8. Born a Crime was really good, especially all the passages on his mother or on languages. I read it as a read-along, and many people visit my posts on that.
    My Monday post is here:

    1. Emma - Born A Crime was such a good book... can't wait for my book club discussion!

  9. It looks like that out my front window too. I'm waiting until the roads are cleared before going to exercise. Meatloaf and creamed potatoes will get our oven going later today. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - Glad you're still able to get out to exercise. This is perfect meatloaf weather:)

  10. It must have been quite a shock to your system to go from that beautifully, warm coastal setting to a bone-chilling, winter wonderland. Both are beautiful in their own respect, but I personally prefer the warmth of the sun. :) I'm glad to see that you're enjoying Kelly Corrigan's latest book. It's on my Top Ten list for 2018. Loved it! There will be 9 of us at the table on Thanksgiving. My daughter and her significant other are driving up from San Diego! We're very excited to see them again! I've just finished Before We Were Yours (loved it!) and am beginning The Other Einstein. Both are book club selections. Enjoy your week!

    1. Les - I'm still adjusting to the drastic change in temperature! Enjoying my snowy view, but I really miss the beach and sunshine. This is my first Corrigan book, but she's been on my to read list for ages. Now I'm wondering why I waited so long! Just looked up The Other Einstein and it sounds like an interesting story... hope you like it. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

    2. I'm so glad you're enjoying Kelly Corrigan's book. If you get a chance, read her slim little book called Lift. I loved it (reviewed here) and read it every year. Her others are also very good. Search for her on YouTube if you need a good cry. She always chokes me up!

    3. Les - I just got Lift from the library today! Thanks for the recommendation. Have to admit Tell Me More made me cry...

    4. Me, too. I think Lift will tug at your heartstrings, too. Be prepared!

    5. Les - Yes, Lift got me, too! I liked Tell Me More better though...

  11. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful nonfiction reads. I think I will see if I can find a few of them.

    1. Deb - Nonfiction November is causing my tbr list to explode! Hope you get a chance to try some of these.

  12. I love your taste in nonfiction! Totally jealous of your beautiful snow.

    1. Thanks, Monika... it's quite an eclectic mix most of the time! The snow is really pretty, but I'll be happy to get back to Florida after Christmas ;-)

  13. Yikes that looks cold - beautiful but cold!
    Perfect reading weather.

    1. Brona - That's what I keep telling myself... I'll get so much more reading done up here! ;-)

  14. Vicki - I highly recommend the audio version if you can get it!

  15. Oh, my, smaller is under 20?? We had my husband's family over on Saturday, just three of them, and that felt overwhelming at times!

    1. Angela - We had close to 30 a couple of years ago with my sibling's in-law's and daughter's boyfriend's parents... still reeling from that one ;-) Happy Thanksgiving!

  16. I miss New York state so much! Even with snow. :) "Something in the Oven" looks very interesting. I just finished The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton and I have mixed feelings about it. However, I'm excited to see the Masterpiece Theater adaptation, which is on its way to me from Netflix. Now reading Fire from Heaven by Mary Renault, historic fiction about the life of Alexander the Great. Very well written and interesting.

    1. Aileen - My daughters get nostalgic for upstate NY snow and they're only in NYC! Despite all the bad publicity, it really is a great place to live. The Miniaturist never appealed to me, but I was tempted to read it when they made the series. Not sure I'll bother at this point. Fire From Heaven sounds really good though.

  17. That snow looks lovely!! Although, that would be a tough transition!!

    Something from the Oven sounds like a fun read!

    Have a great Thanksgiving. :)

    1. Erin - More snow is coming tonight and tomorrow... it's been a tough transition, but it sure feels like the holidays. Happy Thanksgiving :)

  18. I agree with others. The snow looks very pretty on the trees & ground there! I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and family gathering. Sounds perfect. Enjoy.

    1. Thanks, Susan.... the snow is still falling and it is beautiful. Looking forward to seeing the entire clan this weekend :)

  19. I left Thanksgiving behind when we moved to Australia, so almost forget about it after 30 years here. We are enjoying spring but heading to Sri Lanka Saturday. Just deciding what to read on the plane. I downloaded a translated book by French author Sylvain Tesson. He is tired of the hustle of life so lives in a tiny cabin in Siberia alone for six months. A recommendation from the person who writes on Tolstoy Therapy website. A site I get his newsletter from with wonderful uplifting book recommendations

    1. Pam - Safe travels... hope you have a wonderful trip. Will checkout Tolstoy Therapy. Thanks!

  20. Happy Thanksgiving. Dinner for 20 daunts me—we are 4, as my son cannot make it out for a visit until the following week. But we go to the Dior exhibit on Friday at the Denver Art Museum, and are planning a couple of hikes while the turkey is cooking!

    1. JaneGS - Your Thanksgiving plans sound like fun. Hope you enjoyed the exhibit and hikes. It was -8 degrees Thanksgiving morning here... coldest temp ever recorded in November! no hiking for us, lol!

  21. The Trevor Noah book is the one I'd like to get hold of.

    1. Mystica - It was excellent. Think we're going to have a great book club discussion in a couple of weeks.

  22. So glad you're reading Kelly Corrigan! I love her!

    1. Sarah - Don't know why it's taken so long for me to read Kelly Corrigan. I read Lift this week, too, and have added her earlier books to my list.

  23. Your "food" book by Laura Shapiro sounds fascinating. I'm really curious, which means I must look it up. And it looks very wintry where you are.
    Will you stay in NYS until after Christmas? (I was vicariously luxuriating in those beach walks you were taking.)

    1. Judith - Something From the Oven is fun, but it's going to be a book I dip into for an essay or two every now and then... rather than read it straight through. We will be here in NY through Christmas now. We're have some work done in Florida, the my husband's brother and family will be staying there for Christmas. We'll return as soon after the holiday as we can pack up and get a window of good driving weather!

  24. I listened to Born a Crime for my book group last year and everyone loved it.


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